Papers by Martial Van der Linden

Child Neuropsychology, 2015
In this study, we investigated motor and cognitive procedural learning in typically developing ch... more In this study, we investigated motor and cognitive procedural learning in typically developing children aged 8-12 years with a serial reaction time (SRT) task and a probabilistic classification learning (PCL) task. The aims were to replicate and extend the results of previous SRT studies, to investigate PCL in school-aged children, to explore the contribution of declarative knowledge to SRT and PCL performance, to explore the strategies used by children in the PCL task via a mathematical model, and to see whether performances obtained in motor and cognitive tasks correlated. The results showed similar learning effects in the three age groups in the SRT and in the first half of the PCL tasks. Participants did not develop explicit knowledge in the SRT task whereas declarative knowledge of the cue-outcome associations correlated with the performances in the second half of the PCL task, suggesting a participation of explicit knowledge after some time of exposure in PCL. An increasing proportion of the optimal strategy use with increasing age was observed in the PCL task. Finally, no correlation appeared between cognitive and motor performance. In conclusion, we extended the hypothesis of age invariance from motor to cognitive procedural learning, which had not been done previously. The ability to adopt more efficient learning strategies with age may rely on the maturation of the fronto-striatal loops. The lack of correlation between performance in the SRT task and the first part of the PCL task suggests dissociable developmental trajectories within the procedural memory system.

Brain Injury, 2015
Apathy is frequently described following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and defined on the basis of... more Apathy is frequently described following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and defined on the basis of three dimensions (emotional blunting, lack of initiative, lack of interest), which are commonly assessed by the Apathy Inventory (AI). The aims were (1) to explore the psychometric properties of this scale in the TBI population and the relationships between the dimensions; and (2) to determine whether sub-groups of patients differing with respect to the three AI dimensions could be identified and to examine their differences on psychosocial functioning and caregivers' burden. Participants and measures: Close relatives of 68 patients with severe TBI were given the AI and two questionnaires to assess their subjective burden and patients' changes in psychosocial functioning. The scores distribution and the sensitivity of each sub-scale showed that the AI can be used as a screening tool in the TBI population. Four clusters were identified: one group with high scores on each dimension, one group with low scores on each dimension, one group with high emotional blunting alone and another with elevated lack of initiative/interest. The high apathetic group and the lack of initiative/interest group were associated with poorer psychosocial functioning and the high apathetic group was related to subjective burden. These results shed new light on the concept of apathy in patients with TBI and underline the necessity to take into account the various profiles of symptoms of apathy.
Behavioural Brain Research, 2015
The present study examined neural circuit activity in a working memory (WM) task under conditions... more The present study examined neural circuit activity in a working memory (WM) task under conditions of approach and avoidance motivation. Eighteen participants were scanned with functional MRI while they performed a 3-back WM task under three conditions: in an avoidance condition incorrect responses were punished with monetary loss; in an approach condition correct responses were rewarded with monetary gain; in a neutral control condition there was no monetary incentive. Compared with the control condition, activation in fronto-parietal areas - which are associated with WM processing - was increased in both the approach and avoidance conditions. The results suggest that both approach and avoidance motivation increase task-related cognitive activation.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2015
Metacognitions about the positive and negative effects of alcohol use have been associated with v... more Metacognitions about the positive and negative effects of alcohol use have been associated with various patterns of drinking. The aim of the present study was to validate French versions of the Positive Alcohol Metacognitions Scale (PAMS) and the Negative Alcohol Metacognitions Scale (NAMS) developed by Spada and Wells (2008, Addict. Behav. 33, 515) and to investigate the relationship between metacognitions and patterns of alcohol use among university students. Responses of 1600 university students who participated in an internet survey-based study on alcohol use were submitted to confirmatory (N=800, mean age 20.40 years, 45.50% male) and exploratory (N=800, mean age 20.34 years, 45.38% male) factor analyses in two separate samples. Alcohol use, binge drinking and mood were also assessed. In line with the original versions of the scales, results provided support for a two-factor structure of the French PAMS and NAMS. Both scales revealed adequate internal reliability. Good temporal stability was found for the two factors of the NAMS, whereas one factor of the PAMS showed weakness across time. Predictive validity revealed that negative alcohol metacognitions about the uncontrollability of alcohol use were found to be consistently associated with alcohol use and binge drinking, whereas positive metacognitions about alcohol use were found to be differentially associated with alcohol use and binge drinking. The French versions of the PAMS and NAMS exhibited suitable psychometric properties. This study also emphasized the role of metacognitions about alcohol use in drinking behaviour among university students.
Sleep Medicine Clinics, 2015
According to recent meta-analyses, adolescents across different countries and cultures do not get... more According to recent meta-analyses, adolescents across different countries and cultures do not get the recommended amount of sleep. Extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and use of electronic devices in the evening delay bedtime in adolescents. Early school start times also shorten the time for sleep. Insufficient sleep in adolescents has been associated with weakened emotional-behavioral regulation and poor academic achievement. Multicomponent intervention programs have been developed on the basis of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia to improve sleep in youth.

Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 2015
22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is a neurogenetic condition associated with an increased ri... more 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is a neurogenetic condition associated with an increased risk of developing schizophrenia. Previous studies have shown that negative symptoms represent the most specific clinical characteristic of psychosis in 22q11.2DS and are strongly associated with outcome. However, the psychological mechanisms associated with these symptoms in this population are poorly understood. In accordance with recent conceptualizations in the field of schizophrenia, the present study aims at investigating whether negative symptoms are associated with the presence of negative performance beliefs and cognitive deficits. Thirty-five participants with 22q11.2DS and 24 typically developing individuals aged between 11 and 24 years were included in the study. Self-reported schizotypal symptoms (cognitive-perceptual, paranoid, negative and disorganization symptoms) and dysfunctional beliefs (negative performance beliefs and need for approval) were assessed. Measures of processing speed, verbal memory, working memory, executive functioning and face recognition were also extracted from a broad cognitive evaluation protocol. Adolescents with 22q11.2DS reported significantly higher score on the negative dimension of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire than controls, even when controlling for the influence of anxiety/depression and intellectual functioning. Negative and paranoid symptoms were associated with the severity of negative performance beliefs and lower face recognition abilities. Mediation analyses revealed that negative performance beliefs significantly mediated the association between face recognition and negative/paranoid symptoms. These findings suggest that negative performance beliefs and basic social cognitive mechanisms are associated with negative and paranoid symptoms in individuals with 22q11.2DS. Implications for intervention are discussed in this article.

Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2014
Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon that affects everyone's day-to-day life and interferes... more Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon that affects everyone's day-to-day life and interferes with the clinical treatment of several psychopathological states. To assess this construct, Steel (2010) developed the Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS), a short scale intended to capture the general notion of dysfunctional delay. The aim of the current study was to present a French version of this questionnaire. To this end, the 12 items of the PPS were translated into French and data were collected from an online survey in a sample of 245 French-speaking individuals from the general population. The results revealed that one item had problematic face validity; it was therefore removed. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses performed on the resulting 11-item version of the French PPS indicated that the scale was composed of two factors ("voluntary delay" and "observed delay") depending on a common, higher-order construct ("general procrastination"). Good internal consistency and test-retest reliability were found. External validity was supported by specific relationships with measures of personality traits, impulsivity, and subjective well-being. The French PPS therefore presents satisfactory psychometric properties and may be considered a reliable and valid instrument for research, teaching and clinical practice.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2015
A decrease in the level of engagement in activities ("behavioral activation") is usually observed... more A decrease in the level of engagement in activities ("behavioral activation") is usually observed in major depressive disorder. Because behavioral treatments of depression aim to counteract that mechanism, assessing changes in behavioral activation during treatment is of great interest. Therefore, developed a scale that assesses these changes, which was called the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale -Short Form (BADS-SF).

Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, Jan 19, 2014
Dysfunctional use of the mobile phone has often been conceptualized as a 'behavioural addicti... more Dysfunctional use of the mobile phone has often been conceptualized as a 'behavioural addiction' that shares most features with drug addictions. In the current article, we challenge the clinical utility of the addiction model as applied to mobile phone overuse. We describe the case of a woman who overuses her mobile phone from two distinct approaches: (1) a symptom-based categorical approach inspired from the addiction model of dysfunctional mobile phone use and (2) a process-based approach resulting from an idiosyncratic clinical case conceptualization. In the case depicted here, the addiction model was shown to lead to standardized and non-relevant treatment, whereas the clinical case conceptualization allowed identification of specific psychological processes that can be targeted with specific, empirically based psychological interventions. This finding highlights that conceptualizing excessive behaviours (e.g., gambling and sex) within the addiction model can be a simpli...

Comprehensive psychiatry, 2014
Emotion reactivity is defined as the extent to which an individual experiences emotions in respon... more Emotion reactivity is defined as the extent to which an individual experiences emotions in response to a wide array of stimuli, intensely, and for a prolonged period. This construct is a key psychological factor in the development and maintenance of psychopathological disorders. The aim of the current study was to develop and validate a French version of the Emotion Reactivity Scale (ERS), which gauges three aspects of emotion reactivity: (1) emotional sensitivity, (2) emotional intensity, and (3) emotional persistence. The French ERS and both concurrent and divergent validated scales were administered to 258 participants from the community. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed good fit indices for: (1) a single-factor model, (2) a three-factor model, and (3) a hierarchical three-factor solution with a single-factor solution as a second-order latent variable for a generic construct of emotion reactivity. The French version of the Emotion Reactivity Scale also exhibits acceptable in...

European journal of psychotraumatology, 2014
Traumatic exposure may modulate the expression of impulsive behavioral dispositions and change th... more Traumatic exposure may modulate the expression of impulsive behavioral dispositions and change the implementation of emotion regulation strategies associated with depressive mood. Past studies resulted in only limited comprehension of these relationships, especially because they failed to consider impulsivity as a multifactorial construct. Based on Whiteside and Lynam's multidimensional model that identifies four distinct dispositional facets of impulsive-like behaviors, namely urgency, (lack of) premeditation, (lack of) perseverance, and sensation seeking (UPPS), the current study used a sample of community volunteers to investigate whether an interaction exists between impulsivity facets and lifetime trauma exposure in predicting cognitive emotion regulation and depressive mood. Ninety-three adults completed questionnaires measuring lifetime trauma exposure, impulsivity, cognitive emotion regulation, and depressive mood. Results showed that trauma-exposed participants with a s...

Schizophrenia Research, 2008
Cognitive defi cits are clearly associated with poor everyday life functioning in persons diagnos... more Cognitive defi cits are clearly associated with poor everyday life functioning in persons diagnosed with schizophrenia. However, previous studies have primarily used questionnaires to assess everyday life functioning. We developed a computerized real-life activity task (shopping task), where participants are required to shop for a list of seven grocery store items. Thirty individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and 30 healthy controls were administered an extensive battery of cognitive tests and the computerized shopping task. Performances on the computerized shopping task signifi cantly differentiated patients and healthy controls for several variables. Moreover, performance on the shopping task was signifi cantly correlated with verbal episodic memory, cognitive fl exibility, planning, processing speed, and inhibition. Finally, performance on the computerized shopping task was signifi cantly correlated with various clinical variables and with a global measure of social functioning. These fi ndings suggest that the computerized task used in the present study provides an indication of the level of everyday life functioning and cognitive functioning of persons diagnosed with schizophrenia, and, therefore, may be viewed as a valuable instrument in both an evaluation and remediation context. ( JINS , 2009, 16, 180-189.)
Schizophrenia Research, 2008
Schizophrenia Research, 2008
Psychopharmacology, 2007
Background Individuals with alcoholism are characterized by both attentional bias for alcohol cue... more Background Individuals with alcoholism are characterized by both attentional bias for alcohol cues and prepotent response inhibition deficit. We tested the hypothesis that alcoholics exhibit greater cognitive disinhibition when the response to be suppressed is associated with alcohol-related information.

Psychiatry Research, 2014
Difficulties in everyday life activities are core features of persons diagnosed with schizophreni... more Difficulties in everyday life activities are core features of persons diagnosed with schizophrenia and in particular during multitasking activities. However, at present, patients' multitasking capacities have not been adequately examined in the literature due to the absence of suitable assessment strategies. We thus recently developed a computerized real-life activity task designed to take into account the complex and multitasking nature of certain everyday life activities where participants are required to prepare a room for a meeting. Twenty-one individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and 20 matched healthy controls completed the computerized task. Patients were also evaluated with a cognitive battery, measures of symptomatology and real world functioning. To examine the ecological validity, 14 other patients were recruited and were given the computerized version and a real version of the meeting preparation task. Results showed that performance on the computerized task was significantly correlated with executive functioning, pointing to the major implication of these cognitive processes in multitasking situations. Performance on the computerized task also significantly predicted up to 50% of real world functioning. Moreover, the computerized task demonstrated good ecological validity. These findings suggest the importance of evaluating multitasking capacities in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia in order to predict real world functioning.

Personality and Individual Differences, 2008
This study was designed to clarify the relationship between the four dimensions of impulsivity in... more This study was designed to clarify the relationship between the four dimensions of impulsivity in Whiteside and Lynam's (2001) model and the two aspects of dietary restraint (Concern for Dieting and Weight Fluctuation) in a non-clinical sample. Data were collected from a volunteer community sample (N = 216) of women who responded to two self-report instruments related to impulsivity (UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale, Whiteside & Lynam, 2001) and dietary restraint (Restraint Scale, Polivy, Herman, & Warsh, 1978). A structural equation model was tested. The model provided a good fit to the data (v 2 /df = 1.64, p < .0001, RMSEA = 0.054, 90% CI = 0.050-0.058, p-value for test of close fit (RMSEA > 0.05) = .035) and revealed that Concern for Dieting was positively related to Urgency (standardized b = 0.25, p < .01). Weight Fluctuation was related to lack of Perseverance (standardized b = 0.25, p < .01) and tended to relate to Sensation Seeking (standardized b = 0.17, p = .056). Urgency and lack of Perseverance were found to play a significant role in predicting Concern for Dieting and Weight Fluctuation.

Neuropsychologia, 1994
Patients with Huntington's disease (HD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) show different patterns ofpr... more Patients with Huntington's disease (HD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) show different patterns ofpreserved and impaired memory performance. This study investigates explicit memory for movements in HD and PD with a linear positioning apparatus using DIO; et ~rl.'s procedure (J. Gwontol. 43, 127 135. 1988). In the first experiment. 11 HD patients were compared to 12 matchedcontrols. HD patient5 were more Impaired than the controls by the delay between criterion and recall movements. whether the delay was filled or unfilled. Switching the limb between criterion and recall movements did not lead to more cffccts in HD patient5 and in controls. In the second cxperlment. I2 non-demented PD patients were compared to matched-controls. PD patlents were more Impaired than controls when the recall movement was executed with the contralateral hand. but were not more affected by the d&q. In both experiments. HD and PD patients. as well as the controls. recalled selfgenerated preselected movements better than imposed movements. These results suggest the existence of distinct forms of motor memory impairment in some subcortical neurodegenerntive diseases.
Memory, 2004
This study explored the effects of ageing on working memory by means of the directed forgetting p... more This study explored the effects of ageing on working memory by means of the directed forgetting procedure designed by . Memory for a letter trigram was compared in conditions where it was either presented alone (single-item), or followed by a second trigram to be recalled (interference), or followed by a second trigram to be forgotten (directed forgetting). The results clearly indicated that elderly participants inhibited the no-longer-relevant information less efficiently (recall in the single-item condition 7 recall in the directed forgetting condition), as predicted by the model of . However, the results also demonstrated that sensitivity to interference (recall in the single-item condition 7 recall in the interference condition) increased in the condition in which no inhibition was directly required.

Journal of Communication Disorders, 2005
Language outcome in children experiencing fluctuant hearing loss due to otitis media (OME) remain... more Language outcome in children experiencing fluctuant hearing loss due to otitis media (OME) remains highly equivocal. In the current study, we assessed performance on highly sensitive verbal short-term memory (STM), new word learning and phonological processing tasks in 8-year-old children who had suffered from recurrent OME before the age of 3. Relative to a control group with no history of OME, we observed strictly normal performance for different STM and new word learning tasks. Performance on these tasks was also normally influenced by phonotactic, lexical and semantic variables. However, at the level of phonological processing, a small but significant decrease of performance was found in a speeded nonword identification task and a rhyme judgment task. The results of this study suggest that outcome of OME is characterized by subtle impairments at the level of perceptual-phonological analysis, but there is no significant impact on verbal STM and new word learning abilities.
Papers by Martial Van der Linden