Papers by liliana giacoponi
Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate e Storia delle arti, 2023
The article aims to investigate the so-called Goll Affair by analysing not only the impact it had... more The article aims to investigate the so-called Goll Affair by analysing not only the impact it had on the Paul Celan's life, but rather the peculiar aspects of Claire Goll's accusation of plagiarism. Celan was a victim of this on several occasions and the study investigates the impact of these accusations in French and German intellectual milieus, echoes that have left open questions among intellectuals and writers up to the threshold of the 21st century.
FUP, 2017
L'ebraismo nell'opera poetica di Heine rivela un'appartenenza che non è strettamente religiosa, m... more L'ebraismo nell'opera poetica di Heine rivela un'appartenenza che non è strettamente religiosa, ma si fa testimonianza e al contempo memoria della condizione, talvolta disumana, in cui viene costretto l'ebreo e il poeta.
LEA.Lingue e letterature d’Oriente e d’Occidente., Dec 1, 2021
Borchardt spent in Italy most of his life, in what he initially considered to be a voluntary exil... more Borchardt spent in Italy most of his life, in what he initially considered to be a voluntary exile. This article aims to investigate how his displacement affected his literary work. Moving from his close connection with German Bildung, it will focus on the emblematic alter-ego that the author seeks in Dante and Virgil, two exiled writers whose views Borchardt shares. The article discusses to what extent Borchardt’s displacement plays a significant role in his interpretation of the Aeneid and the impact his relocation in Italy produced on his own works.
Recensione a Abraham Constantin - Stendhal, Idées italiane sur quelques tableaux célèbres, Paris,... more Recensione a Abraham Constantin - Stendhal, Idées italiane sur quelques tableaux célèbres, Paris, Beaux-Arts Éditions, 2013. Édité et présenté par Sandra Teroni et Hélène de Jacquelot.
LEA : Lingue e Letterature d'Oriente e d'Occidente, 2018
In Germany Virgil’s work had long been considered a fake re-interpretation of Greek models, lacki... more In Germany Virgil’s work had long been considered a fake re-interpretation of Greek models, lacking originality and life: Virgil himself was seen as a mere servant of power. This essay explores how Borchardt sought to undermine the accepted interpretation of the author of the Aeneid . It will show that while reinterpreting Virgil’s legacy, Borchardt set out a completely new vision of his work and how this vision differs from the fascist exaltation of Virgil. It will focus on Borchardt’s inference that the Aeneid is at the same time a message from the past and a message of hope for the future. It discusses to what extent examining the present through Virgil’s work, he endeavours to escape the disruptive power of the crisis of the 1930s. Finally, it will expose how the author finds an emblematic alter-ego in the character of the exiled Aeneas.
Rivista Di Letterature Moderne E Comparate, 2017
Neue Tendenzen der Erzählforschung und die Altertumswissenschaft im Werk Rudolf Borchardts.
Rudolf Borchardts 'Pisa. Ein Versuch' (1932-1938) als Entwurf einer neuen europäischen "Mittelal... more Rudolf Borchardts 'Pisa. Ein Versuch' (1932-1938) als Entwurf einer neuen europäischen "Mittelalterlichen Altertumswissenschaft".
Gli intellettuali scrittori ebrei e il dovere della testimonianza, 2017
Certificazione scientifica delle Opere Tutti i volumi pubblicati sono soggetti ad un processo di ... more Certificazione scientifica delle Opere Tutti i volumi pubblicati sono soggetti ad un processo di referaggio esterno di cui sono responsabili il Consiglio editoriale della FUP e i Consigli scientifici delle singole collane. Le opere pubblicate nel catalogo della FUP sono valutate e approvate dal Consiglio editoriale della casa editrice. Per una descrizione più analitica del processo di referaggio si rimanda ai documenti ufficiali pubblicati sul catalogo on-line della casa editrice (
Liliana Giacoponi, 2018
In Germany Virgil's work had long been considered a fake re-interpretation of Greek models, lacki... more In Germany Virgil's work had long been considered a fake re-interpretation of Greek models, lacking originality and life: Virgil himself was seen as a mere servant of power. This essay explores how Borchardt sought to undermine the accepted interpretation of the author of the Aeneid. It will show that while reinterpreting Virgil's legacy, Borchardt set out a completely new vision of his work and how this vision differs from the fascist exaltation of Virgil. It will focus on Borchardt's inference that the Aeneid is at the same time a message from the past and a message of hope for the future. It discusses to what extent examining the present through Virgil's work, he endeavours to escape the disruptive power of the crisis of the 1930s. Finally, it will expose how the author finds an emblematic alter-ego in the character of the exiled Aeneas.
Research Projects by liliana giacoponi
by Penelope Kolovou, Efstathia Athanasopoulou, Richard Cole, Hanna Paulouskaya, Katarzyna Marciniak, Filippo Carlà-Uhink, Markus Kersten, liliana giacoponi, Tiphaine-Annabelle Besnard, Helena González Vaquerizo, Ben Earley, Shushma Malik, Edward McInnis, Liliana Dottorato, Kyriaki Athanasiadou, Gina Bevan, Peter Kotiuga, Maciej Junkiert, Rossana Zetti, and Sophie Emilia Seidler
Books by liliana giacoponi
Europa in der deutschen Literatur der Moderne (1880-1933), 2024
Il contributo mette in luce il respiro europeo della ricostruzione storico- artistica condotta da... more Il contributo mette in luce il respiro europeo della ricostruzione storico- artistica condotta da Rudolf Borchardt nell'opera del 1938 «Pisa. Ein Versuch». Inserendo la storia pisana fin dalle sue origini in un contesto europeo, l’autore sviluppa un’approfondita trattazione che origina dall’antichità greco-romana e si volge quindi agli sviluppi medievali dove vediamo congiungersi le influenze dell’antichità classica con quelle provenienti dalla Provenza e dall’Europa del Nord. Grazie all’ampio retroterra filologico e storico, l’autore mette in discussione il metodo storico e propone un nuovo sistema per lo studio del medioevo, la Mittelalterliche Altertumswissenschaft, scienza che attinga alle diverse branche del sapere: dalla storia della letteratura alla poesia, dalla storia dell’arte alla toponomastica e alla numismatica al fine di aprire nuove prospettive che conducano a una più approfondita comprensione delle principali vicende storiche europee, di cui Pisa si fa specchio. La riflessione storica oltrepassa infine la città toscana: la causa victa, suggerita da Lucano, assume i lineamenti della crisi epocale in cui vive l’autore, nel periodo fra i più drammatici della storia europea.
Liliana Giacoponi, H. Heine, 2017
Conference Presentations by liliana giacoponi
Introduction to the works of Paul Celan, one of the most eminent Poets of the twentieth century.
Papers by liliana giacoponi
Research Projects by liliana giacoponi
Books by liliana giacoponi
Conference Presentations by liliana giacoponi