Papers by Yulius R U S T A N Effendi
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik, 2022
The role of the principal is crucial to optimize the implementation of the student character stre... more The role of the principal is crucial to optimize the implementation of the student character strengthening program. Unfortunately, the role of the principal is experiencing obstacles because he has not found the appropriate form of role and approach to make the student character strengthening program effective. This study examines the principal's transformational leadership role based on a local cultural system. A qualitative approach is used in this study, the case study design with the subjects studied were school principals. Participants in this study include three principals, three senior teachers, one parent, and one cultural figure. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies to achieve the research objectives. Data analysis employed a modified analytical analysis method. Meanwhile, the validity of the data was based on the level of credibility, transferability, dependence, and confirmability. The study results prove that the principal's transformational leadership role with a local cultural approach has a positive impact on the optimization of character strengthening programs and positive changes in students' moral behavior. The study concludes that the transformational leadership role of local culture-based principals impacts optimizing student character strengthening programs.
Character education reinforcement in secondary school is one of the educational programs aimed to... more Character education reinforcement in secondary school is one of the educational programs aimed to expect the tendency of moral perversion because of moral decadence. Various forms of moral deviations result in students being alienated from normal life. This article aims to discuss character values reinforcement and the principal's transformational leadership strategy to shape student characters in a descriptive-critical way. The aims of this study are school strategies in optimizing to carry out character education reinforcement. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study design. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. Meanwhile, the data validity measurement was based on the level of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results emphasize the importance of shaping student character as an anticipatory step to decrease moral distortions among high school students and the effectiveness of the principal's transformational leadership role in optimizing implementing character education strengthening programs in schools.
Common Ground Research Networks, 2020
This study aimed to portray the process of applying local cultural moral values (LCMV) that have ... more This study aimed to portray the process of applying local cultural moral values (LCMV) that have not been prioritized by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, as the values of the main character standards in schools. In addition, principals’ transformational leadership behavior (TLB) is described based on the local culture teaching dimension approach. This research used a qualitative approach with the case study design. To achieve the research objectives, data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. Data validity was drawn on credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of the study demonstrated that LCMV supports strengthening the character of students, and the application of TLB based on the local culture teaching dimension approach is severely effective in optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening programs (CESP). This research was conducted in 2018–2019 at the State Junior High School in the West Flores region, Indonesia. The results of this research will be recommended to the Indonesian Ministry of Education, to use LCMV as a standard character value in schools and provide opportunities for principals in each school to implement a leadership model based on local culture approaches, 2019
This research described the fundamental inspiration behind implementing a humanistic approach to ... more This research described the fundamental inspiration behind implementing a humanistic approach to the principal's leadership and the steps of the principal's humanistic approach that impact optimizing the implementation of the program for strengthening character education. This research used a qualitative approach, a case study design. The data collection was performed through in-depth interviews with 44 informants spread across two schools, participant observation, and documentation studies to achieve the research objectives. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. The level of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability was the basis of data validity. The research findings explained that personal excellence (integrity, wholeness, and self-authenticity) and the humanistic spirituality of inspirational figures inspired the principal’s humanistic approach. In addition, the application of the principal's humanistic approach had adequate impacts on optimizing the implementation of a program for strengthening character education and influenced the strengthening of the student's character. This research empirically provides new hope for teachers, employees, students, and parents of students at the junior high school level, through the application of the principal's humanistic approach. This finding has implications, where through a humanistic approach, principals are increasingly open to respecting participation and seeing teachers, employees, and parents as human beings who have equality in building cooperation. Thus, through the humanistic approach of the principal, the existence of the school environment becomes a place for empowering learning, and the formation of human values that need to be upheld.
Padova University Press, 2020
This study aims to describe the development of national education policies by uniting the main ch... more This study aims to describe the development of national education policies by uniting the main character values set by the Indonesian Ministry of Education with the moral values of the Lonto leok culture of the Manggarai community. Also, to find out and explain the role of the principal’s leadership based on the Lonto Leok culture teaching approach. This research used a qualitative approach, case study design. To achieve research objectives, data collection through in-depth interviews, observation of participants, and study documentation. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. Data validity is assessed based on the level of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results of the study explained that the school’s character values derived from the unification of national character values and the cultural values of Lonto Leok culture had an effective impact on shaping the character of students at school. Besides, explaining that the application of the principal’s transformational leadership role model based on the approach of Lonto Leok’s cultural teaching dimensions encourages all components of the school, parents, and community to actively participate in supporting the implementation of character education strengthening programs in schools. The contribution of this research is to position the moral values of the “Lonto Leok” culture of the Manggarai community as local cultural assets that support the formation of student character. Also, the dimensions of teaching lonto leok culture affect effectively supporting the principal’s transformational leadership behavior, so that the program to strengthen character education is optimally implemented., 2020
This paper discusses the concepts that underlie the relationship between philosophy and education... more This paper discusses the concepts that underlie the relationship between philosophy and education. A wide variety of questions were used to determine the role of philosophy for education., 2019
Strengthening character education in high schools becomes the main basis for anticipating and sha... more Strengthening character education in high schools becomes the main basis for anticipating and shaping the character of students from the tendency of moral deviations as a result of moral decadence. Various forms of moral deviation lead to alienation from life, because it is contrary to cultural norms, school discipline, and community life ethics. This article discusses descriptively-critical strengthening of character education, and the principal's transformational leadership strategy in strengthening student character. Both of the focus of this discussion are assessed as the school's strategy to metamorphose to optimize the implementation of strengthening of character education. The method of writing this article is in the form of a critical analysis of the study of relevant research results. The validity of the data is assessed based on the depth of the facts of the relevant research findings, and adjusts the meaning and relevance to the conditions in Indonesia. The study results emphasize the importance of strengthening the character of students as an anticipatory step to minimize the moral distortions of high school students, and the effectiveness of the principal's transformational leadership role in optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening programs in schools., 2017
This study aims to find and prove a significant relationship between personality characteristics ... more This study aims to find and prove a significant relationship between personality characteristics and the principal's transformational leadership style on teacher work performance. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey research design that uses a "cross sectional survey" approach. Said to be quantitative because of the research data collected in the form of figures and aims to test specific hypotheses. The findings explain a strong and significant relationship between personality characteristics and the principal's transformational leadership style on teacher work performance., 2020
This research aims to describe the reasons for building school, parent, and family partnership re... more This research aims to describe the reasons for building school, parent, and family partnership relationships for the continuing education of early adolescents from broken home families, forms of school, parent, and family partnership relationships, and the impact of school, parent and family partnership relationships for continuing education. an early teenager from a broken home family. This research will be carried out for six months (June to November). This research is used a qualitative approach, a case study design. The data collection was performed through in-depth interviews with 64 informants spread across three schools, participant observation, and documentation studies to achieve the research objectives. Data analysis is used a modified analytic analysis method. The level of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability was the basis of data validity., 2020
Only people who do not believe that believe that religious people believe in God; for believers, ... more Only people who do not believe that believe that religious people believe in God; for believers, their belief is knowledge in the sense of being accepted and experienced as fact (Wyatt MacGaffey).
The great kingdoms and world economic order have come and gone, but the world religions are still alive. They are the most important institutions of civilization which are eternal (Robert Hefner)., 2020
Attitude Knowledge skill Authentic Assessment 2013 curriculum 2013 curriculum Perennialism Essent... more Attitude Knowledge skill Authentic Assessment 2013 curriculum 2013 curriculum Perennialism Essentialism Progressivism, 2020
Ketika berbicara tentang tahap-tahap perkembangan pengetahuan, tercakup di dalamnya telaah filsaf... more Ketika berbicara tentang tahap-tahap perkembangan pengetahuan, tercakup di dalamnya telaah filsafat mengenai hakikat ilmu. Setiap jenis pengetahuan selalu mempunyai ciri-ciri yang spesifik "untuk apa/mengenai apa (ontologi)", bagaimana dan mengapa terjadi? (epistemologi)" dan "untuk apa (aksiologi) pengetahuan tersebut disusun". Ketiga landasan ini saling berkaitan; ontologi ilmu terkait dengan epistemologi ilmu, epistemologi ilmu terkait dengan aksiologi ilmu dan seterusnya. Jika ingin membicarakan epistemologi ilmu, maka harus dikaitkan dengan ontologi dan aksiologi ilmu. Apalagi bahasan yang didasarkan pada model berpikir sistemik, justru ketiganya harus selalu dikaitkan. a. Episteme Filsafat Menurut Rene Descartes (dalam Gandhi, 2011), berfilsafat berarti berpikir reflektif, yaitu berpikir merenung secara berkali-kali dari berbagai sudut pandang dan bersifat memantul kembali, guna menyoroti pada pemikiran itu sendiri, sehingga diperoleh pengetahuan yang kritis, radikal dan menyeluruh. Dalam berfilsafat dibimbing melalui tiga (3) keutamaan yang biasa disebut episteme filsafat, atau tata cara dalam berfilsafat. 1). Ontologi: Ontologi merupakan salah satu kajian kefilsafatan yang membahas keberadaan sesuatu yang bersifat konkrit/hakikat realitas. Kajian filsafat ini ingin: Mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang objek yang dipelajari (tetapi sebatas "what" …, ) Membahas tentang apa yang ingin kita ketahui, seberapa jauh kita ingin tahu, atau Filsafat Ilmu dalam Pendidikan April 25, 2020 Suatu pengkajian mengenai teori tentang ada. Ruang kajian meliputi eksistensi, esensi, substansi, perunahan (change) dari sebuah objek atau fenomena alam, sosial Ontologi menjawab: Apakah Tuhan/ Apakah ia sungguh-sungguh ada? Jika ada seperti apakah keberadaannya? (ontologi-teologis), 2020
Purpose of the study:
This paper aims to describe the basic reasons behind the application of t... more Purpose of the study:
This paper aims to describe the basic reasons behind the application of the principal's humanistic approach, and the steps of the principal's humanistic approach to optimizing character education strengthening programs.
.Methodology: This research used a qualitative approach, case study design. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and study documentation to achieve research
. Main Findings: Research findings reveal that personal excellence (integrity, wholeness, and authenticity) and the humanistic spirituality of inspirational figures inspire the principal's humanistic approach. In addition, the application of the principal's humanistic approach
has a significant impact on optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening in schools and successfully forming the character of students.
Applications of this study:
This study can be useful for principals in the education department of Malang City, East Java, Indonesia, to use a humanistic approach model in carrying out leadership roles, because it has been proven
effective in optimizing the implementation of optimizing character education strengthening programs in schools
.Novelty/Originality of this study:
The principal's role is to create a "humane" school environment through harmonious relationships, respecting subordinates as human beings, tolerant and non-discriminatory, giving examples of good the behavior to subordinates based on self-excellence and imitating the spirituality of inspirational figures, so that good characters are formed in the teachers and students at school., 2020
Kemerdekaan memberikan janji kepada seluruh anak bangsa lintas generasi, seperti yang dinyatakan ... more Kemerdekaan memberikan janji kepada seluruh anak bangsa lintas generasi, seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar (UUD) Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945: "Kemudian daripada itu untuk membentuk suatu pemerintah negara Indonesia yang melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah Indonesia dan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, dan ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan, perdamaian abadi, dan keadilan sosial". Arti penting pembangunan pendidikan dan kebudayaan juga merupakan pelaksanaan amanat konstitusi yang secara lugas dinyatakan dalam berbagai pasal. Pasal 28c, ayat (1), UUD 1945 menyatakan bahwa "setiap orang berhak mengembangkan diri melalui pemenuhan kebutuhan dasarnya, berhak mendapat pendidikan dan memperoleh manfaat dari ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, seni dan budaya, demi meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya dan demi kesejahteraan umat manusia". Pasal 31 menyatakan pemerintah wajib memajukan pendidikan dengan mengusahakan dan menyelenggarakan satu sistem pendidikan nasional, yang meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan serta akhlak mulia dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, yang diatur dengan undang-undang, memprioritaskan anggaran pendidikan serta memajukan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dengan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai agama dan persatuan bangsa untuk kemajuan peradaban serta kesejahteraan umat manusia. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional menyatakan bahwa terwujudnya sistem pendidikan sebagai pranata sosial yang kuat dan berwibawa memberdayakan semua warga negara Indonesia berkembang menjadi manusia yang berkualitas sehingga mampu dan proaktif menjawab tantangan zaman yang selalu berubah. Demikian halnya Tema pembangunan pendidikan jangka panjang mengacu pada Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2007 tentang Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (RPJPN) Tahun 2005-2025. Periode pertama dalam RPPNJP, pembangunan pendidikan difokuskan pada peningkatan kapasitas satuan pendidikan sebagai penyelenggara pendidikan dalam memperluas layanan dan meningkatkan modernisasi penyelenggaraan proses pembelajaran., 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan alasan yang melatarbelakangi aksi penolakan kehadi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan alasan yang melatarbelakangi aksi penolakan kehadiran industri pertambangan. Selain itu untuk mendeskripsikan dampak kehadiran industri pertambangan bagi kehidupan masyarakat lingkar tambang. Selanjutnya mendeskripsikan peran profetis Gereja dalam mengadvokasi tuntutan masyarakat lingkar tambang. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen serta melalui penyebaran angket. Instrument kunci penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara: pertama, mengumpulkan data yang diperoleh dari para informan dan responden, dan diuraikan secara terperinci sesuai dengan fokus penelitian, kedua setelah memperoleh data peneliti kemudian melakukan pengecekan keabsahan data, ketiga, peneliti melakukan penarikan kesimpulan. Peneltian ini dilakukan di wilayah Flores Barat, Indonesia Timur dan dilaksanakan selama satu tahun (2018 sampai 2019). Temuan penelitian menerangkan bahwa aksi penolakan kehadiran industi pertambangan didasarkan pada penggunaan lahan tambang yang masih berada di tanah ulayat (tanah adat) masyarakat setempat, dan penggunanaannya tanpa seizin tokoh adat dan masyarakat adat setempat. Selain itu, dampak kehadiran pertambangan menyebabkan sumber air menjadi kering, dan lahan pertanian kehilangan humus tanah, karena kondisi lahan pertanian sangat gersang. Selanjutnya, melalui peran profetis Gereja, tuntutan masyarakat tersalurkan, yang dibuktikan dengan pembayaran ganti rugi pengolahan tanah adat oleh perusahan pertambangan, dan secara hukum lokasi pertambangan tersebut dihentikan.
ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the reasons behind the rejection of the presence of the mining industry. Besides explaining the impact of the presence of the mining industry on the lives of communities around the mining company. The next step is to describe the prophetic role of the Church in advocating the demands of the community around the mine. To achieve the objectives of this study, using a qualitative research approach to the type of case study research. Research data collection was carried out by interview, observation, and study of documents and questionnaires. The key instrument of research is the researcher himself. Data analysis was carried out by: first, collecting data obtained from the informants and respondents, and described in detail according to the focus of the study, secondly, after obtaining the data the researcher then checked the validity of the data, third, the researcher drew conclusions. This research was conducted in the West Flores region, Eastern Indonesia and carried out for one year (2018 to 2019). The research findings explain that the action to reject the presence of the mining industry is based on the use of mining land that is still in the ulayat land (customary land) of the local community, and its use without the permission of traditional leaders and local indigenous people. In addition, the impact of the presence of mining causes the water source to dry up, and agricultural land loses topsoil because the condition of the agricultural land is very arid. Furthermore, through the prophetic role of the Church, community demands were channeled, as evidenced by the payment of customary land management compensation by the mining company, and legally the mining location was stopped., 2020
Masa depan bagi sosok orang muda merupakan keberadaannya yang konkrit, tetapi sekaligus dialaminy... more Masa depan bagi sosok orang muda merupakan keberadaannya yang konkrit, tetapi sekaligus dialaminya sebagai suatu janji, suatu rencana atau suatu proyek masa depan yang masih berada dalam ruang "imajinasi pikiran dan harapan". Keberadaannya masih menjadi situasi dan nubuat, pertanyaan, proyek imajinasi, titik pangkal yang belum tahu letak titik akhir. Keberadaannya saat ini masih terikat dalam titik kulminasi masa lampau. Apa saja yang terjadi pada dirinya dan sejauh masih terpendam dalam dirinya (potensi) merupakan bagian dari masa lampaunya saat ini. Itu berarti yang terpenting bukanlah pengalaman de facto, melainkan pengalaman yang direfleksikan dan yang diinteriorisasikan (dibathinkan). Masa depan bagi seorang pribadi yang masih mencari identitas diri tidak melayang-layang di udara. Bukan pula suatu kekosongan yang perlu diisi. Masa depan hanya riil sejauh berlandaskan apa yang dipersiapkan sekarang. Kaum muda adalah pribadi yang terus berkembang, akibatnya setiap jawaban yang diberikan atas persoalan hidupnya selalu melahirkan pertanyaan baru. Mereka adalah ahli waris yang mengandung seluruh karya, yang telah dihasilkan oleh seluruh umat manusia. Tetapi semua warisan itu baru menjadi riil, manakalah kaum muda mampu mengartikannya. Dalam arti ini kaum muda adalah gembala tradisi, dan hadir sebagai nabi masa depan. Pembaharuan sejati hanya bisa dilaksanakan oleh mereka yang berakar dalam tradisi, dan tradisi yang sejati hanya bisa dilaksanakan oleh mereka yang mampu membuat perubahan.
Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter, 2020
This study aims to describe the reasons for applying the cultural, humanistic, and nationalism ap... more This study aims to describe the reasons for applying the cultural, humanistic, and nationalism approaches by school principals in supporting transformational leadership behavior. In addition, to explore the steps of the principal's transformational leadership role based on three forms of approach in the implementation of character education strengthening programs. This study used a qualitative approach, case study design. Data collection through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and learn documentation. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. The level of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability examines the validity of the data. The research findings explain that culture or tradition greatly influences the school environment, personal excellence, and encouragement to revive the humanistic spiritual inspirational figure, as well as the image of the school foundation managed by the Military unit, Kodam V-Brawijaya, being the basic reason that inspires the principal to use a cultural, humanistic approach, and nationalism. Besides that the steps of the principal's transformational leadership role based on cultural, humanistic, and nationalism approaches have an effective effect in optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening in schools., 2020
The most exciting breakthrough of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 century was not because of techno... more The most exciting breakthrough of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 century was not because of technology, but because of the development of the concept of what it means to be human in the midst of change. Human existence always deals with the "possibility" to keep searching and finding, and "actuality" to prove every finding from the results of searching. In this context, humans are always in the path of the process of "being" the best through the process of being educated and educated. Education in principle aims to build a universal human civilization. Universal human civilization has always evolved through the stages of the process of evolution 'existential' to the evolution of 'potential'. Humans do not only exist as humans but exist to be human or have potential. In order to be there to be a human being with potential, then took a series of continuous movements of thought, consciousness, process, and transmit without any movement for pushing stopped. Reached Human of a human being until this phase not yet represented humans which have finished or definitive as this time without passing education. Education form human attainment of a human being. Education, in this case, assists to overcome solidarity between limitation and is not limited ( Naisbitt & Aburdene, 1990).
Papers by Yulius R U S T A N Effendi
The great kingdoms and world economic order have come and gone, but the world religions are still alive. They are the most important institutions of civilization which are eternal (Robert Hefner).
This paper aims to describe the basic reasons behind the application of the principal's humanistic approach, and the steps of the principal's humanistic approach to optimizing character education strengthening programs.
.Methodology: This research used a qualitative approach, case study design. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and study documentation to achieve research
. Main Findings: Research findings reveal that personal excellence (integrity, wholeness, and authenticity) and the humanistic spirituality of inspirational figures inspire the principal's humanistic approach. In addition, the application of the principal's humanistic approach
has a significant impact on optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening in schools and successfully forming the character of students.
Applications of this study:
This study can be useful for principals in the education department of Malang City, East Java, Indonesia, to use a humanistic approach model in carrying out leadership roles, because it has been proven
effective in optimizing the implementation of optimizing character education strengthening programs in schools
.Novelty/Originality of this study:
The principal's role is to create a "humane" school environment through harmonious relationships, respecting subordinates as human beings, tolerant and non-discriminatory, giving examples of good the behavior to subordinates based on self-excellence and imitating the spirituality of inspirational figures, so that good characters are formed in the teachers and students at school.
ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the reasons behind the rejection of the presence of the mining industry. Besides explaining the impact of the presence of the mining industry on the lives of communities around the mining company. The next step is to describe the prophetic role of the Church in advocating the demands of the community around the mine. To achieve the objectives of this study, using a qualitative research approach to the type of case study research. Research data collection was carried out by interview, observation, and study of documents and questionnaires. The key instrument of research is the researcher himself. Data analysis was carried out by: first, collecting data obtained from the informants and respondents, and described in detail according to the focus of the study, secondly, after obtaining the data the researcher then checked the validity of the data, third, the researcher drew conclusions. This research was conducted in the West Flores region, Eastern Indonesia and carried out for one year (2018 to 2019). The research findings explain that the action to reject the presence of the mining industry is based on the use of mining land that is still in the ulayat land (customary land) of the local community, and its use without the permission of traditional leaders and local indigenous people. In addition, the impact of the presence of mining causes the water source to dry up, and agricultural land loses topsoil because the condition of the agricultural land is very arid. Furthermore, through the prophetic role of the Church, community demands were channeled, as evidenced by the payment of customary land management compensation by the mining company, and legally the mining location was stopped.
The great kingdoms and world economic order have come and gone, but the world religions are still alive. They are the most important institutions of civilization which are eternal (Robert Hefner).
This paper aims to describe the basic reasons behind the application of the principal's humanistic approach, and the steps of the principal's humanistic approach to optimizing character education strengthening programs.
.Methodology: This research used a qualitative approach, case study design. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and study documentation to achieve research
. Main Findings: Research findings reveal that personal excellence (integrity, wholeness, and authenticity) and the humanistic spirituality of inspirational figures inspire the principal's humanistic approach. In addition, the application of the principal's humanistic approach
has a significant impact on optimizing the implementation of character education strengthening in schools and successfully forming the character of students.
Applications of this study:
This study can be useful for principals in the education department of Malang City, East Java, Indonesia, to use a humanistic approach model in carrying out leadership roles, because it has been proven
effective in optimizing the implementation of optimizing character education strengthening programs in schools
.Novelty/Originality of this study:
The principal's role is to create a "humane" school environment through harmonious relationships, respecting subordinates as human beings, tolerant and non-discriminatory, giving examples of good the behavior to subordinates based on self-excellence and imitating the spirituality of inspirational figures, so that good characters are formed in the teachers and students at school.
ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the reasons behind the rejection of the presence of the mining industry. Besides explaining the impact of the presence of the mining industry on the lives of communities around the mining company. The next step is to describe the prophetic role of the Church in advocating the demands of the community around the mine. To achieve the objectives of this study, using a qualitative research approach to the type of case study research. Research data collection was carried out by interview, observation, and study of documents and questionnaires. The key instrument of research is the researcher himself. Data analysis was carried out by: first, collecting data obtained from the informants and respondents, and described in detail according to the focus of the study, secondly, after obtaining the data the researcher then checked the validity of the data, third, the researcher drew conclusions. This research was conducted in the West Flores region, Eastern Indonesia and carried out for one year (2018 to 2019). The research findings explain that the action to reject the presence of the mining industry is based on the use of mining land that is still in the ulayat land (customary land) of the local community, and its use without the permission of traditional leaders and local indigenous people. In addition, the impact of the presence of mining causes the water source to dry up, and agricultural land loses topsoil because the condition of the agricultural land is very arid. Furthermore, through the prophetic role of the Church, community demands were channeled, as evidenced by the payment of customary land management compensation by the mining company, and legally the mining location was stopped.