Parler de l’art à propos des pratiques de Fernand Deligny est aussi ambigu que parler de clinique... more Parler de l’art à propos des pratiques de Fernand Deligny est aussi ambigu que parler de clinique ou de pédagogie. Ses différentes expérimentations – avec des délinquants, des psychotiques, des autistes – se sont emparées de certains outils et dispositifs qui sont sans doute artistiques. Toutefois, d’une part, Deligny n’a jamais voulu intégrer le milieu ou l’institution de l’art, et, d’autre part, hormis l’activité littéraire, l’écriture, souvent ce n’était pas lui qui avait affaire direc¬tement au “faire” artistique, aux activités et outils artistiques à proprement parler. Il serait plus juste peut-être de dire que ses expérimentations cliniques, sociales et pédagogiques sont tra¬versées par des pratiques artistiques, de la même manière qu’elles sont traversées par des réflexions anthropologiques, philosophiques et politiques. Je propose dans cet article de suivre les mouvements de la pensée de Deligny concernant sa perception de l’art et la manière dont celle-ci se rapporte à une activité située et à une conception non-évolutionniste et non-institutionnelle
This text seeks to provide a historical analysis of Brazilian psychiatry. My purpose here is to e... more This text seeks to provide a historical analysis of Brazilian psychiatry. My purpose here is to emphasize the inherent connection between (un)democratic processes and social understandings of the figure of the “mad.” The structuration of the system of psychiatric care indeed would seem to be inseparable from human rights concerns and the need to consider all individuals as worthy of care. Without a doubt, social acceptance of the “mad” is intrinsically related to concerns for democracy, and de-democratization, for its part, begins by targeting “deviant”
Fernand Deligny (1913-1996)1, “poeta e etologo” (conforme o proprio)desde o final dos anos 1930 c... more Fernand Deligny (1913-1996)1, “poeta e etologo” (conforme o proprio)desde o final dos anos 1930 consagrou a vida as criancas marginalizadas,“delinquentes”, psicoticos ou autistas. Com os ultimos (cujomutismo forca a pensar a condicao humana aquem/alem da linguagem)ele acumulou “tentativas” – experiencias de criar meios de convivenciacomum entre os que vivem a “vacância da linguagem” e os“outros”. Pois para ele o “humano” e gesto e forma (um “agir” intransitivoe nao um “fazer” transitivo e finalizado), antes de ser linguagem.
Parler de l’art à propos des pratiques de Fernand Deligny est aussi ambigu que parler de clinique... more Parler de l’art à propos des pratiques de Fernand Deligny est aussi ambigu que parler de clinique ou de pédagogie. Ses différentes expérimentations – avec des délinquants, des psychotiques, des autistes – se sont emparées de certains outils et dispositifs qui sont sans doute artistiques. Toutefois, d’une part, Deligny n’a jamais voulu intégrer le milieu ou l’institution de l’art, et, d’autre part, hormis l’activité littéraire, l’écriture, souvent ce n’était pas lui qui avait affaire direc¬tement au “faire” artistique, aux activités et outils artistiques à proprement parler. Il serait plus juste peut-être de dire que ses expérimentations cliniques, sociales et pédagogiques sont tra¬versées par des pratiques artistiques, de la même manière qu’elles sont traversées par des réflexions anthropologiques, philosophiques et politiques. Je propose dans cet article de suivre les mouvements de la pensée de Deligny concernant sa perception de l’art et la manière dont celle-ci se rapporte à une activité située et à une conception non-évolutionniste et non-institutionnelle
Esse ensaio explora a intrínseca relação entre escatologia e o imaginário do mar na obra do artis... more Esse ensaio explora a intrínseca relação entre escatologia e o imaginário do mar na obra do artista Arthur Bispo do Rosário. Bispo era um homem negro que passou a maior parte de sua vida em instituições psiquiátricas. Há uma importante afinidade entre seus delírios psicóticos e a produção de várias centenas de objetos, muitos deles barcos ou formas que mantém uma relação com o mar. Seus objetos podem ser portanto considerados a partir das marcas deixadas pelo trauma do comércio de escravos no Atlântico e abrem reflexões sobre colonialidade e racismo estrutural no contexto
What is the relevance of materialism for thinking the political? Throughout modernity, materialis... more What is the relevance of materialism for thinking the political? Throughout modernity, materialism has been associated with fatalism, naturalism, heresy, and linked to radical ideas such as republicanism and democracy. Despite never having claimed to be a materialist himself, Spinoza early on became associated with materialism, and the highly controversial, even condemned and censored central tenets of his philosophy came to be seen as evidence of a clandestinely held materialism, making Spinoza an emblem of the subversive alliance between materialism and democracy. The revolutionary effects of eighteenth-century French materialism have been widely discussed since the French Revolution and throughout the nineteenth century. The works of Marx and Engels further aligned materialism with progressive politics, anchoring political liberation in concrete social practices. As materialist politics rejects the concept of the subject as a point of departure for social analysis, it draws onthe...
PSYCHIATRIC POWER Ea long time, medicine, psychiatry, penal justice, and criminol ogy remained-an... more PSYCHIATRIC POWER Ea long time, medicine, psychiatry, penal justice, and criminol ogy remained-and in large part still remain-within the limits of a, manifestation of truth inside the norms of knowledge and a produc tion of truth in the form of the test, the second of these always tending to hide beneath and getting its justification from the first. The current crisis in these "disciplines" does not simply call into question their lim its or uncertainties in the sphere of knowledge; it calls knowledge into question, the form of knowledge, the "subject-object" norm; it ques tions the relations between our society's economic and political struc tures and knowledge (not in its true and untrue contents but in its "power-knowledge" functions). A historico-political crisis, then. Consider, first, the example of medicine, with the space connected to it, namely, the hospital. The hospital was still an ambiguous place quite late, a place of investigation for a hidden truth and of testing for a truth to be produced. A direct action upon illness: not just enable it to reveal its truth to the physician's gaze but to produce that truth. The hospital, a place where the true illness blossoms forth. It was assumed, in fact, that the sick person left at liberty-in his "milieu," in his family, in his circle of friends, with his regimen, his habits, his prejudices, his illusions could not help but be affected by a complex, mixed, and tangled dis. ease, a kind of unnatural illness that was both the blend of several diseases and the impediment preventing the true disease from being produced in the authenticity of its nature. So the hospital's role was, by clearing away that parasitic vegetation, those aberrant forms. not NOTICE: This material is protected by copyright law.
Resumo Esse artigo pretende analisar a experimentação pedagógica feita por Fernand Deligny em 193... more Resumo Esse artigo pretende analisar a experimentação pedagógica feita por Fernand Deligny em 1938, a teoria daí desenvolvida e sua relação com a renovação pedagógica na França dos anos 1930 e 1940. Deligny, em uma classe especial para crianças ditas "inadaptadas"-conceito criado sob Vichy ditando as novas ideologias da infância durante esses anos-buscará criar brechas na sua função de professor para pensar uma pedagogia emancipatória. Para tal, Deligny aprofunda em especial uma crítica à imaginação e a importância da noção de coletividade. Palavras-chave: Deligny, educação popular, emancipação, imaginação. 1 Professor (ATER-attaché temporaire d"ensegneiment et recherche) no departamento de artes plásticas da Université Paris 8, doutorando pela Universidade Paris 8 (artes plásticas) em co-tutela com a UFRJ (filosofia).
In 1967, Fernand Deligny settles in Cévennes (Southern France) in order to create a network, whic... more In 1967, Fernand Deligny settles in Cévennes (Southern France) in order to create a network, which receives autistic and mute children. The project consists in creating a common life with these children without imposing normatively the "health" of so-called "normal" adults. The therapeutic process occurs, thanks to the work upon the territory. It is in this context that the cartographic method appears, used during more than ten years. Maps are traced by the adults responsible for the children, and become an essential tool for the territorialization process. This article aims to investigate the cartographic practice developed by the so-called close presences, Deligny's thinking about autism emerging from this practice and its relationship with some aspects of Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy. The encounter with this "other" reality in which autism consists will drive Deligny to a completely new conception of "human", beneath the normat...
Resumo O presente artigo busca investigar a batalha discursiva em torno dos eventos do Maio de 19... more Resumo O presente artigo busca investigar a batalha discursiva em torno dos eventos do Maio de 1968 no contexto francês. 50 anos depois, o sentido do acontecimento continua em aberto e em disputa, entre a recuperação neoliberal dos eventos e a necessidade de repolitizá-los a partir de uma análise que faça justiça à história.
Parler de l’art à propos des pratiques de Fernand Deligny est aussi ambigu que parler de clinique... more Parler de l’art à propos des pratiques de Fernand Deligny est aussi ambigu que parler de clinique ou de pédagogie. Ses différentes expérimentations – avec des délinquants, des psychotiques, des autistes – se sont emparées de certains outils et dispositifs qui sont sans doute artistiques. Toutefois, d’une part, Deligny n’a jamais voulu intégrer le milieu ou l’institution de l’art, et, d’autre part, hormis l’activité littéraire, l’écriture, souvent ce n’était pas lui qui avait affaire direc¬tement au “faire” artistique, aux activités et outils artistiques à proprement parler. Il serait plus juste peut-être de dire que ses expérimentations cliniques, sociales et pédagogiques sont tra¬versées par des pratiques artistiques, de la même manière qu’elles sont traversées par des réflexions anthropologiques, philosophiques et politiques. Je propose dans cet article de suivre les mouvements de la pensée de Deligny concernant sa perception de l’art et la manière dont celle-ci se rapporte à une activité située et à une conception non-évolutionniste et non-institutionnelle
This text seeks to provide a historical analysis of Brazilian psychiatry. My purpose here is to e... more This text seeks to provide a historical analysis of Brazilian psychiatry. My purpose here is to emphasize the inherent connection between (un)democratic processes and social understandings of the figure of the “mad.” The structuration of the system of psychiatric care indeed would seem to be inseparable from human rights concerns and the need to consider all individuals as worthy of care. Without a doubt, social acceptance of the “mad” is intrinsically related to concerns for democracy, and de-democratization, for its part, begins by targeting “deviant”
Fernand Deligny (1913-1996)1, “poeta e etologo” (conforme o proprio)desde o final dos anos 1930 c... more Fernand Deligny (1913-1996)1, “poeta e etologo” (conforme o proprio)desde o final dos anos 1930 consagrou a vida as criancas marginalizadas,“delinquentes”, psicoticos ou autistas. Com os ultimos (cujomutismo forca a pensar a condicao humana aquem/alem da linguagem)ele acumulou “tentativas” – experiencias de criar meios de convivenciacomum entre os que vivem a “vacância da linguagem” e os“outros”. Pois para ele o “humano” e gesto e forma (um “agir” intransitivoe nao um “fazer” transitivo e finalizado), antes de ser linguagem.
Parler de l’art à propos des pratiques de Fernand Deligny est aussi ambigu que parler de clinique... more Parler de l’art à propos des pratiques de Fernand Deligny est aussi ambigu que parler de clinique ou de pédagogie. Ses différentes expérimentations – avec des délinquants, des psychotiques, des autistes – se sont emparées de certains outils et dispositifs qui sont sans doute artistiques. Toutefois, d’une part, Deligny n’a jamais voulu intégrer le milieu ou l’institution de l’art, et, d’autre part, hormis l’activité littéraire, l’écriture, souvent ce n’était pas lui qui avait affaire direc¬tement au “faire” artistique, aux activités et outils artistiques à proprement parler. Il serait plus juste peut-être de dire que ses expérimentations cliniques, sociales et pédagogiques sont tra¬versées par des pratiques artistiques, de la même manière qu’elles sont traversées par des réflexions anthropologiques, philosophiques et politiques. Je propose dans cet article de suivre les mouvements de la pensée de Deligny concernant sa perception de l’art et la manière dont celle-ci se rapporte à une activité située et à une conception non-évolutionniste et non-institutionnelle
Esse ensaio explora a intrínseca relação entre escatologia e o imaginário do mar na obra do artis... more Esse ensaio explora a intrínseca relação entre escatologia e o imaginário do mar na obra do artista Arthur Bispo do Rosário. Bispo era um homem negro que passou a maior parte de sua vida em instituições psiquiátricas. Há uma importante afinidade entre seus delírios psicóticos e a produção de várias centenas de objetos, muitos deles barcos ou formas que mantém uma relação com o mar. Seus objetos podem ser portanto considerados a partir das marcas deixadas pelo trauma do comércio de escravos no Atlântico e abrem reflexões sobre colonialidade e racismo estrutural no contexto
What is the relevance of materialism for thinking the political? Throughout modernity, materialis... more What is the relevance of materialism for thinking the political? Throughout modernity, materialism has been associated with fatalism, naturalism, heresy, and linked to radical ideas such as republicanism and democracy. Despite never having claimed to be a materialist himself, Spinoza early on became associated with materialism, and the highly controversial, even condemned and censored central tenets of his philosophy came to be seen as evidence of a clandestinely held materialism, making Spinoza an emblem of the subversive alliance between materialism and democracy. The revolutionary effects of eighteenth-century French materialism have been widely discussed since the French Revolution and throughout the nineteenth century. The works of Marx and Engels further aligned materialism with progressive politics, anchoring political liberation in concrete social practices. As materialist politics rejects the concept of the subject as a point of departure for social analysis, it draws onthe...
PSYCHIATRIC POWER Ea long time, medicine, psychiatry, penal justice, and criminol ogy remained-an... more PSYCHIATRIC POWER Ea long time, medicine, psychiatry, penal justice, and criminol ogy remained-and in large part still remain-within the limits of a, manifestation of truth inside the norms of knowledge and a produc tion of truth in the form of the test, the second of these always tending to hide beneath and getting its justification from the first. The current crisis in these "disciplines" does not simply call into question their lim its or uncertainties in the sphere of knowledge; it calls knowledge into question, the form of knowledge, the "subject-object" norm; it ques tions the relations between our society's economic and political struc tures and knowledge (not in its true and untrue contents but in its "power-knowledge" functions). A historico-political crisis, then. Consider, first, the example of medicine, with the space connected to it, namely, the hospital. The hospital was still an ambiguous place quite late, a place of investigation for a hidden truth and of testing for a truth to be produced. A direct action upon illness: not just enable it to reveal its truth to the physician's gaze but to produce that truth. The hospital, a place where the true illness blossoms forth. It was assumed, in fact, that the sick person left at liberty-in his "milieu," in his family, in his circle of friends, with his regimen, his habits, his prejudices, his illusions could not help but be affected by a complex, mixed, and tangled dis. ease, a kind of unnatural illness that was both the blend of several diseases and the impediment preventing the true disease from being produced in the authenticity of its nature. So the hospital's role was, by clearing away that parasitic vegetation, those aberrant forms. not NOTICE: This material is protected by copyright law.
Resumo Esse artigo pretende analisar a experimentação pedagógica feita por Fernand Deligny em 193... more Resumo Esse artigo pretende analisar a experimentação pedagógica feita por Fernand Deligny em 1938, a teoria daí desenvolvida e sua relação com a renovação pedagógica na França dos anos 1930 e 1940. Deligny, em uma classe especial para crianças ditas "inadaptadas"-conceito criado sob Vichy ditando as novas ideologias da infância durante esses anos-buscará criar brechas na sua função de professor para pensar uma pedagogia emancipatória. Para tal, Deligny aprofunda em especial uma crítica à imaginação e a importância da noção de coletividade. Palavras-chave: Deligny, educação popular, emancipação, imaginação. 1 Professor (ATER-attaché temporaire d"ensegneiment et recherche) no departamento de artes plásticas da Université Paris 8, doutorando pela Universidade Paris 8 (artes plásticas) em co-tutela com a UFRJ (filosofia).
In 1967, Fernand Deligny settles in Cévennes (Southern France) in order to create a network, whic... more In 1967, Fernand Deligny settles in Cévennes (Southern France) in order to create a network, which receives autistic and mute children. The project consists in creating a common life with these children without imposing normatively the "health" of so-called "normal" adults. The therapeutic process occurs, thanks to the work upon the territory. It is in this context that the cartographic method appears, used during more than ten years. Maps are traced by the adults responsible for the children, and become an essential tool for the territorialization process. This article aims to investigate the cartographic practice developed by the so-called close presences, Deligny's thinking about autism emerging from this practice and its relationship with some aspects of Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy. The encounter with this "other" reality in which autism consists will drive Deligny to a completely new conception of "human", beneath the normat...
Resumo O presente artigo busca investigar a batalha discursiva em torno dos eventos do Maio de 19... more Resumo O presente artigo busca investigar a batalha discursiva em torno dos eventos do Maio de 1968 no contexto francês. 50 anos depois, o sentido do acontecimento continua em aberto e em disputa, entre a recuperação neoliberal dos eventos e a necessidade de repolitizá-los a partir de uma análise que faça justiça à história.
Papers by Marlon Miguel