Editor by Alba Rosa Suriano
Sommario 1 Profilo biografico dell'autore.-2 La produzione letteraria: racconti brevi, romanzi, d... more Sommario 1 Profilo biografico dell'autore.-2 La produzione letteraria: racconti brevi, romanzi, drammi.-3 al-Farāfīr nel contesto della produzione teatrale egiziana e la ricezione della critica.-4 Lo spazio e il tempo in al-Farāfīr.-5 I personaggi di al-Farāfīr.-6 Note sulla lingua di al-Farāfīr e sulle scelte traduttive.
Open access al link: https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni/libri/978-88-6969-254-3/
Books by Alba Rosa Suriano
La Rivista di Arablit December 2020 edited by Cristina La Rosa and Alba Rosa Suriano, 2020
Papers by Alba Rosa Suriano
... La denuncia della menzogna mediatica: l'essempio della commedia "Al-la&... more ... La denuncia della menzogna mediatica: l'essempio della commedia "Al-la'ib fi ad-dimag" nel teatro egiziano contemporaneo. Autores: Alba Rosa Suriano; Localización: La menzogna / coord. por Maria Grazia Profeti, 2008, ISBN 978-88-6055-327-0 , págs. 511-524. ...

Oriente moderno, Jun 17, 2019
Arab modernity, in theatre, is characterized by the foundational discourse that grew out of the e... more Arab modernity, in theatre, is characterized by the foundational discourse that grew out of the encounter with European theatre and culture. Traditional types of dramatic representation, some even going back to the pre-Islamic period, were largely neglected by authors and critics, between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. They preferred to overlook the influence of popular Arabic theatre and reconnect to the ‘Italian’ theatre. Egyptian playwrights imported the structure of the plays, but they adapted it to the Arabic social context and used it for their own cultural project. This study deals with the themes, the reference samples and the characters, in their relationships with the Egyptian cultural field. After a presentation of the major models in the modern Arab theatre, I will focus on Naǧīb al-Rīḥānī in order to investigate which were the paradigmatic references and characters for one of the main actor and playwright of Egyptian modernity.

Based on the Hegelian dialectic of the servant-master, this comedy represents, with the sarcasm a... more Based on the Hegelian dialectic of the servant-master, this comedy represents, with the sarcasm and irony typical of its author, a profound reflection on the relationships between human beings. Starting from the local, with a pungent criticism on the social and political condition of Egypt in the Sixties, the two protagonists Farfūr and the Master guide and involve the spectator in a consideration on humanity and on the meaning of life that reaches universality. Divided into two acts, the comedy has no precise indications about time and space, which is confused with the time of representation, also thanks to the involvement of actors who are among the spectators. Discussing each other on names, trades and interpersonal relationships, the two protagonists criticise corruption, poor management of public health, social inequalities, but also the intellectual class that fails to give answers to people’s practical needs. The division in two of human society is even more evident with the second act, when the author’s reflection moves towards the existing organisational and economic systems, dismantling the complexity and reducing them again to a mere servant-master relationship. The other characters of the play are functional to the discourse of Idrīs: wives and children, spectators-actors and especially the figure of the author, who gradually disappears and abandons his own creatures to their fate.
... La denuncia della menzogna mediatica: l'essempio della commedia "Al-la&... more ... La denuncia della menzogna mediatica: l'essempio della commedia "Al-la'ib fi ad-dimag" nel teatro egiziano contemporaneo. Autores: Alba Rosa Suriano; Localización: La menzogna / coord. por Maria Grazia Profeti, 2008, ISBN 978-88-6055-327-0 , págs. 511-524. ...
La Menzogna 2008 Isbn 978 88 6055 327 0 Pags 511 524, 2008
... La denuncia della menzogna mediatica: l'essempio della commedia "Al-la&... more ... La denuncia della menzogna mediatica: l'essempio della commedia "Al-la'ib fi ad-dimag" nel teatro egiziano contemporaneo. Autores: Alba Rosa Suriano; Localización: La menzogna / coord. por Maria Grazia Profeti, 2008, ISBN 978-88-6055-327-0 , págs. 511-524. ...

Oriente Moderno
Arab modernity, in theatre, is characterized by the foundational discourse that grew out of the e... more Arab modernity, in theatre, is characterized by the foundational discourse that grew out of the encounter with European theatre and culture. Traditional types of dramatic representation, some even going back to the pre-Islamic period, were largely neglected by authors and critics, between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. They preferred to overlook the influence of popular Arabic theatre and reconnect to the ‘Italian’ theatre. Egyptian playwrights imported the structure of the plays, but they adapted it to the Arabic social context and used it for their own cultural project. This study deals with the themes, the reference samples and the characters, in their relationships with the Egyptian cultural field. After a presentation of the major models in the modern Arab theatre, I will focus on Naǧīb al-Rīḥānī in order to investigate which were the paradigmatic references and characters for one of the main actor and playwright of Egyptian modernity.
Editor by Alba Rosa Suriano
Open access al link: https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni/libri/978-88-6969-254-3/
Books by Alba Rosa Suriano
Papers by Alba Rosa Suriano
Open access al link: https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/it/edizioni/libri/978-88-6969-254-3/