Books by antonio valassina

Riassunto – In Italia, l'approccio al problema dell'inquinamento idrico è tendenzialmente " ridut... more Riassunto – In Italia, l'approccio al problema dell'inquinamento idrico è tendenzialmente " riduttivo " , nel senso che oggetto di indagine/intervento è il territorio nel quale è ubicata la sorgente emissiva come nel caso dei Sin, siti di interesse nazionale. Tuttavia, nel caso delle matrici idriche, per loro natura non " circoscrivibili " , gli inquinanti tendono a dif-fondersi nelle aree interessate dal percorso delle acque, producendo effetti su ambiente e salute anche al di fuori dei limiti dei territori inquinati. pertanto, si ritiene fondamentale definire metodologie di ricerca e di analisi per la costruzione di un quadro geografico ed epidemiologico delle principali fonti di contaminazione e dei corpi idrici interessati da inquinamento con potenziale rilevanza eziologica ed evidente rilevanza sociale. l'obiet-tivo che ci si pone è triplice: rispondere alla domanda sociale, individuare i territori e le popolazioni a rischio, predisporre interventi a garanzia della qualità dell'acqua e della salute. Al riguardo si propone la ricerca-azione come chiave metodologica per coinvolgere la popolazione e far emergere il legame fra l'evidente rilevanza sociale e le malattie come criterio principale e linea guida per individuare e localizzare i casi che costituiranno il quadro geografico su menzionato.
Abstract – In Italy, institutions have generally taken a " reductive " approach to the problem of polluted water, because the object of investigation/action is usually the territory where polluting sources are located, such as the case of Sin (places of national interest). however, polluting substances don't know borders and because their water medium is not " confined " , they disperse throughout zones crossed by contaminated waters. This can seriously impact the environment and health of people who live beyond these territories containing the polluting sources, too. Thus, we think it is fundamental to define research and analysis’ methodologies to elaborate a geographical and an epidemiological frame
concerning main polluting sources and contaminated waters with potential etiologic and
evident social significance. The aim is to reply to social requests, to individualize territories
and populations threatened by pollution and to act to grant water quality and health. We
propose the action-research as the key-methodology to engage people and show the link
between evident social significance and disease as the main criterion and guideline to locate
and pinpoint the cases forming the above-mentioned frame.
Capitolo pubblicato nel libro:
G. De Santis (a cura di), Gestione della salute,
Edizioni Guerra Edel srl, Perugia, 2015, pp. 123-132 ISBN 978-88-557-0553-0
Papers by antonio valassina

PubMed, Aug 27, 1998
Spinal cord compressions as a result of metastases are of considerable importance with regard to ... more Spinal cord compressions as a result of metastases are of considerable importance with regard to the quality of life and life expectancy of the cancer patient. Although surgical treatment has contributed to a considerable improvement in the life conditions of these patients, some questions still exist, particularly with regard to the choice of the time to operate. Thus, a total of 91 patients submitted to decompression were studied, taking into consideration different factors such as anatomo-radiographic findings, temporal parameters regarding occurrence of compression, and relative neurologic findings. Compression was incomplete in 44% of cases, complete in 45%, and complete with vertebral collapse in only 11%. Furthermore, it was observed that the group with partial compression included the lowest percentage of patients who resumed walking (57.5%), as compared to those with complete block (65.85%), or complete block associated with vertebral collapse (70%). This contradiction is confirmed by the observation that the resumption of walking was longer in cases with total block as compared to those with partial block. These results, apparently paradoxical ones, may be explained on the basis of the different duration of compression in the two groups. In fact, if we analyze the data relative to the interval of time between the occurrence of neurologic symptoms and surgery, we observed that patients with partial block were those in which surgical indications were made a longer period of time after the onset of symptoms. Surgical indications must be made at the first sign of deficit, regardless of the degree of compression present in the radiologic documentation, in order to avoid the transformation of reversible functional medullary changes into irreversible structural lesions.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 1997
Studies in health technology and informatics, 1997

La Chirurgia degli organi di movimento, 1998
Spinal cord compressions as a result of metastases are of considerable importance with regard to ... more Spinal cord compressions as a result of metastases are of considerable importance with regard to the quality of life and life expectancy of the cancer patient. Although surgical treatment has contributed to a considerable improvement in the life conditions of these patients, some questions still exist, particularly with regard to the choice of the time to operate. Thus, a total of 91 patients submitted to decompression were studied, taking into consideration different factors such as anatomo-radiographic findings, temporal parameters regarding occurrence of compression, and relative neurologic findings. Compression was incomplete in 44% of cases, complete in 45%, and complete with vertebral collapse in only 11%. Furthermore, it was observed that the group with partial compression included the lowest percentage of patients who resumed walking (57.5%), as compared to those with complete block (65.85%), or complete block associated with vertebral collapse (70%). This contradiction is c...
Studies in health technology and informatics, 1997
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 1996
Because of the increasing incidence of tuberculosis consequent on the increasing number of patien... more Because of the increasing incidence of tuberculosis consequent on the increasing number of patients with drug-related or HIV-induced immunosuppression, the problems of the invasive or noninvasive treatment of osteoarticular tuberculosis have come up again. While the approach aimed at the elimination of infectious foci with an adequate combination of medical therapy with a conservative treatment or surgery is still valid, the advanced technology of osteosynthesis systems and prosthetic replacement for spinal, hip and knee involvement respectively, with suitable indications, affords new solutions of surgical technique. The objective is to achieve surgical procedures that preserve at best the physiology of locomotor apparatus.
Archivio "Putti" di chirurgia degli organi di movimento, 1982
Archivio "Putti" di chirurgia degli organi di movimento, 1986

BackgroundCostello syndrome (CS) and cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (CFCS) belong to the RASopat... more BackgroundCostello syndrome (CS) and cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (CFCS) belong to the RASopathies, a group of neurodevelopmental disorders with skeletal anomalies. Due to their rarity, the characterization of the musculo-skeletal phenotype in both disorders has been poorly characterized.Patients and methodsHerein we reported data on orthopedic findings and functional status of a large sample of CS and CFCS patients. Thirty-four patients (CS=17 and CFCS=17) were recruited. Functional and disability evaluations were performed by assessing the 6-minute walking test (6MWT) and Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument (PODCI). Genotype/phenotype correlation was also provided.ResultsOrthopedic manifestations are highly prevalent in CS and CFCS and overlap in the two disorders. Overall, patients with CS harboring the recurrent HRAS Gly12Ser substitution show a more severe skeletal phenotype compared to patients carrying the Gly12Ala and Gly13Cys variants. Among CFCS patients, thos...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Musculo-skeletal items evaluated in our sample.
Poster: "ECR 2015 / C-2378 / The pelvic trauma: what orthopedics want to know and radiologis... more Poster: "ECR 2015 / C-2378 / The pelvic trauma: what orthopedics want to know and radiologists must learn to describe" by: "M. Falcione, A. Pierro, A. Paladini, A. Valassina, F. M. Danza, L. Bonomo; Rome/IT"

BackgroundCostello syndrome (CS) and cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (CFCS) belong to the RASopat... more BackgroundCostello syndrome (CS) and cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (CFCS) belong to the RASopathies, a group of neurodevelopmental disorders with skeletal anomalies. Due to their rarity, the characterization of the musculo-skeletal phenotype in both disorders has been poorly characterized.Patients and methodsHerein we reported data on orthopedic findings and functional status of a large sample of CS and CFCS patients. Thirty-four patients (CS=17 and CFCS=17) were recruited. Functional and disability evaluations were performed by assessing the 6-minute walking test (6MWT) and Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument (PODCI). Genotype/phenotype correlation was also provided.ResultsOrthopedic manifestations are highly prevalent in CS and CFCS and overlap in the two disorders. Overall, patients with CS harboring the recurrent HRAS Gly12Ser substitution show a more severe skeletal phenotype compared to patients carrying the Gly12Ala and Gly13Cys variants. Among CFCS patients, thos...
Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica
World Journal of Orthopedics, 2017
World Journal of Orthopedics, 2017
Books by antonio valassina
Abstract – In Italy, institutions have generally taken a " reductive " approach to the problem of polluted water, because the object of investigation/action is usually the territory where polluting sources are located, such as the case of Sin (places of national interest). however, polluting substances don't know borders and because their water medium is not " confined " , they disperse throughout zones crossed by contaminated waters. This can seriously impact the environment and health of people who live beyond these territories containing the polluting sources, too. Thus, we think it is fundamental to define research and analysis’ methodologies to elaborate a geographical and an epidemiological frame
concerning main polluting sources and contaminated waters with potential etiologic and
evident social significance. The aim is to reply to social requests, to individualize territories
and populations threatened by pollution and to act to grant water quality and health. We
propose the action-research as the key-methodology to engage people and show the link
between evident social significance and disease as the main criterion and guideline to locate
and pinpoint the cases forming the above-mentioned frame.
Capitolo pubblicato nel libro:
G. De Santis (a cura di), Gestione della salute,
Edizioni Guerra Edel srl, Perugia, 2015, pp. 123-132 ISBN 978-88-557-0553-0
Papers by antonio valassina
Abstract – In Italy, institutions have generally taken a " reductive " approach to the problem of polluted water, because the object of investigation/action is usually the territory where polluting sources are located, such as the case of Sin (places of national interest). however, polluting substances don't know borders and because their water medium is not " confined " , they disperse throughout zones crossed by contaminated waters. This can seriously impact the environment and health of people who live beyond these territories containing the polluting sources, too. Thus, we think it is fundamental to define research and analysis’ methodologies to elaborate a geographical and an epidemiological frame
concerning main polluting sources and contaminated waters with potential etiologic and
evident social significance. The aim is to reply to social requests, to individualize territories
and populations threatened by pollution and to act to grant water quality and health. We
propose the action-research as the key-methodology to engage people and show the link
between evident social significance and disease as the main criterion and guideline to locate
and pinpoint the cases forming the above-mentioned frame.
Capitolo pubblicato nel libro:
G. De Santis (a cura di), Gestione della salute,
Edizioni Guerra Edel srl, Perugia, 2015, pp. 123-132 ISBN 978-88-557-0553-0