University of the Arts Helsinki
Theatre Academy
Designers and creative artists often have highly personal experiences of intuition in their creative process. Such experiences may feel extraordinary to designers, who have a great difficulty explaining the experiences. These experiences... more
Introduction During the past decades the Pilates Method has become a widely popular exercise form throughout the Western world. The method has been hailed as an exceptionally refined and therapeutic functional bodywork approach and its... more
This paper looks into the significance emotions and feelings can have in a collaborative dance-making process. This is done by introducing a narrative based on a dance pedagogy student's writings. They contain observations of her... more
This article contemplates how the cultivation of breath through specific body awareness techniques might be understood to support a dialogical and ethical relatedness between collaborators constructing a performance through an open-ended... more
This paper looks into the significance emotions and feelings can have in a collaborative dance-making process. This is done by introducing a narrative based on a dance pedagogy student’s writings. They contain observations of her... more
Designers and creative artists often have highly personal experiences of intuition in their creative process. Such experiences may feel extraordinary to designers, who have a great difficulty explaining the experiences. These experiences... more
During the past decades the Pilates Method has become a widely popular exercise form throughout the Western world. The method has been hailed as an exceptionally refined and therapeutic functional bodywork approach and its founder Joseph... more
Somatics is a field of practice that consists of approaches to bodywork that aim at psycho-physical integration and enhance the well-being of an individual. This is mainly done through appreciating the first-person perspective on the... more
This paper looks into the significance emotions and feelings can have in a collaborative dance-making process. This is done by introducing a narrative based on a dance pedagogy student's writings. They contain observations of her... more
Opinnäytetutkimuksen tehtävänä on saada tietoa onnistumis- ja epäonnistumiskokemuksien syntymekanismeista, jotta ne tulevat tilanteissa tunnistetuiksi. Saamalla lisää tietoa onnistumis- ja epäonnistumiskokemuksen synnystä,... more
The transition to a freelance employment policy from permanent working contracts has had various repercussions on artistic practices in Finnish theatres. This article examines the changes that have taken place in the working culture of... more
The Association of Nordic Theatre Scholars has increased its activity remarkably during the past year and the journal has gained more visibility since its transition to online open access. In 2017, NTS was selected for inclusion in Web of... more