Journal Articles by Heiner Fangerau
Recent historical research has reconstructed the
roads leading to the Nobel Prize for the trained... more Recent historical research has reconstructed the
roads leading to the Nobel Prize for the trained urologists
Werner Forssmann (1904–1979) in 1956 and Charles Huggins
(1901–1997) in 1966. However, the story of urology
and the Nobel Prize does not start and end with the laureates.
Taking James Israel (1848–1926), Félix Guyon
(1831–1920), and Peter J Freyer (1852–1921) as examples,
this paper shows that pioneers in urology were in fact runners-up
for the award much earlier.
The study is based on an analysis of original
fles in the Nobel Prize archive in Stockholm, scientifc
publications of the early twentieth century, and secondary
We argue that Israel’s, Guyon’s, and
Freyer’s candidacies refect not only scientifc trends and
controversies in urology at the turn of twentieth century,
but that the development of the specialty itself was refected
in nominations of physicians working on problems of the
genito-urinary system.
Keywords History of medicine · Nobel Prize for
physiology or medicine · Urology · Surgery · Medical
specialization · James Israel · Félix Guyon · Peter J Freyer
Kürzlich äußerte sich Richard Horton, Herausgeber von The Lancet, wenig schmeichelhaft über das F... more Kürzlich äußerte sich Richard Horton, Herausgeber von The Lancet, wenig schmeichelhaft über das Fach Medizingeschichte. Es habe aufgehört interessante Bücher zu produzieren und sei insgesamt auf einem absteigenden Ast (Horton 2014). Unter Rückgriff auf Oswei Temkin argumentiert er, Medizinhistoriker/-innen sollten sich fragen, welche Bedeutung ihre Forschung für die Gegenwart haben könne (,,how an exploration of the past connects with our present'') und er erinnert sie daran, dass es ihre Aufgabe sei, die Fähigkeit der Ä rzte 1 zu verbessern, negativen Trends in der Medizin (wie z.B. der Ö konomisierung des Gesundheitswesens) entgegenzutreten. Da Medizinhistoriker/-innen heute aber diesen Anspruch nicht mehr hätten, seien sie unsichtbar, unhörbar und infolgedessen belanglos.
In a critical review of late twentieth-century gene-culture co-evolutionary models labelled as ‘g... more In a critical review of late twentieth-century gene-culture co-evolutionary models labelled as ‘global phylogeny’, the authors present evidence for the long legacy of co-evolutionary theories in European-based thinking, highlighting that (1) ideas of social and cultural evolution preceded the idea of biological evolution, (2) linguistics played a dominant role in the formation of a unified theory of human co-evolution, and (3) that co-evolutionary thinking was only possible due to perpetuated and renewed transdisciplinary reticulations between scholars of different disciplines—especially within the integrative framework of the ‘humanid’ and the ‘hominid’ branches of anthropology.
Der Urologe 50 (9), 1154-1160, 2011
Die 1907 gegründete Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie war eigentlich eine deutsch-österreichisch... more Die 1907 gegründete Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie war eigentlich eine deutsch-österreichische Gesellschaft, in der jüdische und jüdischstämmige Ärzte wichtige Rollen eingenommen hatten. Zum Zeitpunkt der nationalsozialistischen Machtergreifung 1933 war mit Hans Rubritius ein Österreicher Vorsitzender der Gesellschaft. Der nicht „reichsdeutsche“ Vorsitz und die Ausgrenzung der jüdischen Kollegen aus der Fachgesellschaft und ärztlichen Praxis führten zu einer Lähmung der Gesellschaft für Urologie, die bis Rubritius‘ Tod 1943 anhielt. Gleichzeitig wurde Mitte der 1930er Jahre in Deutschland die Gesellschaft Reichsdeutscher Urologen gegründet, deren Mitglieder sich an nationalsozialistischer Gesundheitspolitik orientieren und im Gegenzug fachpolitische und persönliche Vorteile erhielten. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (German Urological Association), established in 1907, was a German-Austrian medical society in which Jewish physicians held important positions. When the Nazis seized power in 1933, the Austrian Hans Rubritius was president of the society. The non-German presidency and the exclusion of Jewish colleagues from the professional society and medical practice led to a halt of the society’s activities. At the same time in the mid 1930s, German urologists founded the Gesellschaft Reichsdeutscher Urologen (Association of Reichs-German Urologists) whose members aligned themselves with Nazi health policies and in turn received professional and personal benefits.
Papers by Heiner Fangerau
The article intends to show how a way of combining methods of social network analysis with method... more The article intends to show how a way of combining methods of social network analysis with methods of classical bibliometry meaningfully may be applied within historical studies. Going beyond bibliometry the argument is supported that a set of driving forces which build relationships among scientific actors via scientific activities might be subsumed in the pluri-dimensional term ‘esteem’ (Anerkennung) which should be distinguished from pure reputation. The method of a historical reconstruction of scientific networks seems to be especially useful for representing esteem within the sciences and implementing it as a sort of “currency system“ or social capital in the sense of Pierre Bourdieu. The concept of network serves as an abstract model in this context. The history of eugenics is uses as an example for data collection, data processing, data visualization and data interpretation. Three textbooks (including translations) are selected for analysis, the German Erwin Baur, Eugen Fisch...
Voter privacy and verifiability are fundamental security concepts for electronic voting. Existing... more Voter privacy and verifiability are fundamental security concepts for electronic voting. Existing literature on electronic voting provides many definitions and interpretations of these concepts, both informal and formal. While the informal definitions are often vague and imprecise, the formal definitions tend to be very complex and restricted in their scope as they are usually tailored for specific scenarios. Moreover, some of the existing interpretations are contradictory. This paper provides informal, yet precise definitions of anonymity, receipt-freeness and coercion-resistance and identifies different levels of individual and universal verifiability. The overarching goal of this paper is to investigate which levels are conceivable for implementing these requirements in e-voting systems for elections of different significance (for instance political elections vs. elections in associations).
By revisiting some of the main concepts surrounding the rationale of our work, this introduction ... more By revisiting some of the main concepts surrounding the rationale of our work, this introduction further explores the topic implicit in our book’s title. In other words, this introduction develops the argument that, given its authoritative voice, biomedical knowledge not only has been influential with cultural producers but that it also plays a major role in creating expectation and meaning for the general public. Video games, TV series, novels and even art: all those products can, in a way, be affected by biomedical and scientific knowledge. As such, the consumption of those artefacts, coupled with the anticipation created by it, may serve as a proxy for how people comprehend and understand this particular area of scientific production. Here we also emphasise that the influence of biomedicine on culture is not a one-way process. Given that specialists and researchers are also consumers, the opposite is also true: cultural products, then, may also inform biomedical knowledge. Finall...
Urologia Internationalis, 2020
This paper reviews the files in the archive of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physiology or Medici... more This paper reviews the files in the archive of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physiology or Medicine on the Austrian physiologist and pioneering researcher in the emerging fields of urology and sexual medicine: Eugen Steinach (1861–1944). It reconstructs and analyzes why and by whom Steinach was nominated for the Nobel Prize between 1920 and 1938 and discusses the reasons why he never received the award, although the Nobel Committee judged him as prizeworthy. Steinach’s Nobel nominee career is extraordinary – not only because of his strong support by renowned international nominators from different scientific and medical disciplines, but also because of the controversial discussions within the Nobel Committee on his achievements, colored by the debates in the international scientific community. The Nobel Prize story adds a new perspective on how contemporary international scholars evaluated Steinach’s research on reproduction, “male-making” females, “female-making” males, homosexuali...
The Journal of Urology, 2018
especially for female astronauts. These challenges were not expected for some of the earliest man... more especially for female astronauts. These challenges were not expected for some of the earliest manned space missions but since then has been a considerable focus for innovation and astronaut quality of life.
Der Urologe. Ausg. A, 2017
In 1902, the Berlin Jewish urologist James Israel was nominated for the Nobel Prize in physiology... more In 1902, the Berlin Jewish urologist James Israel was nominated for the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. Taking scholar, social, and political aspects into consideration, this biographical essay traces how James Israel gained a sound scientific reputation especially in kidney surgery within Imperial Germany and its antisemitic attitude and how he promoted urology to become a specialty in its own right.
World Journal of Urology, 2016
as examples, this paper shows that pioneers in urology were in fact runners-up for the award much... more as examples, this paper shows that pioneers in urology were in fact runners-up for the award much earlier. Methods The study is based on an analysis of original files in the Nobel Prize archive in Stockholm, scientific publications of the early twentieth century, and secondary literature. Result and conclusion We argue that Israel's, Guyon's, and Freyer's candidacies reflect not only scientific trends and controversies in urology at the turn of twentieth century, but that the development of the specialty itself was reflected in nominations of physicians working on problems of the genito-urinary system.
The Journal of Urology, 2016
Ethik in der Medizin, 2014
Der Urologe, 2006
Zusammenfassung Die Entwicklung der Harndiagnostik von der Uroskopie zur Harnanalyse ist bisher ... more Zusammenfassung Die Entwicklung der Harndiagnostik von der Uroskopie zur Harnanalyse ist bisher historiographisch gut aufgearbeitet, wissenschaftstheoretisch jedoch wenig beachtet worden. Als ein mehrere Jahrhunderte überdauerndes Diagnoseverfahren, das unterschiedliche konzeptionelle Paradigmenwechsel bzw. Denkstilverschiebungen durchlief, bietet sich die Uroskopie jedoch gerade auch für wissenschaftstheoretische Überlegungen an.Der Beitrag zeigt am Beispiel der Harnschau einen Weg auf, mit dem historische Wissensverschiebungen visualisiert werden können, um sie einer exakteren Analyse zu unterziehen. Im Zentrum des Interesses stehen die Brüche in der Entwicklung von Wissenschaften, insbesondere Paradigmenwechsel im Sinne Thomas Kuhns oder Denkstilverschiebungen nach der Theorie Ludwik Flecks. Zur visuellen Darstellung dieser Umbrüche wird das von Barsalou entwickelte dynamische kognitionspsychologische Frame-Modell genutzt. Die Eignung dieser Methode für die Medizingeschichte wird diskutiert.
Urologie im Rheinland, 2015
Folgt man den kurzen Skizzen des Dusseldorfer Medizinhistorikers Wilhelm Haberling (1871– 1940) (... more Folgt man den kurzen Skizzen des Dusseldorfer Medizinhistorikers Wilhelm Haberling (1871– 1940) (Laux 2007) aus den 1920er Jahren, so kommt rheinischen Arzten und Naturforschern ein nicht unerheblicher Anteil an der Entwicklung der medizinischen Wissenschaft zu (Haberling 1926). 1926, in einer Ausstellung mit dem klingenden Titel »Zweitausend Jahre Gesundheitspflege am Rhein« im Rahmen der grosen Gesundheitsausstellung GeSoLei in Dusseldorf, wurde diesen rheinischen Heilkundigen ein »Ehrensaal« gewidmet (Haberling 1927).
Springer-Lehrbuch, 2013
Page 1. Bruchhausen/Schott Theorie und Ethik der Medizin Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Fl Page 2... more Page 1. Bruchhausen/Schott Theorie und Ethik der Medizin Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Fl Page 2. Page 3. UTB2915 Eine Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verlage Böhlau Verlag Köln . Weimar . Wien Verlag Barbara Budrich Opladen . ...
Handbook of Neuroethics, 2014
The possibilities of brain transplantation, neural transplants, and neural grafting as well as ea... more The possibilities of brain transplantation, neural transplants, and neural grafting as well as early approaches of gene therapies have inspired the fantasies and optimism of both scientists and the public. They have also caused hopes and fears at the same time, which are reflected in ethical debates about their use and usefulness in medicine. Based on the scientific and public discourse about neural transplants and genetic interventions in a broad understanding, the aim of this chapter is to reconstruct the major aspects of the development of a medical technology and the ethical concerns, which have accompanied its application since the 1890s. Ethical debates may vary in different countries based on different cultures and traditions. Therefore, we must stress that the main focus of this chapter is based on the English and German literature.
NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 2015
Kürzlich äußerte sich Richard Horton, Herausgeber von The Lancet, wenig schmeichelhaft über das F... more Kürzlich äußerte sich Richard Horton, Herausgeber von The Lancet, wenig schmeichelhaft über das Fach Medizingeschichte. Es habe aufgehört interessante Bücher zu produzieren und sei insgesamt auf einem absteigenden Ast (Horton 2014). Unter Rückgriff auf Oswei Temkin (1902-2002) argumentiert er, Medizinhistoriker/-innen sollten sich fragen, welche Bedeutung ihre Forschung für die Gegenwart haben könne (,,how an exploration of the past connects with our present'') und er erinnert sie daran, dass es ihre Aufgabe sei, die Fähigkeit der Ä rzte 1 zu verbessern, negativen Trends in der Medizin (wie z.B. der Ö konomisierung des Gesundheitswesens) entgegenzutreten. Da Medizinhistoriker/-innen heute aber diesen Anspruch nicht mehr hätten, seien sie unsichtbar, unhörbar und infolgedessen belanglos. Obwohl Horton das Ende der interessanten Medizingeschichte auf das Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts datiert, zeigt schon seine Bezugnahme auf die Mahnungen des deutsch-amerikanischen Medizinhistorikers Temkin, dass er mit seiner Kritik an einen längeren Diskurs um das inhaltliche Selbstverständnis des Faches anschließt. Auseinandersetzungen über die fakultäre Verortung, den Aufgabenbereich, die Legitimation und Qualitätsstandards hatten schon vor diesem Artikel immer wieder für Spannungen in der institutionalisierten Medizingeschichte gesorgt. Im Folgenden unternehmen wir den Versuch, diese Spannungen am Beispiel der deutschen Medizingeschichte skizzenhaft zu rekonstruieren und sie angesichts aktueller fachpolitischer
Der Urologe. Ausg. A, 2013
The use of wax models traces its roots back to antiquity and appears to have reached the peak of ... more The use of wax models traces its roots back to antiquity and appears to have reached the peak of perfection in the eighteenth century especially in Italy. From the beginning of the nineteenth century wax models and moulages were used in the new medical specialties, such as dermatology or urology depending on a new model of visualization in natural sciences. The moulage passed from local use into international acceptance with the institutionalization of the medical specialties and increase in scientific communication in the second half of the nineteenth century. By the 1970s moulages had all but lost their pre-eminent position as teaching and visual aids to depict dermatological and venereal diseases Unfortunately urology was not mentioned in the field of history of medicine or ethnic studies.
Journal Articles by Heiner Fangerau
roads leading to the Nobel Prize for the trained urologists
Werner Forssmann (1904–1979) in 1956 and Charles Huggins
(1901–1997) in 1966. However, the story of urology
and the Nobel Prize does not start and end with the laureates.
Taking James Israel (1848–1926), Félix Guyon
(1831–1920), and Peter J Freyer (1852–1921) as examples,
this paper shows that pioneers in urology were in fact runners-up
for the award much earlier.
The study is based on an analysis of original
fles in the Nobel Prize archive in Stockholm, scientifc
publications of the early twentieth century, and secondary
We argue that Israel’s, Guyon’s, and
Freyer’s candidacies refect not only scientifc trends and
controversies in urology at the turn of twentieth century,
but that the development of the specialty itself was refected
in nominations of physicians working on problems of the
genito-urinary system.
Keywords History of medicine · Nobel Prize for
physiology or medicine · Urology · Surgery · Medical
specialization · James Israel · Félix Guyon · Peter J Freyer
Papers by Heiner Fangerau
roads leading to the Nobel Prize for the trained urologists
Werner Forssmann (1904–1979) in 1956 and Charles Huggins
(1901–1997) in 1966. However, the story of urology
and the Nobel Prize does not start and end with the laureates.
Taking James Israel (1848–1926), Félix Guyon
(1831–1920), and Peter J Freyer (1852–1921) as examples,
this paper shows that pioneers in urology were in fact runners-up
for the award much earlier.
The study is based on an analysis of original
fles in the Nobel Prize archive in Stockholm, scientifc
publications of the early twentieth century, and secondary
We argue that Israel’s, Guyon’s, and
Freyer’s candidacies refect not only scientifc trends and
controversies in urology at the turn of twentieth century,
but that the development of the specialty itself was refected
in nominations of physicians working on problems of the
genito-urinary system.
Keywords History of medicine · Nobel Prize for
physiology or medicine · Urology · Surgery · Medical
specialization · James Israel · Félix Guyon · Peter J Freyer
in: Präventive Strategien zur Verhinderung sexuellen Missbrauchs in Pädagogischen Einrichtungen. Kindeswohl als kollektives Orientierungsmuster?, Edition: 1st, Chapter: 1, Publisher: Beltz Juventa, Editors: Heiner Fangerau, Alexander Bagattini, Jörg M. Fegert, Rudolf Tippelt, Willy Viehöver, Ute Ziegenhain, pp.16-62