Books by Annette Imhausen
Mathematics in Ancient Egypt traces the development of Egyptian mathematics, from the end of the ... more Mathematics in Ancient Egypt traces the development of Egyptian mathematics, from the end of the fourth millennium BC—and the earliest hints of writing and number notation—to the end of the pharaonic period in Greco-Roman times. Drawing from mathematical texts, architectural drawings, administrative documents, and other sources, Annette Imhausen surveys three thousand years of Egyptian history to present an integrated picture of theoretical mathematics in relation to the daily practices of Egyptian life and social structures.
Books (edited) by Annette Imhausen
Ancient cultures have left written evidence of a variety of scientific texts. But how can/should ... more Ancient cultures have left written evidence of a variety of scientific texts. But how can/should they be translated? Is it possible to use modern concepts (and terminology) in their translation and which consequences result from this practice? Scholars of various disciplines discuss the practice of translating ancient scientific texts and present examples of these texts and their translations.
Papers by Annette Imhausen
1 Cf. the series Normative Orders published by Campus. 2 One result of this research was publishe... more 1 Cf. the series Normative Orders published by Campus. 2 One result of this research was published in Bawanypeck and Imhausen 2014. 3 Some sociologists will probably find my approach difficult to reconcile with their positions-which may be a result of different approaches to fundamental concepts not only of a normative order, but also of science. For the latter, I will at least sketch a brief argument in this contribution. For the former, I would like to refer to the literature that came out of the research being undertaken in the Frankfurt Cluster of Excellence, e.g. Fahrmeir and Imhausen 2013 and Forst and Günther 2011.

Mathematics in Ancient Egypt, 2016
This chapter discusses the use of mathematics in the Old Kingdom. A number of sources provide inf... more This chapter discusses the use of mathematics in the Old Kingdom. A number of sources provide information about the kind of mathematics and its context at that time. At least indirect evidence for the use of mathematics in administration can be drawn from the Abusir papyri, which originate from the mortuary temples of two kings of the Fifth Dynasty at Abusir. They document the running of a mortuary temple and include duty rosters for priests, lists of offerings and inventories of temple equipment, and letters and permits. These texts also indicate the assessment of cattle at regular intervals. How mathematical techniques developed or what they were exactly at this time remains unknown. Nevertheless, some scribes of the Old Kingdom left descriptions of their lives and careers within their tombs that at least allow assessing the cultural environment in which they worked.
Handbuch Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2017
Agypten und Mesopotamien gehoren zu den fruhesten Kulturen, aus denen wissenschaftliches Wissen i... more Agypten und Mesopotamien gehoren zu den fruhesten Kulturen, aus denen wissenschaftliches Wissen in schriftlicher Form uberliefert ist. Dabei hat die Analyse der Quellen ergeben, dass der dort zugrundezulegende Wissenschaftsbegriff in einigen Punkten durchaus mit dem modernen Wissenschaftsbegriff ubereinstimmt, auch wenn er in anderen Punkten signifikant davon abweicht, was in der alteren Historiographie dazu gefuhrt hat, einige Formen agyptischen und mesopotamischen Wissens als Vorstufen »echter« (d. h. moderner) Wissenschaften zu bewerten. Abgesehen von der Ahistorizitat dieses Vorgehens, war so auch der Zugang zu einem tieferen Verstandnis der agyptischen und mesopotamischen Konzepte, die sich zum Teil signifikant von den modernen Vorstellungen unterscheiden, versperrt.
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 2010
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 2010
Historia Mathematica, 2003
This article discusses the handling of rations in Middle Kingdom Egypt (2119-1794/93 BC) as it is... more This article discusses the handling of rations in Middle Kingdom Egypt (2119-1794/93 BC) as it is displayed in three types of texts: mathematical problem texts, administrative ration texts ("real" ration texts), and literary texts. The example of handling rations is used to examine the relation between mathematical problem textswhich served according to the opinio communis to educate scribes-and administrative texts, the actual documents from the professional life of scribes. Using one specific example, the use of a mathematical technique from the problem texts within a ration text is demonstrated. The presentation is complemented by passages from literary texts referring to rations.
Translating Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Greece and Rome, 2016
Historia Mathematica, 2004

Daliah Bawanypeck, Annette Imhausen, and Guido Pfeifer (eds.): The Normativity of Formal Orders and Procedures in Antiquity: A Comparison of Mathematical and Legal Systems (KEF 4), 2021
The contribution looks at normative orders of ancient Egyptian mathematical texts and sources fr... more The contribution looks at normative orders of ancient Egyptian mathematical texts and sources from the context of law. The mathematical problem texts show a set of distinct formal features, which are used, with some variations in the extant sources. One significant feature of their grammar is the use of a specific verb form indicating a necessary consequence. This form is not found (prominently) within collections of law that can be found in ancient Egypt only from the time of the later New Kingdom onwards. However, these texts, also show some formal features. In addition, a strong link between mathematics and the idea of justice can
be found in some of the wisdom teachings that can be considered the background of Egyptian legal concepts.
Books by Annette Imhausen
Books (edited) by Annette Imhausen
Papers by Annette Imhausen
be found in some of the wisdom teachings that can be considered the background of Egyptian legal concepts.
be found in some of the wisdom teachings that can be considered the background of Egyptian legal concepts.