E drejta e asksesit në drejtësi, si një aspekt i procesit të rregullt ligjor, parashikohet nga neni 42/2 i Kushtetutës "Kushdo, për mbrojtjen e të drejtave, të lirive dhe të interesave të tij kushtetues dhe ligjorë, ose në rastin e... more
- by Sokol Loci
I. Problematikat e lëvizjes së fëmijës jashtë shtetit 1.1 Zhvendosja e fëmijës jashtë vendit (Jurisprudenca vendase dhe e huaj). Me vendimin për zgjidhjen e martesës vendoset edhe për mënyrën e ushtrimit të përgjegjësisë prindërore.... more
- by Sokol Loci
This contribution analyses the promises and challenges of using bottom-up produced sensors data to manage public-health risks in the (smart) city. The article criticizes traditional ways of governing public-health risks with the aim to... more
This contribution analyses how citizen sensing initiatives can contribute to or, contrarily, hinder the governance of certain or uncertain public health risks. It draws on the example of the Schiphol Airport case, where citizens developed... more
Internet of Things, Internet of Everything and Internet of People are concepts suggesting that objects, devices and people will be increasingly interconnected through digital infrastructure that will generate a growing gathering of data.... more
A multilateral approach to the governance of environmental health risk could be regarded as a possible response to the complexity of current risk problems. Such multilateral governance is deemed advisable in consideration of the need to... more
In this article, we investigate how citizens use data they gather as a rhetorical resource for demanding environmental policy interventions and advancing environmental justice claims. While producing citizen-generated data (CGD) can be... more
Present discussions on the implications of the GDPR for medical practice and health research mostly target the passive collection of health data. This article shifts the lens of analysis to the scarcely researched and rather different... more
Domestic wastewater reuse in agriculture is often discussed as a way to tackle water scarcity in Europe. Europe could learn from the examples of other countries that are already successfully implementing wastewater reuse, especially in... more
In June 2019, a landmark court decision (San Antonio Bay Estuarine Waterkeeper, et al. v. Formosa Plastics Corporation, et al., hereafter referred to as the Formosa ruling) was issued in Texas, where a judge found a petrochemical company... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more