Books by Giuseppina Di Gregorio
Sin dalla prima pubblicazione nel 1936, The Study of Thomas Hardy viene considerata una delle ope... more Sin dalla prima pubblicazione nel 1936, The Study of Thomas Hardy viene considerata una delle opere più controverse della produzione lawrenciana. Nonostante infatti il piano originario prevedesse un'analisi delle opere dello scrittore tardo-vittoriano, l'opera si rivela incentrata sull'esposizione delle direttrici lungo cui si sviluppano le opere di D. H. Lawrence. Il tema 'Thomas Hardy' non rappresenta però un mero pretesto: il lavoro di ricerca condotto costituisce in realtà un momento di profonda autoanalisi, il cui risultato consiste nell'individuazione di un nuova identità, la 'Carbon Identity'. State of Soul mira ad analizzare il profondo rapporto che lega i due autori, un rapporto che di certo non può essere ridotto ad una semplice relazione tra discepolo e maestro, ma che va ben oltre: dalla lezione di Hardy, Lawrence impara il valore ed il pericolo insiti in una matafisica, ereditando i due temi principali della sua produzione letteraria, contenuti in nuce nei lavori di Hardy, ovvero la sessualità e l'inconscio. Attraverso un'attenta disamina che incorpora tanto una dimensione diacronica quanto una dimensione sincronica, questo volume vuole porre l'accento sulle affinità che legano D. H. Lawrence e T. Hardy, evidenziando come entrambi si distacchino nettamente dalla tradizione inglese, e, soprattutto, come entrambi producano delle opere d'arte quando smettono di essere autori ed iniziano ad essere 'novelists', in altre parole, quando l'inconscio guida le loro azioni.
Papers by Giuseppina Di Gregorio
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2022
According to the ELAN1 report, European firms lose a significant amount of revenue due to unsucce... more According to the ELAN1 report, European firms lose a significant amount of revenue due to unsuccessful transactions, as a result of inadequate linguistic skills and intercultural competence, reinforcing the idea that multilingualism is still perceived as a communication barrier. In Italy, small and medium firms show a marked preference for website translations, even if, as pointed out by PIMLICO research in 2011, it is not possible to define these products as multilingual websites or localised ones. Firms show a tendency to reduce investments in foreign languages and to simplify the hiring processes of employees, since they prefer to rely on external services rather than providing training courses or hire specialists. Referring to this background of references and the evidence that emerged from an online questionnaire submitted to Sicilian small and medium firms (Di Gregorio and Benzo, 2016), the aim of this paper is to investigate the choices of firms to localise websites as part o...
Giuseppina Di Gregorio, 2022
According to the ELAN 1 report, European firms lose a significant amount of revenue due to unsucc... more According to the ELAN 1 report, European firms lose a significant amount of revenue due to unsuccessful transactions, as a result of inadequate linguistic skills and intercultural competence, reinforcing the idea that multilingualism is still perceived as a communication barrier. In Italy, small and medium firms show a marked preference for website translations, even if, as pointed out by PIMLICO research in 2011, it is not possible to define these products as multilingual websites or localised ones. Firms show a tendency to reduce investments in foreign languages and to simplify the hiring processes of employees, since they prefer to rely on external services rather than providing training courses or hire specialists. Referring to this background of references and the evidence that emerged from an online questionnaire submitted to Sicilian small and medium firms (Di Gregorio and Benzo, 2016), the aim of this paper is to investigate the choices of firms to localise websites as part of a comprehensive linguistic policy.
Choice Reviews Online
Declaring His Genius: Oscar Wilde in North America by Jr., Roy Morris Free PDF d0wnl0ad, audio bo... more Declaring His Genius: Oscar Wilde in North America by Jr., Roy Morris Free PDF d0wnl0ad, audio books, books to read, good books to read, cheap books, good books, online books, books online, book reviews epub, read books online, books to read online, online library, greatbooks to read, PDF best books to read, top books to read Declaring His Genius: Oscar Wilde in North America by Jr., Roy Morris books to read online.
Irish Studies Review, 2012
of the invasion of Ireland (92). When his shrine was dismantled in 1538 it took twenty-six carts ... more of the invasion of Ireland (92). When his shrine was dismantled in 1538 it took twenty-six carts to remove the ex-voto offerings left by pilgrims (99). Máire Herbert reminds us that the writings of Gregory the Great were known in Ireland by the 630s; later in the fourteenth century in Proigept Grigóir and in Betha Grigóra many of the wonder-working miracles or virtues are recounted. Not to be outdone, the homily in the Yellow Book of Leacan argued that he was in fact Irish; after his death his coffin floated on the Tiber and came ashore on the Aran Islands (188). Finally and, I feel, fittingly, father and son, Éamonn and Tomás Ó Carragáin, quote O’Reilly’s contention that scholarship is ill served by blind adherence to nineteenth-century positivism (204) or a ‘romantic primitivist model’ (215) that would devalue spirituality itself or the potential for interpretation in such narratives if viewed without the uninspiring orthodoxies of yesteryear’s modernity.
Annali della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione Università degli Studi di Catania, 2020
Nel corso degli ultimi decenni, la ricerca su ELT si e concentrata sul ruolo delle nuove tecnolog... more Nel corso degli ultimi decenni, la ricerca su ELT si e concentrata sul ruolo delle nuove tecnologie nell’apprendimento, considerando tutte le forme di social media, cartoni animati e video giochi, in quanto tali materiali possono mantenere alti i livelli di interesse, sostenendo cosi la motivazione. In particolare, i cartoni presentano una combinazione di linguaggio verbale e non verbale, offrendo la possibilita di sviluppare diversi livelli di analisi, favorendo sia un approccio linguistico sia uno culturale. Gli effetti positivi dei cartoni sull’apprendimento sono stati comprovati da diverse ricerche, ma questo contesto di riferimenti deve essere ridefinito se si prende in considerazione l’apprendimento in eta prescolare. Al fine di analizzare un apprendimento che e sia formale sia informale, la presente ricerca considerera gli effetti che diverse tipologie di cartoni hanno sull’apprendimento della lingua inglese per la valutazione delle abilita di speaking, la conoscenza del less...
International Journal of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication, 2016
Business English and Business French:a comparative analysis of teaching strategies and firms' needs.
The Study of Thomas Hardy is one of the most misunderstood lawrencian works. The theme 'Thomas Ha... more The Study of Thomas Hardy is one of the most misunderstood lawrencian works. The theme 'Thomas Hardy' is not a mere pretext that the writer uses to talk about his metaphysics and aesthetics -as many critics have claimed: Lawrence writes on Hardy in order to understand himself. A subtle analysis of the 'Wessex novels' helps him to name the new subject he wants to describe, the unconscious. In the famous Carbon identity letter, D. H. Lawrence detects a chemical element that is more valuable than the diamond itself, because it represents the true nature of human beings, something that underlies all our actions and feelings, something that is "non-human, in humanity": an unrecognizable ego. According to Virginia Woolf, there is "a little blur of unconsciousness" in Hardy's Novel, as if the author "himself were not aware of what he did […] he left for his readers to make out his full meaning and to supplement it from their own experience". From Hardy's lesson, Lawrence learns the worth and the danger of metaphysics, inheriting the two great themes of his literary production, sex and unconscious. The bound that ties Lawrence and Hardy is deeper than a simple relation between master and disciple is: both of them break with the tradition and produce better works when unconscious drives their actions. The aim of this paper is to analyze their relationship, in order to understand how much Lawrence is indebted to Hardy and to shed new light on Hardy's novels in order to appreciate the writer's "state of soul".
Book Reviews by Giuseppina Di Gregorio
Thesis by Giuseppina Di Gregorio
The aim of this study is to describe the role of historical characters in postmodern novels, with... more The aim of this study is to describe the role of historical characters in postmodern novels, with specific attention to the new genre of neo-victorian novel. Through an extensive analysis of Christopher Priest's "The Prestige" and Peter Ackroyd's "Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem", it is possible to state that historical characters no longer have a merely supporting function, as described by Gyorgy Lukacs. Both Priest and Ackroyd 'speak in the voices' of famous historical personages, as true ventriloquists, thus creating a syncretism between past and present tensions, in order to re-write a postmodern identity.
Conference Presentations by Giuseppina Di Gregorio
Books by Giuseppina Di Gregorio
Papers by Giuseppina Di Gregorio
Book Reviews by Giuseppina Di Gregorio
Thesis by Giuseppina Di Gregorio
Conference Presentations by Giuseppina Di Gregorio