Papers by Kamila Zarychta-Romanowska
CRC Press eBooks, Sep 26, 2023
CRC Press eBooks, Sep 26, 2023

Countering Terrorist and Criminal Financing Theory and Practice, 2023
this chapter is an attempt to explore the EU's ambitious goal of establishing a unified European ... more this chapter is an attempt to explore the EU's ambitious goal of establishing a unified European homeland marked by heightened security and robust cooperation mechanisms. This vision has gained prominence as the EU faces evolving security threats, cross-border criminal activities, and the imperative to safeguard its financial interests.
The chapter delves into a proposed regulation aligned with the new EU Counterterrorism Strategy, designed to support and strengthen the collaborative efforts of national police services. This regulation offers a comprehensive framework for combatting organized crime and terrorism, extending security across at least two EU member states, and expanding the role of Europol, the EU's law enforcement agency.
Key outcomes and goals proposed regulation include:
Privileged Cooperation for Data Sharing: Emphasizing the need for seamless data sharing and interoperability between EuLISA and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA) to address cross-border crimes effectively.
Multilateral Structured Dialogues: Recognizing law enforcement's hesitancy to share sensitive information, the regulation promotes multilateral structured dialogues, strengthened by international partnerships with OSCE, UNODC, and IOM.
Judicial Oversight for Enhanced Security: Integration of the operational capabilities of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA) to combat organized crime and terrorism, reinforcing international judicial cooperation within the EU.
Efficient Counterterrorism Measures: The regulation underscores the importance of swift collaboration between the EPPO, Europol, and the EBCGA to address terrorism and illicit financial flows while preserving Europol's role as an expertise hub.
Financial Forensic Intelligence: The regulation highlights the role of FINTECH in ensuring accountability and rebuilding public trust in EU institutions, politics, and financial matters.
Independence and Accountability: Emphasizing the independence of the EPPO's IT division and its CMS Programme, which fosters transparency and accountability and supports the growth of an independent financial intelligence unit within the EPPO.
Tackling Worst-Case Scenarios: Addressing the possibility of EU funds inadvertently supporting terrorism and the need for vigilance in monitoring EU engagement to prevent legal complications in the EU's counterterrorism strategy.
The shift in the EU policyframework is a significant step toward realizing a unified and secure EU homeland. It not only bolsters EU security but also lays the groundwork for comprehensive cooperation and effective law enforcement. In a world where threats are both domestic and international, this regulation proactively addresses security challenges and safeguards the EU's integrity and financial interests.

Radca Prawny
Attorney-at-law in the proceedings conducted by the new OLAF and EPPO The article extensively dis... more Attorney-at-law in the proceedings conducted by the new OLAF and EPPO The article extensively discusses the issue of combating broadly understood white-collar crime and crimes affecting the interests of the European Union, per the PIF Directive, as well as the new police and investigative powers of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO). The author not only discusses OLAF’s policing and investigating powers but also points to the role of an attorney-at-law as a person who serves both advice and ensures that procedural guarantees are observed. By presenting in detail the catalogue of procedural guarantees and the role of the Controller of Procedural Guarantees, the author indicates the mechanisms of ensuring the protection of the person who is subject to EU investigation as well as presenting the necessity for a support of a professional legal representative. The detailed description of procedural guarantees is followed by postulates ...
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2018
The dissertation "Police control of irregular migrations in the European Union" analyses the crim... more The dissertation "Police control of irregular migrations in the European Union" analyses the criminological and policing contexts of the globalization of irregular migrations as a significant challenge for the security of the European Union. Policies and institutions in charge of protection of public order, internal and external security were considered. The study examined the uncontrolled mobility of irregular migrants, terrorists, and criminal groups as a phenomena of social pathology. These phenomena violate global, regional, and local safety standards and imply the taking of preventive and crime prevention measures.
Revista Drept oradea , 2018
Following the Arab's spring revolution, Europe is facing an unprecedented wave of mass migration.... more Following the Arab's spring revolution, Europe is facing an unprecedented wave of mass migration. This is certainly not a recent development, as the migratory flow, particularly from Asia and Africa, has caused a significant problem in the Mediterranean basin for quite some time. Many of these migrants are seeking international protection due to war, discrimination, harassment and other legitimate reasons, which, based on humanitarian law, justify their voyage to Europe. But a substantial amount of those who decide to travel to Europe with a one- way ticket are often economic migrants, or, even more seriously after the rise of ISIS and the eruption of violent jihadi movements, foreign fighters returning to their home/hosting countries, or militants sent to create and reinforce existing terrorist cells.

The existing framework of GEO-Intelligence, Interoperability of Large Scale IT systems o... more Abstract
The existing framework of GEO-Intelligence, Interoperability of Large Scale IT systems of EU as well as security intelligence are debated in the border security context. The EU external and internal security aspects of Integrated Border management and CBRN preparedness, especially in the EBCG and Schengen borders are examined with strong emphasis on cross- and trans-border cooperation. Various suggestions and postulates are presented in combination with the assessment of national and EU law enforcement preparedness, especially with some mechanism of mitigation of threats in the maritime security sector. The author examines the NATO stability policing concept and its execution in the Schengen Area to cooperation between border policing and military policing, as well as intelligence, and their accommodation to the circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as use of modern mapping and surveillance to that extent. The concepts of use of applied mathematics, QRNG and potential of quantum technology in border surveillance, is advocated to strengthen EU responsiveness. The EU border surveillance landscape is assessed from the lenses of developing Security strategies of the EU, and through its global security strategies in the internal and external security dimensions. The author highlights necessary developments in training and adjustments of education curricula for all categories of Standing Corps. The necessary and urgent pan-European coordinated training and material and equipment strengthening for the coast guard lead the author to stress the importance of creating a Pan-European Coastguard Center of excellence, which will provide specialist training on maritime security and boarding, Search and Rescue, Fundamental rights and victimological support for victims, which could play a pivotal role in intelligence cooperation.

Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem
While analysing the heritage, input, and various implementation contexts of UNSCR 1325 on women, ... more While analysing the heritage, input, and various implementation contexts of UNSCR 1325 on women, peace, and security, the authors investigate not only various approaches to women’s position and female empowerment in international engagement settings and cooperation models (UN, OSCE NATO, UNCDF), but also look at female empowerment in a global scope from women’s perspectives as victims, leaders, and perpetrators. By considering the need for complex engagement of international actors in stability, development, and crisis initiatives, the authors analyse NATO policy against sexual abuse and exploitation, on women’s financial inclusion, and the MenEngage initiative. While analysing the societal impact of radicalisation, they seek answers for effective reintegration and anti-radicalisation of female terrorists and foreign fighters. Authors examine the evolving gender equity and female empowerment policies of the EU in their foreign and domestic affairs, with particular interest in intern...

Przegląd Prawa i Administracji
Przedstawiając perspektywę współczesnych zagrożeń, autorzy analizują najnowsze koncep-cje legisla... more Przedstawiając perspektywę współczesnych zagrożeń, autorzy analizują najnowsze koncep-cje legislacyjne: bezpieczeństwa, kontroli policyjnej i zarządzania granicami Unii Europejskiej z per-spektywy regulacji 2016/1624 i 2019/1896 o Europejskiej Straży Granicznej i Przybrzeżnej, Wspólnej Polityce Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony, Europejskiej Globalnej Strategii Bezpieczeństwa oraz Globalnym Pakcie Migracyjnym. Podejmując próbę holistycznej oceny wdrażanych koncepcji kontroli policyjnej i kryminologii granic (przede wszystkim przez pryzmat innowacyjności zintegrowanego zarządzania granicami i migracjami, zarówno w ujęciu europejskim, jak i globalnym), szczegółowo analizują oni uprawnienia Europejskiej Straży Granicznej, zwłaszcza w aspektach interoperacyjności, współpracy międzynarodowej oraz współpracy instytucjonalnej, wykazując niewykorzystanie potencjału nowej formacji, jaką jest „policja graniczna”. Niewystarczające legislacyjne ukonstytuowanie współpracy Straży z Biurem Europejskiego Pro...

Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego
Frontex 3.0 a — revolutionary or revelatory? — legislative and policing paradigm of security of t... more Frontex 3.0 a — revolutionary or revelatory? — legislative and policing paradigm of security of the European Union’s borders. A pan-European interpretation and implementation of intelligence-led policingThe article contains an analysis of the origins and development of new regulations concerning the European Border and Coast Guard of 2016 and 2018 in order to better understand its tasks and development in the light of the European policy objectives and European law. The authors pay particular attention to the state of ontological uncertainty and lack of security manifested by the residents and states of the European Union. Thus they consider the challenges to the Union’s internal and external security. They analyse new initiatives, both legal and political, the aim of which is to limit the threats associated with uncontrolled irregular migrations, organised crime and terrorism. Examining the EU’s new proposal concerning the European Border and Coast Guard, the authors point to its m...

Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego
Frontex 3.0 a — revolutionary or revelatory? — legislative and policing paradigm of security of t... more Frontex 3.0 a — revolutionary or revelatory? — legislative and policing paradigm of security of the European Union’s borders. A pan-European interpretation and implementation of intelligence-led policingThe article contains an analysis of the origins and development of new regulations concerning the European Border and Coast Guard of 2016 and 2018 in order to better understand its tasks and development in the light of the European policy objectives and European law. The authors pay particular attention to the state of ontological uncertainty and lack of security manifested by the residents and states of the European Union. Thus they consider the challenges to the Union’s internal and external security. They analyse new initiatives, both legal and political, the aim of which is to limit the threats associated with uncontrolled irregular migrations, organised crime and terrorism. Examining the EU’s new proposal concerning the European Border and Coast Guard, the authors point to its m...

Streszczenie Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie pogłębionej analizy współczesnych ame... more Streszczenie Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie pogłębionej analizy współczesnych amerykańskich teorii kry-minalizacji. Rozpoczynając od szczegółowej analizy koncepcji J. Strumpf i teorii członkostwa, autorzy pod-kreślają dylematy etyczne między władztwem i prerogatywami, suwerennością a stratyfikacją społeczeństw i grup społecznych, oraz integracją i dezintegracją społeczeństwa. Autorzy dokładnie badają ewolucję i rozwój oryginalnej koncepcji J. Strumpf, ale także rozwój tej teorii przez kryminologów i socjologów z USA i Europy. Przybliżając koncepcje C.C.G. Henrandez, Y. Vazquez lub D. Massey, autorzy artykułu biorą również pod uwagę kwestie bezpieczeństwa oraz społecznokulturowy i historyczny kontekst USA. Analizie poddano także europejskie próby implementacji teorii krymigracyjnych (zwłaszcza brytyjskie i holenderskie szkoły kry-minologiczne), aby pokazać wdrażanie głównie amerykańskiej koncepcji w dziedzinie europejskiej kryminolo-gii i socjologii oraz problemy związane z bardzo unikalnymi europejskimi politykami migracyjnymi-unijnymi i krajowymi. Przedstawiono również próby dostosowania koncepcji przez polskich kryminologów oraz być może radykalne dla wielu, lecz interesujące koncepcje całkowitego zniesienia ograniczeń migracyjnych, re-prezentowanych przez A. Spenę, S. Benhabiba lub M. Boswortha. Oceniając istniejące dysputy akademickie, autorzy prezentują również własną analizę Globalnego Paktu migracji, pokazując jego wady i zalety i zadając jednocześnie istotne pytania o skuteczność i zasady, jakie umożliwiłyby skuteczne globalne zarządzanie nie-legalnymi przepływami migracyjnymi. Słowa klucze: kryzys, kryminalizacja, sekurytyzacja, rozwarstwienie społeczne, sekurytyzacja migracji, teorie nielegalnej migracji, przepływy migracyjne, globalne porozumienie w sprawie migracji, ochrona granic, znie-sienie migracji, ONZ, UE Za prekursorkę i jednocześnie autorkę koncepcji krymigracji (crimmigration) uwa-ża się J. Strumpf, która w swoim przełomowym artykule pt.: Crimmigration Crisis (Kryzys krymigracyjny) (Strumpf, 2006, s. 367-419) wskazała na postępujący pro-ces stopniowego zespalania się norm prawa karnego z prawem migracyjnym, które przedstawiła jako realizację prerogatyw władzy predystynowanej do tego, aby ka-rać i wyrażać społeczne potępienie dla pojedynczego sprawcy, który narusza usta-nowione przez władzę normy. Zaobserwowane i opisane przez J. Strumpf połączenie prawa karnego i imigracyjnego jest swoistym novum. Skoro bowiem prawo karne ma na celu zapobieganie i zwalczanie szkód na rzecz jednostek i społeczeństwa,

Revista Facultății de Drept Oradea The Journal of the Faculty of Law Oradea, 2019
Written in the end of 2017 based on presentation at the Conferce in Oradea XI 2017, published in ... more Written in the end of 2017 based on presentation at the Conferce in Oradea XI 2017, published in 2019. Lack of imminent connection between foreign fighters and the problems based with their existence and activities, both in the battlefields of Syria and Iraq and in the countries of residence can impose a threat to Polish interests and security. Whilst activities of foreign fighters are predominantly based in the Middle East, it is worth to explore how - and why – might they pose a challenge to Polish national security? The returnees, who are primarily responsible for terrorist attacks in London, Paris, Brussels or Berlin, are mostly operating in countries with a significant representation of Arabic ascendants, and where the inflow of regular/irregular and humanitarian migrants is at its greatest. Poland as an EU member state is also involved in Schengen area, an active member of NATO, and both organizations are heavily involved in the global fight against terrorism. Before entering into an analysis of the situation, and a discussion regarding the threats caused by the existence and activities of foreign fighters, firstly the phenomena, its origin and specifics, with emphasis to female foreign fighters, the push and pull factors and the socio-economic and historic-cultural upbringing of the jihadi movement was described and the EU antiradcialization initiatives were summarised and assessed with de lege lata and de lege ferrenda recomendations. The Polish Border Guards tasks and responsability in the counterterrorism mechanisms are descirbed and recomendation of close cooperation and greater involvement of Frontex in the strenghtening of Eastern EU Borders are being made.

Transformacje , 2019
EN The authors examine the different aspects of contemporary migration phenomena and its percepti... more EN The authors examine the different aspects of contemporary migration phenomena and its perception, as changed by current migratory crisis. The different aspects of criminalisation of irregular migratory flows are being reflected in the different aspects
of globalisation, organised crime and policing, especially in the EU context. The militarisation of border security, the questions of appropriate use of humanitarian law are
carefully considered in the article through the analysis of "push and pull" factors and migratory determinants.. The risks and threats connected to irregular migration, which lead to the general state of uncertainty and insecurity in Europe are being explored.
Separate analysis is directed at the theory of illegal migration, migratory currents and human mobility trends alongside the use of policing tools to control the abovementioned issues. /// PL Artykuł przedstawia analizę różnych aspektów współczesnych zjawisk migracyjnych, ich postrzeganie oraz zmiany w obliczu współczesnego kryzysu migracyjnego. Różne aspekty kryminalizacji nielegalnych przepływów migracyjnych znajdują od-zwierciedlenie w różnych aspektach globalizacji, przestępczości zorganizowanej i dzia-łań policyjnych, zwłaszcza w kontekście UE. Militaryzacja bezpieczeństwa granic, kwestie właściwego stosowania prawa humanitarnego są w niniejszym artykule wnikli-wie analizowane przy uwzględnieniu zastosowanie czynników "push and pull" oraz czynników migracyjnych. Różne zagrożenia, w tym zagrożenia związane z nielegalną migracją, które prowadzą do ogólnego stanu niepewności w Europie są poddane w ni-niejszym artykule szczególnej analizie. Osobnej analizie zostały poddana teoria niele-galnej migracji, aktualne trendy migracji i mobilności ludzi wraz z wykorzystaniem narzędzi policyjnych do kontrolowania wspomnianych problemów. Słowa kluczowe: migracja, globalizacja, teoria nielegalnej migracji, trendy migracji, przestępczość zorganizowana

Przegląd Prawa i Administracji , 2020
While presenting the landscape of contemporary insecurities, the authors investigate the latest l... more While presenting the landscape of contemporary insecurities, the authors investigate the latest legislative concepts of the European Union’s concepts of security, policing and border management from the lenses of Regulations 2016/1624 and 2019/1896 on the European Border and Coast Guard, Common Security and Defence Policy, European Global Security Strategy and the UN Global Com-pact on Migration.In an attempt to holistically assess the implemented concepts of police control and border criminology, above all through the prism of the innovation of integrated border and migration management, both in European and global terms, they analyse in detail the powers of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, especially with regard to their interoperability, international and interinstitutional cooperation.They point out as well the untapped potential of the formation of a new border police force. The insufficiently constituted cooperation of the Border Guard Agency with the Office of the Euro-pean public Prosecutor limits the effectiveness of the activities of both institutions, i.e. to combat terrorist offences, trans-border trafficking of people and goods, or even to control so-called foreign fighters.Strengthening cooperation and synergies between judicial and law enforcement agencies and the European External Action Service, providing the formation with the necessary intelligence andmilitary competence is suggested by the authors.Particular attention was devoted to the need for appropriate needs, adaptable to change — for-mation and investigative-military training, as well as education on international humanitarian law and human rights, so that the border police may carry out their duties in an effective yet humani-tarian manner.Describing the proposed innovation in policing, not limited to operational and investigative activities, but rightly covering modern intelligence and digital/cyber profiling, among others, the au-thors consider a formally established close cooperation between EU Border Guards and the EU Pub-lic Prosecutor alongside the formalisation of the obligation to provide sincere and full cooperation from other EU countries to combat cross-border and terrorist related offences as a very much needed and desired axiomatic milestone in EU legislation. The authors provide a number of suggestions that may contribute to humanitarian, effective, and innovative border and migration management, and the fight against transnational organised crime and irregular migration phenomena.Keywords: Frontex, European border and coast guard agency, EBCG, border policing, border crim-inology, border intelligence, European security, global security, EU global security strategies, UN Global Compact on Migration, foreign fighters, cross-border crime, transnational terrorism, Euro-pean Public Prosecutor Office, EPPO, EEAS, crisis management, innovative border management, interoperability, EU Law enforcement cooperation, innovative border intelligence, innovative bor-der training and education, humanitarian border management

Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 2018
The article contains an analysis of the origins and development of new regulations concerning the... more The article contains an analysis of the origins and development of new regulations concerning the European Border and Coast Guard of 2016 and 2018 in order to better understand its tasks and development in the light of the European policy objectives and European law. The authors pay particular attention to the state of ontological uncertainty and lack of security manifested by the residents and states of the European Union. Thus they consider the challenges to the Union’s internal and external security. They analyse new initiatives, both legal and political, the aim of which is to limit the threats associated with uncontrolled irregular migrations, organised crime and terrorism. Examining the EU’s new proposal concerning the European Border and Coast Guard, the authors point to its main objects, innovative nature of the proposed solutions as well as asubstantial policy change that can be seen in the new proposal. When analysing the proposal and its amendments from acriminological perspective, the authors indicate anew interpretation of the concept of intelligence-led policing as well as its implementation with regard to the EU’s border and security policies, both in their internal and external aspects. When examining the most important premises of the organisational, institutional and operation-al mandate of the EBCG, the authors not only examine the establishment of the EU’s new border police, but also confirm the need to define astrategy for the operation of the Ser-vice, especially with regard to its operational activities and intelligence, in order for the Service to effectively and fully implement its mandate, at the same time making amajor contribution to fighting threats to abroadly defined security of the EU (terrorism, uncon-trolled migrations, organised crime). What is essential to this is the introduction of asus-tainable — respectful of cultural differences but also effective — way to create policing policies as well as use of new technologies to monitor borders, in line with the adopted intelligence policy. In addition, further bi- and multilateral cooperation with relevant bod-ies and services of third countries should be maintained and developed, especially taking into account the existing good cooperation practices. In the article the authors analyse the regulatory framework of the new regulation specifying the role and threats of the new Service with regard to personnel and insufficient financing, and point to other difficul-ties associated with the insufficient implementation of the solidarity clause so far. They also point to the urgent need to formulate amethodology, strategy and relevant training enabling border guards to use the so-called cultural profiling (taking into account the mi-grants’ cultural and ideological differences) as part of their statutory activities, and at the same time ensuring the highest standard of fundamental right protection.
Papers by Kamila Zarychta-Romanowska
The chapter delves into a proposed regulation aligned with the new EU Counterterrorism Strategy, designed to support and strengthen the collaborative efforts of national police services. This regulation offers a comprehensive framework for combatting organized crime and terrorism, extending security across at least two EU member states, and expanding the role of Europol, the EU's law enforcement agency.
Key outcomes and goals proposed regulation include:
Privileged Cooperation for Data Sharing: Emphasizing the need for seamless data sharing and interoperability between EuLISA and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA) to address cross-border crimes effectively.
Multilateral Structured Dialogues: Recognizing law enforcement's hesitancy to share sensitive information, the regulation promotes multilateral structured dialogues, strengthened by international partnerships with OSCE, UNODC, and IOM.
Judicial Oversight for Enhanced Security: Integration of the operational capabilities of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA) to combat organized crime and terrorism, reinforcing international judicial cooperation within the EU.
Efficient Counterterrorism Measures: The regulation underscores the importance of swift collaboration between the EPPO, Europol, and the EBCGA to address terrorism and illicit financial flows while preserving Europol's role as an expertise hub.
Financial Forensic Intelligence: The regulation highlights the role of FINTECH in ensuring accountability and rebuilding public trust in EU institutions, politics, and financial matters.
Independence and Accountability: Emphasizing the independence of the EPPO's IT division and its CMS Programme, which fosters transparency and accountability and supports the growth of an independent financial intelligence unit within the EPPO.
Tackling Worst-Case Scenarios: Addressing the possibility of EU funds inadvertently supporting terrorism and the need for vigilance in monitoring EU engagement to prevent legal complications in the EU's counterterrorism strategy.
The shift in the EU policyframework is a significant step toward realizing a unified and secure EU homeland. It not only bolsters EU security but also lays the groundwork for comprehensive cooperation and effective law enforcement. In a world where threats are both domestic and international, this regulation proactively addresses security challenges and safeguards the EU's integrity and financial interests.
The existing framework of GEO-Intelligence, Interoperability of Large Scale IT systems of EU as well as security intelligence are debated in the border security context. The EU external and internal security aspects of Integrated Border management and CBRN preparedness, especially in the EBCG and Schengen borders are examined with strong emphasis on cross- and trans-border cooperation. Various suggestions and postulates are presented in combination with the assessment of national and EU law enforcement preparedness, especially with some mechanism of mitigation of threats in the maritime security sector. The author examines the NATO stability policing concept and its execution in the Schengen Area to cooperation between border policing and military policing, as well as intelligence, and their accommodation to the circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as use of modern mapping and surveillance to that extent. The concepts of use of applied mathematics, QRNG and potential of quantum technology in border surveillance, is advocated to strengthen EU responsiveness. The EU border surveillance landscape is assessed from the lenses of developing Security strategies of the EU, and through its global security strategies in the internal and external security dimensions. The author highlights necessary developments in training and adjustments of education curricula for all categories of Standing Corps. The necessary and urgent pan-European coordinated training and material and equipment strengthening for the coast guard lead the author to stress the importance of creating a Pan-European Coastguard Center of excellence, which will provide specialist training on maritime security and boarding, Search and Rescue, Fundamental rights and victimological support for victims, which could play a pivotal role in intelligence cooperation.
of globalisation, organised crime and policing, especially in the EU context. The militarisation of border security, the questions of appropriate use of humanitarian law are
carefully considered in the article through the analysis of "push and pull" factors and migratory determinants.. The risks and threats connected to irregular migration, which lead to the general state of uncertainty and insecurity in Europe are being explored.
Separate analysis is directed at the theory of illegal migration, migratory currents and human mobility trends alongside the use of policing tools to control the abovementioned issues. /// PL Artykuł przedstawia analizę różnych aspektów współczesnych zjawisk migracyjnych, ich postrzeganie oraz zmiany w obliczu współczesnego kryzysu migracyjnego. Różne aspekty kryminalizacji nielegalnych przepływów migracyjnych znajdują od-zwierciedlenie w różnych aspektach globalizacji, przestępczości zorganizowanej i dzia-łań policyjnych, zwłaszcza w kontekście UE. Militaryzacja bezpieczeństwa granic, kwestie właściwego stosowania prawa humanitarnego są w niniejszym artykule wnikli-wie analizowane przy uwzględnieniu zastosowanie czynników "push and pull" oraz czynników migracyjnych. Różne zagrożenia, w tym zagrożenia związane z nielegalną migracją, które prowadzą do ogólnego stanu niepewności w Europie są poddane w ni-niejszym artykule szczególnej analizie. Osobnej analizie zostały poddana teoria niele-galnej migracji, aktualne trendy migracji i mobilności ludzi wraz z wykorzystaniem narzędzi policyjnych do kontrolowania wspomnianych problemów. Słowa kluczowe: migracja, globalizacja, teoria nielegalnej migracji, trendy migracji, przestępczość zorganizowana
The chapter delves into a proposed regulation aligned with the new EU Counterterrorism Strategy, designed to support and strengthen the collaborative efforts of national police services. This regulation offers a comprehensive framework for combatting organized crime and terrorism, extending security across at least two EU member states, and expanding the role of Europol, the EU's law enforcement agency.
Key outcomes and goals proposed regulation include:
Privileged Cooperation for Data Sharing: Emphasizing the need for seamless data sharing and interoperability between EuLISA and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA) to address cross-border crimes effectively.
Multilateral Structured Dialogues: Recognizing law enforcement's hesitancy to share sensitive information, the regulation promotes multilateral structured dialogues, strengthened by international partnerships with OSCE, UNODC, and IOM.
Judicial Oversight for Enhanced Security: Integration of the operational capabilities of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA) to combat organized crime and terrorism, reinforcing international judicial cooperation within the EU.
Efficient Counterterrorism Measures: The regulation underscores the importance of swift collaboration between the EPPO, Europol, and the EBCGA to address terrorism and illicit financial flows while preserving Europol's role as an expertise hub.
Financial Forensic Intelligence: The regulation highlights the role of FINTECH in ensuring accountability and rebuilding public trust in EU institutions, politics, and financial matters.
Independence and Accountability: Emphasizing the independence of the EPPO's IT division and its CMS Programme, which fosters transparency and accountability and supports the growth of an independent financial intelligence unit within the EPPO.
Tackling Worst-Case Scenarios: Addressing the possibility of EU funds inadvertently supporting terrorism and the need for vigilance in monitoring EU engagement to prevent legal complications in the EU's counterterrorism strategy.
The shift in the EU policyframework is a significant step toward realizing a unified and secure EU homeland. It not only bolsters EU security but also lays the groundwork for comprehensive cooperation and effective law enforcement. In a world where threats are both domestic and international, this regulation proactively addresses security challenges and safeguards the EU's integrity and financial interests.
The existing framework of GEO-Intelligence, Interoperability of Large Scale IT systems of EU as well as security intelligence are debated in the border security context. The EU external and internal security aspects of Integrated Border management and CBRN preparedness, especially in the EBCG and Schengen borders are examined with strong emphasis on cross- and trans-border cooperation. Various suggestions and postulates are presented in combination with the assessment of national and EU law enforcement preparedness, especially with some mechanism of mitigation of threats in the maritime security sector. The author examines the NATO stability policing concept and its execution in the Schengen Area to cooperation between border policing and military policing, as well as intelligence, and their accommodation to the circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as use of modern mapping and surveillance to that extent. The concepts of use of applied mathematics, QRNG and potential of quantum technology in border surveillance, is advocated to strengthen EU responsiveness. The EU border surveillance landscape is assessed from the lenses of developing Security strategies of the EU, and through its global security strategies in the internal and external security dimensions. The author highlights necessary developments in training and adjustments of education curricula for all categories of Standing Corps. The necessary and urgent pan-European coordinated training and material and equipment strengthening for the coast guard lead the author to stress the importance of creating a Pan-European Coastguard Center of excellence, which will provide specialist training on maritime security and boarding, Search and Rescue, Fundamental rights and victimological support for victims, which could play a pivotal role in intelligence cooperation.
of globalisation, organised crime and policing, especially in the EU context. The militarisation of border security, the questions of appropriate use of humanitarian law are
carefully considered in the article through the analysis of "push and pull" factors and migratory determinants.. The risks and threats connected to irregular migration, which lead to the general state of uncertainty and insecurity in Europe are being explored.
Separate analysis is directed at the theory of illegal migration, migratory currents and human mobility trends alongside the use of policing tools to control the abovementioned issues. /// PL Artykuł przedstawia analizę różnych aspektów współczesnych zjawisk migracyjnych, ich postrzeganie oraz zmiany w obliczu współczesnego kryzysu migracyjnego. Różne aspekty kryminalizacji nielegalnych przepływów migracyjnych znajdują od-zwierciedlenie w różnych aspektach globalizacji, przestępczości zorganizowanej i dzia-łań policyjnych, zwłaszcza w kontekście UE. Militaryzacja bezpieczeństwa granic, kwestie właściwego stosowania prawa humanitarnego są w niniejszym artykule wnikli-wie analizowane przy uwzględnieniu zastosowanie czynników "push and pull" oraz czynników migracyjnych. Różne zagrożenia, w tym zagrożenia związane z nielegalną migracją, które prowadzą do ogólnego stanu niepewności w Europie są poddane w ni-niejszym artykule szczególnej analizie. Osobnej analizie zostały poddana teoria niele-galnej migracji, aktualne trendy migracji i mobilności ludzi wraz z wykorzystaniem narzędzi policyjnych do kontrolowania wspomnianych problemów. Słowa kluczowe: migracja, globalizacja, teoria nielegalnej migracji, trendy migracji, przestępczość zorganizowana
With currently extremely high cultural and sociological tensions resulting religious and political radicalisation and terrorism authors discuss some relevant areas of the terrorist groups activity in the cyber zone (Internet) - used as a platform for propaganda, recruitment, financing and committing terrorist crimes. By pointing out the links between terrorist organizations and organized and digital crime, they present the activities undertaken by the EU and Europol – mainly the European Global Strategy, ECTC as well as range of legislative initiatives related to combating terrorism. They discuss the regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content in the Internet in detail, assessing both its impact on efficiency of combating terrorism and the preservation of fundamental rights in the EU. They evaluate the existing legal solutions, the possible effects of adopting the regulation and formulate a number of postulates in regards of the extension of the European Prosecutor ‘s mandate, possibilities of inclusion of the European Border and Coast Guard agency in the existing framework, strengthening of intelligence and police cooperation in criminal matters within EU countries and in global context
EN While, presenting the famous cases of security breaches in the European Parliament, the authors analyse the evolution of its protection system. The new concept was examined, by highlighting the replacement of outsourcing of broadly understood protection services by internalization of the strategy and management of created own resources - personnel and infrastructure. The aspects of implementation of the brand new security concept such as formation of an elite category of security officers and drivers, innovation of structural solutions and modernization of own infrastructure. The adopted solutions were positively assessed in the context of the reaction to the terrorist attacks of 2016 and 2018. The system of emergency steps and its applications is highlighted in addition. Authors formulate a catalogue of postulates, which can strengthen the system within existed framework by the governing bodies of this extraterritorial territory. PL :Autorzy przedstawiając słynne przypadki naruszeń bezpieczeństwa Parlamentu Europejskiego analizują ewolucję jego systemu ochrony. Przedstawiono przyjęta koncepcję odejścia od outsourcingu usług szeroko pojętej ochrony do internalizacji strategii i zarządzania utworzonymi zasobami własnymi-personelem i infrastrukturą. Analizowane są etapy realizacji koncepcji bezpieczeństwa-utworzenie elitarnej kategorii urzędników ochrony i kierowców, innowacyjność rozwiązań strukturalnych i modernizacja infrastruktury własnej. Pozytywnie oceniono przyjęte rozwiązania w kontekście reakcji na zamachy terrorystyczne z 2016 i 2018r., omawiając system stopni alarmowych i jego aplikacji. Ponadto przedstawiono katalog postulatów, które zdaniem autorów, powinny zostać rozważone przez gremia zarządzające tym eksterytorialnym terytorium.