Erich Mistrík
Address: Comenius University
Faculty of Education
Račianska 59
813 34 Bratislava
SCOPUS ID: 26035666600
Faculty of Education
Račianska 59
813 34 Bratislava
SCOPUS ID: 26035666600
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Books by Erich Mistrík
Content: The importance of culture. The nature of aesthetics. The nature of civic education. The teaching of aesthetics in civic education. Civics teacher training.
Okolo 1 400 hesiel z estetiky, z toho asi 300 personálnych. Personálne heslá obsahujú osobnosti z všetkých dôb a z celého sveta, väčší dôraz kladie na slovenských estetikov.
Available also through ERIC database:
Prvá systematická knižka o multikultúrnej výchove na Slovensku. V závere prehľad alternatívnych kultúr v euro-atlantickej civilizácii po 1950. Výsledok spolupráce s Univerzitou v Oulu a grantu Vzdelávacej nadácie Jána Husa.
Papers by Erich Mistrík
Príspevok na konferencii - Kánony v sieti kontextov, interpretácií a referenčných rámcov, Nitra 2022.
Príspevok na konferencii Estetika centra a periférie - Centrum a periféria estetiky, Bratislava 2019
Príspevok na konferencii Umenie, estetika, politika, Bratislava 2018
Príspevok na konferencii Pragmatické dimenzie umenia a estetiky, Bratislava 2017
Theorizing on education of artists has still been limited to interpretations of specific processes used in the education. The paper shows basic directions in which future education of artists could have been considered. Continual changes in current art provoke changes in goals and methods of education of artists. The education will probably not limit itself to works of art production only but it will open up to broad and common processes of aestheticization.
According to Jan Mukařovský poetic speech is not based on relations to reality but on the speech's context. The speech does not possess communicative function or it works as representation more. Practical functions of poetic speech are suppressed by aesthetic function but not cancelled completely. From Mukařovský's times poetry has changed a lot. Current computer software is able to produce texts that arise from practical tasks but still remain random samples. Semantic relations do not change there (as they would within poetry) because the sample was created for practical purposes. At the same moment we can experience the sample as poetry. Are methods of Jan Mukařovský valid also in relation to language products that possess poetic as well as practical functions, or to language products whose art values are disputable? Does Mukařovský offer any criteria for differentiation of poetic text from everyday practical texts? Can his criteria be used also to automated text products? The paper seeks answers with the help of poetry created after the Mukařovský's times, particularly with so called googlepoetics.
and to formation of their own identity. Cultural dimension of citizen´s life goes hand in hand with his/her social/political/regional/etc. identities here. Also data collected by fMRI research show effectiveness of use of art within citizenship education.
The paper serves as editorial to the journal issue which I had edited as the journal guest editor.
It is not effective to share bio-medicine research outcomes among general public by simple popularization only. Supplemental means are necessary. The most important means can be derived from overview of human body reception in the history of Western civilization: The reception shows us that acceptation of bio-medicine research will probably be blocked by media messages, by various power levels manipulations, by ideologies, by religious rules of behavior, by pseudo-medicine, by pornography, and by extreme sports ideology. For developing means for sharing research outcomes we need to take into account cultural history, gender issues, ideologies, and judicial contexts of human body reception.
Content: The importance of culture. The nature of aesthetics. The nature of civic education. The teaching of aesthetics in civic education. Civics teacher training.
Okolo 1 400 hesiel z estetiky, z toho asi 300 personálnych. Personálne heslá obsahujú osobnosti z všetkých dôb a z celého sveta, väčší dôraz kladie na slovenských estetikov.
Available also through ERIC database:
Prvá systematická knižka o multikultúrnej výchove na Slovensku. V závere prehľad alternatívnych kultúr v euro-atlantickej civilizácii po 1950. Výsledok spolupráce s Univerzitou v Oulu a grantu Vzdelávacej nadácie Jána Husa.
Príspevok na konferencii - Kánony v sieti kontextov, interpretácií a referenčných rámcov, Nitra 2022.
Príspevok na konferencii Estetika centra a periférie - Centrum a periféria estetiky, Bratislava 2019
Príspevok na konferencii Umenie, estetika, politika, Bratislava 2018
Príspevok na konferencii Pragmatické dimenzie umenia a estetiky, Bratislava 2017
Theorizing on education of artists has still been limited to interpretations of specific processes used in the education. The paper shows basic directions in which future education of artists could have been considered. Continual changes in current art provoke changes in goals and methods of education of artists. The education will probably not limit itself to works of art production only but it will open up to broad and common processes of aestheticization.
According to Jan Mukařovský poetic speech is not based on relations to reality but on the speech's context. The speech does not possess communicative function or it works as representation more. Practical functions of poetic speech are suppressed by aesthetic function but not cancelled completely. From Mukařovský's times poetry has changed a lot. Current computer software is able to produce texts that arise from practical tasks but still remain random samples. Semantic relations do not change there (as they would within poetry) because the sample was created for practical purposes. At the same moment we can experience the sample as poetry. Are methods of Jan Mukařovský valid also in relation to language products that possess poetic as well as practical functions, or to language products whose art values are disputable? Does Mukařovský offer any criteria for differentiation of poetic text from everyday practical texts? Can his criteria be used also to automated text products? The paper seeks answers with the help of poetry created after the Mukařovský's times, particularly with so called googlepoetics.
and to formation of their own identity. Cultural dimension of citizen´s life goes hand in hand with his/her social/political/regional/etc. identities here. Also data collected by fMRI research show effectiveness of use of art within citizenship education.
The paper serves as editorial to the journal issue which I had edited as the journal guest editor.
It is not effective to share bio-medicine research outcomes among general public by simple popularization only. Supplemental means are necessary. The most important means can be derived from overview of human body reception in the history of Western civilization: The reception shows us that acceptation of bio-medicine research will probably be blocked by media messages, by various power levels manipulations, by ideologies, by religious rules of behavior, by pseudo-medicine, by pornography, and by extreme sports ideology. For developing means for sharing research outcomes we need to take into account cultural history, gender issues, ideologies, and judicial contexts of human body reception.
The development of rational analytical thinking has been the ideal and goal of Western culture since the Enlightenment. The humanities, on the other hand, also help develop cognitive structures outside of rational thinking (Efland).
Research in evolutionary psychology and anthropology (Gardner, Dissanayake, Starr et al.) shows that humanities deal with those important life skills, such as situated learning, self-expression, the use of symbols, etc.
This paper shows how was the identity of Slovak citizens formed and changed throughout history. Various cultural influences mixed in the area of Slovakia under the influence of geographical conditions, politics, economy, religions, and other processes.
Kľúčové slová: Marian Váross – Umelecká funkcia – Umelecké dielo – Skutočnosť
Development of the notion artistic function used in aesthetic analyses of Slovak scholar Marián Váross. In 1980-ies he described creative process in art as the highest level of aesthetic activity. The aesthetic function was not more dominant within artwork but the artifact was enriched with artistic function. According to M. V. the reason for artistic function appearance was to make the artifact an ontologically independent reality.
Keywords: Marian Váross – Artistic Function – Artwork – Reality
Is current Slovak society a multicultural society? The paper seeks answer with help of history, of geography, of ethnography, of statistical data on Slovak society and of public opinion surveys. Paper analyses roots of current multicultural theory and looks for social processes that had changed natural intercultural relations into multicultural situation. Differences between the last two are considered. Life of citizens, also politics as well as general construction of Slovakia have been continuously changing, therefore the paper considers changes after 1989, after 1993 and situation in 2013. Comparing The Slovak Republic Constitution with other Constitutions, it is visible that Slovak Republic was established on the basis of national principles as well as civil life principles. Statistical data and development of Slovakia indicate that Slovak citizens can imagine themselves as living within a nation state as well as within multicultural society. We can estimate that Slovak citizens are not opened enough for acceptance of radically new results of scientific research."