Papers by Johanna Fröhlich

Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht
According to a widely shared opinion, the proliferation of constitutional theories in Latin Ameri... more According to a widely shared opinion, the proliferation of constitutional theories in Latin America and the Caribbean and the optimism about law’s transformative character have provoked important changes in the courts’ jurisprudence in the region. Thus far, however, there has been no research with a systematic methodology, supported by empirical results to understand the reason-giving practice of the region’s constitutional courts in general, or to show if in fact new theories and trends are reflected in or shaped the courts’ jurisprudence. This article is the introductory piece of a Special Issue on Constitutional Reasoning in Latin America, that presents some of the findings of a region-wide academic project dedicated to measure the reasoning of 15 different constitutional courts and supreme courts from Latin America and the Caribbean. By aggregating the results of 50 indicators from all jurisdictions, we dive deeper into cross-country tendencies of judicial reasoning, identify relevant new tendencies, especially related to argumentative and conceptual diversity, as well as the historic developments behind them.

Austrian Journal of Public Law Vol.78., 2023
According to a widely shared opinion, the proliferation of constitutional theories in Latin Amer... more According to a widely shared opinion, the proliferation of constitutional theories in Latin America and the Caribbean and the optimism about law's transformative character have provoked important changes in the courts' jurispmdence in the region. Thus far, however, there has been no research with a systematic methodology, supported by empirical results to understand the reason-giving practice ofthe region's constitutional courts in general, or to show if in fact new theories and trends are reflected in or shaped the courts' jurispmdence. This article is the introductory piece of a Special Issue on Constitutional Reasoning in Latin America, that presents sorne of the findings of a region-wide acadernic project dedicated to measure the reasoning of 15 different constitutional courts and supreme courts from Latin America and the Caribbean. By aggregating the results of 50 indicators from ali jurisdictions, we dive deeper into cross-country tendencies of judicial reasoning, identify relevant new tendencies, especially related to argumentative and conceptual diversity, as well as the historie developments behind them.
Austrian Journal of Public Law, 2023
A Foreword for the Special Issue on "Measuring Conceptual and Argumentative Diversity by Constitu... more A Foreword for the Special Issue on "Measuring Conceptual and Argumentative Diversity by Constitutional Courts in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Int.J.Const. L. Blog (ICONnect Blog), 2022
connect-symposium-on-the-chileanconstitutional-referendum-the-contradiction-of-social-justice-con... more connect-symposium-on-the-chileanconstitutional-referendum-the-contradiction-of-social-justice-constitutionalism

Díkaion, 2022
El artículo de Richard Albert, Malkhaz Nakashidze y Tarik Olcay, “Resistencia formalista a las re... more El artículo de Richard Albert, Malkhaz Nakashidze y Tarik Olcay, “Resistencia formalista a las reformas constitucionales inconstitucionales”, identifica tres países y las prácticas de sus cortes supremas que hasta ahora han rechazado la doctrina de reformas constitucionales inconstitucionales. Después de un análisis detallado, los autores concluyen que, bajo diferentes consideraciones teóricas, las tres cortes estudiadas optan por no aplicar la teoría de la delegación en el cambio constitucional y, por lo tanto, ellos también consideran que una enmienda no puede ser sustancialmente inconstitucional. El objetivo de su estudio es demostrar que existe un contrapeso en la tendencia (que parece ser la predominante a nivel global) sobre la adopción de la doctrina de reformas constitucionales inconstitucionales, y que este contrapeso merece ser conocido en la comunidad académica. Además de apoyar esa conclusión, el presente artículo analiza detenidamente el denominado “formalismo” como sus...

Az Alaptörvény 24. cikk (2) bekezdés d) pontja alapján alaptörvény-ellenes bírói döntéssel szembe... more Az Alaptörvény 24. cikk (2) bekezdés d) pontja alapján alaptörvény-ellenes bírói döntéssel szemben az egyedi ügyben érintett személy vagy szervezet alkotmányjogi panasszal fordulhat az Alkotmánybírósághoz, ha az ügy érdemében hozott döntés vagy a bírósági eljárást befejező egyéb döntés a) az indítványozó Alaptörvényben biztosított jogát sérti, és b) az indítványozó a jogorvoslati lehetőségeit már kimerítette, vagy jogorvoslati lehetőség nincs számára biztosítva. [1] Az Abtv. 27. §-a szerinti (a szakmai diskurzusban gyakran "valódi"-nak nevezett) alkotmányjogi panasz befogadását érintő tapasztalatok azt mutatják, hogy az Alkotmánybíróság igen szigorú gyakorlatot folytat az Abtv.-ben szereplő befogadási kritériumok vizsgálatakor. A 2012-es év különösen magán hordozta az átmenetiség jegyeit, amelyet nemcsak a többi alkotmányjogi panaszhoz mérten viszonylag kevés, az Abtv. 27. §ára alapított indítvány, de az e körből befogadhatónak minősített alkotmányjogi panaszok alacsony száma 1 is jelzett. [2] Az új joggyakorlat első hónapjaiban az Alkotmánybíróságnak egyértelművé kellett tennie , hogy az Abtv. 71. § (3) bekezdése alapján a 2012. január elseje előtt benyújtott, utólagos normakontrollra és mulasztásban megnyilvánuló alkotmányellenességre irányuló indítványokat kizárólag az Abtv. 26. § (2) bekezdése szerinti alkotmányjogi panaszokká lehet átalakítani. 2 Az Abtv. 27. §-a szerinti alkotmányjogi panaszként nem volt befogadható [1] 1 Az Alkotmánybíróság honlapján megtalálható statisztika szerint 2012. december 31-éig összesen 72 darab, az Abtv. 27. §-a szerint megindult alkotmányjogi panasz eljárás volt folyamatban, és ebből évvégéig csupán 6 esetben történt meg a befogadás. A helyzet 2013-ban és 2014-ben sem változott szignifikánsan. 2013. január 1-je és 2013. december 31-e között összesen 9, 2014 folyamán pedig 17 esetben történt befogadás az Abtv. 27. §-a szerinti eljárásban, így összesen-az előző évben folyamatban maradt ügyekkel együtt 220 panasz van folyamatban ebben az eljárásban. (lezárás: 2015. március).
Encyclopedia for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, 2018
One of the main challenges of contemporary legal
philosophy is to reconcile practice with theory,... more One of the main challenges of contemporary legal
philosophy is to reconcile practice with theory,
human reality with theoretical understanding.
The debate about the normativity of law is deeply
inspired by this motivation, as the task here is
precisely to assimilate abstract propositions and
concrete human decisions. Law is to guide our
actions; therefore, it has a claim on our decisions.
From this approach, in order to make our decisions
in line with what the law says, we have to
understand how law may give reasons for us to
take actions.

The relevance of studies on constitutional reasoning has grown parallel with the interest in enga... more The relevance of studies on constitutional reasoning has grown parallel with the interest in engaging with the global constitutional discourse. Initially, the interest to know other countries' answers to certain common problems emerged together with the evolution of comparative constitutional law into a separate discipline. Over time, it has become clear that there are numerous different solutions for our common concerns and that these depend on the social, political, historical context and the concrete needs of the country in question. Even though the answers can be different, the way we approach, discuss and debate these problems seem to be very similar. Therefore, the question put forth by comparative constitutional reasoning is not what the answers are, but how we understand and find them. In Latin America today, we encounter several divisions like race, religion, social welfare, education, gender etc. that are reflected in the different theories and doctrines of the region's constitutional laws. The question that concerns us is if one can still look for and find a common ground in the midst of these divisions, which could serve as a basis for engaging, understanding and discussing constitutional issues. It is the attempt of this Dossier to start such a dialogue within the Latin American region, by including scholars also from outside and inside the Latin American region. Among the articles presented in this Issue, we can find several topics that focus on the dialogue both on a global and on a regional, Latin American level, like the one on the cross-fertilization of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights or the one on conventionality control. Others discuss key concepts of the region's constitutional reasoning, such as the principle of equality and constitutional identity. Furthermore, the first article serves as a proposal to discuss the universal question of what makes a good lawyer. The key condition to engage in a debate about these problems require an open and honest debate. The problem of understanding and the method we use to argue and debate different issues holds an important role in public debate. Language and reasoning are not mere means of communication, but they also represent the fundamental questions of existence, as it was pointed out by Heidegger in Being and Time (1927). Understanding the world begins with understanding ourselves: the beings we are, the time and context in which we exist, the reality that surrounds us, and our immediate problems. Thus, and following Hans-Georg Gadamer in Truth and Method (1960), the means through which we understand the world is "ourselves". Hence, we have more than only the capacity to know ourselves: we are also able to understand others and challenge ourselves in order for a better understanding. We have, therefore, the ability to reflect honestly, openly and responsibly on our views in order to recognize what motivates us and what are the justifications of our decisions. This reflection can only happen through providing and accepting reasons, i.e. debating openly and truly listening to the arguments of others, just as occurs in human life in general. A healthy and functional public discourse, therefore, assumes a common ground, since all the opinions demand to be recognized in the light of a common goal: to discuss how

Quaderni Costituzionali, 2020
Constitutional crises are value crises. We should engage in a substantial debate about the core v... more Constitutional crises are value crises. We should engage in a substantial debate about the core values and principles in our polity in order to support the discourse on the present episode of extraordinary events related to the emergency powers in Hungary. By revealing the substantial political and philosophical disagreements, we have the chance to observe the core values of democracies in a new light and to reassert them after verifying the good they represent. On March 11, 2020, the Hungarian Government declared «state of danger» on the entire territory of the country in order to mitigate the consequences of the worldwide pandemic caused by the coronavirus (Covid-19). There was relative agreement among the general public that special measures are needed in order to protect the lives and the health of the citizens. Yet, the Act No. XII of 2020 on the protection against the coronavirus (the Act), adopted by the Parliament on March 30, 2020, has stirred up harsh criticism because of the unlimited powers granted to the Government. While more and more details gain international attention, the Hungarian government and its sympathizers refer to the overall success in handling the crisis, such as in the relatively low number of Covid-19 patients (roughly 2800 confirmed patients and around 312 deaths as of April 30th), a great increase in testing (thirty thousand tests to be done starting from the last week of April), and the introduction of perhaps the biggest government action plan in Hungary's modern history for revitalizing the economy. There is a great polarization between the diverging opinions. On the one hand, critics call for implementing the strictest international measures against the rising totalitarianism that has given Orbán «fully-fledged dictatorial powers» (Kim Lane Scheppele, Orban's Emergency, Verfassungsblog, March 29, 2020). Members of the Hungarian administration, on the other hand, argue that the extraordinary measures are both constitutional, as they balance the government's powers with important checks, such as facilitating the virtual sessions of the Constitutional Court, and necessary, as the end of the pandemic is not foreseeable, therefore exceptional measures are needed for longer than in the case of a simple flood. This is a debate in which our attitude to the discourse is just as important as our arguments. Only when scholars and politicians remain open to be provoked both intellectually and personally by the challenges posed by reality, we leave room for self-criticism, which is a precondition to reassert or change our preconceptions. Only an open and truly free debate is something worth defending and suffering for. This, however, does not mean that we should not call things by their name, or that the discourse should not preserve its moral character in the sense that it should always be directed towards the good of the individual and its communities. This is why sheer power should
FLACSO Ecuador, su Departamento de Estudios Politicos, el Colegio de Jurisprudencia de la Univers... more FLACSO Ecuador, su Departamento de Estudios Politicos, el Colegio de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito y el Proyecto de Razonamiento Constitucional en America Latina-CORE LATAM tienen el agrado de invitar a usted al Foro ?Como medir la calidad del razonamiento juridico? Con la participacion de: Matyas Bencze, Profesor de Derecho, University of Debrecen, Hungria, Johanna Frohlich, Profesora de Derecho Constitucional Comparado, Universidad San Francisco de Quito-Ecuador y Santiago Basabe Serrano, Profesor investigador del Departamento de Estudios Politicos, FLACSO Ecuador. Modera: Patricia Sotomayor- Investigadora del Centro de Estudios Constitucionales de la Corte Constitucional y docente en la Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial-UTE

International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2021
Latin America has provided a fertile ground for constitutional experimentation. The Ecuadorean Co... more Latin America has provided a fertile ground for constitutional experimentation. The Ecuadorean Constitution of 2008 purported to change the entire liberal constitutional model and replace it with one in which indigenous concepts from the Andean region are central. At the same time, the constitutionalization of the legal order was not repudiated, and a reinforced procedure for constitutional amendments was still included. It seems, however, that even an extended rights catalogue and reinforced amendment procedures could fail to induce a real paradigm change if the commitment to protect the constitution as higher law is missing. The present article seeks to show that more flexible amendment rules might foster the rule of law and stability better than those that are unrealistic or bluntly ideological, especially where the value of constitution-as-higher-law is not authentically reflected in the governed society. In these cases, flexible amendment rules could help restore trust in law’s...
The International Review of Constitutional Reform, 2022
This chapter gives an overview of all the amendments and reforms that occurred in Hungary from th... more This chapter gives an overview of all the amendments and reforms that occurred in Hungary from the change of regime in 1989 until the contemporary changes of the Fundamental Law.
Global Review of Constitutional Law 2019, 2020
Published by the 2019 I·CONnect-Clough Center Global Review of Constitutional Law
Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, 2020
Are there common traces of constitutional reasoning in Latin America? Some insights on the use of... more Are there common traces of constitutional reasoning in Latin America? Some insights on the use of international law and constitutional self-awareness based on the preliminary empirical results of a regional project called Constitutional Reasoning in Latin America ( Published on the Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law. July 30, 2020.
IACL-AIDC Blog, 2020
An analysis of a landmark judgement from the Ecuadorean Constitutional Court published by the IAC... more An analysis of a landmark judgement from the Ecuadorean Constitutional Court published by the IACL-AIDC Blog in its series on "Constitutional Landmark Judgements in Central and South America".
![Research paper thumbnail of Alkotmányértelmezés [Constitutional Interpretation]](
Internetes Jogtudományi Enciklopédia, 2020
Az alkotmányértelmezés egyrészt az alkotmány értelmét feltáró jogtudományi módszer, másrészt szab... more Az alkotmányértelmezés egyrészt az alkotmány értelmét feltáró jogtudományi módszer, másrészt szabály, amely az alkotmány jelentésének feltárását szolgálja. Az alkotmányértelmezés végső soron az alkotmány értelméről hozott olyan döntés, amelyet meghatározott szabályok és módszerek alkalmazásával hoz az alkotmányértelmező. Az alkotmányértelmezésről folytatott viták hátterében túlnyomórészt az alkotmány által betölteni hivatott szerepről szóló egyet nem értés áll. Így például míg egyes alkotmányértelmezési módszerek a bíró aktív részvételét szorgalmazzák a társadalmi együttélés alapvető szabályait érintő kérdések feloldásához, és ezért többnyire kreatív értelmezési módszerek használatához vezetnek, addig mások a szöveg eredeti értelmének és a szuverén alkotmányozó akaratának feltárását tartják szükségesnek, ezáltal a tradicionálisabb módszerek részesülnek előnyben. Éppen ezért végső soron az alkotmányértelmezés kérdései a jog alapjairól is szólnak, azon belül is az alkotmány feladatával és az értelmező személy ebben képviselt szerepével állnak kapcsolatban.
Attila-SULYOK Gábor (szerk.): Internetes Jogtudományi Enciklopédia (Alkotmányjog rovat, rovatszerkesztő: BODNÁR Eszter, JAKAB András) (2019).
Papers by Johanna Fröhlich
philosophy is to reconcile practice with theory,
human reality with theoretical understanding.
The debate about the normativity of law is deeply
inspired by this motivation, as the task here is
precisely to assimilate abstract propositions and
concrete human decisions. Law is to guide our
actions; therefore, it has a claim on our decisions.
From this approach, in order to make our decisions
in line with what the law says, we have to
understand how law may give reasons for us to
take actions.
Attila-SULYOK Gábor (szerk.): Internetes Jogtudományi Enciklopédia (Alkotmányjog rovat, rovatszerkesztő: BODNÁR Eszter, JAKAB András) (2019).
philosophy is to reconcile practice with theory,
human reality with theoretical understanding.
The debate about the normativity of law is deeply
inspired by this motivation, as the task here is
precisely to assimilate abstract propositions and
concrete human decisions. Law is to guide our
actions; therefore, it has a claim on our decisions.
From this approach, in order to make our decisions
in line with what the law says, we have to
understand how law may give reasons for us to
take actions.
Attila-SULYOK Gábor (szerk.): Internetes Jogtudományi Enciklopédia (Alkotmányjog rovat, rovatszerkesztő: BODNÁR Eszter, JAKAB András) (2019).
We discuss the most important constitutional developments in Ecuador in 2017, from the point of view of the level of liberal democracy. We touch upon issues such as he presidential elections, the referendum on the indefinite reelection of the president or the cases on corruption, just to mention some.