Papers by Samson Damilola
Journal of Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2016
In this work, the VENTURE PC coding system was used to perform the burnup/depletion analysis of t... more In this work, the VENTURE PC coding system was used to perform the burnup/depletion analysis of the Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) core enriched with 19.75% UO2 material. The venture module of the venture pc code performs the neutronic part of the calculation while the burner code module of the same venture pc code performs the depletion calculation. Result indicated that the total estimate of U235 consumption in 200 days of NIRR-1 operation is approximately 7.75g in the LEU, which implies that the present NIRR-1 system and the proposed LEU core have a burnup of less than 1% in 200 days of reactor operation.
Physical Science International Journal, 2016
SCALE 6.1 code system and VENTURE-PC code system has been used for the core conversion of Miniatu... more SCALE 6.1 code system and VENTURE-PC code system has been used for the core conversion of Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) from Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) system (90.2% enriched UAl 4 fuel) to Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) system (19.75% enriched UO 2-zircaloy-4 fuel). All other structure materials and dimensions of HEU and LEU cores are the same except the increase in the fuel cell diameters for the proposed LEU core. Results obtained show that the peak power density of 4.310033 Watts/cc, maximum neutron density of 6.94535e-6 n/cc, total control rod worth of 723 0.049 pcm, clean cold core excess reactivity of 404 0.009 pcm, k of 1.0119634 0.0072434 , shutdown margin of 319 0.1003 pcm and neutron flux profile of 1.24 10 0.11 ncm s for the potential LEU core are slightly greater than those of the Original Research Article

Physical Science International Journal, 2016
A comprehensive neutronics analysis using VENTURE-PC and SCALE 6.1 computer codes system has been... more A comprehensive neutronics analysis using VENTURE-PC and SCALE 6.1 computer codes system has been performed for the core conversion study of Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1). The computed reactor core physics parameters include: group neutron fluxes profiles, power density distributions and neutron flux distributions. The number of active fuel pins used for this analysis is approximate 200 pins, which show that the fuel pins have been reduced to about 58% when compared with the present Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) fuel (UAl 4-Al) of 347 pins. These reductions in the number of fuel pins has given room for more moderators in the core and hence increase the number of hydrogen available to thermalize the neutron in the potential 19.75% UO 2 fuelled core for Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1). The diffusion theory based calculated values of thermal flux profiles for the vertical as well as for the horizontal radial directions has been found to agree well with similar calculations using different nuclear analysis tools. The results obtained Original Research Article
American Journal of Modern Physics, 2014
A lower resistivity and better spectra selectivity is a measurement of the quality and potential ... more A lower resistivity and better spectra selectivity is a measurement of the quality and potential use of silver Ag and aluminium Al metals for the application as metallization contacts for solar cells. Aluminium (Al) and silver (Ag) thin films deposited by thermal evaporation at room temperature were dense with small grain sizes, and maintained a high value of reflectance (in the spectral range from 300 to 3200 nm) with annealing at 300 °C in an argon atmosphere. Experimental results indicate that the surface roughness is increased while the film's resistivities are reduced. It was also found that the surface roughness and work function of metal films are very important to enhance the stability and efficiency of electrode thin films used for solar cells.
SCALE 6.1 code system and VENTURE-PC code system has been used for the core conversion of Miniatu... more SCALE 6.1 code system and VENTURE-PC code system has been used for the core conversion of Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) from Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) system (90.2% enriched UAl 4 fuel) to Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) system (19.75% enriched UO 2-zircaloy-4 fuel). All other structure materials and dimensions of HEU and LEU cores are the same except the increase in the fuel cell diameters for the proposed LEU core. Results obtained show that the peak power density of 4.310033 Watts/cc, maximum neutron density of 6.94535e-6 n/cc, total control rod worth of 723 0.049 pcm, clean cold core excess reactivity of 404 0.009 pcm, k of 1.0119634 0.0072434 , shutdown margin of 319 0.1003 pcm and neutron flux profile of 1.24 10 0.11 ncm s for the potential LEU core are slightly greater than those of the Original Research Article

Investigation has been done concerning the performance of 19.75% uranium dioxide (UO2) fuel mater... more Investigation has been done concerning the performance of 19.75% uranium dioxide (UO2) fuel material in the core of the Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1), a Miniature Neutron Source Reactors (MNSRs) manufactured by China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) using SCALE 6.1 and VENTURE-PC codes. This is in line with the current efforts to convert the core of NIRR-1 from Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) core (90.2% enriched UAl4-Al fuel) to Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) core (19.75% enriched UO2-zircaloy-4 fuel). The geometry and dimensions of HEU and LEU cores were exactly the same except the increase in the fuel cell diameters from 1.2384cm to 1.632cm. Results obtained shows that the total control rod worth of 7.23mk (723pcm), clean cold core excess reactivity of 4.04mk (404pcm), í µí± í µí±í µí±í µí± of 1.0119634, shutdown margin of 3.19mk (319pcm) and neutron flux profile of 1.24 × 10 12 ncm −2 s −1 for the proposed LEU core are a bit more than that of the present HEU core. The model predictions of this parameters for NIRR-1 system in this study are perfectly in agreement with experimental results as well as the results from similar computations using different nuclear tools.

Thin films of Cadmium Oxide (CdO) have been prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) method. Th... more Thin films of Cadmium Oxide (CdO) have been prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) method. The prepared films were annealed at 200oC, 250oC and 300oC. The annealed films were characterized for their Optical and Electrical properties. All the films exhibited their maximum transmittance above 80% (i.e., 84.27%–91.58%) in the VIS and NIR regions of the spectrum and were found to decrease with increasing annealing temperature. The band gap energy (Eg) estimated was in the range of 2.18eV–2.34eV and the refractive index was found to shift towards the higher wavelength region when the annealing temperature increases. The electrical properties of the films reveal an increase in carrier concentration and the conductivity with increase in annealing temperature. The carrier concentration (N) and conductivity (σ) of about 1.245x 1022 cm-3 and 0.69 Ωm-1 were achieved for films annealed at 300oC.
In this work, the VENTURE PC coding system was used to perform the burnup/depletion analysis of t... more In this work, the VENTURE PC coding system was used to perform the burnup/depletion analysis of the Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) core enriched with 19.75% UO 2 material. The venture module of the venture pc code performs the neutronic part of the calculation while the burner code module of the same venture pc code performs the depletion calculation. Result indicated that the total estimate of U235 consumption in 200 days of NIRR-1 operation is approximately 7.75g in the LEU, which implies that the present NIRR-1 system and the proposed LEU core have a burnup of less than 1% in 200 days of reactor operation.

A comprehensive neutronics analysis using VENTURE-PC and SCALE 6.1 computer codes system has been... more A comprehensive neutronics analysis using VENTURE-PC and SCALE 6.1 computer codes system has been performed for the core conversion study of Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1). The computed reactor core physics parameters include: group neutron fluxes profiles, power density distributions and neutron flux distributions. The number of active fuel pins used for this analysis is approximate 200 pins, which show that the fuel pins have been reduced to about 58% when compared with the present Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) fuel (UAl 4-Al) of 347 pins. These reductions in the number of fuel pins has given room for more moderators in the core and hence increase the number of hydrogen available to thermalize the neutron in the potential 19.75% UO 2 fuelled core for Nigeria Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1). The diffusion theory based calculated values of thermal flux profiles for the vertical as well as for the horizontal radial directions has been found to agree well with similar calculations using different nuclear analysis tools. The results obtained Original Research Article
SCALE 6.1 code system and VENTURE-PC code system has been used for the core conversion of Miniatu... more SCALE 6.1 code system and VENTURE-PC code system has been used for the core conversion of Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) from Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) system (90.2% enriched UAl 4 fuel) to Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) system (19.75% enriched UO 2-zircaloy-4 fuel). All other structure materials and dimensions of HEU and LEU cores are the same except the increase in the fuel cell diameters for the proposed LEU core. Results obtained show that the peak power density of 4.310033 Watts/cc, maximum neutron density of 6.94535e-6 n/cc, total control rod worth of 723 0.049 pcm, clean cold core excess reactivity of 404 0.009 pcm, k of 1.0119634 0.0072434 , shutdown margin of 319 0.1003 pcm and neutron flux profile of 1.24 10 0.11 ncm s for the potential LEU core are slightly greater than those of the Original Research Article
Papers by Samson Damilola