Journal of Ecohumanism 2024 Volume: 3, No: 7, pp. 2003 – 2018, 2024
The underlying research problem concerns simplifying nature's infinite sustainability pattern int... more The underlying research problem concerns simplifying nature's infinite sustainability pattern into a usable system to prove self-care in the financial field. Many disciplines have discovered self-sustaining systems, implying one should also exist in the portfolio-or asset management field. This paper models and applies a self-sustaining investment system based on nature's sustainability pattern to present a usable and easily adaptable financial self-care model that can contribute to societal and individual well-being.This interdisciplinary research incorporates fractal patterns from nature and integrates these into an innovative investment decision system via a working and utilizable model. The article approaches the problem in three ways. First, it applies an unprecedented, proprietary fuzzy heuristic approach to parse the Mandelbrot set hiding nature's growth code. Second, it subjects the resulting model system to static, dynamic, and iterative methods. Finally, it tests the above in practice in a focus group research project based on individual decisions in a portfolio collision. The paper brings manageable order to investment decision processes using a specific econophysics approach to provide a complex whole of frames, alternatives, and dynamic wealth management functions. The paper attempts to demonstrate the self-sustaining power of the natural order in investment portfolio returns, behavioral finance, and wealth management decisions. The theory of an efficient, well-functioning, self-sustaining investment decision system based on heuristic criteria is developable and has been proven. The study made the organizational dominance measurable and-through fuzzy logic-simplified the complexity of the Mandelbrot set. The research also shows the scalability of the fuzzy symmetry framework, implying that it is transferable to other disciplines.
Advances in Business and Management Vol. 20., 2023
This chapter seeks to demonstrate the self-care mechanisms for the
individual and society that th... more This chapter seeks to demonstrate the self-care mechanisms for the individual and society that the present capitalist economic system offers as an affordable solution. Social care systems can draw inspiration from what we are discussing, just as private people can use our findings to their advantage. This chapter aims to bring order to a complex system of investment decision-making that can then be used as a decisionsupport tool to help all concerned thrive. The chapter proves that a portfolio based on nature’s entropy is self-sustaining, since the criteria taken into account in its design give it the same system properties as the other systems that constitute our world. The universal conception of systems theory allows for interdisciplinary transformation. Using a pattern similar to the ordering of nature, the chapter would like to demonstrate the inherent self-sustaining power of this pattern within asset management. The chapter reports on an empirical survey covering 984 investment portfolios and 1148 investment elements and concentrates on three main research issues: investor decision-making, diversification mismatches, and recommendations for sustainable asset management. Based on the methodology, 6-6 investment portfolios per individual were constructed. The portfolios sought diversification and return divergences in the short term of a semester (three months) and a long term of a 10-year interval. The key questions of the research focus on when, why, and what: When is the winning formula really the winning formula? Why is the winning formula – by how much and for how long? What is the explanation for the winning formula and what strategies make it sustainable? Interesting conclusions can be drawn from the research by contrasting the long- and short-term primary results of behavioral finance. The demonstrated sustainability-based portfolio management can serve as a guideline for the development of individual and institutional actors in financial culture. Raising financial awareness and self-management to a higher level needs to be coupled with a behavioral understanding of utility, which is also illuminated by the behavioral and outcome focus of the current chapter. Keywords: behavioral finance, financial culture, portfolio management, selfsufficiency, sustainable wealth management
A Rolling Nuts Alapítvány – az önfenntartó szervezet nyomában, 2019
Self-sustaining organisms have been the focus of research by pioneers in various disciplines, man... more Self-sustaining organisms have been the focus of research by pioneers in various disciplines, many of whom have won Nobel Prizes. Self-sustainability is a common property of systemic entities, which have penetrated beyond the fields of physics, chemistry, computer science, biology, ecology and even economics, such as the concept of learning organisms. In my study, I show how an organisation in the economic sense seeks to demonstrate on a scientific basis that a pattern based on the entropy of nature can be used as a self-care mechanism. The Rolling Nuts Foundation seeks to demonstrate the theoretical proof that entities organised in a system - on the right basis - are, by their very nature have the capacity for self-preservation. In economic terms, this corresponds to an institutional form of self-sufficiency, and its practical application can be seen in the field of organisational development. Join me, then, in exploring what makes a self-sustaining a non-profit organisation and how this level of development can be achieved, or at least experimented with. or prove it experimentally!
Fenntarthatóság a divatiparban (?)-Négy divatipari szervezet CSR jelentésének rövid áttekintése, ... more Fenntarthatóság a divatiparban (?)-Négy divatipari szervezet CSR jelentésének rövid áttekintése, valamint a fenntarthatóságra törekvés fogyasztók általi észlelésének vizsgálata VIZI Noémi ……………………………………………………………………………………………..39 Épített örökségeink fenntarthatósága a volt szovjet laktanyák újrahasznosításának példáján keresztül TEVELY Titanilla Virág ………………………………………………………………………………52 2a. szekció (személyes): A fenntartható fejlődés globális és regionális vetületei Session 2a (personal): Global and Regional Aspects of Sustainable Development A migráció mérésének módszertani nehézségei RUFF Tamás …………………………………………………………………………………………...65 2b. szekció (személyes): A fenntartható fejlődés globális és regionális vetületei Session 2b (personal): Global and Regional Aspects of Sustainable Development Munkaérték preferenciák vizsgálata a szállítási ágazatban Dr. BALÁZS László-Dr. KŐKUTI Tamás ………………………………………………………..73 3. szekció (személyes): Turizmus és marketing, fenntartható turizmus Session 3 (personal): Tourism and Marketing, Sustainable Tourism Studentifikáció Lágymányoson, avagy az újbudai egyetemek hatása a fenntartható turizmusra KISS Bence Álmos-PORHAJAS Gábor László …………………………………………………..85 Book Consumption Literature-Literature Review on the Subject of the Behavior of Book Consumers Miklós LÉGRÁDI-Dr. habil. Zoltán SZABÓ ……………………………………………………..96 Szállodaüzemi intézkedések irányvonalai a fenntarthatóság jegyében MARTOS János András ……………………………………………………………………………..114 Sportfogyasztási szempontú elemzés a Sopronban rendezett 2021-es Női Vízilabda Magyar Kupáról CSISZÁR Szabolcs János-Dr. habil. PAÁR Dávid …………………………………………….126 4a. szekció (személyes): Pénzügyek, számvitel, fenntartható pénzügyek Session 4a (personal): Finance, Accounting, Sustainable Finance A könyvviteli szolgáltatási szakma megítélése. Összehasonlító elemzés a 2020. és 2022. évek felmérése alapján Dr. VERESS Attila-Dr. SIKLÓSI Ágnes-Dr. SISA Krisztina A. ……………………………136 A KKV-szektor hitelezési tendenciának értékelése MNB adatok alapján MÁRKUS Mónika …………………………………………………………………………………….147 Az ellátási láncok fenntartható pénzügyi adaptációja-rövidtávú fizetési kötelezettségek finanszírozása Dr. CZIRÁKI Gábor-HACKL János ……………………………………………………………..158 ESG közzététel vizsgálata nemzetközi hátterű kereskedelmi bankok esetében Magyarországon SIKLÓSI Veronika ……………………………………………………………………………………172
This research is an experiment to interpret the nature of portfolios and the best practice of por... more This research is an experiment to interpret the nature of portfolios and the best practice of portfolio management. It follows the goal of General System Theory, the transfer of models from other disciplines, which can be used to improve missing mechanisms. An interdisciplinary, self-developed model-M&M model-is the focus of research, which prescribes the optimal portfolio distribution in the ratio 1:1:1:4. The model combines the results achieved in the field of organizational development, system theory and chaos theory in one model. This optimization method was
Ziel der Studie ist es, eine Antwort auf die Unterschiede zwischen aktiven und passiven Anlagestr... more Ziel der Studie ist es, eine Antwort auf die Unterschiede zwischen aktiven und passiven Anlagestrategien zu finden, wobei sich man auf Diversifikation, Fokus und Handelsmethode konzentriert. Die Verteilung von Portfolioelementen ist ein risikoaverses Instrument, während die Dominanz der Palette für die Gewinne verantwortlich ist, aber all dies ist nichts wert, wenn wir die falsche Strategie dafür wählen. Die Studie verwendet die Rolling Nuts Methode, die auf der Entropie der Natur basiert, um Antwort darauf zu finden, welche kurze Zeit und innerhalb dieser welche Handelsmethoden zu Ergebnissen führen können, wenn man den Kapitalmarkt als passive Quelle für die individuelle Selbstversorgung betrachtet. Die Studie zeigt die Auswirkungen eines extremen Kurz-Handels (3 Monate, einschließlich des 4-Stunden-Intervalls am Dienstags) und zeigt, dass selbst unter solchen Bedingungen eine positive Rendite für einen Anleger erzielt werden kann. Zusammenfassend können wir daraus schließen, dass die Kapitalmärkte sogar durch eine leicht interpretierbare und anzupassbare Automation zu aktiven Renditeproduzenten gemacht werden können, soll es sich um individuelle oder institutionelle Ebene von Autarkie handeln.
The Mandelbrot set is a pattern of sustainability found in nature. Each system is based on a cert... more The Mandelbrot set is a pattern of sustainability found in nature. Each system is based on a certain set. The chapter explores the self-sustaining power of systems in the field of behavioral finance and asset management. An investment portfolio (as a set of elements) functions as a system, so the question arises: Can there be a self-sustaining financial portfolio? The chapter raises this question when it adapts the pattern of natural sustainability in the area of individual and social self-care. The principle of correct simplification makes the infinite complexity of the Mandelbrot set measurable by setting up its model on an interdisciplinary basis. In the case of the Mandelbrot set, it is an infinite form, and its correct simplification to an applicable extent does not seem to be such a self-evident task. Especially since the Mandelbrot set does not allow for simplifications; it is a simulation of coded growth patterns emerging in nature. This shape can be understood as nothing more than a dynamic model of natural growth. It is a code that is in everything in the form that makes up our world. The code of self-development is an inner force that does not give direction; it only gives form to growth. When researching self-sufficiency, it provides the right form of dynamic feedback that can lead to conclusions with its practical setting values, and which can be used from now on to create a model statement in the closer field of science. The research synthesis is based on systems theory and results in a model concept that can be easily adapted and serves alternatives. The Mandelbrot set paradoxically proves its infinite existence by imposing a limit. Since this particular mathematical form is an infinite and rather “irregular” shape, its accurate measurement is impossible using classical geometry. The research resorted to a heuristic procedure to eliminate this problem. The developed Rolling Nuts Model has universal properties, which also makes it applicable to other sciences. The chapter demonstrates self-sufficiency in the field of profitability, larding practical results to try the impossible: To present for science a passively profitable, self-sustaining model/procedure that provides financial sustainability. The ability to self-sustain is an increasingly burning challenge for our time, not only on an individual but also on a social level. By simplifying the infinitely patterned set, this chapter offers a symmetry that may even be suitable for automatisms in the field of passive profitability. This mechanism can have a beneficial effect on the individual level and institutional level and social care systems.
Keywords: entropy, Mandelbrot set, portfolio management, self-preservation, systems science
As a result of the trend in portfolio management, the demand for responsible, sustainable and pla... more As a result of the trend in portfolio management, the demand for responsible, sustainable and planable investments has increased. Even institutional investors had to draw lessons from the recent global economic crisis, which dramatically changed the picture of investment in the past. Especially in a world-wide low interest environment it is more and more demandful, lucrative and safe investments. In my study, I examine the different yield rates of different diversification processes with a benchmark set up based on my own model. The M & M Model aims to provide an interdisciplinary basis in the portfolio management field as an example self-care model, even at institutional level. The results demonstrate that there can be a diversification policy that is both profitable and safe at the same time. As a final conclusion, we look for crisis-solving strategies to explore the benefits of distributing them based on their own model.
Keywords: diversification, investment strategies, organization development, portfolio management, system theory JEL Codes: C61, G11, O16, P11
Die Problemaufgreifung geht davon aus, dass die Universitäten weltweit erfolgreiche Anlagestrateg... more Die Problemaufgreifung geht davon aus, dass die Universitäten weltweit erfolgreiche Anlagestrategien treiben und diese Methode bei den ungarischen Hochschulen fehlt. Die Geldmärkte können zur Finanzierung von Hochschulen beitragen, diese Gelegenheit auszunutzen ist bei manche Instituten ein Handlungsraum mit alte Traditionen, andere Universitäten sollen es vom Zweck treiben, da sie finanzielle Schwierigkeiten haben. Die aktuelle Finanzierungsstruktur in Ungarn droht die Universitäten mit einer Insolvenz-Gefahr, dass ist die kardinalste Frage, wie es vermeiden kann. Die Zielsetzung der Bachelorarbeit ist aufgrund der Analyse von den Anlageverfahren von ausländischen Universitäten Konsequenzen von den Strategien abzuziehen, die Vorteile und Nachteile diesen Strategien erleuchtern und auf diesen basierend Empfehlungen für ungarische Universitäten geben, welche Chancen und Möglichkeiten sie auf dem Kapitalmarkt haben können. Analysiert wurde die allgemeine Investitionskultur den eigenen Länder, die Anlageverfahren von den institutionelle- und Grossanlegern die in diesen Länder gestattet sind und die Anlagestrategien von den ausländischen Universitäten. Paralelle und Unterschiede wurden entdeckt anhand die verwendete Verfahren von Universitäten, die erreichte Ergebnisse der Strategien und die Zukunftsbild der verschiedenen Wirtschaften. Die Zusammensetzung, die Umschichtungen und die Entwicklung von Portfolios wurde detailliert analysiert. Die Verfolgung von den Verläufe den verwendete Anlagemethoden in dem Weltwirtschaft könnte die Ursache von Entstehung den Krisen und finanzielle Verluste entdecken. Die Behauptung dass neue Anlagestrategien und Anlageverfahren sollen ausgearbeitet werden wurde gestellt und Empfehlung gegeben für dem neuen Strategienmanagement. Anderseits wurde die Folgerung gezogen, dass jede Akteur am Kapitalmarkt - sei es ein Privatperson oder eine Universität - ihre Chancen ausnutzen soll um wirtschaftlich nachhaltig überleben zu können und einer Art von Selbstpflege oder von Selbstfinanzierung aufweisen zu können. Die Entwicklung von der Portfolioteorie sollte eröffnet werden um Vorschläge machen zu können, welche Eigenschaften eine moderne Portfolio besitzen soll um genug sicher, liquid und gewinnbringend bleiben zu können unter den Veränderungen der Kapitalmärkte. Als Konsequenz könnte gezogen werden, dass einerseits ungarische Universitäten eigene Anlagestrategien treiben sollen, anderseits bei dem Portfoliomanagement sollen neue Anwendungen verwendet werden um die Fehler der Vergangenheit zu vermeiden.
Journal of Ecohumanism 2024 Volume: 3, No: 7, pp. 2003 – 2018, 2024
The underlying research problem concerns simplifying nature's infinite sustainability pattern int... more The underlying research problem concerns simplifying nature's infinite sustainability pattern into a usable system to prove self-care in the financial field. Many disciplines have discovered self-sustaining systems, implying one should also exist in the portfolio-or asset management field. This paper models and applies a self-sustaining investment system based on nature's sustainability pattern to present a usable and easily adaptable financial self-care model that can contribute to societal and individual well-being.This interdisciplinary research incorporates fractal patterns from nature and integrates these into an innovative investment decision system via a working and utilizable model. The article approaches the problem in three ways. First, it applies an unprecedented, proprietary fuzzy heuristic approach to parse the Mandelbrot set hiding nature's growth code. Second, it subjects the resulting model system to static, dynamic, and iterative methods. Finally, it tests the above in practice in a focus group research project based on individual decisions in a portfolio collision. The paper brings manageable order to investment decision processes using a specific econophysics approach to provide a complex whole of frames, alternatives, and dynamic wealth management functions. The paper attempts to demonstrate the self-sustaining power of the natural order in investment portfolio returns, behavioral finance, and wealth management decisions. The theory of an efficient, well-functioning, self-sustaining investment decision system based on heuristic criteria is developable and has been proven. The study made the organizational dominance measurable and-through fuzzy logic-simplified the complexity of the Mandelbrot set. The research also shows the scalability of the fuzzy symmetry framework, implying that it is transferable to other disciplines.
Advances in Business and Management Vol. 20., 2023
This chapter seeks to demonstrate the self-care mechanisms for the
individual and society that th... more This chapter seeks to demonstrate the self-care mechanisms for the individual and society that the present capitalist economic system offers as an affordable solution. Social care systems can draw inspiration from what we are discussing, just as private people can use our findings to their advantage. This chapter aims to bring order to a complex system of investment decision-making that can then be used as a decisionsupport tool to help all concerned thrive. The chapter proves that a portfolio based on nature’s entropy is self-sustaining, since the criteria taken into account in its design give it the same system properties as the other systems that constitute our world. The universal conception of systems theory allows for interdisciplinary transformation. Using a pattern similar to the ordering of nature, the chapter would like to demonstrate the inherent self-sustaining power of this pattern within asset management. The chapter reports on an empirical survey covering 984 investment portfolios and 1148 investment elements and concentrates on three main research issues: investor decision-making, diversification mismatches, and recommendations for sustainable asset management. Based on the methodology, 6-6 investment portfolios per individual were constructed. The portfolios sought diversification and return divergences in the short term of a semester (three months) and a long term of a 10-year interval. The key questions of the research focus on when, why, and what: When is the winning formula really the winning formula? Why is the winning formula – by how much and for how long? What is the explanation for the winning formula and what strategies make it sustainable? Interesting conclusions can be drawn from the research by contrasting the long- and short-term primary results of behavioral finance. The demonstrated sustainability-based portfolio management can serve as a guideline for the development of individual and institutional actors in financial culture. Raising financial awareness and self-management to a higher level needs to be coupled with a behavioral understanding of utility, which is also illuminated by the behavioral and outcome focus of the current chapter. Keywords: behavioral finance, financial culture, portfolio management, selfsufficiency, sustainable wealth management
A Rolling Nuts Alapítvány – az önfenntartó szervezet nyomában, 2019
Self-sustaining organisms have been the focus of research by pioneers in various disciplines, man... more Self-sustaining organisms have been the focus of research by pioneers in various disciplines, many of whom have won Nobel Prizes. Self-sustainability is a common property of systemic entities, which have penetrated beyond the fields of physics, chemistry, computer science, biology, ecology and even economics, such as the concept of learning organisms. In my study, I show how an organisation in the economic sense seeks to demonstrate on a scientific basis that a pattern based on the entropy of nature can be used as a self-care mechanism. The Rolling Nuts Foundation seeks to demonstrate the theoretical proof that entities organised in a system - on the right basis - are, by their very nature have the capacity for self-preservation. In economic terms, this corresponds to an institutional form of self-sufficiency, and its practical application can be seen in the field of organisational development. Join me, then, in exploring what makes a self-sustaining a non-profit organisation and how this level of development can be achieved, or at least experimented with. or prove it experimentally!
Fenntarthatóság a divatiparban (?)-Négy divatipari szervezet CSR jelentésének rövid áttekintése, ... more Fenntarthatóság a divatiparban (?)-Négy divatipari szervezet CSR jelentésének rövid áttekintése, valamint a fenntarthatóságra törekvés fogyasztók általi észlelésének vizsgálata VIZI Noémi ……………………………………………………………………………………………..39 Épített örökségeink fenntarthatósága a volt szovjet laktanyák újrahasznosításának példáján keresztül TEVELY Titanilla Virág ………………………………………………………………………………52 2a. szekció (személyes): A fenntartható fejlődés globális és regionális vetületei Session 2a (personal): Global and Regional Aspects of Sustainable Development A migráció mérésének módszertani nehézségei RUFF Tamás …………………………………………………………………………………………...65 2b. szekció (személyes): A fenntartható fejlődés globális és regionális vetületei Session 2b (personal): Global and Regional Aspects of Sustainable Development Munkaérték preferenciák vizsgálata a szállítási ágazatban Dr. BALÁZS László-Dr. KŐKUTI Tamás ………………………………………………………..73 3. szekció (személyes): Turizmus és marketing, fenntartható turizmus Session 3 (personal): Tourism and Marketing, Sustainable Tourism Studentifikáció Lágymányoson, avagy az újbudai egyetemek hatása a fenntartható turizmusra KISS Bence Álmos-PORHAJAS Gábor László …………………………………………………..85 Book Consumption Literature-Literature Review on the Subject of the Behavior of Book Consumers Miklós LÉGRÁDI-Dr. habil. Zoltán SZABÓ ……………………………………………………..96 Szállodaüzemi intézkedések irányvonalai a fenntarthatóság jegyében MARTOS János András ……………………………………………………………………………..114 Sportfogyasztási szempontú elemzés a Sopronban rendezett 2021-es Női Vízilabda Magyar Kupáról CSISZÁR Szabolcs János-Dr. habil. PAÁR Dávid …………………………………………….126 4a. szekció (személyes): Pénzügyek, számvitel, fenntartható pénzügyek Session 4a (personal): Finance, Accounting, Sustainable Finance A könyvviteli szolgáltatási szakma megítélése. Összehasonlító elemzés a 2020. és 2022. évek felmérése alapján Dr. VERESS Attila-Dr. SIKLÓSI Ágnes-Dr. SISA Krisztina A. ……………………………136 A KKV-szektor hitelezési tendenciának értékelése MNB adatok alapján MÁRKUS Mónika …………………………………………………………………………………….147 Az ellátási láncok fenntartható pénzügyi adaptációja-rövidtávú fizetési kötelezettségek finanszírozása Dr. CZIRÁKI Gábor-HACKL János ……………………………………………………………..158 ESG közzététel vizsgálata nemzetközi hátterű kereskedelmi bankok esetében Magyarországon SIKLÓSI Veronika ……………………………………………………………………………………172
This research is an experiment to interpret the nature of portfolios and the best practice of por... more This research is an experiment to interpret the nature of portfolios and the best practice of portfolio management. It follows the goal of General System Theory, the transfer of models from other disciplines, which can be used to improve missing mechanisms. An interdisciplinary, self-developed model-M&M model-is the focus of research, which prescribes the optimal portfolio distribution in the ratio 1:1:1:4. The model combines the results achieved in the field of organizational development, system theory and chaos theory in one model. This optimization method was
Ziel der Studie ist es, eine Antwort auf die Unterschiede zwischen aktiven und passiven Anlagestr... more Ziel der Studie ist es, eine Antwort auf die Unterschiede zwischen aktiven und passiven Anlagestrategien zu finden, wobei sich man auf Diversifikation, Fokus und Handelsmethode konzentriert. Die Verteilung von Portfolioelementen ist ein risikoaverses Instrument, während die Dominanz der Palette für die Gewinne verantwortlich ist, aber all dies ist nichts wert, wenn wir die falsche Strategie dafür wählen. Die Studie verwendet die Rolling Nuts Methode, die auf der Entropie der Natur basiert, um Antwort darauf zu finden, welche kurze Zeit und innerhalb dieser welche Handelsmethoden zu Ergebnissen führen können, wenn man den Kapitalmarkt als passive Quelle für die individuelle Selbstversorgung betrachtet. Die Studie zeigt die Auswirkungen eines extremen Kurz-Handels (3 Monate, einschließlich des 4-Stunden-Intervalls am Dienstags) und zeigt, dass selbst unter solchen Bedingungen eine positive Rendite für einen Anleger erzielt werden kann. Zusammenfassend können wir daraus schließen, dass die Kapitalmärkte sogar durch eine leicht interpretierbare und anzupassbare Automation zu aktiven Renditeproduzenten gemacht werden können, soll es sich um individuelle oder institutionelle Ebene von Autarkie handeln.
The Mandelbrot set is a pattern of sustainability found in nature. Each system is based on a cert... more The Mandelbrot set is a pattern of sustainability found in nature. Each system is based on a certain set. The chapter explores the self-sustaining power of systems in the field of behavioral finance and asset management. An investment portfolio (as a set of elements) functions as a system, so the question arises: Can there be a self-sustaining financial portfolio? The chapter raises this question when it adapts the pattern of natural sustainability in the area of individual and social self-care. The principle of correct simplification makes the infinite complexity of the Mandelbrot set measurable by setting up its model on an interdisciplinary basis. In the case of the Mandelbrot set, it is an infinite form, and its correct simplification to an applicable extent does not seem to be such a self-evident task. Especially since the Mandelbrot set does not allow for simplifications; it is a simulation of coded growth patterns emerging in nature. This shape can be understood as nothing more than a dynamic model of natural growth. It is a code that is in everything in the form that makes up our world. The code of self-development is an inner force that does not give direction; it only gives form to growth. When researching self-sufficiency, it provides the right form of dynamic feedback that can lead to conclusions with its practical setting values, and which can be used from now on to create a model statement in the closer field of science. The research synthesis is based on systems theory and results in a model concept that can be easily adapted and serves alternatives. The Mandelbrot set paradoxically proves its infinite existence by imposing a limit. Since this particular mathematical form is an infinite and rather “irregular” shape, its accurate measurement is impossible using classical geometry. The research resorted to a heuristic procedure to eliminate this problem. The developed Rolling Nuts Model has universal properties, which also makes it applicable to other sciences. The chapter demonstrates self-sufficiency in the field of profitability, larding practical results to try the impossible: To present for science a passively profitable, self-sustaining model/procedure that provides financial sustainability. The ability to self-sustain is an increasingly burning challenge for our time, not only on an individual but also on a social level. By simplifying the infinitely patterned set, this chapter offers a symmetry that may even be suitable for automatisms in the field of passive profitability. This mechanism can have a beneficial effect on the individual level and institutional level and social care systems.
Keywords: entropy, Mandelbrot set, portfolio management, self-preservation, systems science
As a result of the trend in portfolio management, the demand for responsible, sustainable and pla... more As a result of the trend in portfolio management, the demand for responsible, sustainable and planable investments has increased. Even institutional investors had to draw lessons from the recent global economic crisis, which dramatically changed the picture of investment in the past. Especially in a world-wide low interest environment it is more and more demandful, lucrative and safe investments. In my study, I examine the different yield rates of different diversification processes with a benchmark set up based on my own model. The M & M Model aims to provide an interdisciplinary basis in the portfolio management field as an example self-care model, even at institutional level. The results demonstrate that there can be a diversification policy that is both profitable and safe at the same time. As a final conclusion, we look for crisis-solving strategies to explore the benefits of distributing them based on their own model.
Keywords: diversification, investment strategies, organization development, portfolio management, system theory JEL Codes: C61, G11, O16, P11
Die Problemaufgreifung geht davon aus, dass die Universitäten weltweit erfolgreiche Anlagestrateg... more Die Problemaufgreifung geht davon aus, dass die Universitäten weltweit erfolgreiche Anlagestrategien treiben und diese Methode bei den ungarischen Hochschulen fehlt. Die Geldmärkte können zur Finanzierung von Hochschulen beitragen, diese Gelegenheit auszunutzen ist bei manche Instituten ein Handlungsraum mit alte Traditionen, andere Universitäten sollen es vom Zweck treiben, da sie finanzielle Schwierigkeiten haben. Die aktuelle Finanzierungsstruktur in Ungarn droht die Universitäten mit einer Insolvenz-Gefahr, dass ist die kardinalste Frage, wie es vermeiden kann. Die Zielsetzung der Bachelorarbeit ist aufgrund der Analyse von den Anlageverfahren von ausländischen Universitäten Konsequenzen von den Strategien abzuziehen, die Vorteile und Nachteile diesen Strategien erleuchtern und auf diesen basierend Empfehlungen für ungarische Universitäten geben, welche Chancen und Möglichkeiten sie auf dem Kapitalmarkt haben können. Analysiert wurde die allgemeine Investitionskultur den eigenen Länder, die Anlageverfahren von den institutionelle- und Grossanlegern die in diesen Länder gestattet sind und die Anlagestrategien von den ausländischen Universitäten. Paralelle und Unterschiede wurden entdeckt anhand die verwendete Verfahren von Universitäten, die erreichte Ergebnisse der Strategien und die Zukunftsbild der verschiedenen Wirtschaften. Die Zusammensetzung, die Umschichtungen und die Entwicklung von Portfolios wurde detailliert analysiert. Die Verfolgung von den Verläufe den verwendete Anlagemethoden in dem Weltwirtschaft könnte die Ursache von Entstehung den Krisen und finanzielle Verluste entdecken. Die Behauptung dass neue Anlagestrategien und Anlageverfahren sollen ausgearbeitet werden wurde gestellt und Empfehlung gegeben für dem neuen Strategienmanagement. Anderseits wurde die Folgerung gezogen, dass jede Akteur am Kapitalmarkt - sei es ein Privatperson oder eine Universität - ihre Chancen ausnutzen soll um wirtschaftlich nachhaltig überleben zu können und einer Art von Selbstpflege oder von Selbstfinanzierung aufweisen zu können. Die Entwicklung von der Portfolioteorie sollte eröffnet werden um Vorschläge machen zu können, welche Eigenschaften eine moderne Portfolio besitzen soll um genug sicher, liquid und gewinnbringend bleiben zu können unter den Veränderungen der Kapitalmärkte. Als Konsequenz könnte gezogen werden, dass einerseits ungarische Universitäten eigene Anlagestrategien treiben sollen, anderseits bei dem Portfoliomanagement sollen neue Anwendungen verwendet werden um die Fehler der Vergangenheit zu vermeiden.
Papers by Gabor Cziraki
individual and society that the present capitalist economic system offers
as an affordable solution. Social care systems can draw inspiration from
what we are discussing, just as private people can use our findings to
their advantage. This chapter aims to bring order to a complex system
of investment decision-making that can then be used as a decisionsupport tool to help all concerned thrive. The chapter proves that a
portfolio based on nature’s entropy is self-sustaining, since the criteria
taken into account in its design give it the same system properties as the
other systems that constitute our world. The universal conception of
systems theory allows for interdisciplinary transformation. Using a
pattern similar to the ordering of nature, the chapter would like to
demonstrate the inherent self-sustaining power of this pattern within
asset management.
The chapter reports on an empirical survey covering 984 investment
portfolios and 1148 investment elements and concentrates on three
main research issues: investor decision-making, diversification
mismatches, and recommendations for sustainable asset management.
Based on the methodology, 6-6 investment portfolios per individual
were constructed. The portfolios sought diversification and return
divergences in the short term of a semester (three months) and a long
term of a 10-year interval. The key questions of the research focus on
when, why, and what: When is the winning formula really the winning
formula? Why is the winning formula – by how much and for how
long? What is the explanation for the winning formula and what
strategies make it sustainable? Interesting conclusions can be drawn
from the research by contrasting the long- and short-term primary
results of behavioral finance. The demonstrated sustainability-based
portfolio management can serve as a guideline for the development of
individual and institutional actors in financial culture. Raising financial
awareness and self-management to a higher level needs to be coupled
with a behavioral understanding of utility, which is also illuminated by
the behavioral and outcome focus of the current chapter.
Keywords: behavioral finance, financial culture, portfolio management, selfsufficiency, sustainable wealth management
The principle of correct simplification makes the infinite complexity of the Mandelbrot set measurable by setting up its model on an interdisciplinary basis. In the case of the Mandelbrot set, it is an infinite form, and its correct simplification to an applicable extent does not seem to be such a self-evident task. Especially since the Mandelbrot set does not allow for simplifications; it is a simulation of coded growth patterns emerging in nature. This shape can be understood as nothing more than a dynamic model of natural growth. It is a code that is in everything in the form that makes up our world. The code of self-development is an inner force that does not give direction; it only gives form to growth. When researching self-sufficiency, it provides the right form of dynamic feedback that can lead to conclusions with its practical setting values, and which can be used from now on to create a model statement in the closer field of science.
The research synthesis is based on systems theory and results in a model concept that can be easily adapted and serves alternatives. The Mandelbrot set paradoxically proves its infinite existence by imposing a limit. Since this particular mathematical form is an infinite and rather “irregular” shape, its accurate measurement is impossible using classical geometry. The research resorted to a heuristic procedure to eliminate this problem.
The developed Rolling Nuts Model has universal properties, which also makes it applicable to other sciences. The chapter demonstrates self-sufficiency in the field of profitability, larding practical results to try the impossible: To present for science a passively profitable, self-sustaining model/procedure that provides financial sustainability.
The ability to self-sustain is an increasingly burning challenge for our time, not only on an individual but also on a social level. By simplifying the infinitely patterned set, this chapter offers a symmetry that may even be suitable for automatisms in the field of passive profitability. This mechanism can have a beneficial effect on the individual level and institutional level and social care systems.
Keywords: entropy, Mandelbrot set, portfolio management, self-preservation, systems science
Keywords: diversification, investment strategies, organization development, portfolio management, system theory
JEL Codes: C61, G11, O16, P11
Books by Gabor Cziraki
Die Zielsetzung der Bachelorarbeit ist aufgrund der Analyse von den Anlageverfahren von ausländischen Universitäten Konsequenzen von den Strategien abzuziehen, die Vorteile und Nachteile diesen Strategien erleuchtern und auf diesen basierend Empfehlungen für ungarische Universitäten geben, welche Chancen und Möglichkeiten sie auf dem Kapitalmarkt haben können. Analysiert wurde die allgemeine Investitionskultur den eigenen Länder, die Anlageverfahren von den institutionelle- und Grossanlegern die in diesen Länder gestattet sind und die Anlagestrategien von den ausländischen Universitäten. Paralelle und Unterschiede wurden entdeckt anhand die verwendete Verfahren von Universitäten, die erreichte Ergebnisse der Strategien und die Zukunftsbild der verschiedenen Wirtschaften.
Die Zusammensetzung, die Umschichtungen und die Entwicklung von Portfolios wurde detailliert analysiert. Die Verfolgung von den Verläufe den verwendete Anlagemethoden in dem Weltwirtschaft könnte die Ursache von Entstehung den Krisen und finanzielle Verluste entdecken. Die Behauptung dass neue Anlagestrategien und Anlageverfahren sollen ausgearbeitet werden wurde gestellt und Empfehlung gegeben für dem neuen Strategienmanagement. Anderseits wurde die Folgerung gezogen, dass jede Akteur am Kapitalmarkt - sei es ein Privatperson oder eine Universität - ihre Chancen ausnutzen soll um wirtschaftlich nachhaltig überleben zu können und einer Art von Selbstpflege oder von Selbstfinanzierung aufweisen zu können. Die Entwicklung von der Portfolioteorie sollte eröffnet werden um Vorschläge machen zu können, welche Eigenschaften eine moderne Portfolio besitzen soll um genug sicher, liquid und gewinnbringend bleiben zu können unter den Veränderungen der Kapitalmärkte.
Als Konsequenz könnte gezogen werden, dass einerseits ungarische Universitäten eigene Anlagestrategien treiben sollen, anderseits bei dem Portfoliomanagement sollen neue Anwendungen verwendet werden um die Fehler der Vergangenheit zu vermeiden.
individual and society that the present capitalist economic system offers
as an affordable solution. Social care systems can draw inspiration from
what we are discussing, just as private people can use our findings to
their advantage. This chapter aims to bring order to a complex system
of investment decision-making that can then be used as a decisionsupport tool to help all concerned thrive. The chapter proves that a
portfolio based on nature’s entropy is self-sustaining, since the criteria
taken into account in its design give it the same system properties as the
other systems that constitute our world. The universal conception of
systems theory allows for interdisciplinary transformation. Using a
pattern similar to the ordering of nature, the chapter would like to
demonstrate the inherent self-sustaining power of this pattern within
asset management.
The chapter reports on an empirical survey covering 984 investment
portfolios and 1148 investment elements and concentrates on three
main research issues: investor decision-making, diversification
mismatches, and recommendations for sustainable asset management.
Based on the methodology, 6-6 investment portfolios per individual
were constructed. The portfolios sought diversification and return
divergences in the short term of a semester (three months) and a long
term of a 10-year interval. The key questions of the research focus on
when, why, and what: When is the winning formula really the winning
formula? Why is the winning formula – by how much and for how
long? What is the explanation for the winning formula and what
strategies make it sustainable? Interesting conclusions can be drawn
from the research by contrasting the long- and short-term primary
results of behavioral finance. The demonstrated sustainability-based
portfolio management can serve as a guideline for the development of
individual and institutional actors in financial culture. Raising financial
awareness and self-management to a higher level needs to be coupled
with a behavioral understanding of utility, which is also illuminated by
the behavioral and outcome focus of the current chapter.
Keywords: behavioral finance, financial culture, portfolio management, selfsufficiency, sustainable wealth management
The principle of correct simplification makes the infinite complexity of the Mandelbrot set measurable by setting up its model on an interdisciplinary basis. In the case of the Mandelbrot set, it is an infinite form, and its correct simplification to an applicable extent does not seem to be such a self-evident task. Especially since the Mandelbrot set does not allow for simplifications; it is a simulation of coded growth patterns emerging in nature. This shape can be understood as nothing more than a dynamic model of natural growth. It is a code that is in everything in the form that makes up our world. The code of self-development is an inner force that does not give direction; it only gives form to growth. When researching self-sufficiency, it provides the right form of dynamic feedback that can lead to conclusions with its practical setting values, and which can be used from now on to create a model statement in the closer field of science.
The research synthesis is based on systems theory and results in a model concept that can be easily adapted and serves alternatives. The Mandelbrot set paradoxically proves its infinite existence by imposing a limit. Since this particular mathematical form is an infinite and rather “irregular” shape, its accurate measurement is impossible using classical geometry. The research resorted to a heuristic procedure to eliminate this problem.
The developed Rolling Nuts Model has universal properties, which also makes it applicable to other sciences. The chapter demonstrates self-sufficiency in the field of profitability, larding practical results to try the impossible: To present for science a passively profitable, self-sustaining model/procedure that provides financial sustainability.
The ability to self-sustain is an increasingly burning challenge for our time, not only on an individual but also on a social level. By simplifying the infinitely patterned set, this chapter offers a symmetry that may even be suitable for automatisms in the field of passive profitability. This mechanism can have a beneficial effect on the individual level and institutional level and social care systems.
Keywords: entropy, Mandelbrot set, portfolio management, self-preservation, systems science
Keywords: diversification, investment strategies, organization development, portfolio management, system theory
JEL Codes: C61, G11, O16, P11
Die Zielsetzung der Bachelorarbeit ist aufgrund der Analyse von den Anlageverfahren von ausländischen Universitäten Konsequenzen von den Strategien abzuziehen, die Vorteile und Nachteile diesen Strategien erleuchtern und auf diesen basierend Empfehlungen für ungarische Universitäten geben, welche Chancen und Möglichkeiten sie auf dem Kapitalmarkt haben können. Analysiert wurde die allgemeine Investitionskultur den eigenen Länder, die Anlageverfahren von den institutionelle- und Grossanlegern die in diesen Länder gestattet sind und die Anlagestrategien von den ausländischen Universitäten. Paralelle und Unterschiede wurden entdeckt anhand die verwendete Verfahren von Universitäten, die erreichte Ergebnisse der Strategien und die Zukunftsbild der verschiedenen Wirtschaften.
Die Zusammensetzung, die Umschichtungen und die Entwicklung von Portfolios wurde detailliert analysiert. Die Verfolgung von den Verläufe den verwendete Anlagemethoden in dem Weltwirtschaft könnte die Ursache von Entstehung den Krisen und finanzielle Verluste entdecken. Die Behauptung dass neue Anlagestrategien und Anlageverfahren sollen ausgearbeitet werden wurde gestellt und Empfehlung gegeben für dem neuen Strategienmanagement. Anderseits wurde die Folgerung gezogen, dass jede Akteur am Kapitalmarkt - sei es ein Privatperson oder eine Universität - ihre Chancen ausnutzen soll um wirtschaftlich nachhaltig überleben zu können und einer Art von Selbstpflege oder von Selbstfinanzierung aufweisen zu können. Die Entwicklung von der Portfolioteorie sollte eröffnet werden um Vorschläge machen zu können, welche Eigenschaften eine moderne Portfolio besitzen soll um genug sicher, liquid und gewinnbringend bleiben zu können unter den Veränderungen der Kapitalmärkte.
Als Konsequenz könnte gezogen werden, dass einerseits ungarische Universitäten eigene Anlagestrategien treiben sollen, anderseits bei dem Portfoliomanagement sollen neue Anwendungen verwendet werden um die Fehler der Vergangenheit zu vermeiden.