Papers by Ernesto Antonini
Due to the dramatic decreasing in public investment, the existing social housing stock is to be c... more Due to the dramatic decreasing in public investment, the existing social housing stock is to be considered a precious resource: the rationalization of this stock, its morphological renewal and functional adaptation, the increasing in value and the reduction of managing costs are effective strategies for contemporary suburban areas, once considered critical elements of the city, but that, today, could represent an opportunity for urban transformation. This book analyses the opportunities for regeneration of large social housing estates, focusing on their related social problems and critically analyzing the best practices accomplished in various international contexts. The “Pilastro“ district, located in Bologna and similar in morphology and size to other well-known Italian social housing complex (such as Corviale, Forte Quezzi, ZEN, Gallaratese) is assumed as an exemplar case-study of the critical factors that generally afflict social housing estates dating from the post-war period. ...
Techne Journal of Technology For Architecture and Environment, 2015
Procedia Engineering, 2011
The increasing importance of social housing in order to deal with the emergency caused by the pre... more The increasing importance of social housing in order to deal with the emergency caused by the pressing demand, places in the foreground the need to redevelop the existing public housing heritage. The paper proposes the deepening of one case study, the Pilastro neighborhood, a significant example of social housing high density settlement, situated in the outskirts of Bologna in order to brought out the technical, functional and social factors, on which the level of quality of the settlement and the phenomena of social uneasiness depend. It also highlighted some factors that may pose a resistance to the measures of improvement.
EU standards and rules concerning energy efficiency in the building sector are pushing to achieve... more EU standards and rules concerning energy efficiency in the building sector are pushing to achieve everhigher performances. This also represents a strong driver for innovative construction techniques, inducing manufacturers to invest professional and financial resources in the development of building components that can meet the highest quality and performance standards. During the last decades, many components have been developed to improve the energy efficiency of the building envelope. This paper summarizes three research activities entrusted by private companies to the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna from 2009 to 2012, aiming at increasing the energy performances of building components and systems. Several themes had to be addressed: two different dry construction systems and a range of installation configurations for airtightness for high quality windows. Although focused on different and specific issues, some criteria common criteria were applied on all ...
Il paper si propone di sintetizzare i principali vantaggi derivanti dalla razionalizzazione del p... more Il paper si propone di sintetizzare i principali vantaggi derivanti dalla razionalizzazione del processo indotta dall’utilizzo di tecnologie a secco, nella riqualificazione dell’esistente, evidenziando anche i principali ostacoli all’applicazione su vasta scala di tali soluzionitecnologichenelle operazioni di recupero
In the current negative economic climate, retrofitting and rationalization of the existing reside... more In the current negative economic climate, retrofitting and rationalization of the existing residential building stock represent a viable and strategic solution considering two key issues: the improvement of energy performance and the adaptation of the dimensions of the residential units to the emerging needs. The fast increase in households consisting of one or two persons and of five or more is a recognized social trend in most European countries, however more than half of the housing offer consists of flats of standard medium dimensions. Today, the energy demand of the existing housing stock largely exceeds the acceptable levels for sustainable consumption, therefore drastically increasing the relevant operation costs. A research program, currently ongoing at the University of Bologna, Department of Architecture, is focusing on the analysis of the effects of volumetric additions to the existing housing stock, in terms of optimization of the units layout and the relevant energy per...
Recent surveys on the status of the Italian school building stock provide information on its seis... more Recent surveys on the status of the Italian school building stock provide information on its seismic and fire safety levels, but not on the thermo-hygrometric conditions and energy behavior of the buildings, even if the former ones have a considerable impact on the use and health conditions of the indoor environment and the later one plays an important role in the operating costs of the buildings, as many researches have shown. A study carried out on a sample of Italian school buildings, reported in this paper, confirms high levels of consumption, by identifying its main causes through the application of a specific method of analysis, which allows to design some possible strategies for retrofitting operations aimed at improving the building energy efficiency and environmental quality, by simulating and verifying its effects and benefits.
Techne Journal of Technology For Architecture and Environment, 2015
Accelerato dall'innalzamento degli standard normativi, il miglioramento delle prestazioni energet... more Accelerato dall'innalzamento degli standard normativi, il miglioramento delle prestazioni energetiche degli edifici costituisce un potente motore di innovazione delle tecniche costruttive, che spinge i produttori industriali ad investire risorse professionali e finanziarie nello sviluppo di componenti edilizi in grado di soddisfare più elevati livelli prestazionali. In particolare le soluzioni finalizzate a migliorare l'efficienza dell'involucro sono state oggetto di un intenso processo di evoluzione. L'articolo documenta alcune attività di ricerca condotte per incarico di aziende private presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Bologna fra 2009 e 2012, con l'obiettivo di sviluppare elementi di involucro edilizio dotati di elevate prestazioni energetiche. Le ricerche hanno affrontato più temi: due diversi sistemi di chiusura a secco e una gamma di soluzioni per l'interfaccia di posa di serramenti esterni. Sebbene le tre esperienze abbiano obiettivi specifici, alcuni approcci e fattori ricorrenti hanno permesso di mettere a punto una metodologia di indagine replicabile nei diversi contesti.
Techne Journal of Technology For Architecture and Environment, 2012
Le massicce dismissioni degli anni Novanta e l' ormai quasi ventennale diminuzione fino alla scom... more Le massicce dismissioni degli anni Novanta e l' ormai quasi ventennale diminuzione fino alla scomparsa degli investimenti pubblici hanno ridotto il patrimonio italiano di edilizia sociale 1 a meno di un milione e mezzo di alloggi 2 , che rappresentano solo il 5,8% del parco di edilizia abitativa in uso -quantificato in circa 24 milioni di abitazioni al Censimento Generale 2011 -ma quasi il 20% dell' offerta di alloggi in affitto sul mercato nazionale, caratterizzato da una quota di proprietà superiore all'80% 3 . Oltre che esiguo per dimensioni 4 , lo stock di edilizia sociale presenta rilevanti limiti di adeguatezza funzionale e prestazionale, dovuti alla sua elevata età media ed alla scarsa manutenzione, che acuiscono gli effetti di una produzione già in origine realizzata sulla spinta dell' emergenza abitativa, con standard di qualità tecnica e durabilità spesso molto modesti, quando non scadenti. In evidente controtendenza rispetto alla progressiva contrazione dell' offerta, la crisi economica in atto dal 2008 ha, da un lato, prodotto una drammatica intensificazione della domanda di alloggi in affitto a canoni contenuti, dall'altro ridotto ulteriormente le già irri-Abstract.The world economic crisis has further depressed the Italian production of social housing but it dramatically increased the demand of affordable rental dwellings. A refurbishment and retrofitting campaign of the social housing stock appears to be as a credible and effective strategy, able to be applied in the short term to bring this gap, at least partially. Some results of a research in progress on the topic are presented in this paper. The first one is a classification model of the main typology of retrofitting and densification of social housing projects, issued from an investigation on several European case-studies. On this base, the research established a set of design criteria, able to couple the improvement of energy, functionality and comfort performances with the increasing of the use intensity of the built stock. Finally, an application of this method on a pilot-case is described.
Ci sono rare architetture che cantano, tante che si limitano a parlare, e una grande moltitudine ... more Ci sono rare architetture che cantano, tante che si limitano a parlare, e una grande moltitudine che invece resta muta. Più o meno in questi termini, in un passo diventato celebre del suo "Eupalinos ou l'Architecte" Paul Valéry (1) classifica senza appello gli edifici in tre soli tipi. E immediatamente dopo, l'Autore fa precisare al suo Fedro letterario che queste differenze non dipendono per nulla dalla destinazione d'uso e neppure dalla figurazione generale delle architetture: esse derivano dal talento del costruttore, oltre che, naturalmente, dall'indispensabile favore delle Muse. La puntualizzazione toglie subito di mezzo il tono assoluto che il giudizio sembrerebbe inizialmente evocare, di un'architettura quasi sospesa in una dimensione astratta e senza tempo (anche oggi, spesso tanto cara alle ambizioni di molti architetti). Manufatti dalla vita lunga come gli edifici, esposti continuativamente all'usura dell'utilizzo e alla pressione dell...
Recent surveys on the status of the Italian school building stock provide information on its seis... more Recent surveys on the status of the Italian school building stock provide information on its seismic and fire safety levels, but not on the thermo-hygrometric conditions and energy behavior of the buildings, even if the former ones have a considerable impact on the use and health conditions of the indoor environment and the later one plays an important role in the operating costs of the buildings, as many researches have shown. A study carried out on a sample of Italian school buildings, reported in this paper, confirms high levels of consumption, by identifying its main causes through the application of a specific method of analysis, which allows to design some possible strategies for retrofitting operations aimed at improving the building energy efficiency and environmental quality, by simulating and verifying its effects and benefits.
The EU Directive 93/37 defi ned the “third kind” of tender procedures, that a public commissionin... more The EU Directive 93/37 defi ned the “third kind” of tender procedures, that a public commissioning body may use to select a fi gure that is responsible for “the realization, by whatever means, of a work corresponding to the requirements specifi ed by the contracting authority.”. Italy has interpreted in an original way this tender procedure, introducing (through law 443/2001) the role of “contraente generale”. The point is that the notion of “contraente generale” still remains controversial on the ground of international comparisons, especially in terms of risk allocation between public client and contractor. The paper presents some results of a study on the Italian “contraente generale” scheme, compared with the procurement models as identifi ed by the available international literature. In conclusion, some recommendations are made for the adaptation of the Italian legislation, allowing to improve its compatibility with the ppp model generally adopted in Europe.
In the current negative economic climate, retrofitting and rationalization of the existing reside... more In the current negative economic climate, retrofitting and rationalization of the existing residential building stock represent a viable and strategic solution considering two key issues: the improvement of energy performance and the adaptation of the dimensions of the residential units to the emerging needs. The fast increase in households consisting of one or two persons and of five or more is a recognized social trend in most European countries, however more than half of the housing offer consists of flats of standard medium dimensions. Today, the energy demand of the existing housing stock largely exceeds the acceptable levels for sustainable consumption, therefore drastically increasing the relevant operation costs. A research program, currently ongoing at the University of Bologna, Department of Architecture, is focusing on the analysis of the effects of volumetric additions to the existing housing stock, in terms of optimization of the units layout and the relevant energy per...
Il paper si propone di sintetizzare i principali vantaggi derivanti dalla razionalizzazione del p... more Il paper si propone di sintetizzare i principali vantaggi derivanti dalla razionalizzazione del processo indotta dall’utilizzo di tecnologie a secco, nella riqualificazione dell’esistente, evidenziando anche i principali ostacoli all’applicazione su vasta scala di tali soluzionitecnologichenelle operazioni di recupero
EU standards and rules concerning energy efficiency in the building sector are pushing to achieve... more EU standards and rules concerning energy efficiency in the building sector are pushing to achieve everhigher performances. This also represents a strong driver for innovative construction techniques, inducing manufacturers to invest professional and financial resources in the development of building components that can meet the highest quality and performance standards. During the last decades, many components have been developed to improve the energy efficiency of the building envelope. This paper summarizes three research activities entrusted by private companies to the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna from 2009 to 2012, aiming at increasing the energy performances of building components and systems. Several themes had to be addressed: two different dry construction systems and a range of installation configurations for airtightness for high quality windows. Although focused on different and specific issues, some criteria common criteria were applied on all ...
Papers by Ernesto Antonini