Silvia Zanelli
04/05/1995, Milano, Italy.
I am currently Research Fellow in Philosophy within the PRIN 2022 PNNR "Cult-up. Upcycling and cultural heritage" (University of Bologna). The research project is focused on the topic of cultural upcycling, considered from a semiotic perspective, with a focus on the case study of plastics and inorganic materials.
From 2020 to 2023, I have attended the Ph.D. program in Transcultural Studies in Humanities (philosophical curriculum) at the University of Bergamo. In my doctoral thesis I have proposed a theoretical itinerary between the reflections of Charles Sanders Peirce and Gilles Deleuze, straddling semiotics and immanence.
I have received my PhD on the 12/06/24.
In 2020 I graduated in Philosophical Sciences at the University of Milan (110/110 cum laude) and in Philosophy in 2017 at the same university (110/110 cum laude).
My research interests are the thought of Gilles Deleuze, Charles Sanders Peirce and Gilbert Simondon, with a focus on the relationship between pre-individuality and individuation.
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0000-6960-3801
Website: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/silvia.zanelli5
Address: Milano
I am currently Research Fellow in Philosophy within the PRIN 2022 PNNR "Cult-up. Upcycling and cultural heritage" (University of Bologna). The research project is focused on the topic of cultural upcycling, considered from a semiotic perspective, with a focus on the case study of plastics and inorganic materials.
From 2020 to 2023, I have attended the Ph.D. program in Transcultural Studies in Humanities (philosophical curriculum) at the University of Bergamo. In my doctoral thesis I have proposed a theoretical itinerary between the reflections of Charles Sanders Peirce and Gilles Deleuze, straddling semiotics and immanence.
I have received my PhD on the 12/06/24.
In 2020 I graduated in Philosophical Sciences at the University of Milan (110/110 cum laude) and in Philosophy in 2017 at the same university (110/110 cum laude).
My research interests are the thought of Gilles Deleuze, Charles Sanders Peirce and Gilbert Simondon, with a focus on the relationship between pre-individuality and individuation.
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0000-6960-3801
Website: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/silvia.zanelli5
Address: Milano
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Books by Silvia Zanelli
Papers by Silvia Zanelli
Book Chapters by Silvia Zanelli
Book Reviews by Silvia Zanelli
So, delving into the heart of the lectures Whitehead gave at Harvard is an opportunity to grasp the making of his thought, his sketched, problematized and open-ended hypotheses on the relationship between eternal objects and actual occasions. In this sense we will focus on the impact that these lectures had on Process and Reality, with particular attention to the topic of abstraction and concreteness. If, in fact, in Process and Reality the distance between universality and abstraction, and between particularity and concreteness is clear and demarcated, in the Harvardian lectures it is still an open field, which Whitehead probes in its problematicity.
In this regard some core passages from the lectures help to clarify the oscillations and ambiguities that Whitehead had to go through before reaching a more definitive landing point about eternal objects and actual occasions in Process and Reality.
This terminological and theoretical investigation will also allow us to highlight how the idea that eternal objects and actual occasions are intimately connected, according to a dynamic of coalescence and mutual implication, is already manifest in the Harvard Lecturers and will be corroborated subsequently in Process and Reality.
« tournant ontologique ». Dans cette communication nous proposerons une réinterrogation du
rapport de cette perspective anthropologique, notamment chez Eduardo Viveiros De Castro, avec
ses présupposés philosophiques. En effet cet auteur s’est largement inspiré de la pensée de Gilles
Deleuze, en en radicalisant certaines tendances. Pour obtenir une évaluation critique de sa
proposition théorique, nous essayerons de la mettre en dialogue avec une perspective différente :
celle de l’anthropologie interprétative de Clifford Geertz, reprise philosophiquement par Paul
Ricoeur dans ses réflexions sur la structure symbolique de l’action.
Nous aborderons en particulier le thème deleuzien du « devenir-autre », que l’on trouve chez
Viveiros De Castro dans l’hypothèse d’une anthropologie anti-narcissique, en le mettant en
communication avec l’idée de Geertz qu’il est impossible de sortir de la toile d’interprétations dans
laquelle le soi se trouve toujours plongé. Cela nous amènera également à interroger le concept
d’ontologie que l’on trouve chez De Castro. À partir de la conception sémiotique de la culture
proposée par Geertz, il est en effet possible de se demander si une telle ontologie ne doit pas être
considérée comme impliquant elle aussi une certaine « herméneutique ».
Le résultat que l’on attend de cette rencontre théorique est donc de présenter deux modèles
herméneutiques différents face à l’altérité. Si chez Viveiros De Castro lecteur de Deleuze, en effet,
le but de l’anthropologue est celui d’arriver à ne plus se reconnaitre lui-même pour entrer
véritablement en relation avec autrui, chez Geertz et Ricoeur c’est précisément la conscience de ne
jamais pouvoir sortir de chez soi à rendre possible une relation ouverte à l’altérité.
Through the concept of micro-fascism Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari - without denying the historical value of totalitarianisms - shift the focus of their reflection on minute forms of desire for organization and control. These forces find their genealogy as manifestations of a tendency towards anthropocentric reification of the concept of subject. In this sense, fascism assumes a trans-historical or eternal value, following Eco, in so far as it is a movement that reduce the complexity of relationships, through the institution of a transcendent form of Subjectivity that forecloses the Other. For both Eco and Deleuze, fascisms coincide with "nebulae" or "black holes" that engulf Otherness, simultaneously erecting the subject as a center of power.
In this contribution we will focalize on the foreclosure of the animal, marginalized as an entity that marks the constitutive Outside of man, an abysmal limit beyond which the anthropos announces itself as such.
Lastly, we would like to outline the possibility of drawing a line of escape from the narcissistic obsession for auto-poiesis, focusing on Donna Haraway's concept of sympoiesis (of human and non-human), thinking simultaneously of possible forms of liberation, as a task always open and in the making.
To see it in other languages please visit http://www.ladeleuziana.org/2022/11/17/15-making-cosmos-the-tangle-of-the-universe-cfp/