Papers by Olimpia Malatesta
In the 1950s and 1960s, Wilhelm Röpke published a series of articles in defence
of apartheid. By ... more In the 1950s and 1960s, Wilhelm Röpke published a series of articles in defence
of apartheid. By reconstructing the arguments in favour of South African
segregation, it will be shown how, although radicalised over time, these
positions did not produce a real break in his theory. The discussion over decolonisation
and Western development programmes will be placed within the
broader framework of his sociological theory. Indeed, it will be argued how
the defence of racial evolutionism, far from producing a rupture within his
conceptual system, harmonises perfectly with his hyper-conservative social
theory and his scepticism towards mass democracy. Finally, it will be shown
how the question of race, as well as that of class, impact equally on the proposal
for a global economic order that is immune to the “mass hyperpoliticisation”
of which the post-World War II global New Deal is accused.
O. Malatesta, Einige Reflexionen über den Begriff ,autoritärer Neoliberalismus‘. Die politische E... more O. Malatesta, Einige Reflexionen über den Begriff ,autoritärer Neoliberalismus‘. Die politische Entpolitisierung von der Innenpolitik zur europäischen Ordnung, in O. Agard, B. Beßlich, C. Fossaluzza (hrsg.), Liberalismus (Be-)denken: Ideen von Europa (1900–1950), Böhlau - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Wien, 2023, pp. 197-215 [] [book chapter]

is one of the most important intellectuals of our time. Philosopher, critical theorist of society... more is one of the most important intellectuals of our time. Philosopher, critical theorist of society, feminist theorist and activist: with her influential work from the 1980s until today Fraser has offered significant contributions in the fields of social and political theory, feminist theory, contemporary philosophy, and lately in the debates around the relation between climate change and capitalism. On the occasion of Fraser's 75 th birthday in 2022, and on that of the 10 th and 20 th anniversaries of the publication of two of her books in 2023-respectively, Fortunes of Feminism (2013) and Redistribution or Recognition? (2003, co-authored with Axel Honneth)-, the monographic section of the present issue of "Scenari" aims to celebrate these anniversaries with selected contributions dedicated to the investigation of her work and thought. After the publication of our Call for Papers on the website of "Scenari", several scholars with different backgrounds and working in different disciplines generously submitted their contributions dealing with various aspects of Fraser's philosophical-political work and the main fields of her research, in order to assess their relevance and impact today.

Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrages ist es nicht, die ordoliberale Theorie in Bezug auf ihre mehr ode... more Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrages ist es nicht, die ordoliberale Theorie in Bezug auf ihre mehr oder wenigerkohärente politische Umsetzung im europäischen Raum zu analysieren.Esgeht also nicht darum, die ökonomisch-politischen Maßnahmen zu untersuchen, welchebeispielsweise währendder vorletzten Wirtschaftskrise ergriffen wurden, und es handelt sich auch nicht um eine Interpretationder europäischen Ve rträge aus der ordoliberalen Sicht, oder aus der des sogenannten autoritären Liberalismus 1 .E in derartiges Vo rhaben würde nicht nur den dem vorliegenden Beitrag gewidmetem Raum, sondern vorallem seine theoretische Ambition übertreffen. Einführend soll daherzuerst einmal hervorgehoben werden, dass es erstens in der neoliberalen Ideengeschichte der erstenH älfte des Jahrhunderts keine kohärenteG esamtheitv on Theorieng ibt, die darauf abzielt, eine einheitliche Vision Europas und ihres möglichen zukünftigen Integrationsprozess zu liefern. Daher ist ein wissenschaftliches Unterfangen, welchesv ersucht, eine konsistente neoliberale Theorie von Europa herauszuarbeiten, in jedem Falle zum Scheitern verurteilt. Zweitens sollte beachtet werden,dass auch im Fall eines solch gewagten Unterfangens, es historisch und ideengeschichtlich gesehen höchst problematisch wäre,eine einzige politisch-soziale und wirtschaftlicheTheorie herauszukristallisieren-den Ordoliberalismus-, die den europäischen Integrationsprozessund seine Ve rträge als einziges Paradigma geprägt hätte.
Starting from a discussion on Adelino Zanini’s book Ordoliberalismo. Costituzione e critica dei c... more Starting from a discussion on Adelino Zanini’s book Ordoliberalismo. Costituzione e critica dei concetti (Bologna, Il Mulino, 2022), the essay examines ordoliberalism as a scientific effort aimed at restoring the traditional nexus between science and politics characteristic of 19th century bourgeois conceptual laboratory. The first part briefly reconstructs Eucken’s economic theory as an attempt to reject Sombart’s historicism.
The second part describes Böhm’s concept of economic constitution as a reaction toSavigny’s ‘fatalism’, whereas the third part centers around the ordoliberal notion of society conceived in terms of an organic community. The final part of the essay offers a discussion on the relation between the ordoliberal theory, the social market economy and the European Union.

Brevi considerazioni sulla formula «liberalismo autoritario» di Heller Da alcuni anni, la formula... more Brevi considerazioni sulla formula «liberalismo autoritario» di Heller Da alcuni anni, la formula del liberalismo autoritario, spesso accompagnata dal termine «neoliberalismo» 1 , viene impiegata per indicare le origini concettuali dell'assetto economico europeo. In quest'ottica, l'appello mosso, perlomeno dalla fine degli anni venti, dalla variegata galassia conservatrice weimariana, per l'affermazione di uno Stato forte capace di salvaguardare l'economia liberale dal conflitto sociale 2 , sarebbe giunto fino al cuore dell'Europa contemporanea: attraverso un lungo percorso storico che trova le sue origini nella crisi di Weimar, passando per la Repubblica federale tedesca, attraversando il processo di integrazione europea, i principi del cosiddetto liberalismo autoritario avrebbero finito per plasmare concretamente la costituzione economica europea. Seppure si tratti di una lettura suggestiva che contiene numerosi elementi di verità, occorre evitare di commettere diversi errori di interpretazione: 1) concepire il liberalismo autoritario co

La tesi ricostruisce la genesi concettuale dell'ordoliberalismo a partire dalla crisi economi... more La tesi ricostruisce la genesi concettuale dell'ordoliberalismo a partire dalla crisi economica, politica e sociale della Repubblica di Weimar, indagando il rapporto della teoria ordoliberale con il laboratorio concettuale tedesco e con alcuni dei suoi autori più influenti (Schmitt, Schumpeter, Sombart, Sinzheimer, Schmoller, Savigny, Riehl). La ricostruzione dei concetti ordoliberali di economia, Stato e società consente di interpretare l'ordoliberalismo come uno degli ultimi eredi delle scienze sociali tedesche. La critica a queste ultime e la loro rifondazione disciplinare costituisce il principale sforzo teorico dell'ordoliberalismo, di cui qui si intende rendere conto.The thesis reconstructs the conceptual origins of ordoliberalism starting from the economic, political and social crisis of the Weimar Republic, investigating the relationship of ordoliberal theory with the German conceptual laboratory and with some of its most influential authors (Schmitt, Schumpeter,...

L'economia sociale di mercato come strumento di ordine politico. Sui concetti ordoliberali di Sta... more L'economia sociale di mercato come strumento di ordine politico. Sui concetti ordoliberali di Stato e società The social market economy as an instrument of political order. On the ordoliberal notions of state and society The author reconstructs the conceptual genesis of the social market economy (ESM), tracing it back to ordoliberalism. In the fi rst part she describes the main principles of the ESM (in the FRG of the 40s and 50s) and analyses the concept of the ordoliberal economic constitution. Then she argues that the EU would have adopted the same model. In the second part she investigates the origin of this concept going back to the crisis of the Weimar Republic, describing it as a reaction to the social democratic constitution and the pluralistic state. In the third part she examines the ordoliberal concept of community as an antidote to class society. The aim is to show how the ESM, by referring to ordoliberalism, ultimately aims to remove the confl ict over political decisions concerning the economy.

A. Cozzolino, O. Malatesta, L. Sica, Introduzione, in A. Cozzolino, O. Malatesta, L. Sica (a cura di), Questione Europa. Crisi dell’Unione e trasformazioni dello Stato, La Scuola di Pitagora, Napoli, 2021, pp. 11-20. Mutamenti della sovranità e vincolo "concorrenziale". Per un'analisi critica e comparata della co... more Mutamenti della sovranità e vincolo "concorrenziale". Per un'analisi critica e comparata della costruzione istituzionale europea di Domenico Caldaralo La legittimazione dei poteri normativi delle autorità indipendenti: una questione ancora aperta di Michele Barone Le trasformazioni della costituzione economica europea negli anni della grande crisi. Una prospettiva di International Political Economy di Adriano Cozzolino Appunti su alcuni risvolti istituzionali della politica monetaria della BCE: crisi della forma politica e legittimazione tecnocratica di Luigi Sica Anti-austerity. La crisi nell'Europa neoliberale di Paolo Scanga Indice dei nomi PRESENTAZIONE 14 Per una introduzione al problema del «capitalismo organizzato» e delle tematiche connesse, cfr. l'ottimo saggio di E.
A. Cozzolino, O. Malatesta, L. Sica (a cura di), Questione Europa. Crisi dell’Unione e trasformaz... more A. Cozzolino, O. Malatesta, L. Sica (a cura di), Questione Europa. Crisi dell’Unione e trasformazioni dello Stato, La Scuola di Pitagora, Napoli, 2021, pp. 55-86.
C. Liermann, M. Scotto, J. Stefenelli (a cura di/hrsg.), Vereinigte Staaten von Europa – Wunschbi... more C. Liermann, M. Scotto, J. Stefenelli (a cura di/hrsg.), Vereinigte Staaten von Europa – Wunschbild, Alptraum oder Utopie?/ Stati Uniti d’Europa – auspicio, incubo o utopia?, Villa Vigoni Editore/Verlag, Loveno di Menaggio, 2020
Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale, 51/2020
Studi Germanici, 15/16 2019
M. Basseler, A. Nünning, I. Polland, (eds.) Europe’s Crises and Cultural Resources of Resilience:... more M. Basseler, A. Nünning, I. Polland, (eds.) Europe’s Crises and Cultural Resources of Resilience: Conceptual Explorations and Literary Negotiations, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, Trier, 2020.
Filosofia Politica, Il Mulino, 1/2019
Call For Papers by Olimpia Malatesta
Papers by Olimpia Malatesta
of apartheid. By reconstructing the arguments in favour of South African
segregation, it will be shown how, although radicalised over time, these
positions did not produce a real break in his theory. The discussion over decolonisation
and Western development programmes will be placed within the
broader framework of his sociological theory. Indeed, it will be argued how
the defence of racial evolutionism, far from producing a rupture within his
conceptual system, harmonises perfectly with his hyper-conservative social
theory and his scepticism towards mass democracy. Finally, it will be shown
how the question of race, as well as that of class, impact equally on the proposal
for a global economic order that is immune to the “mass hyperpoliticisation”
of which the post-World War II global New Deal is accused.
The second part describes Böhm’s concept of economic constitution as a reaction toSavigny’s ‘fatalism’, whereas the third part centers around the ordoliberal notion of society conceived in terms of an organic community. The final part of the essay offers a discussion on the relation between the ordoliberal theory, the social market economy and the European Union.
Call For Papers by Olimpia Malatesta
Proposals (full papers) should be sent to [email protected] by 31 January 2023
of apartheid. By reconstructing the arguments in favour of South African
segregation, it will be shown how, although radicalised over time, these
positions did not produce a real break in his theory. The discussion over decolonisation
and Western development programmes will be placed within the
broader framework of his sociological theory. Indeed, it will be argued how
the defence of racial evolutionism, far from producing a rupture within his
conceptual system, harmonises perfectly with his hyper-conservative social
theory and his scepticism towards mass democracy. Finally, it will be shown
how the question of race, as well as that of class, impact equally on the proposal
for a global economic order that is immune to the “mass hyperpoliticisation”
of which the post-World War II global New Deal is accused.
The second part describes Böhm’s concept of economic constitution as a reaction toSavigny’s ‘fatalism’, whereas the third part centers around the ordoliberal notion of society conceived in terms of an organic community. The final part of the essay offers a discussion on the relation between the ordoliberal theory, the social market economy and the European Union.
Proposals (full papers) should be sent to [email protected] by 31 January 2023