Books and Special Journal Issues by Antje Dietze
This book is part of an ongoing transnational turn in cultural history. Studies on the history of... more This book is part of an ongoing transnational turn in cultural history. Studies on the history of urban popular culture and the entertainment industries increasingly engage with the European or global circulation of genres, actors, and shows, especially during the period of massive growth and expansion of the sector from the 1870s to the 1930s. Nevertheless, a large part of this research remains focused on exchanges between Western and Central European, and North American metropolises. To provide a fuller picture of the emergence and cross-border transfer of different genres of popular culture, this volume investigates Northern, East Central, and Southern European cities and their relations with each other and the West. The authors analyze the mediating agents, transnational networks, and local responses to new forms of entertainment from Madrid to Vyborg, and from Istanbul to Reykjavík. These examples re-focus the history of urban popular culture in Europe in view of multidirectional transfers and a wider range of regional experiences. Urban Popular Culture and Entertainment will appeal to researchers and students alike interested in the history of popular culture in modern societies, particularly those studying urban centers in Europe, and their transnational and transregional connections.
Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2020
Das Themenheft leistet einen Beitrag zur gerade erst einsetzenden Historisierung der Kultur- und ... more Das Themenheft leistet einen Beitrag zur gerade erst einsetzenden Historisierung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft und verfolgt deren Genealogie in die Ära der modernen Massenkultur zurück. Bereits seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts entstanden im Zuge der standardisierten Massenproduktion kultureller Erzeugnisse auch vielfältige Berufsfelder bei deren Herstellung, Organisation und Vermarktung. Die Artikel stellen aktuelle methodische Ansätze zur Erforschung dieser Produktionswelten aus kultursoziologischer, sozialhistorischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive vor. Dabei analysieren sie auch die transnationalen Verflechtungen der deutschen Kulturwirtschaft, u. a. mithilfe GIS-gestützter Kartierungen. Das Heft zeigt damit Möglichkeiten auf, die Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Moderne mit Blick auf bisher weniger beachtete Formen der Arbeit und der Produktion zu erweitern.
Dossier "Situating Transnational Actors" / "Comment situer les acteurs transnationaux"
Guest edi... more Dossier "Situating Transnational Actors" / "Comment situer les acteurs transnationaux"
Guest editors: Antje Dietze and Katja Naumann.
European Review of History / Revue européenne d'histoire 25, nos. 3-4 (2018)
Portals of Globalization in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Edited by Claudia Baumann, Antje Diet... more Portals of Globalization in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Edited by Claudia Baumann, Antje Dietze, Megan Maruschke.
Double special issue of Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 27 (2017) 3-4.
Portals of globalization is an analytical category introduced in globalization research to investigate how global flows are anchored and articulated in particular places. It has been used to analyse the way flows and controls come together on multiple scales, and how actors in these places actively manage global entanglements. Consequently, the changing positionality of these places in global networks can reveal the scope, function, and transformation of global connections and shifting spatial orders. Stemming from research debates on the historicity, regional difference, and spatial complexity of globalization processes, this issue seeks to strengthen empirical insights from different disciplinary and regional perspectives. It brings together research on past and present portals of globalization to facilitate the dialogue across disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. A special focus on a variety of local and regional contexts in Africa, Asia, and Latin America allows us to re-evaluate assumptions about the centres and peripheries of globalization processes, the mechanisms and directionality of circulations, and the asymmetries in global connectedness.
The New Politics of Regionalism, 2016
This edited volume approaches regionalism as one potential pattern in a changing global order. Si... more This edited volume approaches regionalism as one potential pattern in a changing global order. Since the end of the Cold War, different forms of territorialization have emerged and we are confronted with an increasing number and variety of actors that are establishing regional projects. This volume offers an innovative contribution to the study of this new complexity by exploring constellations of regional actors, spatial scales and imaginations beyond state-centred perspectives as well as on multiple, often overlapping levels. The chapters analyse the emergence, trajectories and outcomes of regionalisms from the perspective of the Global South, specifically concentrating on regional projects in Latin America and Africa, but also in the Asia-Pacific. They attempt to identify the specific conditions and junctures of different forms of region-making in their external (global) and internal (local/national) dimensions. The volume also places special emphasis on interactions, spatial entanglements and comparisons between regionalisms in different parts of the world. By expanding beyond the perspective of North-South transfers, this book seeks to better understand the dynamics and diversity of interregional interactions.
Antje Dietze
Ambivalenzen des Übergangs
Die Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin in den n... more Antje Dietze
Ambivalenzen des Übergangs
Die Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin in den neunziger Jahren
1. Auflage 2015
ISBN 978-3-525-30171-5
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Reihe Transnationale Geschichte, Band 4
Die Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin ist ein Erfolgsmodell der deutschen und internationalen Kulturszene der frühen neunziger Jahre. Sie entwickelte ein betont ostdeutsches Profil und nahm die gesellschaftlichen Konflikte der Nach-Wendezeit mit einem kritischen Blick unter die Lupe.
Antje Dietze untersucht an diesem Beispiel die besondere Rolle von Kulturinstitutionen und künstlerischer Praxis in den vielfältigen, oft ambivalenten Übergangsprozessen nach 1989. Sie beschreibt diese Transformationen als Teil eines deutsch-deutschen und transnationalen kulturellen Verflechtungszusammenhangs und arbeitet heraus, dass dieser bereits vor 1989 bestand, und wie er sich im Verlauf der neunziger Jahre neu ausrichtete. Dabei macht die Autorin außerdem deutlich, welche Bedeutung kulturelle Akteure bei der Gestaltung von gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen hatten, indem sie die eigenen Traditionen programmatisch auf den Prüfstand stellten und neu erfanden.
Papers by Antje Dietze
Intercultural Transfers and Processes of Spatialization, 2022
Over the course of the nineteenth century, visual culture and the entertainment industries came t... more Over the course of the nineteenth century, visual culture and the entertainment industries came to play a major role in popularizing images from around the world. Before the age of the cinema took off in the 1890s, the illustrated press, fairground attractions, and exhibitions such as panoramas were among the emerging visual mass media. This chapter investigates the transfer of panoramas – and the associated industry – across Europe and to North America. It traces the transnational activities of the producers and mediators of the panorama industry, as well as the trajectories of the pictures they produced. The focus lies mainly on the last third of the nineteenth century, when the panorama business experienced an unprecedented boom. Following the sequence of transfers along a number of production centres and distribution channels – from Edinburgh to London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin and Munich, and then on to New York City, Chicago, and Milwaukee –, this chapter analyses the particular paths of expansion and forms of adaptation of the industry in transatlantic perspective. It examines how artists and entrepreneurs dealt with recurring tensions between transnationally standardized production and distribution structures, on the one hand, and the adaptation of the imagery of the paintings to local, regional and national contexts, on the other hand. These dynamics give further insights into the formation of both national and transnational public spheres at the time.
Verräumlichungsprozesse unter Globalisierungsbedingungen I, 2021
Mit Blick auf die bisherige Schwerpunktsetzung in der transnationalen Geschichte und auf die skiz... more Mit Blick auf die bisherige Schwerpunktsetzung in der transnationalen Geschichte und auf die skizzierten Beispiele aus unseren Forschungen schlagen wir eine Erweiterung des Verständnisses von transnationalen Akteuren vor, um besser bestimmen zu können, wie sie raumkonstituierend wirkten und damit vielschichtige (Neu-)Verräumlichungsprozesse vorantrieben. Sie schufen grenzüberschreitende Verbindungen und richteten dabei ihr Augenmerk auch und gerade auf die Schnittstellen von verschiedenen Raumebenen und sozialen Arenen. Diese Dimension von transnationalem Handeln ernst zu nehmen, hat Potenzial. Ein solcher Fokus ermöglicht es, nicht nur die Grenzüberschreitungen und Mobilität dieser Akteure, sondern ebenso ihre strategischen Einbettungen und ihr Wirken in lokalen, territorialen, regionalen und internationalen Kontexten in den Blick zu nehmen. In den Begriff „transnationale Akteure“ lassen sich somit Handlungsspielräume einschreiben, die aus der Verbindung von Mobilität, Verankerungen und Verflechtung erwachsen.
Comparativ, 2021
After 1989, cultural policy makers in Berlin faced the challenge of reorganizing the city’s dual ... more After 1989, cultural policy makers in Berlin faced the challenge of reorganizing the city’s dual cultural structure in the context of multi-level transformations. This article analyzes their strategies, using the example of the funding and reprofiling of the city’s theatre landscape. The integration of East German theatres into the federal German theatre landscape did not happen solely by adapting them to western structures. Instead, all of Berlin’s theatres were reviewed to determine whether they could still assume an important function for the reinvention of the city as the capital of unified Germany and as a cultural metropolis of international importance. At the same time, the funding of the capital city’s cultural infrastructure had to be renegotiated between the federal and state governments, shifting toward permanent and direct federal funding for the cultural sector. Moreover, cultural policy concepts underwent profound changes throughout the 1990s, as culture was gradually discovered as one of the city’s central economic resources.
Journal of Urban History, 2021
This article focuses on the way musical theater venues in Montreal were booked and managed during... more This article focuses on the way musical theater venues in Montreal were booked and managed during the continental integration of North American theater industries from the 1880s to the First World War. It investigates how local theater owners and managers cooperated with representatives of U.S.-American circuits and booking agencies that provided the shows. They had to find ways to reconcile the fragmented audiences in the bilingual city with the increasingly standardized theatrical offers available. A closer look at different kinds of mediating actors and organizations and at the range and mechanisms of the supply networks explains why those relations often did not remain anchored in a particular venue over a longer period. The profiles of theaters in Montreal shifted frequently when an especially dynamic phase of social and cultural specialization in the urban sphere overlapped with growing trans-regional rivalries between competing theatrical circuits.
This article is part of the special section "The Making of Music Venues: Inquiries into Global Urban History", edited by Cornelia Escher and Martin Rempe, in Journal of Urban History, Vol 47, Issue 5, 2021, pp. 997–1015
Open access version on Qucosa:
Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 2020
This article traces the social and spatial organization of the amusement industry as it emerged i... more This article traces the social and spatial organization of the amusement industry as it emerged in Germany. It investigates how entrepreneurs and performers coordinated the rapidly growing and transnationally expanding world of variety entertainment from the 1880s to the 1920s. A detailed analysis of trade journals and associations, as well as a GIS-supported mapping of production networks reveals that the sector relied upon different internationalization strategies and particular forms of business organization in the German-speaking world. While the industry became increasingly integrated into the nation-state, its producers continued to pursue multi-level strategies and retained much of their internationalist outlook.
This thematic issue offers an historical perspective on the cultural economy and creative work by... more This thematic issue offers an historical perspective on the cultural economy and creative work by focusing on the production of mass culture fromthe late 19th century to the 1930s. The contributions bring together approaches from cultural sociology as well as social and cultural history to analyze the spheres of production, producers and mediators, working conditions, labor relations and distribution structures in different cultural industries. They investigate the social and spatial organization of the cultural economy within and beyond Germany’s borders to critically assess national perspectives on cultural production and to offer new insights into the social and economic history of German society.
Moderne Stadtgeschichte, 2019
In the decades from the 1880s to the First World War, the Krystall-Palast in Leipzig was one of t... more In the decades from the 1880s to the First World War, the Krystall-Palast in Leipzig was one of the outstanding institutions of popular entertainments in the German Empire. The article uses this example to discuss the factors enabling the emergence of urban amusement palaces and their corresponding transnational networks. It analyses the strategies used by entrepreneurs, managers, and investors to institutionalize this business while also improving their own social standing. They appropriated models of entertainment from Paris and London, reorganized the Krystall-Palast as a joint-stock company, and embedded it into financing networks and trade associations. Eventually, the article shows how these actors established the connections, institutions and social recognition that the cultural economy of a modern city such as Leipzig needed to take shape.
Moderne Stadtgeschichte 2/2019, Themenschwerpunkt "Stadt und Vergnügen", hg. von Yvonne Robel und Alina L. Just
Spatial Formats under the Global Condition, ed. by M. Middell and S. Marung, De Gruyter 2019
As part of a transnational turn in the historiography of popular culture, urban leisure, and ente... more As part of a transnational turn in the historiography of popular culture, urban leisure, and entertainment industries, scholars have started to uncover a broad spectrum of cross-border connections in this sector. Recent studies have emphasized the fundamental role of city networks, transimperial entanglements, transnational and transregional production networks, and cultural circulations and brokers. These studies have traced the specific patterns and spaces of interaction that played a role in the rapid expansion of art and entertainment at the time. Investigating the different nodes and hubs of the sector as portals of globalization can be a productive avenue to further analyse the differentiated and uneven geographies of modern entertainment industries.
Against this background, this chapter reviews the emergence and evolution of the panorama industry in Leipzig, with a special focus on the era from 1871 to the turn of the twentieth century. At that time, panoramas were among the leading forms of visual mass entertainment. The panorama industry is especially interesting for the study of portals of globalization because it not only linked urban spheres with transnational production networks, but panoramas also served as entry points for shifting spatial imaginations in an era of radically intensifying global interconnections. They are closely linked to the emergence of a modern visual culture that profoundly transformed the way audiences related to the world at large.
Open access at
Processes of Spatialization in the Americas: Configurations and Narratives, 2018
In the period from the 1880s to the 1910s, Canada had experienced a strong wave of Americanizatio... more In the period from the 1880s to the 1910s, Canada had experienced a strong wave of Americanization of its theatrical institutions. Taking a closer look at these transnational theatrical relations, this chapter revisits the role of the Canadian connections in the process of drawing the boundaries of modern entertainment industries in North America. The first part argues that these developments do not fit in national frameworks or in concepts of Americanization as the transnational export of American cultural products. The consolidation of theatrical industries such as legitimate theater, vaudeville and burlesque ran along regional lines that crossed national borders and covered parts of both the United States and Canada, including Montreal. Taking the example of large-scale business conflicts in the field of burlesque, the chapter then investigates how entrepreneurs in the city not only actively integrated their businesses into wider North American theater networks, but also challenged the dominance of US-Americans in the industry. These changing spatializations of theatrical entertainment did not only include the transcontinental expansion and subsequent drawing of new regional boundaries within the emerging industries. They also entailed new forms of organizing space, as the business evolved towards increasing centralization, rationalization and exclusive territorial control.
Antje Dietze, Americanization of Show Business? Shifting Territories of Theatrical Entertainment in North America at the Turn of the 20th Century. In Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez and Hannes Warnecke-Berger, eds., Processes of Spatialization in the Americas: Configurations and Narratives. Peter Lang, Berlin 2018, 193–215.
Handbook of Transregional Studies, 2019
A. Dietze / Matthias Middell: Methods in Transregional Studies: Intercultural Transfers. In Matth... more A. Dietze / Matthias Middell: Methods in Transregional Studies: Intercultural Transfers. In Matthias Middell, ed., Handbook of Transregional Studies. Routledge, Abingdon 2019, 58–66.
The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies brings together the various fields within which transregional phenomena are scientifically observed and analysed. This handbook presents the theoretical and methodological potential of such studies for the advancement of the conceptualization of global and area-bound developments.
Open access at:
Handbook of Transregional Studies., 2019
A. Dietze: Cultural Brokers and Mediators. In Matthias Middell, ed., Handbook of Transregional St... more A. Dietze: Cultural Brokers and Mediators. In Matthias Middell, ed., Handbook of Transregional Studies. Routledge, Abingdon 2019, 494–502.
The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies brings together the various fields within which transregional phenomena are scientifically observed and analysed. This handbook presents the theoretical and methodological potential of such studies for the advancement of the conceptualization of global and area-bound developments.
Open access at:
Comparativ: Zeischrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, 2017
Portals of globalization is an analytical category introduced in globalization research to invest... more Portals of globalization is an analytical category introduced in globalization research to investigate how global flows are anchored and articulated in particular places. It has been used to analyse the way flows and controls come together on multiple scales, and how actors in these places actively manage global entanglements. Consequently, the changing positionality of these places in global networks can reveal the scope, function, and transformation of global connections and shifting spatial orders. Stemming from research debates on the historicity, regional difference, and spatial complexity of globalization processes, this issue seeks to strengthen empirical insights from different disciplinary and regional perspectives. It brings together research on past and present portals of globalization to facilitate the dialogue across disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. A special focus on a variety of local and regional contexts in Africa, Asia, and Latin America allows us to re-evaluate assumptions about the centres and peripheries of globalization processes, the mechanisms and directionality of circulations, and the asymmetries in global connectedness.
European Review of History, 2018
(2018) European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 25:3-4, 415-430, http://www.tand... more (2018) European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire, 25:3-4, 415-430,
Actor-centred approaches feature prominently in transnational history. Studying transnational actors has helped to better grasp the extent, dynamics and mechanisms of particular cross-border connections, and has highlighted the entanglement and mutual constitution of cultures and societies in a more general sense. While empirical research continues to reveal more forms of their interaction, the general notion of ‘transnational actors’ has been gradually flattened out: the transnational sphere is now often studied in isolation and conceived of as a rather homogeneous space, while transnational actors are largely viewed solely in their border-crossing capacities and activities. The authors argue that while such a focus successfully captures their mobility, it overlooks another important dimension, namely their embeddedness in local, national, imperial or regional contexts. To reconnect these aspects, the authors situate transnational actors in their diverse socio-spatial relations. Investigating them in this way brings out their important role not only as connectors, but also as producers of various kinds of spaces. The contributions to this dossier highlight that transnational fields of activity are heterogeneous and deeply entangled with other spaces of action and belonging.
TRAFO - Blog for Transregional Research, January 28, 2016,
Was ... more TRAFO - Blog for Transregional Research, January 28, 2016,
Was kann eine transregionale Perspektive zur Erforschung der modernen Metropolenkultur und der kulturellen Globalisierung in den Jahrzehnten um 1900 beitragen? In der bisherigen Forschung wurde der Blick vor allem auf einzelne Metropolen und deren Ausstrahlung oder auf die Entwicklung nationaler Kulturindustrien gerichtet. Kulturwirtschaftliche Netzwerke waren jedoch häufig regional organisiert. Intensive transregionale Austauschbeziehungen führten einerseits zur weiteren Verbreitung neuer kultureller Formate und Genres, konnten regionale Unterschiede jedoch auch verstärken. Der folgende Beitrag erläutert diesen Zusammenhang am Beispiel der Varietéindustrie in Mitteleuropa und Nordamerika.
Books and Special Journal Issues by Antje Dietze
Guest editors: Antje Dietze and Katja Naumann.
European Review of History / Revue européenne d'histoire 25, nos. 3-4 (2018)
Double special issue of Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 27 (2017) 3-4.
Portals of globalization is an analytical category introduced in globalization research to investigate how global flows are anchored and articulated in particular places. It has been used to analyse the way flows and controls come together on multiple scales, and how actors in these places actively manage global entanglements. Consequently, the changing positionality of these places in global networks can reveal the scope, function, and transformation of global connections and shifting spatial orders. Stemming from research debates on the historicity, regional difference, and spatial complexity of globalization processes, this issue seeks to strengthen empirical insights from different disciplinary and regional perspectives. It brings together research on past and present portals of globalization to facilitate the dialogue across disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. A special focus on a variety of local and regional contexts in Africa, Asia, and Latin America allows us to re-evaluate assumptions about the centres and peripheries of globalization processes, the mechanisms and directionality of circulations, and the asymmetries in global connectedness.
Ambivalenzen des Übergangs
Die Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin in den neunziger Jahren
1. Auflage 2015
ISBN 978-3-525-30171-5
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Reihe Transnationale Geschichte, Band 4
Die Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin ist ein Erfolgsmodell der deutschen und internationalen Kulturszene der frühen neunziger Jahre. Sie entwickelte ein betont ostdeutsches Profil und nahm die gesellschaftlichen Konflikte der Nach-Wendezeit mit einem kritischen Blick unter die Lupe.
Antje Dietze untersucht an diesem Beispiel die besondere Rolle von Kulturinstitutionen und künstlerischer Praxis in den vielfältigen, oft ambivalenten Übergangsprozessen nach 1989. Sie beschreibt diese Transformationen als Teil eines deutsch-deutschen und transnationalen kulturellen Verflechtungszusammenhangs und arbeitet heraus, dass dieser bereits vor 1989 bestand, und wie er sich im Verlauf der neunziger Jahre neu ausrichtete. Dabei macht die Autorin außerdem deutlich, welche Bedeutung kulturelle Akteure bei der Gestaltung von gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen hatten, indem sie die eigenen Traditionen programmatisch auf den Prüfstand stellten und neu erfanden.
Papers by Antje Dietze
This article is part of the special section "The Making of Music Venues: Inquiries into Global Urban History", edited by Cornelia Escher and Martin Rempe, in Journal of Urban History, Vol 47, Issue 5, 2021, pp. 997–1015
Open access version on Qucosa:
Moderne Stadtgeschichte 2/2019, Themenschwerpunkt "Stadt und Vergnügen", hg. von Yvonne Robel und Alina L. Just
Against this background, this chapter reviews the emergence and evolution of the panorama industry in Leipzig, with a special focus on the era from 1871 to the turn of the twentieth century. At that time, panoramas were among the leading forms of visual mass entertainment. The panorama industry is especially interesting for the study of portals of globalization because it not only linked urban spheres with transnational production networks, but panoramas also served as entry points for shifting spatial imaginations in an era of radically intensifying global interconnections. They are closely linked to the emergence of a modern visual culture that profoundly transformed the way audiences related to the world at large.
Open access at
Antje Dietze, Americanization of Show Business? Shifting Territories of Theatrical Entertainment in North America at the Turn of the 20th Century. In Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez and Hannes Warnecke-Berger, eds., Processes of Spatialization in the Americas: Configurations and Narratives. Peter Lang, Berlin 2018, 193–215.
The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies brings together the various fields within which transregional phenomena are scientifically observed and analysed. This handbook presents the theoretical and methodological potential of such studies for the advancement of the conceptualization of global and area-bound developments.
Open access at:
The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies brings together the various fields within which transregional phenomena are scientifically observed and analysed. This handbook presents the theoretical and methodological potential of such studies for the advancement of the conceptualization of global and area-bound developments.
Open access at:
Actor-centred approaches feature prominently in transnational history. Studying transnational actors has helped to better grasp the extent, dynamics and mechanisms of particular cross-border connections, and has highlighted the entanglement and mutual constitution of cultures and societies in a more general sense. While empirical research continues to reveal more forms of their interaction, the general notion of ‘transnational actors’ has been gradually flattened out: the transnational sphere is now often studied in isolation and conceived of as a rather homogeneous space, while transnational actors are largely viewed solely in their border-crossing capacities and activities. The authors argue that while such a focus successfully captures their mobility, it overlooks another important dimension, namely their embeddedness in local, national, imperial or regional contexts. To reconnect these aspects, the authors situate transnational actors in their diverse socio-spatial relations. Investigating them in this way brings out their important role not only as connectors, but also as producers of various kinds of spaces. The contributions to this dossier highlight that transnational fields of activity are heterogeneous and deeply entangled with other spaces of action and belonging.
Was kann eine transregionale Perspektive zur Erforschung der modernen Metropolenkultur und der kulturellen Globalisierung in den Jahrzehnten um 1900 beitragen? In der bisherigen Forschung wurde der Blick vor allem auf einzelne Metropolen und deren Ausstrahlung oder auf die Entwicklung nationaler Kulturindustrien gerichtet. Kulturwirtschaftliche Netzwerke waren jedoch häufig regional organisiert. Intensive transregionale Austauschbeziehungen führten einerseits zur weiteren Verbreitung neuer kultureller Formate und Genres, konnten regionale Unterschiede jedoch auch verstärken. Der folgende Beitrag erläutert diesen Zusammenhang am Beispiel der Varietéindustrie in Mitteleuropa und Nordamerika.
Guest editors: Antje Dietze and Katja Naumann.
European Review of History / Revue européenne d'histoire 25, nos. 3-4 (2018)
Double special issue of Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 27 (2017) 3-4.
Portals of globalization is an analytical category introduced in globalization research to investigate how global flows are anchored and articulated in particular places. It has been used to analyse the way flows and controls come together on multiple scales, and how actors in these places actively manage global entanglements. Consequently, the changing positionality of these places in global networks can reveal the scope, function, and transformation of global connections and shifting spatial orders. Stemming from research debates on the historicity, regional difference, and spatial complexity of globalization processes, this issue seeks to strengthen empirical insights from different disciplinary and regional perspectives. It brings together research on past and present portals of globalization to facilitate the dialogue across disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. A special focus on a variety of local and regional contexts in Africa, Asia, and Latin America allows us to re-evaluate assumptions about the centres and peripheries of globalization processes, the mechanisms and directionality of circulations, and the asymmetries in global connectedness.
Ambivalenzen des Übergangs
Die Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin in den neunziger Jahren
1. Auflage 2015
ISBN 978-3-525-30171-5
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Reihe Transnationale Geschichte, Band 4
Die Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin ist ein Erfolgsmodell der deutschen und internationalen Kulturszene der frühen neunziger Jahre. Sie entwickelte ein betont ostdeutsches Profil und nahm die gesellschaftlichen Konflikte der Nach-Wendezeit mit einem kritischen Blick unter die Lupe.
Antje Dietze untersucht an diesem Beispiel die besondere Rolle von Kulturinstitutionen und künstlerischer Praxis in den vielfältigen, oft ambivalenten Übergangsprozessen nach 1989. Sie beschreibt diese Transformationen als Teil eines deutsch-deutschen und transnationalen kulturellen Verflechtungszusammenhangs und arbeitet heraus, dass dieser bereits vor 1989 bestand, und wie er sich im Verlauf der neunziger Jahre neu ausrichtete. Dabei macht die Autorin außerdem deutlich, welche Bedeutung kulturelle Akteure bei der Gestaltung von gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen hatten, indem sie die eigenen Traditionen programmatisch auf den Prüfstand stellten und neu erfanden.
This article is part of the special section "The Making of Music Venues: Inquiries into Global Urban History", edited by Cornelia Escher and Martin Rempe, in Journal of Urban History, Vol 47, Issue 5, 2021, pp. 997–1015
Open access version on Qucosa:
Moderne Stadtgeschichte 2/2019, Themenschwerpunkt "Stadt und Vergnügen", hg. von Yvonne Robel und Alina L. Just
Against this background, this chapter reviews the emergence and evolution of the panorama industry in Leipzig, with a special focus on the era from 1871 to the turn of the twentieth century. At that time, panoramas were among the leading forms of visual mass entertainment. The panorama industry is especially interesting for the study of portals of globalization because it not only linked urban spheres with transnational production networks, but panoramas also served as entry points for shifting spatial imaginations in an era of radically intensifying global interconnections. They are closely linked to the emergence of a modern visual culture that profoundly transformed the way audiences related to the world at large.
Open access at
Antje Dietze, Americanization of Show Business? Shifting Territories of Theatrical Entertainment in North America at the Turn of the 20th Century. In Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez and Hannes Warnecke-Berger, eds., Processes of Spatialization in the Americas: Configurations and Narratives. Peter Lang, Berlin 2018, 193–215.
The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies brings together the various fields within which transregional phenomena are scientifically observed and analysed. This handbook presents the theoretical and methodological potential of such studies for the advancement of the conceptualization of global and area-bound developments.
Open access at:
The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies brings together the various fields within which transregional phenomena are scientifically observed and analysed. This handbook presents the theoretical and methodological potential of such studies for the advancement of the conceptualization of global and area-bound developments.
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Actor-centred approaches feature prominently in transnational history. Studying transnational actors has helped to better grasp the extent, dynamics and mechanisms of particular cross-border connections, and has highlighted the entanglement and mutual constitution of cultures and societies in a more general sense. While empirical research continues to reveal more forms of their interaction, the general notion of ‘transnational actors’ has been gradually flattened out: the transnational sphere is now often studied in isolation and conceived of as a rather homogeneous space, while transnational actors are largely viewed solely in their border-crossing capacities and activities. The authors argue that while such a focus successfully captures their mobility, it overlooks another important dimension, namely their embeddedness in local, national, imperial or regional contexts. To reconnect these aspects, the authors situate transnational actors in their diverse socio-spatial relations. Investigating them in this way brings out their important role not only as connectors, but also as producers of various kinds of spaces. The contributions to this dossier highlight that transnational fields of activity are heterogeneous and deeply entangled with other spaces of action and belonging.
Was kann eine transregionale Perspektive zur Erforschung der modernen Metropolenkultur und der kulturellen Globalisierung in den Jahrzehnten um 1900 beitragen? In der bisherigen Forschung wurde der Blick vor allem auf einzelne Metropolen und deren Ausstrahlung oder auf die Entwicklung nationaler Kulturindustrien gerichtet. Kulturwirtschaftliche Netzwerke waren jedoch häufig regional organisiert. Intensive transregionale Austauschbeziehungen führten einerseits zur weiteren Verbreitung neuer kultureller Formate und Genres, konnten regionale Unterschiede jedoch auch verstärken. Der folgende Beitrag erläutert diesen Zusammenhang am Beispiel der Varietéindustrie in Mitteleuropa und Nordamerika.
Is postdramatic theatre political and if so how? How does it relate to Brecht's ideas of political theatre, for example? How can we account for the relationship between aesthetics and politics in new forms of theatre, playwriting, and performance?
The chapters in this book discuss crucial aspects of the issues raised by the postdramatic turn in theatre in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century: the status of the audience and modes of spectatorship in postdramatic theatre; the political claims of postdramatic theatre; postdramatic theatre's ongoing relationship with the dramatic tradition; its dialectical qualities, or its eschewing of the dialectic; questions of representation and the real in theatre; the role of bodies, perception, appearance and theatricality in postdramatic theatre; as well as subjectivity and agency in postdramatic theatre, dance and performance.
Offering analyses of a wide range of international performance examples, scholars in this volume engage with Hans-Thies Lehmann's theoretical positions both affirmatively and critically, relating them to other approaches by thinkers ranging from early theorists such as Brecht, Adorno and Benjamin, to contemporary thinkers such as Fischer-Lichte, Rancière and others
Open access:, V1
Convenors: Moritz von Brescius and Christof Dejung (Bern)
Steffi Marung and Antje Dietze (Leipzig)