Tero Nauha
Phone: +358504619871
Address: Theatre Academy
Haapaniemenkatu 6
00530 Helsinki
Address: Theatre Academy
Haapaniemenkatu 6
00530 Helsinki
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Papers by Tero Nauha
on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen teos uudelta performanssifilosofian alalta.
Performanssifilosofia kysyy, kuinka esitys ajattelee, kuinka esitys, esiintyminen tai performanssi
ovat ajattelua ja toimintaa, eivätkä ainoastaan filosofisten kysymysten kuvittamista.
Se on siten tutkimusalue ja taiteellinen toimintakenttä, joka tuo yhteen taiteilijoita, tutkijoita
ja filosofeja, ja kritisoi taiteen alisteista suhdetta filosofian suhteen. Performanssifilosofia
on kehittynyt 2000-luvulla omaksi taiteellisen tutkimuksen alaksi, erottautuen esitystutkimuksesta
ja teatterintutkimuksesta. Tämä kehitys on tapahtunut samanaikaisesti uusien
posthumanististen avausten kuten uusmaterialistisen ja dekolonialistisen kriittisen ajattelun
kanssa. Kirja avaa näitä ajattelun, vallankäytön sekä inhimillisen ja ei-inhimillisen välisiä
kehiä, kuten materian ja merkityksen yhteen kietoutumia. Esitykseen oleellisesti kietoutunut
näyttämö ja sen ymmärrys voidaan nähdä perustavanlaatuisesti inhimillisenä tai esittäminen
voidaan toisaalta käsittää epätavanomaisen ajattelun laajennettuna muotona. Tämä kokoelma
sisältää yhtäältä artikkeleita performanssifilosofian luonteesta ja toisaalta artikkeleita, joissa
esitetty ajattelu rinnastuu performanssifilosofian kysymyksiin kielen ja esittämisen suhteista
sekä ajattelijan positiosta. Kokonaisuus ei pyri määrittelemään performanssifilosofian kenttää
vaan tarjoaa ehdotuksia performanssiajattelulle. Teoksen artikkeleja yhdistävät kysymykset
ajattelusta, performanssiajattelusta ja esityksellä ajattelusta. Siten se tarjoaa uusia avauksia
myös esityksellisyyden merkityksestä ajattelulle ja esityksen ajattelulle. Kokoelma tuo esiin
monen kaltaisia ajatteluja, jotka voidaan nähdä esittämisinä ja performansseina.
Kokoelmassa ovat mukana Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca, Walter Mignolo, Hamid Dabashi,
Esa Kirkkopelto, Karen Barad, John Ò Maoilearca, François Laruelle ja Matthew Goulish,
sekä Tero Nauha, Hanna Järvinen, Annette Arlander ja Pilvi Porkola, jotka ovat myös toimittaneet
that are more commonly used in philosophy or anthropology. The
subject matter of this essay is the pedagogy of performance art, specifically in the context of higher education.
The aim of this article is to articulate a difference between the concept of the Other and the axiomatic placeholder of the X. The axiomatic is that, what decodes our relationships without clear signification. The axiomatic X is a necessity for any performance practice, since in my argument, it is a placeholder for an indeterminacy of the Other. For this, I introduce the method of ‘fictioning’ as the diverging perspective. I propose to regard artistic practice from the point of view where the Other turns into an opaque X – as a ‘posture’ of the Other. In this article, I present ideas I have been working within my postdoctoral project that concern the complex relationship between thought and performance. In this research, my aim is to combine some aspects of the posthumanist philosophical debates and experimental performance art practice in artistic research. I am conducting this research as a postdoctoral fellow at the Academy of Finland funded postdoctoral research project How to Do Things with Performance?
The written part has a form of an architectonical drawing of a building, which has two floors. At first, I give a cross-section of the structure, which is followed by the first ‘floor’. In the first floor I present the starting points and question for my performance art practice and artistic research, and this floor includes the description of the artistic works and the processes, which are related with this research in chronological order. The works, which are presented here are: Loop Variation (2008), Tell me about your machines (2012), Life in Bytom (2012), The Astronomer: Experiment (2013) and finally a description of the project Man-a-machine: schizoproduction (2014).
In the second floor, I am presenting the theoretical discourses of the research. It begins from the presentation of the conjunction with industrialism, avant-garde and the concept of trauma, which follows a presentation of the relationship between the immaterial labour, artistic practice, relationality and the concepts of affect and neuroplasticity. This part concludes with a presentation of the schizoanalytic practice and theory.
The third part is called Foyer, in which I will provide a critical argument both towards the theoretical apparatus presented above and towards my artistic practice and the projects, also. I will present the intricate conjunction between the schizoproduction and immanent capitalism, the function of a heretical practice in artistic practice, the relation between knowledge and knowing and I will conclude in the critique of relationality, processuality and co-operation. In my argument, these three concepts are essentially connected with the philosophy of immanent capitalism.
At the end of the written part of my doctoral dissertation, I conclude with a arguments on the possibility for departure, exit or heresy through artistic practice in the context of immanent capitalism.
There is a book about Kukkia published in November 2011. This book assembles some of Kukkia’s concepts and approaches, as well as contributions from the people we had been affected by or worked with – there are texts by John Grzinich and Evelyn Müürsepp from the MoKS artists organisation in Mooste, Estonia; a poetic witness report from Jonimatti Joutsijärvi; a short essay from Franco ’Bifo’ Berardi; illustrations by artist Dwi Setianto and the form of the book by Mika Aalto-Setälä.
Kukkia Book was published in the Baltic Circle Festival on Wednesday 16th of November, 2011.
7th Annual Conference on the New Materialisms,
September 21-23 2016. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology,
Polish Academy of Sciences.
Liikelaituri, September 30, 2016, Tampere.
How To Do Things With Performance Kick-Off,
October 4, Theatre Academy, Helsinki.
Theatre.now, October 19, 2016, Kiasma, Helsinki.
The performance is for two turntables and Theremin. The vinyl records played has the presentation read by me and pressed on vinyl acetate records. The lecture performance is bilingual, in English and Finnish
There is also an article published on the same issue at the RUUKKU: Studies in Artistic Research 6 /2016 online publication: http://ruukku-journal.fi/fi/issues/6/