Papers by Edoardo Raimondi
Il rapporto tra soggetto, sostanza e natura nella Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel, in Materialismo Storico, 1, XVI – E-ISSN 2531-9582, 2024
The aim of my essay is to show how Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit was able to propose, since the... more The aim of my essay is to show how Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit was able to propose, since the dawn of the nineteenth century and in the light of Kant’s “Copernican revolution”, a rereading of the notions of Subject, Substance and Nature in a dialectical-relational sense, that is functional at the same time to overcome dogmatic visions of man and the world of an essentialist, reductionist and creationist nature. To this end, I will divide my contribution into three parts. In the first introductory paragraph, we will see how for the Hegel of the Phe-nomenology the dialectical and immanent relationship between Self and Other-than-self could certainly not be reduced to some form of metaphysical or onto-logical dualism. Thereby, in the second part it will be clarified how only through the experience of conscience is it possible to understand how the Spirit – the true Subject of the entire movement in progress – can free itself from its own Entfremdung, so as to reach Entäußerung – the recognition and re-appropria-tion of true effective substantiality of the Self and the Other-then-Self (which therefore will disappear as absolute otherness). Finally, in the last paragraph, we will briefly see how the still metaphysical-speculative outcomes of the Hegelian system, set out in definitive form in the 1830s Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences, do not prevent us from using today some Hegelian categories to criti-cally grasp the nature of our present.
Globalization and Politics from Alexandre Kojève to Eric Weil, in Tyrants at Work. Philosophy and Politics in Alexandre Kojève, ed. by Marco Filoni and Massimo Palma, ETS, Pisa 2024, pp. 75-86, ISBN: 978-884676974-9; ISSN: 2420-9198., 2024
Time is a Tyrant En guise d'introduction (again) «Simonides the poet came once upon a time to Hie... more Time is a Tyrant En guise d'introduction (again) «Simonides the poet came once upon a time to Hiero the tyrant. After both had found leisure, Simonides said…». This is how the dialogue Hiero or Tyrannicus by Xenophon begins, with a famous expression. Starting from this dialogue, between 1948 and 1954, Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojève engage in a polite but clear dispute. From this opening, a fact emerges. Both the poet and the tyrant work. It is only in a rare moment of scholè, of leisure time, that Simonides and Hiero have the time and opportunity to engage, to discuss wisdom and power, philosophy and politics. This time, this opportunity, is what allowed a bunch of scholars to meet in Rome in May 2023 at Link University and discuss Alexandre Kojève for two days. They delved into the many facets of his philosophical discourse, the unsaid and implications of his political thought, his actions, strategies, and practical performances. Meanwhile, unfortunately, many tyrants were at work-and so did the masters of war. This volume collects, revised and reworked, the contributions from those two days in May. At the heart of it all is a precise and shared intention: to restore the depth and contradictions-theoretical and biographical, political and speculative-of an author who encapsulates the substance and surface of the twentieth century. An author who wrote a lot but published very little. A philosopher who was a bureaucrat, a partisan who became a Vichy advisor, stimulating and being influenced by some of the best minds of his century, not shying away from the worst. A thinker who staunchly defended the idea that both Simonides and Hiero, the tyrant and his advisor, should work. Perhaps because in the end there was a space similar to that of the beginning: a time freed from labour, a realm of freedom from being tyrannized by work. But if everything in Kojève is complicated, this thought of an ultimately non-tyrannical and not even human end is even more so. An idea, among other things, generated on Sundays, the only day when the functionary Alexandre Kojève did not work. And he wrote books destined for posthumous discoveries, as well as directing action. Kojève signed only two books with his name on the cover in his lifetime: one is very famous-the Hegelian seminar of the Thirties, compiled by Raymond Queneau-, the other one appeared just before he died-the beginning of a historiographical project on pagan philosophy. Alongside some articles, some reviews which were published in very different places, and many working notes known only to insiders, there are thousands of pages destined for oblivion or research. And research, after so much Kojèvian mythology, has recently opened Preface up. Many have begun to delve into archives, translate unpublished works, and seek new sources. Many of the contributions in this book start from this need: to study the entire corpus of Kojève, combining hermeneutical and philological approaches, reconstructing the biographical path with an investigation of intellectual alliances and hostilities. It is necessary to read the unpublished works (especially the long manuscript known so far as Sofia) together with the posthumous treaties, the passages from the always cited Introduction to the Reading of Hegel with administrative documents. To reveal inconsistencies along with obsessions. The result is an even more complicated profile, a crystal of twentieth-century history, a crossroads between East and West at the height of totalitarianism and the Cold War, when a man floated wisely on the surface of the Iron Curtain, perhaps protected, perhaps very clever, certainly in control of what he could say, what he could make understood. At the border between public writing and private provocation. The volume is divided into two sections: the first, Wisdom Doesn't Work. Philosophy and Idleness, contains contributions on the metaphysical perspective of wisdom, idleness, and the humour that characterizes it. The second, Working for Tyrants. Politics and Thinking Politics, brings together essays on Kojève's political thought and action, his political friendships and enmities. The reader will find essays in English, in French, some quotations in German, titles in Russian or Hebrew. Kojève was a man who spoke and thought in many languages-there is no need to reduce his reception to a single one. Our thanks go to all those who participated for their scientific and personal contribution. Ce n'est qu'un début.
A filosofia entre a violência e a busca de sentido: o kantismo pós-hegeliano de Eric Weil, in Sobre a(s) violência(s). Análises, formas, críticas, Editora Fundação Fênix, Porto Alegre, 2023, pp. 151-178, 2023
Alexandre Kojève: dalla Russia rivoluzionaria alle lezioni sulla Fenomenologia dello spirito, in La Rivoluzione d'ottobre e il pensiero di Hegel, a cura di E. Alessandroni, 2022
Intento del mio contributo è mostrare in che termini Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968) abbia voluto tr... more Intento del mio contributo è mostrare in che termini Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968) abbia voluto tracciare una linea di continuità, strettamente concettuale, tra gli esiti della rivoluzione francese e quelli della rivoluzione d’ottobre – il tutto servendosi di determinate pagine del VI capitolo della Phänomenologie des Geistes, commentata interamente nella sua Introduction à la lecture de Hegel. La famosa recezione di Kojève fu così di certo influenzata dalla sua formazione culturale originaria: quella che il giovane moscovita – invero Aleksandr Kožévnikov – acquisì durante la sua adolescenza in Russia, agli albori della rivoluzione d’ottobre. A partire da qui si vedrà, quindi, quale significato il filosofo russo attribuì al VI capitolo dell’opera e in particolare alla sezione Die absolute Freiheit und der Schrecken, punto cruciale in virtù del quale emergerà chiaramente il nesso kojèveianamente inteso fra rivoluzione francese/Stato napoleonico e rivoluzione russa/Stato stalinista-sovietico. Se ne trarranno conseguenze importanti anche per quel che riguarda il rapporto tra filosofia e politica all’ombra della fine della storia, ben nota nello Hegel-Kojève. Il russo, dunque, non mancherà di accusare di astrattezza teorica quegli intellettuali rimasti essenzialmente borghesi – di cui Hegel avrebbe parlato specialmente nel capitolo V della Phänomenologie – che non a caso enfatizzarono, nel corso della prima metà del Novecento, il concetto di rivoluzione permanente.
Kojève e l'operaismo italiano: delle ipotesi introduttive, in Sul Marx in Italia, a cura di C. Tuozzolo, 2022
È possibile stringere un legame tra l’operaismo di Hardt e di Negri con l’hegelismo decisamente e... more È possibile stringere un legame tra l’operaismo di Hardt e di Negri con l’hegelismo decisamente eterodosso di Alexandre Kojève? Questa la domanda fondamentale sottesa al presente contributo, ispirata soprattutto da alcune tematiche sviluppate nel saggio L’Impero e i volumi mancanti del Capitale secondo Michael Hardt e Antonio Negri di Giuseppe Antonio Di Marco, raccolto nel II tomo di Marx in Italia. Ricerche nel bicentenario della nascita di Karl Marx1. Leggendo alcuni passi dei celebri seminari kojèveiani sulla Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel, tenuti dal 1933 al 1939 in un’aula dell’École Pratique d’Hautes Études, infatti, credo si possa intravedere una certa anticipazione di alcune posizioni fondamentali dell’operaismo italiano sorto a cavallo degli anni Sessanta, soprattutto lì dove Kojève già ricomprendeva, a un tempo, i fondamenti teoretici e del pensiero hegeliano e di quello marxiano in un’ottica sostanzialmente dualistica e soggettivistica. Il comprovato tentativo kojèveiano di instaurare un “hegelo-marxismo” decisamente eterodosso, finì così per stravolgere tanto la natura della “dialettica” quanto quella della “negazione determinata”, dando vita a un commento che si allontanava di gran lunga dal vero pensiero di Hegel (e di Marx). La lezione kojèveiana, dunque, sembrerebbe oggi maggiormente funzionale a comprendere anche la ragion d’essere fondamentale delle posizioni teoriche e pratiche di un operaismo italiano rimasto sospeso, proprio al pari di Kojève, tra “modernità” e “postmodernità”.
Hegel luterano e illuminista, vero maestro di Marx, in Paradigmi , 2022
Hegel Lutheran and Illuminist, True Master of Marx. The Critical Reading of Eric Weil The aim of ... more Hegel Lutheran and Illuminist, True Master of Marx. The Critical Reading of Eric Weil The aim of this paper is to show how Eric Weil's Hegelian readings bring out both the Protestant and Enlightenment roots of the Hegelian theory of the State and what concrete link exists between Hegel and Marx. This interpretation is in clear discontinuity with both the dominant exegetical vulgates in his time-first of all, the reactionary and the Marxist orthodox one-and the results of the pseudo-Marxist reading of Hegel proposed by Alexandre Kojève.
Hegel, Kojève e l'idea di un impero latino-europeo, in Archivio di Filosofia, 2022
The aim of my contribution is to show how Alexandre Kojève, with his Esquisse d’une doctrine de l... more The aim of my contribution is to show how Alexandre Kojève, with his Esquisse d’une doctrine de la politique française written in 1945, tried to lay the foundations for the construction of a ‘Latin-European’ union, that was radically alternative to the two main world powers leaders of the Cold War : the Soviet and the ‘Anglo-American’. To this end, I’ll divide my contribution into two parts. In the first, we’ll see how Kojève’s very particular Hegelianism, as well as his considerations of Stalinism and the Vichy regime, played a considerable impact on the notion of ‘Empire’, a key concept of the Esquisse. In the second, I’ll analyze the Kojèveian project of the so-called ‘Latin Empire’, as it is thematized in the Esquisse, that opened the way for an unprecedented and original idea of ‘Europe’.
Propaganda, verità e mass media: uno studio weiliano, in In Circolo, 2022
The aim of my article is to show how Eric Weil (1904-1977) tried to problematize the relationship... more The aim of my article is to show how Eric Weil (1904-1977) tried to problematize the relationship between propaganda, truth, mass media and modern democracy. I shall focus on his essay Propagande, vérité and mass media, first published in 1953. To this end, I will divide my article into two parts. In the first one, we will see that the objects of the Weilian analysis are two fundamental questions that effectively marked the postwar Europe, namely violence in history and the revolt of the particular individual against a systematic and all-encompassing conception of "truth". From here, it will be clarified the reason why understanding the nature of the relationship between "propaganda" and "mass media", in the context of modern Western democracies, reveals itself as one of the necessary conditions for grasping the structural link between "fact", "value" and ways of interpreting reality. In the second part, we will see to what extent the dissolution of a notion of universally acceptable and yet historically situated "truth" can in turn undermine the very concept of modern democracy.
Marxismo e democrazia moderna. Un riflessione weiliana, in Materialismo storico, 2022
The aim of my essay is to show how Eric Weil, in the early 1950s, conceived the concept of modern... more The aim of my essay is to show how Eric Weil, in the early 1950s, conceived the concept of modern democracy as a historical product resulting from the con-flictual interaction between Liberalism and Marxism. To this end, I’ll divide my essay into two parts. In the first one, we’ll see how Weil defined the modern paradigm of democracy in general terms. In the second part, however, we’ll try to understand why the Liberal democratic model (formal democracy) needs to take account of the Marxist democratic one (popular democracy). Finally, all of this will be useful for briefly outlining the fundamental characteristics of our current political systems.
O artigo visa mostrar como Eric Weil (1904-1977) repensou a famosa tese do “fim da história”, ela... more O artigo visa mostrar como Eric Weil (1904-1977) repensou a famosa tese do “fim da história”, elaborada por Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968) desde os anos de 1930, propondo uma nova versão de caráter essencial-mente “kantiano pós-hegeliano”: um elemento teórico fundamental do inter histórico-filosófico weiliano, que emergiria claramente dos estudos específicos sobre Kant aos quais Weil se dedicou de modo pontual a partir da década de 1960. Veremos, portanto, como as reviravoltas “práticas” dessa nova compreensão tenham de fato indicado a estrada para a constituição de uma nova filosofia política, eminentemente crítica e antidogmática.
Itinerari, I, 2019. Lo sguardo di Calibano. Studi per una semeiotica post-coloniale (Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2020), 2019
The aim of this contribution is to show the complementarity of Frantz Fanon’s and Jean Paul Sartr... more The aim of this contribution is to show the complementarity of Frantz Fanon’s and Jean Paul Sartre’s theories, by considering the colonial reality of their time. The paper is divided into two parts: in the first, I examine Sartre’s preface to Le damnés de la terre (1961) by relating it to the content of L’existentialisme est un humanisme (1946); in the second, I highlight the relations between Fanon’s and Sartre’s theories.
Dianoia - rivista di filosofia, n. 28, 2019
With this contribution I propose to rediscover the value of Weilian political and moral the thoug... more With this contribution I propose to rediscover the value of Weilian political and moral the thought. To this end, I will divide my essay in two parts: the first, in which I will refer to the re-interpretation of Aristotelian thought developed by the author; a second in which I will try to highlight those characteristics of modern society that Weil always kept in mind, through original reconciliation of Kantian and Hegelian thought. The issue is that the author did not cease to make dialogue with those of the ancient world: the Weilian thought, then, cannot no open itself to an essentially meta-philosophical perspective.
In Materialismo storico, I, 2018
Materialismo Storico, n° 1/2018 (vol. IV)
Eric Weil: la storia come problema filosofico Edoardo ... more Materialismo Storico, n° 1/2018 (vol. IV)
Eric Weil: la storia come problema filosofico Edoardo Raimondi (Università di Urbino)
The aim of my contribution is to show how Eric Weil (1904-1977) tried to re-propose a systematic thought capable of problematizing the relationship between history and philosophy, reality and discourse, particularity and universality. In the first part I'll analyze the essential structure of Weil's most significant work, the Logique de la philosophie; in the second one, I'll present the essential contents of De l'intérêt que l'on prend a l'histoire-a text where was already problematized the relationship between the universality of the historical-philosophical discourse and concrete particularity. Finally in the third and last part through analyzing Valeur et dignité du récit historiographique, we will see how Weil gave essential importance to the positive function of historical narratives, inexhaustible sources of meaningful images for the philosopical discourse.
The intent of my article is to show how Hegel's Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts sets the c... more The intent of my article is to show how Hegel's Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts sets the concept of identity as not separable from that of relationship. The key terms connected to these two concepts will be those of recognition and dialectic. All this will be made clear through an analysis of the condition of civil society and of that struggle for self-recognition, which the author has constantly referred to within the fourth chapter of the Phänomenologie des Geistes. Only with the dimension of concrete struggle, and that of real and objective contradiction within modern society, can the concept of identity be discovered in its unambiguous and non-abstract form. The dialectic of the world history will remain a decisive factor: the ethical identity embodied by the State (which preserves and promotes the moment of difference) must be reaffirmed outside and beyond of Itself.
Potenza ed eclissi di un sistema. Hegel e i fondamenti della trasformazione (Mimesis, Milano-Udin... more Potenza ed eclissi di un sistema. Hegel e i fondamenti della trasformazione (Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2016) è forse uno dei tentativi più audaci, apparso negli ultimi tempi, di restituire il pensiero di un Hegel ben distante da quelle interpretazioni canoniche, e dal sapore dogmatico, che nell'arco di decenni -a ben vedernon ne avrebbero saputo restituire il giusto significato ed il giusto valore. Ché ripercorrendo tutto il sistema hegeliano -attraversando anche gli scritti giovanili dell'autore tedesco -Emiliano Alessandroni, con un'analisi attenta dei testi, in primis della Wissenschaft der Logik e della Phänomenologie des Geistes, porta alla luce come la lezione hegeliana possa non solo essere considerata essenziale per la comprensione del nostro tempo, tornando così a farsi artefice di un discorso coerente su cosa possa andare a significare per noi la trasformazione nella storia, ma soprattutto contribuire al risveglio del concetto stesso di critica -questione a cui è dedicato l'intero capitolo III del libro. Tornando a rischiarare, questo è certo, il significato fondamentale della "contraddizione oggettiva", motore e molla del divenire determinato che non farebbe altro che dispiegarsi in strutture processuali, materiali e culturali insieme, essenzialmente dialettiche e storiche, pur sempre sottese all'essere che si scopre prettamente sociale (ciò che non può far altro che manifestarsi, nella sua significatività e nella sua determinatezza, in e attraverso un linguaggio che sa comprendere se stesso).
Una ricomprensione della III Critica di Kant e la Fenomenologia dello Spirito di Hegel. Due opere... more Una ricomprensione della III Critica di Kant e la Fenomenologia dello Spirito di Hegel. Due opere che continuano a dialogare, nella prospettiva weiliana.
Poesia e Filosofia nella Logica della Filosofia di Eric Weil. Contributo all'interno della rivist... more Poesia e Filosofia nella Logica della Filosofia di Eric Weil. Contributo all'interno della rivista Odradek.
Books by Edoardo Raimondi
Ed. brasiliana di Hegel tra Alexandre Kojève ed Eric Weil. Storia, filosofia e politica all’ombra del Sapere assoluto, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 2022, ISBN: 9788857597850. E. Raimondi, Hegel entre Alexandre Kojève e Eric Weil. História, filosofia e política à sombra do Saber Absoluto, tr. port. di J..., 2023
As interpretações hegelianas de Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968) e de Eric Weil (1904-1977) são filha... more As interpretações hegelianas de Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968) e de Eric Weil (1904-1977) são filhas de seu tempo, profundamente influenciadas pelas questões históricas e políticas da época em que foram concebidas. Hoje, colocá-las em confronto, traçando outa vez suas semelhanças e diferenças fundamentais, é útil por pelo menos duas razões principais: reler com lentes novas e com um maior desprendimento crítico os debates filosóficos e políticos de uma precisa fase histórica do século XX, na França e na Europa; e demonstrar como esses dois autores específicos, que acabaram por adotar perspectivas eminentemente pós-hegelianas, propuseram, de fato, dois modos distintos de compreender a relação entre filosofia e realidade, que se puseram emblematicamente nos antípodas, embora ambos surgidos à luz da crise da modernidade.
(Da Introdução)
È ancora possibile comprendere con Hegel la ragion d’essere fondamentale della storia, della filo... more È ancora possibile comprendere con Hegel la ragion d’essere fondamentale della storia, della filosofia e della politica? Queste le domande fondamentali sottese alle interpretazioni hegeliane di Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968) e di Eric Weil (1904-1977), sorte a partire dal contesto storico e filosofico della francese Hegel renaissance. Mettendo in luce analogie e differenze di questi due hegelismi decisamente “eterodossi”, più o meno influenzati dal pensiero di Marx, questo volume intende non solo proporne un confronto esaustivo e originale, ma anche leggere con nuove lenti le principali questioni filosofiche e politiche che segnarono tutta la società europea del secondo dopoguerra, in primis quella della violenza nella storia: il tema essenziale che spingerà Kojève e Weil a considerare in modo sostanzialmente differente gli esiti teorici e pratici del pensiero di Hegel e del suo Sapere assoluto (Mimesis edizioni).
Papers by Edoardo Raimondi
Eric Weil: la storia come problema filosofico Edoardo Raimondi (Università di Urbino)
The aim of my contribution is to show how Eric Weil (1904-1977) tried to re-propose a systematic thought capable of problematizing the relationship between history and philosophy, reality and discourse, particularity and universality. In the first part I'll analyze the essential structure of Weil's most significant work, the Logique de la philosophie; in the second one, I'll present the essential contents of De l'intérêt que l'on prend a l'histoire-a text where was already problematized the relationship between the universality of the historical-philosophical discourse and concrete particularity. Finally in the third and last part through analyzing Valeur et dignité du récit historiographique, we will see how Weil gave essential importance to the positive function of historical narratives, inexhaustible sources of meaningful images for the philosopical discourse.
Books by Edoardo Raimondi
(Da Introdução)
Eric Weil: la storia come problema filosofico Edoardo Raimondi (Università di Urbino)
The aim of my contribution is to show how Eric Weil (1904-1977) tried to re-propose a systematic thought capable of problematizing the relationship between history and philosophy, reality and discourse, particularity and universality. In the first part I'll analyze the essential structure of Weil's most significant work, the Logique de la philosophie; in the second one, I'll present the essential contents of De l'intérêt que l'on prend a l'histoire-a text where was already problematized the relationship between the universality of the historical-philosophical discourse and concrete particularity. Finally in the third and last part through analyzing Valeur et dignité du récit historiographique, we will see how Weil gave essential importance to the positive function of historical narratives, inexhaustible sources of meaningful images for the philosopical discourse.
(Da Introdução)
Casa Editrice Rocco Carabba srl, ISBN: 978-88-6344-529-9
"I contributi qui raccolti rappresentano una prima parte dei lavori (alla quale seguirà un secondo e conclusivo volume) presentati nelle sedute del primo ciclo di incontri seminariali svoltosi presso l’Università “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara nel 2017, organizzato dal Seminario Permanente di Cultura Politica (SPCP) attivato parallelamente ai corsi magistrali di Storia della Filosofia Antica e Medievale. Tale ciclo seminariale è stato incentrato sulla critica filosofica alle strategie di dominio messe in campo nel mondo antico dalla politica attiva. Così, di fronte alla tentazione degli studenti di tradurre tali movenze in termini vicini alla modernità, si è voluto offrire un corretto corrispettivo moderno e contemporaneo alle considerazioni che si potevano trarre durante le lezioni nel confronto con le tesi di Tucidide, Platone, Aristofane ed Aristotele, relativamente alla natura del potere e alla sua capacità di consolidarsi nella misura in cui venisse assicurata la gestione da parte di meno mani possibili. In effetti, già nel mondo antico aveva preso consistenza, sia in chi lo teorizzava sia in chi lo paventava, la considerazione machiavellica che il potere tanto più si affermi quanto più escluda da una parte l’avvicendamento nelle cariche, dall’altra ogni controllo che provenga da una partecipazione allargata".
Giulio A. Lucchetta
In questo volume i contributi di: Giulio A. Lucchetta, Elena Irrera, Giorgio Grimaldi,Edoardo Raimondi, Giovanni Scarsi,Luca Di Meco, Virgilio Cesarone.
The aim of my essay is to show how Judith Butler has attempted to reevaluate the role of the “body” within Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, especially through studies and still-open research such as those set forth first in Subjects of Desire. Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France (1999) and then in Sois mon corps (2010), the latter a short but dense collection of texts written four hands together with Catherine Malabou. To this end, I will divide my essay into three parts. In the first, I will show what is the Hegelian interpretive context presupposed by Butler, characterized by a certain French exegetical tradition that took its start from the works of Alexandre Kojève. In the second part, then, I will attempt to analyze some sections of the Phenomenology of Spirit taken up by Butler herself, to verify how central in Hegel such concepts as those of “life”, “relationality” and “fluidity” are actually. Finally, in the third and final part, I will attempt to show how far the Hegelian reading put forth by the author sought to reveal the essentially anti-theological nature of Hegel’s system, while still questioning its most problematic outcomes.