University of Hamburg
Academy of World Religions
Will man den Umgang mit religiöser Diversität in Deutschland besser verstehen, gilt es, diesen auch auf lokaler Ebene in den Blick zu nehmen und in seinen Formen und Akteurskonstellationen sowie in seinen Mechanismen und Wirkungen... more
This article examines, from a sociological perspective, how religious communities and their congregations respond to religious diversity, that is the extent to which they enter into interreligious relations, and under what conditions they... more
- by Anna Koers
With regards to the religious situation, Germany still is a highly divided country. This draws our attention to the specific characteristics of IRD-activities in the eastern parts of Germany. Based on literature review and mapping... more
- by Anna Koers
This article examines, from a sociological perspective, how religious communities and their congregations respond to religious diversity, that is the extent to which they enter into interreligious relations, and under what conditions they... more
- by Anna Koers
With regards to the religious situation, Germany still is a highly divided country. This draws our attention to the specific characteristics of IRD-activities in the eastern parts of Germany. Based on literature review and mapping... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
The aim of this paper is to unfold Peter L. Berger's new paradigm of the BTwo Pluralisms^for the German context, concretizing and localizing the management of religious plurality with regard to central societal fields. It is argued that,... more
Religious pluralization in line with participatory policy approaches has led to a new field of cooperative governance of religious diversity. This article explores the collaboration between state and (inter-) religious actors in two... more
This contribution discusses whether specific German policy instruments developed to govern relations between the state and religious communities are a decisive step towards legal equality or of limited impact when extended to... more
Wer sich derzeit zu Religionsdebatten in Deutschland äußert, kann die Kontroversen über den "Kreuz-Erlass" der Bayerischen Staatsregierung nicht ignorieren. In dem Beitrag wird der bisherige Verlauf der Auseinandersetzung nachgezeichnet,... more
- by Anna Koers
ZusammenfassungDer Beitrag liefert auf Grundlage eines Forschungsreviews erstmals einen systematischen und differenzierten Überblick zur empirischen Befundlage zum islamischen Religionsunterricht (IRU) in Deutschland. Der IRU erweist sich... more
Als uns die Nachricht von dem Anschlag auf koptische Christen in Alexandria erreichte, wollte es uns nicht mehr angemessen erscheinen, Theologisches zu erörtern. Wir sind erschrocken, traurig und wütend. Dieser Anschlag trifft uns in... more
This contribution discusses whether specific German policy instruments developed to govern relations between the state and religious communities are a decisive step towards legal equality or of limited impact when extended to... more
Obschon Saudi Arabien im Zuge der Berichterstattung über den "Arabischen Frühling" hierzulande eher selten in den Medien auftaucht und die Legitimität des saudi-arabischen Königshauses von der Bevölkerung bisher nicht ernsthaft in Frage... more
Der tschechische Historiker Miroslav Hroch teilt in seiner Abhandlung Das Erwachen kleiner Nationen als Problem der komparativen sozialgeschichtlichen Forschung die Entstehung der nationalen Bewegungen der "kleinen Nationen" in drei... more