Papers by Kingsley K Nwachukwu

IIARD – International Institute of Academic Research and Development, 2024
The rapid evolution of marine knowledge necessitates in-depth transdisciplinary ocean sustainabil... more The rapid evolution of marine knowledge necessitates in-depth transdisciplinary ocean sustainability studies that could provide pathways to solving the losses in ocean health and catalyze the blue economy, both of which present significant challenges. This decline in ocean health should cause global concern because the oceans provide food, livelihood, and employment for billions of people worldwide. It also negates the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The paper provides a conceptual understanding of blue accounting disclosure from the standpoint of accounting discipline given conflicting paradigms available in the public domain. The research method used is qualitative, using a literature review and conceptual modeling. The study's findings establish a new paradigm for blue accounting disclosure, focusing on sustainability reporting for the oceans and marine ecosystems by corporate bodies. The findings of this study have policy and practical implications for the advancement of corporate reporting and the accounting profession. The paper recommends a paradigm shift from traditional accounting practices, focused primarily on financial reporting to embrace more forward-looking disclosures in corporate reporting.

The study investigates the effect of bank verification number [BVN] enrollments on incidences of ... more The study investigates the effect of bank verification number [BVN] enrollments on incidences of bank-related fraud in Nigeria. The number of reported fraud cases, the monetary value of fraud cases, and the actual losses incurred by banks in Nigeria were used as proxies to measure incidences of fraud. Aggregate BVN enrollments for the population of banks under study, year on year for the period 2015-2020 was collected. An ordinary least square regression model was adopted to analyze the data. The results revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between BVN enrollments, the number of fraud cases reported, and actual losses from bank-related fraud cases. However a negative and insignificant relationship between BVN enrollments and the monetary value of bank-related fraud cases. The study concludes that BVN enrollments year on year has led to significant identification, detection, and hence reporting of fraud cases by banks. However, this has not deterred fraudsters from becoming more sophisticated in manipulating banking channels. The study recommends further aggressive enrolments by banks, upgrades on current biometrics technologies in place, robust enterprise risk management framework and internal controls, and their effective deployments bank-wide and more regulatory oversight over BVN enrolments by the monetary authorities.

International Journal of Advanced Studies in Business Strategies and Management, 2022
This paper examines the influences of four key dimensions of enterprise risk management ... more Abstract
This paper examines the influences of four key dimensions of enterprise risk management (ERM) on the corporate performance of Tier 1-SIBs in Nigeria. Credit risk management, regulatory and compliance risk management, market risk management, and liquidity risk management were identified as core enterprise risk management practices that affect the corporate performance of banks in the literature. The paper adopted a quantitative research approach and survey research design. The study's population consisted of risk management-focused units from Nigeria's Tier 1 commercial banks. The data were analyzed using Pearson matrix correlation and the ordinary least square estimation technique. Results suggest that, that credit risk management has the most significant effect on corporate performance (β1=0.346, p<0.005). This is closely followed by liquidity risk management (β4=0.285, p<0.005). The regulatory and compliance risk management (β4=0.104, p<0.005). Market risk management has the least significant effect on corporate performance (β3=0.101, p<0.005). This implies that, when compared to the other three dimensions, market risk management may not be a strong predictor of corporate performance among Tier 1-SIBs in Nigeria. The study concludes that a holistic bank-wide enterprise risk management framework improves corporate growth and performance in general, while also protecting shareholder value. Furthermore, it improves corporate investment decision-making and financial reporting quality. The paper recommends that the enterprise risk management approach should be bottom-top, starting by establishing branch levels ERM units rather than the current Head office ERM top-bottom approach in practice.
Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management, Corporate performance, Credit risk management, liquidity risk management, Market risk management, Regulatory risk management

The journal of International Affairs and Global Strategy, 2022
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the role of civil society organizations as stakeholders ... more The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the role of civil society organizations as stakeholders in the public financial management process of sub-nationals in Nigeria. A qualitative research approach and a thematic research design were used in this paper. The study population included all civil society organizations registered in Plateau State, one of the 36 sub-nationals in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A census sample approach was used, and 10 civil society organizations with public financial management thematic focus were identified using the state authorities' register. Data was collected from the civil society organizations using a semi-structured interview guide, and the data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings suggest that the inclusion and participation of CSOs in the public financial management process helps entrenches public financial management transparency and accountability of sub-nationals in Nigeria. The paper concludes that civil society organizations can play a critical role in entrenching accountability and transparency in the public finance process in developing countries. The paper proposes a comprehensive and robust framework for the public financial management process among sub-nationals that includes civil society organizations as key actors. Furthermore, information asymmetry can be reduced by demystification and simplification of published financial reports regularly by CSOs, allowing for feedback and input from the citizenry.

Nigerian Journal of Business Administration, 2020
This study aims to investigate how outsourcing of human capital affects work place performance an... more This study aims to investigate how outsourcing of human capital affects work place performance and organisational process improvement. In addition, it examines the relationship between dual loyalty and productivity. The study population was contract staff members of sixteen deposit money banks listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange. The sample group was two hundred contract staff, in five states of Nigeria. Field data was gathered through structured questionnaires. Two hundred questionnaire where administered across the listed banks and one hundred and forty seven where returned duly filled and completed. Ordinary least square regression model was developed to analyse the data. Findings revealed that, human capital outsourcing negatively affects work place performance and organisational process improvement. However, issues of dual loyalty of outsourced staff have an insignificant effect on worker's productivity. The study concluded that outsourcing has come to stay in the banking industry, but

Journal of Mgt. Science & Entrepreneurship, 2019
This study aims to investigate the relationship between agent banking, mobile money operators and... more This study aims to investigate the relationship between agent banking, mobile money operators and financial inclusion in Nigeria. For the purpose of this study, a descriptive research design was used. The study population were operators of agency banking and mobile money services located in Jos town and environs. Primary data was gathered through structured questionnaires. Test-retest technique was employed to determine the internal consistency of the instruments by computing Cronbach's alpha. A Cronbach's alpha of 0.619 and above was taken as acceptable reliability. Linear regression was used to analyse the data to determine, if agency banking, mobile money operations had a significant relationship with financial inclusion and to indicate the relative strength of the independent variables on the dependent variables. Findings revealed that, that cybercrime and reduction of cost of banking services had a statistically insignificant and negative relationship with financial inclusion, while geographical coverage and illiquidity had a positive, but insignificant relationship with financial inclusion. This study concludes, that agent banking and mobile money is gaining wide acceptance, however this has not engendered, more financial inclusion. This study recommends, that the government should create an appropriate regulatory Hummingbird Publications

Serious concerns continue to be raised over how banks arrive at provisions for loan losses. The b... more Serious concerns continue to be raised over how banks arrive at provisions for loan losses. The banking sector is more prone to earnings manipulation when compared to other sectors in the economy. This study investigates the effect of impairment allowances on earnings of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria; and the effect of delinquent assets on earnings of Nigerian Deposit Money Banks. The study’s population where all the twenty-two deposit money banks licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria. However, a sample of thirteen Deposit Money Banks licensed and listed on
the Nigeria Stock Exchange, met the study sample criteria. Data for the study were extracted from the annual audited financial reports of the DMBs in Nigeria for the study period (2010-2019). Descriptive statistics and Panel data estimation techniques were employed to analyze the study’s objectives. Multiple diagnostic tests were carried out to check for the robustness and reliability of the data. Findings revealed that, while
impairment allowance has a positive effect on Deposit Money Banks' earnings in Nigeria, delinquent assets have negative effects on Deposit Money Banks' earnings in Nigeria. These mixed results are suggestive of earnings management and signaling on one side and significant deterioration in risk asset quality on the books of the banks on the other hand. Hence, it was concluded that Nigerian deposit money banks may be
engaging in possible earnings management practices using impairment allowance. It was recommended that more robust regulatory oversight over the banks and aggressive recoveries on delinquent loans to mitigate deterioration in asset quality should be implemented by the Central Bank of Nigeria.
Keywords: Delinquent Assets, Earnings, Impairment Allowance, Income Smoothing, Signaling.

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020
Over the past decade banks in Nigeria have been forced to look for new revenue streams as new bus... more Over the past decade banks in Nigeria have been forced to look for new revenue streams as new business models, technological innovations and non-traditional competition have transformed the banking landscape. Amidst all this change, a new generation has come knocking on their doors. They are in the age group of 18 to 30 years and often called Generation Y (Gen Y for short). This study therefore, assessed the banking behaviour of Generation Y students and its effect on the future of retail banking in Nigeria. The data for the study were collected using questionnaire administered to 500 university students in the four (4) major higher institutions in Plateau State (UniJos, Plateau State University, Pla-Poly and College of Education Pankshin). The data was analysed using descriptive statistics while structural equation model was used to test the hypotheses. The result indicates that retail bank fees/price integrity, unique and Innovative products, ease of use and system quality influences Gen Y banking behaviour and that this banking behaviour have a significant effect on the future of retail banking in Nigeria. Based on these findings, it was recommended that retail banks should refocus their attention their attention on the banking needs of this generation of customers to gain a better understanding of what influences their behaviours. This will compel retail banks to take a closer look at their procedures and strategies in order to manage the fast-evolving needs and expectations of this generation.

Nigerian Journal of Business Administration, 2021
The study investigates the effect of bank verification number [BVN] enrollments on incidences of ... more The study investigates the effect of bank verification number [BVN] enrollments on incidences of bank-related fraud in Nigeria. The number of reported fraud cases, the monetary value of fraud cases, and the actual losses incurred by banks in Nigeria were used as proxies to measure incidences of fraud. Aggregate BVN enrollments for the population of banks under study, year on year for the period 2015-2020 was collected. An ordinary least square regression model was adopted to analyze the data. The results revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between BVN enrollments, the number of fraud cases reported, and actual losses from bank-related fraud cases. However a negative and insignificant relationship between BVN enrollments and the monetary value of bank-related fraud cases. The study concludes that BVN enrollments year on year has led to significant identification, detection, and hence reporting of fraud cases by banks. However, this has not deterred fraudsters from becoming more sophisticated in manipulating banking channels. The study recommends further aggressive enrolments by banks, upgrades on current biometrics technologies in place, robust enterprise risk management framework and internal controls, and their effective deployments bank-wide and more regulatory oversight over BVN enrolments by the monetary authorities.
Papers by Kingsley K Nwachukwu
This paper examines the influences of four key dimensions of enterprise risk management (ERM) on the corporate performance of Tier 1-SIBs in Nigeria. Credit risk management, regulatory and compliance risk management, market risk management, and liquidity risk management were identified as core enterprise risk management practices that affect the corporate performance of banks in the literature. The paper adopted a quantitative research approach and survey research design. The study's population consisted of risk management-focused units from Nigeria's Tier 1 commercial banks. The data were analyzed using Pearson matrix correlation and the ordinary least square estimation technique. Results suggest that, that credit risk management has the most significant effect on corporate performance (β1=0.346, p<0.005). This is closely followed by liquidity risk management (β4=0.285, p<0.005). The regulatory and compliance risk management (β4=0.104, p<0.005). Market risk management has the least significant effect on corporate performance (β3=0.101, p<0.005). This implies that, when compared to the other three dimensions, market risk management may not be a strong predictor of corporate performance among Tier 1-SIBs in Nigeria. The study concludes that a holistic bank-wide enterprise risk management framework improves corporate growth and performance in general, while also protecting shareholder value. Furthermore, it improves corporate investment decision-making and financial reporting quality. The paper recommends that the enterprise risk management approach should be bottom-top, starting by establishing branch levels ERM units rather than the current Head office ERM top-bottom approach in practice.
Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management, Corporate performance, Credit risk management, liquidity risk management, Market risk management, Regulatory risk management
the Nigeria Stock Exchange, met the study sample criteria. Data for the study were extracted from the annual audited financial reports of the DMBs in Nigeria for the study period (2010-2019). Descriptive statistics and Panel data estimation techniques were employed to analyze the study’s objectives. Multiple diagnostic tests were carried out to check for the robustness and reliability of the data. Findings revealed that, while
impairment allowance has a positive effect on Deposit Money Banks' earnings in Nigeria, delinquent assets have negative effects on Deposit Money Banks' earnings in Nigeria. These mixed results are suggestive of earnings management and signaling on one side and significant deterioration in risk asset quality on the books of the banks on the other hand. Hence, it was concluded that Nigerian deposit money banks may be
engaging in possible earnings management practices using impairment allowance. It was recommended that more robust regulatory oversight over the banks and aggressive recoveries on delinquent loans to mitigate deterioration in asset quality should be implemented by the Central Bank of Nigeria.
Keywords: Delinquent Assets, Earnings, Impairment Allowance, Income Smoothing, Signaling.
This paper examines the influences of four key dimensions of enterprise risk management (ERM) on the corporate performance of Tier 1-SIBs in Nigeria. Credit risk management, regulatory and compliance risk management, market risk management, and liquidity risk management were identified as core enterprise risk management practices that affect the corporate performance of banks in the literature. The paper adopted a quantitative research approach and survey research design. The study's population consisted of risk management-focused units from Nigeria's Tier 1 commercial banks. The data were analyzed using Pearson matrix correlation and the ordinary least square estimation technique. Results suggest that, that credit risk management has the most significant effect on corporate performance (β1=0.346, p<0.005). This is closely followed by liquidity risk management (β4=0.285, p<0.005). The regulatory and compliance risk management (β4=0.104, p<0.005). Market risk management has the least significant effect on corporate performance (β3=0.101, p<0.005). This implies that, when compared to the other three dimensions, market risk management may not be a strong predictor of corporate performance among Tier 1-SIBs in Nigeria. The study concludes that a holistic bank-wide enterprise risk management framework improves corporate growth and performance in general, while also protecting shareholder value. Furthermore, it improves corporate investment decision-making and financial reporting quality. The paper recommends that the enterprise risk management approach should be bottom-top, starting by establishing branch levels ERM units rather than the current Head office ERM top-bottom approach in practice.
Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management, Corporate performance, Credit risk management, liquidity risk management, Market risk management, Regulatory risk management
the Nigeria Stock Exchange, met the study sample criteria. Data for the study were extracted from the annual audited financial reports of the DMBs in Nigeria for the study period (2010-2019). Descriptive statistics and Panel data estimation techniques were employed to analyze the study’s objectives. Multiple diagnostic tests were carried out to check for the robustness and reliability of the data. Findings revealed that, while
impairment allowance has a positive effect on Deposit Money Banks' earnings in Nigeria, delinquent assets have negative effects on Deposit Money Banks' earnings in Nigeria. These mixed results are suggestive of earnings management and signaling on one side and significant deterioration in risk asset quality on the books of the banks on the other hand. Hence, it was concluded that Nigerian deposit money banks may be
engaging in possible earnings management practices using impairment allowance. It was recommended that more robust regulatory oversight over the banks and aggressive recoveries on delinquent loans to mitigate deterioration in asset quality should be implemented by the Central Bank of Nigeria.
Keywords: Delinquent Assets, Earnings, Impairment Allowance, Income Smoothing, Signaling.