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Admixture mapping requires a genomewide panel of relatively evenly spaced markers that can distinguish the ancestral origins of chromosomal segments in admixed individuals. Through use of the results of the International HapMap Project... more
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      AlgorithmsPopulation GeneticsBiological SciencesMarkov chains
We and others have identified several hundred ancestry informative markers (AIMs) with large allele frequency differences between different major ancestral groups. For this study, a panel of 199 widely distributed AIMs was used to examine... more
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      GeneticsAlgorithmsHuman GeneticsComplementary and Alternative Medicine
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      GeneticsPopulation GeneticsRheumatoid ArthritisPopulation structure
Macapá-AP, 10 julho de 2014. Nome da atividade: Definindo Métodos Definindo Métodos.
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Macapá-AP, 10 julho de 2014. Nome da atividade: Definindo Métodos Definindo Métodos.
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Corradi-Webster CM, Laprega MR, Furtado EF. Avaliação do desempenho do CAGE com pacientes psiquiátricos ambulatoriais. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem 2005 novembro-dezembro; 13(número especial):1213-8. Estudo descritivo, transversal com... more
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Investigar a relação entre consumo de álcool e problemas emocionais em gestantes, verificando se as gestantes com consumo problemático de álcool (uso nocivo ou dependência) tiveram mais problemas emocionais quando comparadas àquelas cujo... more
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      Alcohol ConsumptionHealth SystemPublic health systems and services researchPregnant Women
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      Brief PsychotherapyBrazilCounselingHarm Reduction
OBJETIVO: Investigar a relação entre consumo de álcool e problemas emocionais em gestantes, verificando se as gestantes com consumo problemático de álcool (uso nocivo ou dependência) tiveram mais problemas emocionais quando comparadas... more
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      Alcohol ConsumptionHealth SystemPublic health systems and services researchPregnant Women
e Abstract-Background: The differential diagnosis of wide QRS tachycardia is a challenge for the emergency physician. The major tool is the electrocardiogram (ECG), even though the sensitivity and specificity may be variable, depending on... more
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      Emergency MedicineRheumatoid ArthritisElectrocardiographyCase Report
Este artigo apresenta os conceitos e pressupostos básicos necessários à compreensão das Intervenções Breves (IBs), com uma revisão da literatura sobre sua efetividade e uma discussão sobre as IBs no Brasil. Os pressupostos teóricos são... more
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    • Clinical Sciences
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