Papers by Mirela Simionescu
The International Journal of Robotics Research, 1998
This paper suggests a Kalman-filter approach to the estimation of angular velocity and accelerati... more This paper suggests a Kalman-filter approach to the estimation of angular velocity and acceleration from (quantized) shaft-encoder measurements. Finite-difference estimates deteriorate as sampling rates are increased. For small sampling periods, we show that the filtering problem is the dual of the cheap control problem, and we jus tify the use of all-integrator models. We investigate Kalman filtering with constant sampling rate, and also with measurements triggered by encoder pulses. Simulation and experimental results are given.
The paper Wet Deposition Analysis Using UV-VIS Spectrometry in Maramures County presents the expe... more The paper Wet Deposition Analysis Using UV-VIS Spectrometry in Maramures County presents the experimental results obtained for wet deposition using Perkin Elmer Lamba 25 UV-VIS spectrometer. Four parameters were analysed: chloride, sulphate, nitrate anions and ammonium cation. The samples were collected from four location of Maramures County (Baia Mare, Sighet, Viseu and Borsa) during May- September 2014. The analysis of these parameters aims to investigate the air quality in Maramures County and in the Romanian-Ukraine transboundary area. The level of the wet deposition expressed in liter/square meter (L/mp) was different in the studied areas. The highest average level of wet deposition was in Borsa (52.03±23.64) followed by Baia Mare (43.95±23.33). The values of the wet deposition pH, considering all the sampling locations, ranged between 4.813 and 7.45. In the rain samples collected in Baia Mare area were found the highest average values of the concentrations of SO4 2- (1.569±0.6...
The publications of the MultiScience - XXIX. MicroCAD International Scientific Conference
Acta Chemica Iasi, 2014
The need to reduce pollution to levels that minimize adverse effects on human health involve the ... more The need to reduce pollution to levels that minimize adverse effects on human health involve the monitoring of air quality, including dry depositions and their metal content. The analysis of these parameters aims to investigate the air quality in Maramures County (with nonferrous mining activities) and in the Romanian - Ukraine transboundary area. The paper presents the experimental results obtained for dry atmospheric deposition of copper and zinc using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The samples were collected from four location/cities of Maramures County (Baia Mare, Sighetu Marmatiei, Viseu de Sus and Borsa) during May-October 2014. The highest average values of copper concentration in the dry depositions were found in Baia Mare (199.88 μg/g), that is the most important industrial centre in Maramures County, followed by Borsa (111.49 μg/g), that used to be a nonferrous mining centre. In Viseu de Sus and Sighetu Marmatiei the average concentrations of copper in the dr...
Ne restons pas les bras croisés … car, LA MALADIE DE LYME TOUCHE TOUT LE MONDE, SANS EXCEPTION Un... more Ne restons pas les bras croisés … car, LA MALADIE DE LYME TOUCHE TOUT LE MONDE, SANS EXCEPTION Une meilleure prévention, de bons tests sanguins fiables, des médecins ouverts et bien informés, une reconnaissance du Lyme Chronique, une prise au sérieux générale, de la recherche pour aboutir à un traitement efficace pour tous ... je sais, c'est beaucoup, mais c'est cela que l'on vise. « Pour que la Maladie de Lyme soit reconnue en Belgique » _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LA MALADIE DE LYME, VOUS CONNAISSEZ ??? Piqûres de tiques, puces, araignées, moustiques … 20.000 cas/an en Belgique … Une épidémie mondiale de la maladie Lyme Chronique selon un médecin spécialisé dans cette maladie !!! Ne restons pas les bras croisés … car,
Pe site-ul editurii găsiţi şi alte cărţi pentru suflet: Site: Yahoo!... more Pe site-ul editurii găsiţi şi alte cărţi pentru suflet: Site: Yahoo! Group: adevardivin Editor: Cătălin PARFENE Tehnoredactare şi copertă: Florin DRUŢU Corectură: Elena MÁLNAI Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României DOYLE, BOB Urmează-ţi pasiunea, descoperă-ţi puterea: tot ce trebuie să ştii despre Legea Atracţiei / Bob Doyle; trad.: Cristian Hanu. -Braşov: Adevăr Divin, 2012 ISBN 978-606-8420-05-9 I. Hanu, Cristian (trad.) 159.923.2
Toate drepturile asupra prezentei ediţii în limba română aparţin în exclusivitate Editurii . Desc... more Toate drepturile asupra prezentei ediţii în limba română aparţin în exclusivitate Editurii . Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României RUIZ, MIGUEL Al cincilea legământ: o carte a înţelepciunii toltece: ghid practic pentru cunoașterea de sine / Don Miguel Ruiz, Don Jose Ruiz, împreună cu Janet Mills; trad.: Cristian Hanu. -Brașov: Adevăr Divin, 2010 ISBN 978-606-8080-22-2 I. Ruiz, Jose II. Mills, Janet II. Hanu, Cristian (trad.) 299.77(72) Editor: Cătălin PARFENE Corectură: Elena MÁLNAI Tehnoredactare și copertă: Elena DAVID
Toate drepturile asupra prezentei ediţii în limba română aparţin în exclusivitate Editurii . Desc... more Toate drepturile asupra prezentei ediţii în limba română aparţin în exclusivitate Editurii . Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României RUIZ, MIGUEL Al cincilea legământ: o carte a înţelepciunii toltece: ghid practic pentru cunoașterea de sine / Don Miguel Ruiz, Don Jose Ruiz, împreună cu Janet Mills; trad.: Cristian Hanu. -Brașov: Adevăr Divin, 2010 ISBN 978-606-8080-22-2 I. Ruiz, Jose II. Mills, Janet II. Hanu, Cristian (trad.) 299.77(72) Editor: Cătălin PARFENE Corectură: Elena MÁLNAI Tehnoredactare și copertă: Elena DAVID
Electromagnetic fields have harmful effects on human and animal organism. Problem of interaction ... more Electromagnetic fields have harmful effects on human and animal organism. Problem of interaction between animal bodies and electromagnetic field is very intricate and suppose three steps: calculation and measurement (engineers), biological effects (biologists + engineers) and effects on health (biologists + statisticians -for epidemiological studies). In present paper we used the first method for monitorising genotoxic effects and carcinogenic potential at golden hamsters exposed in electromagnetic field.
Diabetes is one of the main health care problems of the modern society. Much of the health burden... more Diabetes is one of the main health care problems of the modern society. Much of the health burden related to diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, arises from the chronic angiopathic complications of the disease, both macro-vascular and micro-vascular. The prevalance of these complications is high and increasing with disease duration. One of the main epidemiological studies regarding the chronic complications of Type 1 diabetes (TIDM) was the EURODIAB IDDM Complications Study and its continuation, the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and severity of diabetic complications and to examine their possible association with diferent putative risk factors. The study was based on patients selected from 31 centers from 16 European countries, including Buchares. Overall, the study group comprised 3250 TIDM patients (51.32% males), aged between 15 and 60 years and with amean diabetes duration of 14.7±9.3 years. Baseline investigations were performed between 1989 and 1991 and patients were invited back for reexamination after 6-8 years.
Apoptoza ca termen provine de la grecescul "apoptosis", ce in traducere inseamna "caderea frunzel... more Apoptoza ca termen provine de la grecescul "apoptosis", ce in traducere inseamna "caderea frunzelor". Procesul sta la temelia unor fenomene de a parasi viata, cind celula si-a realizat functia. Celula se descompune foarte fin si in etape in componentele sale moleculare, care ulterior vor fi utilizate de alte celule ale organismului. Apoptoza nu numai ca participa in anumite etape ale dezvoltarii organismului individual, dar si elimina celulele infectate de virusi, de altfel si celulele ce devin focarul produselor toxice. Modelul mortii celulelor -pe calea apoptozica sau a necrotica -e dependenta si de concentratiile intracelulare de NAD+ si ATP. Micsorarea nivelului de NAD+ si ATP induce necroza celulara (F.Oliver si al., 1999, P.Nicotera si al., 1997.
From t = 0 -15 minutes, just the teacher was in the room The class of 6 IB students entered a... more From t = 0 -15 minutes, just the teacher was in the room The class of 6 IB students entered at t = 15 minutes, and had settled down to quiet work by t = 25 mins. The y-axis scale is CO2 concentration in 'ppm', i.e. parts per million. Each ppm represents one cm 3 CO2 per m 3 air. The dimensions of the lab are approx 6m x 8.5m x 2.5m.
Books by Mirela Simionescu
1. PRIMA OGLINDA-PREZENTUL "Atrag ceea ce sunt si cum sunt acum". Oglinda momentului. Gând-Compor... more 1. PRIMA OGLINDA-PREZENTUL "Atrag ceea ce sunt si cum sunt acum". Oglinda momentului. Gând-Comportament-Rezultat. Ceea ce vezi in exteriorul tau este o reflectie fidela a ceea ce esti tu in acel moment. Vezi ce oameni intalnesti cu preponderenta. La nivel de subconstient tot astfel suntem si noi. Iti arata furia, frustrarea si nesinceritatea fta de tine. (Tine minte ca oglinzile reflecta atat constientul cat si subconstientul.) Este oglinda care ne reflecta adevarata noastra personalitate, aratandu-ne cu adevarat cine suntem. Arata ceea ce stei tu, in fiecare clipa. Aceasta oglinda ne reflecta parti din noi aflate in suferinta si rani vechi neconstientizate. Este vorba de rani emotionale in virtutea carora am acumulat manie si riposte distructiva si autodistructiva. Este adevarul despre starea in care se afla mentalul si sufletul tau, si nu ceea ce arati sau ceea ce iti arati in fiecare zi. Vezi ce oameni intalnesti cu preponderenta. La nivel de subconstient tot astfel suntem si noi. Iti arata furia, frustrarea si nesinceritatea fta de tine. Sau daca atragi in viata ta oameni si evenimente care sa-ti aduca in viata ta bucurie, sinceritate si impliniri, inseamna ca si tu esti un om sincer in intentii si aspiratii in actiunile din fiecare zi. (Tine minte ca oglinzile reflecta atat constientul cat si subconstientul.) 2. A DOUA OGLINDA-TRECUTUL APROPIAT "Atragi ceea ce judeci acum". Oglinda judecatii. Trecutul-tot ceea ce nu am acceptat in acest trecut. In a doua oglinda se reflecta toata incarcatura emotionala din trecut pe care am dus-o cu noi pana in prezent. Ceea ce n-am iertat, n-am acceptat, n-am inteles. Nu judecată, ci Compasiune față un mod de a Gândi, Comportamente, Rezultate. Rolul aparitiei acestei oglinzi in viata noastra, este acela de a ne determina sa constientizam, sa discernem correct, sa ne asumam responsabilitatea acolo unde am preferat sa-I invinuim pe altii pentru neimplinirile noastre. Daca in continuare judecam, criticam si condamnam, atragem acelasi gen de oameni, de relatii si evenimente in viata noastra. Mai subtila decat prima, a doua oglinda eseniana a relatiilor interumane reflecta ceea ce judecam in momentul prezent. 3. A TREIA OGLINDA. Atrag ceea ce am pierdut, am lasat in urma sau mi s-a luat. Oglinda nostalgiei-TRECUT INDEPARTAT.
Papers by Mirela Simionescu
Books by Mirela Simionescu