Papers by muhammad hasyim
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
This research will discuss the new destination of Toraja coffee as a tourism development strategy... more This research will discuss the new destination of Toraja coffee as a tourism development strategy. Questions that will be answered is what is the attraction of Toraja coffee tourism as a new tourist destination. Methods of research conducted are field observation and interviews with coffee stakeholders as an informant and foreign tourists as respondents. The results of this study concluded that the appeal of Toraja coffee as a tourism destination is Toraja coffee has characteristic (taste) differently based on the planting area Toraja coffee. There are 15 names of coffee products based on the region and the name of Toraja coffee products taken from the region. E.g. coffee Toraja Sapan, derived from the Sapan area, and coffee Sesean derived from the village of Sesean. Perception of foreign tourists to Toraja coffee is that the taste of Toraja coffee is different based on the height of the coffee planting area to be a tourism identity Toraja Agritourism. 1. Introduction Tourism destination branding is a marketing strategy undertaken by a country or region to attract tourist visits. In today's global competition, the quality of service to destinations greatly influences tourist behaviour, their perceptions, and the decision to visit. The country or region utilizes the history, natural potential and cultural heritage of local wisdom as a tourist attraction and potential as a new destination. This is certainly a strategy for sustainable tourism development. A favourable brand experience is an important way to distinguish between tourist destinations and improve brand quality with visitors [1]. Branding is needed by a new destination so that he has an identity, personality and image. According to Brakus et al. (2009) [2], marketing practices pay attention to the importance of the brand experience of a product (destination) to attract a lot of attention for consumers (tourists) so that consumers get new experiences from the brands used. Furthermore, the tourists take a tour to get new experiences that are different in their country [3], have a curiosity about a country's cultural heritage [4] and they want to make contact with various local residents [5]. Various studies on destination brands have been carried out. Existing research tends to focus on effective communication of destination brand messages [6], the influence of destination image on destination branding , the relationship of destination brands with characteristics and destination identity [7], perception of the value of destination brands for millennials [8], and tourist perceptions of the image of regional tourism. However, research on branding tourism destinations from the perspective of adding
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
Purpose of the study: Not all languages have a universal concept of the same object, and this cre... more Purpose of the study: Not all languages have a universal concept of the same object, and this creates problems in translation. This paper aims to examine the semiotic model for equivalence or non-equivalence in translation which attempts to define the semiotic model, to use the model for translation, and to offer the benefits of this model to solving translation’s problem in equivalence and non-equivalence. Methodology: The data of this research are derived from the novel Lelaki Harimau, as the source language and L'homme Tigre, as the target language. This model is used in the Indonesian novel which has been translated into 14 languages, one of which is in French. The authors use a semiotic approach to analyze the equivalence and non-equivalence in the translation. Main Findings: This study reveals that the concept of signified in the semiotic theory proposes two models: the first: translation using the same concept in the source text (ST) and target text (TT), which is broadl...
This study aims to explain (1) the form of a traditional house made of bamboo in Makassar culture... more This study aims to explain (1) the form of a traditional house made of bamboo in Makassar culture; (2) the components of the traditional houses made of bamboo and their respective functions; and (3) socio-cultural dimensions of the shape and structure traditional house constructed of bamboo in Makassar culture. To discuss these problems, we used the Saussure’s Structural Linguistics approach (semiology) and Levi Strauss’ Structural Anthropology. Both are elaborated into cultural semiotics. The data collection methods used were field surveys (observation) accompanied by technical documentation, interviews, and records. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Results of the research indicate that the traditional house form made of bamboo in Makassar culture is generally divided into three parts, either vertically or horizontally. Vertically, the upper part is called pammakkang ‘attic’; the middle part is called kale ballak ‘house body’; and the bottom is called siring ‘underneath.’ Horizont...
The monetary crisis since 1998 that hit Indonesia, has a negative impact on the tourism business,... more The monetary crisis since 1998 that hit Indonesia, has a negative impact on the tourism business, which is marked by a decrease in the number of foreign tourist visits that have an impact on tourism economic activities. On that basis, in 2018 the Indonesian government has emphasized the importance of empowering existing natural potential and becoming a regional characteristic as a potential tourism activity. One of the programs launched by the area in Toraja is the improvement and management of agrotourism (agrotourism) with the image of the Toraja region, as the Coffee Regency. Based on the results of the research, one solution was found, namely the need for a variant of a tourist attraction that supports the main tourist attractions of Toraja, Tradition Culture (graves) and Tongkonan traditional houses. The potential variation of objects to be developed in Toraja is agrotourism which so far has not been fully developed. In developing agrotourism in Toraja, it is important to impro...
Opcion, 2019
This paper aims to discuss the emoji linguistic function in conversations on WhatApps social medi... more This paper aims to discuss the emoji linguistic function in conversations on WhatApps social media. This paper uses Barthes and Morris's semiotic approach. Data collection methods are the distribution of questionnaires online, and photo documentation (screenshot) of conversations using emojis on WA social media. The results of the study concluded that emojis are part of the grammatical elements of language in communicating on social media. In conclusion, semiotic, emoji is a sign vehicle, designatum, and interpretant relation that produces syntactic, semantic and paradigmatic emoji dimensions of signs as a linguistic function in social media communication.
Opcion, 2019
This paper aims to discuss the emoji linguistic function in conversations on WhatApps social medi... more This paper aims to discuss the emoji linguistic function in conversations on WhatApps social media. This paper uses Barthes and Morris's semiotic approach. Data collection methods are the distribution of questionnaires online, and photo documentation (screenshot) of conversations using emojis on WA social media. The results of the study concluded that emojis are part of the grammatical elements of language in communicating on social media. In conclusion, semiotic, emoji is a sign vehicle, designatum, and interpretant relation that produces syntactic, semantic and paradigmatic emoji dimensions of signs as a linguistic function in social media communication.
African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 2019
This study discusses foreign tourists' perceptions of Toraja which is a cultural tourism site in ... more This study discusses foreign tourists' perceptions of Toraja which is a cultural tourism site in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Every year, tourists visit Toraja to participate in their yearly rituals of death take time to visit the graves inside the mountain cliffs (in caves) as they feel the rich cultural heritage and have a view of the traditional houses. Data were collected by interviewing these tourists through the use of questionnaires with randomly selected respondents. The results obtained showed that knowledge about Toraja cultural tourism gained by foreign tourists before their visit creates curiosity and willingness to obtain experiences in Toraja ethnic culture. Foreign tourists get to experience Toraja's rich cultural heritage. According to them, Toraja is one of the most unique, special and outstanding tourism centers in the world. The uniqueness of Toraja culture creates greater curiosity among tourists so that they want to have a cultural experience by conducting a tour to Toraja and through direct communication with Toraja people. However, they also stated the importance of some objects other than those previously listed. Tourist objects that are all related to grief such as graves, however, cause some boredom. Some tourists frowned upon the mismanagement of some tourist centers such as the natural agrotourism center which is known to produce the ingredients used in Toraja products and they suggested ways to manage these areas more effectively.
This paper uses Roland Barthes semiology to reveal the myth and ideology constructed in televisio... more This paper uses Roland Barthes semiology to reveal the myth and ideology constructed in television commercial advertisement. The study tries to explain how the product consumed and used, work ideologically, by observing the dynamic relationship between the signifier and the signified in the broadcast commercial product text. The study focuses its area of concern in the motorcycle product advertisement aired on television and completed with direct interview with members of motor community of Makassar Indonesia. The result indicates that commercialtelevisionadvertising mediainIndonesia does notemphasizethemeaning ofdenotation(the benefits of the product), butitemphasizesthe symbolicsignwhich representsasimulacrumreality. The true meaning of the current human life is much determined by the relationship established between the man and the commercial products. Product serves from time to time as a symbol of social identity. Commercial advertisement works as a simulacrum that consists in making product impression and images constructed in human mind become natural and reasonable though around an ambivalent reality.
The "green" word is one of the colors associated socially with the concept of honor, naturalness,... more The "green" word is one of the colors associated socially with the concept of honor, naturalness, health and the environment, which in everyday life by social label become an object (reality). For example, the green color of the clothes 'bodo', one of the traditional clothes used at the buginese traditional wedding in South Sulawesi, which symbolize nobility. That is, the 'bodo' green dress as a symbol of nobility can only be used highborn women. The green color on the shirt 'bodo' is a social label for nobility. Semiotic phenomenon of color in the social reality then transferred into commercial products with a social label green business and green technology. This paper as a result of the transfer of research semiotic connotations symbolizes green in the commercial products inisiated by the company and reconstructed as a 'social label' on commercial products. Data were taken from commercial advertisements whose theme is green business or green technology. The results showed, the concept of color, such as green represented in messages advertising commercial products is basically a semiotic process transferred from the culture of everyday life that already exists in society, based on ethnicity (Javanese, Bugis, etc.) as well as universal culture. Abstrak Kata " green " (hijau) adalah salah satu warna yang dikaitkan dengan konsep kehormatan, kealamiaan, kesehatan dan lingkungan yang diberikan makna oleh masyarakat, yang kemudian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari warna itu menjadi label sosial atas suatu objek (realitas). Misalnya, warna hijau pada baju 'bodo', salah satu baju tradisional yang digunakan pada acara pernikahan adat Bugis di Sulawesi Selatan, menyimbolkan kebangsawanan. Artinya, baju bodo warna hijau sebagai simbol kebangsawanan hanya dapat digunakan perempuan keturunan bangsawan. Warna hijau pada baju 'bodo' tersebut merupakan label sosial untuk kaum bangsawan. Fenomena semiotis warna dalam realitas sosial kemudian ditransfer ke dalam produk-produk komersial dengan label sosial green business dan green technology. Tulisan ini sebagai hasil penelitian semiotis tentang transfer makna konotasi simbolik atas warna hijau pada produk-produk komersial yang diberikan makna oleh perusahaan dan direkonstruksi sebagai 'label sosial' pada produk-produk komersial. Data penelitian diambil dari iklan-iklan komersial yang bertemakan green business dan green technology. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, konsep warna, misalnya hijau yang direpresentasi pada pesan-pesan iklan produk-produk komersial pada dasarnya merupakan proses semiotis yang ditransfer dari budaya keseharian yang sudah ada di masysrakat, baik berdasarkan etnis (Jawa, Bugis, dll) maupun berdasarkan budaya secara umum.
Abstrak Tulisan ini akan membahas aspek budaya dalam pengajaran penerjemahan teks kuliner Prancis... more Abstrak Tulisan ini akan membahas aspek budaya dalam pengajaran penerjemahan teks kuliner Prancis dalam perspektif semiotika. Aspek budaya yang dimaksudkan disini adalah bagaimana pengetahuan budaya bagi mahasiswa pada pelajaran mata kuliah penerjemahan dalam memaknai dan mengalihkan pesan dari bahasa sumber (Prancis) ke dalam bahasa sasaran (Baha Indonesia). Dalam perspektif semiotika, petanda merupakan realitas mental yang di dalamnya memuat seperangkat pengetahuan budaya, yang direpresentasikan dalam bentuk penanda. Teks kuliner bahasa Prancis merupakan proses penandaan atas relasi penanda dan petanda yang merepresentasikan budaya kuliner Prancis. Dalam kegiatan pengalihan makna budaya kuliner tersebut, mahasiswa diperhadapkan dua budaya, budaya Prancis dan budaya Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas pada mata kuliah penerjemahan bidang kuliner Prancis, mahasiswa tidak dapat lepas dari budaya(Indonesia) yang telah berstruktur dalam pikiran ketika melakukan penerjemahan, khusunya yang berkaitan aspek budaya antara bahasa sumber (Prancis dan bahasa Sasaran (Bahasa Indonesia). Kesimpulan dari penelitian tindakan kelas menunjukkan bahwa budaya adalah ketidakasadaran yang telah melekat yang sulit dilepas akarnya dari realitas mental manusia (mahasiswa). A. PENDAHULUAN Penerjemahan merupakan suatu kebutuhan. Berbagai dokumen penting misalnya kitab suci, buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan, dan informasi dari berbagai negara diterjemahkan ke bahasa sasaran demi untuk mendapatkan informasi atau pengetahuan. Sejarah kebudayaan bangsa-bangsa di dunia, khususnya yang mengenal aksara, dari zaman kuno hingga masa kini, telah membuktikan pentingnya kegiatan penerjemahan sebagai sarana efektif untuk mengembangkan saling pengertian antarbangsa. Selain itu, pengalaman panjang berbagai bangsa yang rajin belajar dari terjemahan karya bangsa lain menyimpulkan bahwa kekayaan pengetahuan yang terkandung dalam karya terjemahan meningkatkan khazanah pengetahuan bangsa sendiri. Hal itu mencakup perbendaharaan kata yang mereka serap dari naskah dalam bahasa sumber yang memperkaya perbendaharaan kata bahasa mereka sendiri. Begitu juga, karya-karya sastra besar dari bangsa lain ternyata dapat menjadi ilham, rangsangan, dan bahan belajar tentang dunia, ideologi, konsep, teori sejarah dan masyarakat, cara hidup, dan bahkan arti kehidupan. Pengalaman berbagai budaya di Indonesia pun menunjukkan peran positif penerjemahan; salah satu buktinya adalah susastra daerah, misalnya susastra Jawa dan Melayu berkembang, selain berkat kreativitas pujangganya dan juga karena penerjemahan atau penyaduran karya asing dari bahasa Sanskerta, Arab, dan Parsi ( Karena begitu pentingnya kegiatan penerjemahan, di dalam dunia akademik hampir semua program studi bahasa di perguruan tinggi di dunia menyediakan mata kuliah penerjemahan. Tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai mata kuliah ini adalah kemampuan bagi mahasiswa menerjemahkan pesan (makna, informasi) dari bahasa sumber (asing) ke bahasa sasaran berdasarkan teori penerjemahan yang telah diajarkan. Pada umumnya, jumlah sks mata kuliah penerjemahan yang ditawarkan adalah 2-4 sks, dengan menyajikan materi teori dan praktik. Satu hal menarik dalam kegiatan penerjemahan pada mata kuliah penerjemahan Prancis-Indonesia bagi penerjemah (mahasiswa) adalah pengetahuan budaya baik budaya sumber maupun budaya sasaran. Penerjemah diperhadapkan dua budaya, yang terkadang
The "green" word is one of the colors associated socially with the concept of honor, naturalness,... more The "green" word is one of the colors associated socially with the concept of honor, naturalness, health and the environment, which in everyday life by social label become an object (reality). For example, the green color of the clothes 'bodo', one of the traditional clothes used at the buginese traditional wedding in South Sulawesi, which symbolize nobility. That is, the 'bodo' green dress as a symbol of nobility can only be used highborn women. The green color on the shirt 'bodo' is a social label for nobility. Semiotic phenomenon of color in the social reality then transferred into commercial products with a social label green business and green technology. This paper as a result of the transfer of research semiotic connotations symbolizes green in the commercial products inisiated by the company and reconstructed as a 'social label' on commercial products. Data were taken from commercial advertisements whose theme is green business or green technology. The results showed, the concept of color, such as green represented in messages advertising commercial products is basically a semiotic process transferred from the culture of everyday life that already exists in society, based on ethnicity (Javanese, Bugis, etc.) as well as universal culture. Abstrak Kata " green " (hijau) adalah salah satu warna yang dikaitkan dengan konsep kehormatan, kealamiaan, kesehatan dan lingkungan yang diberikan makna oleh masyarakat, yang kemudian dalam kehidupan sehari-hari warna itu menjadi label sosial atas suatu objek (realitas). Misalnya, warna hijau pada baju 'bodo', salah satu baju tradisional yang digunakan pada acara pernikahan adat Bugis di Sulawesi Selatan, menyimbolkan kebangsawanan. Artinya, baju bodo warna hijau sebagai simbol kebangsawanan hanya dapat digunakan perempuan keturunan bangsawan. Warna hijau pada baju 'bodo' tersebut merupakan label sosial untuk kaum bangsawan. Fenomena semiotis warna dalam realitas sosial kemudian ditransfer ke dalam produk-produk komersial dengan label sosial green business dan green technology. Tulisan ini sebagai hasil penelitian semiotis tentang transfer makna konotasi simbolik atas warna hijau pada produk-produk komersial yang diberikan makna oleh perusahaan dan direkonstruksi sebagai 'label sosial' pada produk-produk komersial. Data penelitian diambil dari iklan-iklan komersial yang bertemakan green business dan green technology. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, konsep warna, misalnya hijau yang direpresentasi pada pesan-pesan iklan produk-produk komersial pada dasarnya merupakan proses semiotis yang ditransfer dari budaya keseharian yang sudah ada di masysrakat, baik berdasarkan etnis (Jawa, Bugis, dll) maupun berdasarkan budaya secara umum.
This paper will discuss the study of iconity by pictures presenting the ASEAN Economic Community ... more This paper will discuss the study of iconity by pictures presenting the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Various iconities of the AEC pictures emerged, particularly in the virtual world (online) as a form of community support of ASEAN on the establishment of the ASEAN Economic community. Based on the semiotic study, the ASEAN Economic Community presented an iconity of bhinneka tunggal ika, which is togetherness and unity in the field of economic cooperation that comes from ASEAN countries against the background of different cultures and different languages. However, the discourse that emerges is of impending competition among the ASEAN members in the fields of trade and services. The hypothesis of the paper is that economic and cultural integration in ASEAN Economic Community has limited iconity.
ABSTRAK: Fashion (pakain/busana) tidak hanya digunakan secara denotasi untuk menutupi dan melindu... more ABSTRAK: Fashion (pakain/busana) tidak hanya digunakan secara denotasi untuk menutupi dan melindungi tubuh, tetapi juga digunakan secara konotasi untuk mengkomunikasi suatu suatu konsep (pandangan). Fenomena yang ada di masysrakat menunjukkan bahwa fashion digunakan sebagai media komunikasi. Bahkan, Eco, ahli semiotika, menegaskan bahwa " I speak through my cloth ". Dalam pemilihan presiden Indonesi 2014, " Jokowi " salah satu calon presiden berkomunikasi politik melalui fashion. Pandangan politik yang dikomunikasikan melalui fashion adalah kesedarhanaan (pola hidup sederhana). Simbol kesedeharnaan direpresentasikan melalui fashion. Tulisan ini sebagai analisis semiotis atas fashion sebagai komunikasi politik menyimpulkan bahwa fashion menunjukkan identitas sosial di suatu masyarakat. Ketika seorang calon mengenakan fashion sebagaimana fashion yang dikenakan kelompok sosial (masyarakat), maka mereka menganggap bahwa calon presiden merupakan bagian dari komunitas mereka. Fashion adalah salah satu strategi komunikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menarik dukungan terhadap komunitas atau kelompok masyarakat tertentu. A. LATAR BELAKANG Pemilihan umum (pemilu) tahun 2004 merupakan sejarah awal dimana rakyat memilih langsung presiden dan wakil presiden. Pesta demokrasi tersebut diawali dengan pemilihan legislatif dan kemudian dilanjutkan pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden. Sebagai warga negara yang memiliki hak suara untuk menjatuhkan pilihan calon legislatif dan calon presiden, rakyat telah disuguhkan berbagai kegiatan sosialisasi dalam memperkenalkan dan mempromosikan calon dalam bentuk produk budaya media yang menjadi pemandangan kota, daerah dan pedesaan, berupa baliho, spanduk, poster dan brosur. Bukan hanya itu, di media massa misalnya televisi, surat kabar, dan media on line produk-produk budaya tersebut telah menghiasi ruang-ruang media. Produk-produk budaya sebagaimana disebutkan sebelum merupakan media komunikasi politik yang dilakukan suatu tim suksesi. Salah satu hal yang menarik dewasa ini dalam kegiatan pemilihan umum di Indonesia adalah menanfaatkan fashion sebagai media komunikasi. Misalnya pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden tahun 2014. Fashion (pakaian/busana) yang dikenakan bukanlah sekadar berfungsi sebagai penutup tubuh dan hiasan, tetapi lebih dari itu menjadi sebuah alat komunikasi untuk menyampaikan identitas pribadi, sosial dan budaya di suatu masyarakat. Fashion sebagai identitas diri menunjukkan siapa diri kita, fashion sebagai identitas sosial menunjukkan kelompok atau komunitas sosial dan sebagai identitas budaya yang menunjukkan karakter yang dimiliki suatu kebudayaan. Carlyle (1987: 2) memberikan pandangan bahwa fashion (pakaian) merupakan pelambang jiwa yang dapat menunjuk siapa pemakainya. Umberto Eco, salah satu ahli semiotika dari Italia juga berkomentar bahwa, " I speak through my cloth " (Saya berkomunikasi lewat pakaianku, 1972: 13). Kata " Fashion " berasal dari bahasa Latin " factio " yang artinya membuat atau melakukan. Arti kata fashion sendiri mengacu pada kegiatan yaitu sesuatu yang dilakukan seseorang. Fashion adalah alat
The purpose of this study is to determine how the mythologization of female sexuality promotes co... more The purpose of this study is to determine how the mythologization of female sexuality promotes commercial products through television advertising media. The method used in analyzing the advertisement is a description with Barthes' semiotic theory approach. This study chooses commercial advertisement for female health, body care, and face skin care products. The products advertisements studied deal with the myths in household harmony. The mythologization of female sexuality in advertisements is drawn from a patriarchal culture that is still dominant in Indonesia and is trying to exchange a symbolic sign of the myth about the importance of household harmony and the advertised products. Mythologization referred in this research is how the product means humane for consumers to associate the products with a patriarchal culture. The results showed that the advertisement means humane to the human beings (consumers) through the products by inserting a patriarchal culture (household harmony) and emphasizes the importance of improving the household harmony. BACKGROUND One of the interesting phenomena that can be seen today is how the media puts women in the television media advertisements. It is estimated that 90% of advertisements use women as the object. In fact, television advertisement is primarily directed to women, in line with the findings of research conducted by Survey Research Indonesia (SRI) indicates that the trend of commercial products advertised by television are the beauty care products, such as cosmetics, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, etc (Dedy Mulyana, 1999: 157). The domination of women in television advertising is not only for the women's products but also men.
—This research uses semiotic of metaphor to unmask the underlying meaning beneath the semiotic of... more —This research uses semiotic of metaphor to unmask the underlying meaning beneath the semiotic of consumerism on television advertisements. This research attempts to explain how advertised products are being used, through the means of semiotic of metaphor by scrutinizing the dynamic relationship between sign and signifier. Semiotic of metaphor makes the products 'alive' within human society hence, this implies that the very existence of human beings is no longer determined by the presence of another human being, instead the very existence is now determined by the presence of certain commercial products in possession. The society, in term of consumerism, views the products as animate or living entities within the sphere of living. Commercial advertisements use metaphorical expressions to relate and exchange in two major concepts: products are humans, and humans are products' users. Thus, nowadays, humans tend to seek their purpose of living and existence through consumerism. The result of this research shows that television commercial advertisements mainly work by means of certain metaphorical symbolism: it shapes society's perspective into believing that the very existence of human beings, the actualization of self, and differentiations among them are achieved by using or purchasing certain advertised products therefore, the products serve as the symbols of those achievements.
Papers by muhammad hasyim