Books by Stefano Milonia
Rima e melodia sono i due elementi della lirica trobadorica che più hanno il potere di radicarsi ... more Rima e melodia sono i due elementi della lirica trobadorica che più hanno il potere di radicarsi nella memoria. Poeti, cantori, giullari: il trobar è un’arte della parola, della musica e del gioco, e in tutto questo la memoria ha un ruolo centrale. Le liriche si richiamano o riecheggiano le une nelle altre, l’allusione si nasconde nelle rime e nelle note, e non sempre siamo in grado di afferrarla. A volte essa è ricercata, a volte inconscia, a volte celata. Questo studio cerca di sondare i meccanismi allusivi dei trovatori con una nuova attenzione alla musica, alla sua trasmissione e alla sua composizione. Cerca nuovi legami e invita a trovarne di nuovi: parte integrante del libro è infatti il Database delle terminazioni musicali della lirica trobadorica, uno strumento con il quale è possibile confrontare le rime e i rimanti delle liriche con la loro musica.
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PhD thesis by Stefano Milonia
This work aims to offer a new, reliable edition of Peirol d’Alvergne’s poetry. A troubadour of th... more This work aims to offer a new, reliable edition of Peirol d’Alvergne’s poetry. A troubadour of the “Golden Age” of Old Occitan lyric, Peirol was an extremely successful poet during his time, as the abundance of manuscript witnesses proves. Moreover, while at the origins of vernacular lyric text and music were considered indissoluble, extant troubadour melodies are exceedingly rare. As Peirol is one of the few poets whose texts survive largely accompanied by musical notation, the edition is devoted specifically to this part of his corpus.
The edition strives to go beyond the so-called Bédierian and Lachmannian perspectives of Medieval text editing: if each manuscript witness has the dignity of a «Text» that existed in time, it is also true that an edition that neglects a scrupulous study of the manuscript tradition is abandoning all efforts of deepening our knowledge of Medieval literature. For these reasons, on the one hand the text provides an extensive argumentation regarding the more than thirty manuscripts sources – both in their material aspects and in their mutual genetic relationships – and a commentary on literary issues and philological critical nodes; on the other, the reader will be able to consult the interpretative edition of all witnesses, along with every component of the philological process: diplomatic transcriptions, collations and edition of the melodies.
Digital Humanities Projects as PI by Stefano Milonia
Connecting Medieval Music is a platform for the study of contrafacta of medieval Romance lyric. I... more Connecting Medieval Music is a platform for the study of contrafacta of medieval Romance lyric. It constitutes a digital repertory of Occitan and French lyrics, as well as Latin, German, Italian, and Galician-Portuguese contrafacta connected to the Gallo-Romance tradition.
Thanks to its interactive interface, Connecting Medieval Music invites users to explore the connections between lyrics across Europe in their geographical and chronological dimensions.
The project does not only provide a list of known cases of contrafaction but aims to provide information on the formal and cultural features of each lyric: the circumstances of its compositions, the people involved, the events it mentions, the sources that preserve it, and much more.
The MedMel project contains digital editions of monodic melodies of Troubadours, Trouvères, and T... more The MedMel project contains digital editions of monodic melodies of Troubadours, Trouvères, and Trobadores lyrics, and it is aimed at musicologists, philologists, and performers.
The MedMel database allows you to search lyrics and melodic patterns, customize your visualization, switch from modern to ancient notation, export the music sheet, and listen to the melody.
The digital editions are created with the MelMed Editor, which we made publicly available for scholars and musicians who need an expressive and simple tool to transcribe medieval music.
A complete digital edition of the troubadour musical repertoire in modern and ancient notation.
... more A complete digital edition of the troubadour musical repertoire in modern and ancient notation.
The MedMel project contains digital editions of monodic melodies of Troubadours, Trouvères, and it is aimed at musicologists, philologists and performers.
The MedMel database allows you to search lyrics and melodic patterns, customise your visualisation, switch from modern to ancient notation, export the music sheet and listen to the melody.
The digital editions are created with the MelMed Editor, which we made publicly available for scholars and musicians who need an expressive and simple tool to transcribe medieval music.
Papers by Stefano Milonia
Occitània. Centres e periferias/Centri e periferie Atti del XIII Convegno dell’AIEO Cuneo, 12-17 luglio 2021 a cura di Andrea Giraudo, Walter Meliga, Giuseppe Noto, Aline Pons, Matteo Rivoira (Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso), 2023
Studying the phenomenon of contrafaction of Occitan lyric offers a privileged standpoint to inves... more Studying the phenomenon of contrafaction of Occitan lyric offers a privileged standpoint to investigate the diffusion of vernacular culture across medieval Europe. The online database Connecting Medieval Music ( provides an interactive framework to explore the production of contrafacta in a geographical and
chronological dimension and helps us appreciate the complex system of areas of cultural production and receptions constituted by courts, cities, as well as authors, texts and melodies as actors within the multicentric network of Romance medieval lyric.
Lecturae tropatorum, 2022
The identity of the authors of 'Peirol, cum avetz tant estat' has been widely discussed, as it is... more The identity of the authors of 'Peirol, cum avetz tant estat' has been widely discussed, as it is commonly assumed that Bernart de Ventadorn and Peirol (mentioned in the tenso’s rubrics) belong to different generations, making an encounter between the two unlikely. In this new edition of the text, which proposes new readings for several obscure or ambiguous passages, I argue that the recipient of the tenso is certainly the Auvergnat Peirol (BdT 366) while the identity of the other author, Bernart, remains uncertain. However, considering the revised chronology of Peirol’s activity and the intertextual connections linking the debate to the works of Bernart de Ventadorn, his involvement should not be ruled out.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2023
The scope of this research is that of revealing the interconnected nature of medieval Romance lyr... more The scope of this research is that of revealing the interconnected nature of medieval Romance lyric by looking at musical imitations. In the Middle Ages, melodic imitation was an essential part of artistic creation as old melodies were constantly borrowed by new authors, a practice known as contrafaction. In this study, we propose to analyse the complex relations between medieval lyricists resulting from this practice using temporal networks. We construct networks by representing each author's body of work as a single node and connecting a lyricist' corpus to that of another lyricist via a directed link when the latter author borrowed a melody from the former. To each directed link, we associate the temporal information of when the imitation was composed. Such networks provide a convenient visualization tool to explore the dataset and its connections in an intuitive fashion and are available online at: They also provide an analytical tool: we use the networks to show how ideas might have spread among lyricists along time-respecting paths, and obtain measures of the authors' centrality and influence on the overall literary corpus. We compare the results obtained with the temporal networks with those obtained via more traditional centrality measures computed for corresponding static networks, and explain why the temporally informed measures may provide a more accurate depiction of authors' influence.
Medium Ævum, 2021
For the European Middle Ages, the Bible represented not only the foundation of spirituality, ethi... more For the European Middle Ages, the Bible represented not only the foundation of spirituality, ethics, and theological truth but also a book of great literature, which fostered the development of specific exegetic strategies. The thirteenth-century French Roman de Tristan en Prose is amongst those texts in which the scriptural model can be glimpsed throughout the plot as well as in the interpretative reasoning it demands of its readers. The first section of this enormous romance, known as the prehistory or the genealogy, opens with the recounting of the story of Tristan’s ancestors: here especially, the author builds his intricate narration by intertwining the themes of Judaeo-Christian literature with pagan and lay ones. The aim of this article is to untie some of these narrative knots, to understand through a comparative approach how the scriptural matter provides the paradigms for this new style of writing founded on ‘delight and courtesy’ and how allegorical language and exegesis can help us in understanding the deeper reasons of this intertextual interplay.
Textus & Musica, 2020
«[...] et la chanson un peu particulière de Richard Cœur de Lion». With these words Pierre Bec en... more «[...] et la chanson un peu particulière de Richard Cœur de Lion». With these words Pierre Bec ends his list of the songs that constitute the elusive genre of the rotrouenge. Indeed, the features of the rotrouenge are not clearly defined: the most authoritative scholar who established the corpus of Old French lyrics included in this genre is Friedrich Gennrich, who argued that the essence of the rotrouenge had to be found in its music. However, a fundamental characteristic of medieval music is variance, and errors may occur along the process of transmission. This essay will trace back the steps of Richard Lionheart’s Ja nus hons pris ne dira sa raison, from its manuscripts to its editions, and try to ascertain – if an error has been committed – who is to blame: the Ancients or the Moderns.
Polisemie: rivista di poesia iper-contemporanea, 2020
Coppie minime by Giulia Martini is a poetic work rich in intertextual allusions to medieval liter... more Coppie minime by Giulia Martini is a poetic work rich in intertextual allusions to medieval literature, the themes and fragments of which find new coherence and a new function in the context of a metaliterary discourse on contemporary poetry. The paper explores this process by analysing key poems of Martini’s book. Namely, the theme of the death of the lyric Self links, within Coppie minime, Dante and Cavalcanti’s poetic discourse with that of Patrizia Cavalli.
by L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER, Publisher, Paolo Canettieri, luciano formisano, Roberto Rea, Alessandro Zironi, Luca Gatti, Mariangela Distilo, Virginia Machera, Stefano Milonia, Elisa Verzilli, and Samuele M . Visalli Filologia Classica e Medievale, 2019
Studiosi di testi medievali latini, romanzi e germanici discutono temi e metodi che riguardano la... more Studiosi di testi medievali latini, romanzi e germanici discutono temi e metodi che riguardano la critica del testo e la comparatistica linguistico-letteraria del medioevo europeo. Esperienze di ricerca maturate nelle tre aree disciplinari si incontrano al fine di pervenire a una migliore comprensione di fenomeni culturali complessi, in uno spettro temporale che va dall' antichità all' epoca contemporanea. Questo volume vuole offrire un terreno di confronto tra le filologie medievali, a partire dalle intersezioni poste dalla realtà storico-testuale. Ne scaturisce una riflessione sul contributo che la filologia può dare al mondo attuale, come disciplina storica, per la configurazione dei processi mentali, oltre che sociali e culturali. La filologia ha un ruolo fondamentale nella formazione di una coscienza del passato: attraverso la ricostruzione critica dei testi e della rete delle loro relazioni, recupera il senso della distanza e permette di ricostruire il passato nella sua specificità, imponendo un ragionamento sulle eventuali differenze tra il presente e il nostro futuro.
Scholars of Medieval Latin, Romance, and Germanic texts discuss themes and methods concerning text criticism and linguistic-literary comparisons of the European Middle Ages. Research experiences gained in the three disciplinary areas meet in order to achieve a better understanding of complex cultural phenomena, in a time spectrum ranging from antiquity to the contemporary era. This volume aims to offer a field of comparison between medieval philologies, starting from the intersections posed by the historical-textual reality. The result is a reflection on the contribution that philology can make to today's world, as a historical discipline, for the configuration of mental, as well as social and cultural processes. Philology has a fundamental role in the formation of an awareness of the past: through the critical reconstruction of texts and the network of their relationships, it recovers the sense of distance and makes it possible to reconstruct the past in its specificity, imposing reasoning on possible differences between the present and our future.
Lecturae tropatorum, 2019
In the song Coras que·m fezes doler (BdT 366.9) Peirol informs us that he has abandoned the lady ... more In the song Coras que·m fezes doler (BdT 366.9) Peirol informs us that he has abandoned the lady he courted for so long without any profit and turned to a new lover. This change plays an important part in Stanley C. Aston’s reconstruction of the troubadour’s biography. The scholar interprets ll. 41-44 as an allusion to the fourth crusade and dates the episode to 1202 accordingly. However, in the light of Pierre Bersuire’s Repertorium morale it is possible to propose a different interpretation of the passage, which excludes all reference to the crusades and allows us to rethink the chronological frame of Peirol’s poetic activity as well as the debated authenticity of the attribution of his earliest and latest compositions. This essay offers a new critical text, with an extensive note on the manuscript tradition, original translation and commentary.
Ch. Chaillou-Amadieu, O. Floquet, M. Grimaldi (dir.), Philologie et Musicologie. Des sources à l’interprétation poético-musicale (XIIe-XVIe siècle), Paris, Garnier, 2019
Nella monodia profana la tradizione del testo e quella della musica non percorrono sempre le stes... more Nella monodia profana la tradizione del testo e quella della musica non percorrono sempre le stesse strade: lo studio delle liriche del Chastelain de Coucy consente di esplorare le divergerze e le convergenze della trasmissione della musica e delle parole. Il Castellano è una delle figure di spicco nella lirica francese, per via della sua posizione cronologica, del cospicuo numero delle sue composizioni, della vasta diffusione manoscritta e del suo rapporto con la lirica trobadorica: a partire dalla più celebre canzone del troviero, La douce vois du louseignol sauvaige, si mostreranno le strade che i testi hanno percorso, ricostruite con il metodo filologico e la critica delle varianti, verificando anche la loro applicazione e i loro limiti nell'analisi musicologica. Con un percorso dal semplice al complesso, da Bele dame me prie de chanter e Tant ne sai dementer ne conplaindre a Merci clamans de mon fol errement si proporrà un metodo di indagine basato sull'analisi delle varianti nel rapporto testo-musica, nel tentativo di aggiungere un tassello allo studio della trasmissione del testo medievale e della dialettica tra oralità e scrittura, composizione e ricomposizione. Infatti, quando si ha il supporto di una vasta tradizione manoscritta l'analisi musicologica può riuscire ad evidenziare i luoghi strutturali della melodia e ipotizzare un'eziologia dello sviluppo delle varianti: si evidenzieranno le potenzialità e il paradosso dell'analisi in assenza del concetto di errore.
L’edizione critica della celebre canzone di Riccardo Cuor di Leone, Ja nuns
hons pris ne dira sa ... more L’edizione critica della celebre canzone di Riccardo Cuor di Leone, Ja nuns
hons pris ne dira sa raison, è corredata da un’ampia introduzione sulle circostanze
storiche che hanno condotto alla cattura del re inglese e utili all’interpretazione
delle allusioni politiche della lirica. Particolare attenzione è dedicata alla verifica
dell’identificazione di uno dei destinatari in Guglielmo di Cayeux. Il testo critico, fondato
su una nuova interpretazione dei rapporti stemmatici, è provvisto di un apparato
completo, un ampio commento, un glossario e la trascrizione delle melodie.
The lyric Self finds its first complete realization in Dante's Vita Nova and the death of Beatric... more The lyric Self finds its first complete realization in Dante's Vita Nova and the death of Beatrice. This study inquires the destiny of this Self in the Commedia, crossing a psychoanalytical conception of identity with medieval theological though, with a special insight into the first canto of the Inferno and the last one of the Paradiso.
Book Reviews by Stefano Milonia
Semicerchio - Rivista di poesia comparata 70.1, 2024
Nel tentativo di definire la poesia italiana dei nostri giorni, tracciarne dei confini accettabil... more Nel tentativo di definire la poesia italiana dei nostri giorni, tracciarne dei confini accettabili, individuarne le questioni centrali e capire come queste siano il risultato di un processo innanzitutto di storia intellettuale e più ampiamente di evoluzione sociale, questa antologia è uno strumento
di eccezionale utilità. L’idea centrale del curatore, di «disinnescare la funzione
autore», ossia di ordinare i testi secondo un criterio cronologico e non raggruppandoli sotto il nome del poeta, non è una sperimentazione casuale o un semplice rimescolare le carte, ma ristabilisce l’ordine di un lettore che con costanza osserva lo svolgersi della scena poetica dagli anni Settanta ai giorni nostri, anno dopo anno.
Medium Aevum (92.2), 2023
Medium Aevum 91 (2), 2022
Books by Stefano Milonia
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PhD thesis by Stefano Milonia
The edition strives to go beyond the so-called Bédierian and Lachmannian perspectives of Medieval text editing: if each manuscript witness has the dignity of a «Text» that existed in time, it is also true that an edition that neglects a scrupulous study of the manuscript tradition is abandoning all efforts of deepening our knowledge of Medieval literature. For these reasons, on the one hand the text provides an extensive argumentation regarding the more than thirty manuscripts sources – both in their material aspects and in their mutual genetic relationships – and a commentary on literary issues and philological critical nodes; on the other, the reader will be able to consult the interpretative edition of all witnesses, along with every component of the philological process: diplomatic transcriptions, collations and edition of the melodies.
Digital Humanities Projects as PI by Stefano Milonia
Thanks to its interactive interface, Connecting Medieval Music invites users to explore the connections between lyrics across Europe in their geographical and chronological dimensions.
The project does not only provide a list of known cases of contrafaction but aims to provide information on the formal and cultural features of each lyric: the circumstances of its compositions, the people involved, the events it mentions, the sources that preserve it, and much more.
The MedMel database allows you to search lyrics and melodic patterns, customize your visualization, switch from modern to ancient notation, export the music sheet, and listen to the melody.
The digital editions are created with the MelMed Editor, which we made publicly available for scholars and musicians who need an expressive and simple tool to transcribe medieval music.
The MedMel project contains digital editions of monodic melodies of Troubadours, Trouvères, and it is aimed at musicologists, philologists and performers.
The MedMel database allows you to search lyrics and melodic patterns, customise your visualisation, switch from modern to ancient notation, export the music sheet and listen to the melody.
The digital editions are created with the MelMed Editor, which we made publicly available for scholars and musicians who need an expressive and simple tool to transcribe medieval music.
Papers by Stefano Milonia
chronological dimension and helps us appreciate the complex system of areas of cultural production and receptions constituted by courts, cities, as well as authors, texts and melodies as actors within the multicentric network of Romance medieval lyric.
Scholars of Medieval Latin, Romance, and Germanic texts discuss themes and methods concerning text criticism and linguistic-literary comparisons of the European Middle Ages. Research experiences gained in the three disciplinary areas meet in order to achieve a better understanding of complex cultural phenomena, in a time spectrum ranging from antiquity to the contemporary era. This volume aims to offer a field of comparison between medieval philologies, starting from the intersections posed by the historical-textual reality. The result is a reflection on the contribution that philology can make to today's world, as a historical discipline, for the configuration of mental, as well as social and cultural processes. Philology has a fundamental role in the formation of an awareness of the past: through the critical reconstruction of texts and the network of their relationships, it recovers the sense of distance and makes it possible to reconstruct the past in its specificity, imposing reasoning on possible differences between the present and our future.
hons pris ne dira sa raison, è corredata da un’ampia introduzione sulle circostanze
storiche che hanno condotto alla cattura del re inglese e utili all’interpretazione
delle allusioni politiche della lirica. Particolare attenzione è dedicata alla verifica
dell’identificazione di uno dei destinatari in Guglielmo di Cayeux. Il testo critico, fondato
su una nuova interpretazione dei rapporti stemmatici, è provvisto di un apparato
completo, un ampio commento, un glossario e la trascrizione delle melodie.
Book Reviews by Stefano Milonia
di eccezionale utilità. L’idea centrale del curatore, di «disinnescare la funzione
autore», ossia di ordinare i testi secondo un criterio cronologico e non raggruppandoli sotto il nome del poeta, non è una sperimentazione casuale o un semplice rimescolare le carte, ma ristabilisce l’ordine di un lettore che con costanza osserva lo svolgersi della scena poetica dagli anni Settanta ai giorni nostri, anno dopo anno.
- See more at:
The edition strives to go beyond the so-called Bédierian and Lachmannian perspectives of Medieval text editing: if each manuscript witness has the dignity of a «Text» that existed in time, it is also true that an edition that neglects a scrupulous study of the manuscript tradition is abandoning all efforts of deepening our knowledge of Medieval literature. For these reasons, on the one hand the text provides an extensive argumentation regarding the more than thirty manuscripts sources – both in their material aspects and in their mutual genetic relationships – and a commentary on literary issues and philological critical nodes; on the other, the reader will be able to consult the interpretative edition of all witnesses, along with every component of the philological process: diplomatic transcriptions, collations and edition of the melodies.
Thanks to its interactive interface, Connecting Medieval Music invites users to explore the connections between lyrics across Europe in their geographical and chronological dimensions.
The project does not only provide a list of known cases of contrafaction but aims to provide information on the formal and cultural features of each lyric: the circumstances of its compositions, the people involved, the events it mentions, the sources that preserve it, and much more.
The MedMel database allows you to search lyrics and melodic patterns, customize your visualization, switch from modern to ancient notation, export the music sheet, and listen to the melody.
The digital editions are created with the MelMed Editor, which we made publicly available for scholars and musicians who need an expressive and simple tool to transcribe medieval music.
The MedMel project contains digital editions of monodic melodies of Troubadours, Trouvères, and it is aimed at musicologists, philologists and performers.
The MedMel database allows you to search lyrics and melodic patterns, customise your visualisation, switch from modern to ancient notation, export the music sheet and listen to the melody.
The digital editions are created with the MelMed Editor, which we made publicly available for scholars and musicians who need an expressive and simple tool to transcribe medieval music.
chronological dimension and helps us appreciate the complex system of areas of cultural production and receptions constituted by courts, cities, as well as authors, texts and melodies as actors within the multicentric network of Romance medieval lyric.
Scholars of Medieval Latin, Romance, and Germanic texts discuss themes and methods concerning text criticism and linguistic-literary comparisons of the European Middle Ages. Research experiences gained in the three disciplinary areas meet in order to achieve a better understanding of complex cultural phenomena, in a time spectrum ranging from antiquity to the contemporary era. This volume aims to offer a field of comparison between medieval philologies, starting from the intersections posed by the historical-textual reality. The result is a reflection on the contribution that philology can make to today's world, as a historical discipline, for the configuration of mental, as well as social and cultural processes. Philology has a fundamental role in the formation of an awareness of the past: through the critical reconstruction of texts and the network of their relationships, it recovers the sense of distance and makes it possible to reconstruct the past in its specificity, imposing reasoning on possible differences between the present and our future.
hons pris ne dira sa raison, è corredata da un’ampia introduzione sulle circostanze
storiche che hanno condotto alla cattura del re inglese e utili all’interpretazione
delle allusioni politiche della lirica. Particolare attenzione è dedicata alla verifica
dell’identificazione di uno dei destinatari in Guglielmo di Cayeux. Il testo critico, fondato
su una nuova interpretazione dei rapporti stemmatici, è provvisto di un apparato
completo, un ampio commento, un glossario e la trascrizione delle melodie.
di eccezionale utilità. L’idea centrale del curatore, di «disinnescare la funzione
autore», ossia di ordinare i testi secondo un criterio cronologico e non raggruppandoli sotto il nome del poeta, non è una sperimentazione casuale o un semplice rimescolare le carte, ma ristabilisce l’ordine di un lettore che con costanza osserva lo svolgersi della scena poetica dagli anni Settanta ai giorni nostri, anno dopo anno.
romanza, in sinergia con la codicologia, la paleografia, la storia della tradizione e una prospettiva prosopografica, trova la vocazione panromanza e comparatistica che le è propria e che permette la comprensione di fenomeni isolati in un sistema di lunga durata. La definizione della cultura europea medievale trova in un’opera collettiva, frutto di conoscenze specialistiche ed esperienze complementari, una realizzazione ampia e omnicomprensiva.