International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Waste-to-Energy Technologies (WtE) have been widely used in European countries, in Japan, in some... more Waste-to-Energy Technologies (WtE) have been widely used in European countries, in Japan, in some US cities, and have been growing in China. Currently, in Brazil, there are no WtE power plants in operation, but there are studies on the feasibility of this technology. The Systematic Bibliographic Review (SBR) presented in this mini-review article appears as a result of a process of prospecting documents in the following databases: Science Direct, Web of Science and Scopus. The purpose was to map the articles of the last five years on the applications of WtE technologies in Brazil. From the selection of articles relevant to the research, these documents were registered and cataloged, as well as their qualitative and quantitative analyses. During the systematization process, it was possible to raise hypotheses about which professionals have been working the most on this topic, the journals in which these researches are being published and the keywords most addressed for these case stud...
O Brasil é um grande produtor de ovos e o Estado de São Paulo é que mais produz ovos do Brasil, s... more O Brasil é um grande produtor de ovos e o Estado de São Paulo é que mais produz ovos do Brasil, sendo a região de Tupã a maior produtora no Estado com 55% da produção e, em 2018 Bastos, a cidade com maior produção, aportou 36% do total paulista. Assim, com estes volumes de produção, é possível compreender a importância deste setor produtivo, que demanda inovações tecnológicas para garantir a permanência no mercado e a eficiência na produção. A implantação de novas tecnologias para automatização da produção de ovos, nem sempre trazem só resultados positivos, mas demandam ajustes para que se evitem perdas durante o processo produtivo. Neste contexto, destaca-se o problema advindo dos sistemas automatizados de transporte dos ovos, que podem causar perdas produtivas e financeiras para as granjas. Há perdas na linha de produção durante o transporte automatizado desde os galpões até o processo final de expedição, onde vibrações e impactos causam danos, assim como os tempos de exposição ao...
More demanding consumers pressure the food industry to attend the increasing demand for informati... more More demanding consumers pressure the food industry to attend the increasing demand for information. Traceability is a system that allows to gather information related to a product, from the beginning of its production chain to the moment of consumption. Data recording is the first stage of the Data Life Cycle, and supports the implementation of a system that is capable of tracking egg quality information. Egg is a widely consumed staple food and the Brazilian poultry production needs to be structured in order to attend quality and informational requirements. The aim of this paper is to identify the critical points of the traceability information gathering of eggs in commercial farms. The interviews carried for this paper allowed to validate the identified requirements, and to propose improvements in the process of collecting data of eggs. The steps of sanitary management in breeding and rearing, control of inputs, eggs collection, eggs classification and product identification were...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This paper presents the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and its configurations a... more This paper presents the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and its configurations as a platform for agricultural sprayers, with a hopper with a capacity of 100 kg, which can perform better maneuvers than conventional agricultural aviation, for precision spraying on small and medium Brazilian properties agricultural. The development and construction focused on precision spray agriculture, taking into account the reduction of costs and accident risks, modernizing, and complementing the activity. Prince Air Models Ltd. made the prototype with resources from FAPESP under Brazilian patent number PI 0404045-7 B1. It presented acceptable results for all flight situations requested with 100 kg of payload and flying in typical maneuvers and agricultural patterns.
O alto custo de manutenção e despesas com lubrificantes são citados como desvantagens da mecaniza... more O alto custo de manutenção e despesas com lubrificantes são citados como desvantagens da mecanização agrícola. O setor de manutenção de frota é responsável por grande parte dos custos nas propriedades agroindustriais e toda inovação empregada na redução destes custos pode impactar diretamente no preço final do produto. A análise laboratorial do óleo lubrificante é uma das principais ferramentas de manutenção para verificação de anormalidades no motor diesel e torna possível o monitoramento das condições químicas e físicas do óleo por meio de análises que apontam a presença de contaminação por água, partículas ferrosas e contaminantes externos como a Sílica, que pode ser proveniente da poeira, e é uma das principais fontes de contaminação do óleo lubrificante, sendo a causa mais comum de desgaste. Diante deste contexto, o objetivo do presente artigo é indicar os possíveis pontos de contaminação do óleo lubrificante do motor diesel por Sílica e propor um check list que possa ser utili...
Um dos maiores problemas que o Brasil enfrenta na produção de ovos e de frango de corte é o fator... more Um dos maiores problemas que o Brasil enfrenta na produção de ovos e de frango de corte é o fator climático, pois o Brasil é um país tropical possuindo condições climáticas inadequadas para a produção dos animais, fazendo com que o desempenho das aves seja menor. Considerando que no presente artigo, espera-se poder selecionar sensores que, no futuro, permitam confirmar se telhas termoacústicas, em substituição às telhas de cerâmicas ou telhas de fibrocimento em galpões legados, podem trazer melhor conforto térmico e reduzir o estresse para as galinhas poedeiras, possibilitando aumento na produção de ovos e diminuição dos efeitos estressores. Estes sensores de baixo custo, produzidos para uso com microcontroladores Arduino, foram selecionados para uma comparação com um datalogger comercial. Para verificar a relação entre o datalogger e os sensores eletrônicos, construíram-se os gráficos de dispersão, comparando as leituras dos sensores medidos com o padrão utilizado, e avaliou-se o p...
O setor de manutenção de frota representa grande parte dos custos nas propriedades agroindustriai... more O setor de manutenção de frota representa grande parte dos custos nas propriedades agroindustriais e toda a inovação e tecnologia empregada na redução destes custos impacta diretamente no preço final do produto. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo desse artigo é identificar como está configurado o estado do conhecimento sobre as ferramentas de manutenção preditiva para motores diesel. Para atender o objetivo, foi utilizada uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática, composta por três fases: Entrada, Processamento e Saída. Foi possível identificar um avanço nas produções científicas relacionadas as ferramentas de manutenção preditiva, o que reforça a sua importância. Ao analisar os documentos na íntegra, foi possível categorizar os documentos por aplicabilidade, sendo: Industrial; Motores Diesel; Motores Diesel 2T; Motores Diesel de Tratores Agrícolas; Motores e equipamentos Mecânicos; Ônibus e Transporte de Passageiros; Mineração e Marítima. Pôde-se, ainda, concluir que os setores que ma...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Brazil is the 3rd largest egg producer in the Americas and for production to be achieved, it must... more Brazil is the 3rd largest egg producer in the Americas and for production to be achieved, it must be organized to produce with quality and productivity. For all quality requirements to be met, guidance documents such as EMBRAPA and the Brazilian Poultry Union cover all stages of the production process, from the origin of the inputs to the later stages of production. In addition to these instructions, other legislation dealing with traceability is used to regulate production processes in food chains. In this context, the objective of this work is to confront the main national and international standards related to traceability to verify common requirements and that can compose a system of data collection. The work was divided into three stages and presented as a result the common requirements: sanitary management in the breeding and rearing phases, lineage, input control, poultry vaccination, poultry feeding, sanitary monitoring, egg collection information, eggs, and biosafety, produ...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Climatic changes and high temperatures have been affecting animal production and the well-being o... more Climatic changes and high temperatures have been affecting animal production and the well-being of laying birds, with heat stress and high mortality rates, generating economic losses. Legacy databases can contain information to help model thermal comfort at climatic extremes. They can enable decision trees to be created through the use of data mining to prevent mortality and production losses. Thus, the objective of this study is to seek to develop decision trees, for application as an alert system, for the incidence of caloric stress in the production of layers. We used a database of three aviaries located in the city of Bastos-SP, collected in 2013. The data were organized in Excel® spreadsheets, and processed with the Weka® software with the J48 (C4.5) algorithm for mining of the data. The technique allowed the construction of decision trees that in the chosen sheds were classified with respectively 99.73%, 99.61%, and 98.71% of correct answers and with Kappa indexes equal to 0.9...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This paper presents a proposal to use an electrochemical flow-by reactor for hydrogen peroxide el... more This paper presents a proposal to use an electrochemical flow-by reactor for hydrogen peroxide electrogeneration using cathodes formed from the incorporation of organic redox catalysts (2-ethylanthraquinone, 2-tert-butylanthraquinone, alizarin, and azobenzene) in the structure of gas diffusion electrodes. These electrodes help circumvent the low solubility of oxygen in aqueous solutions. Organic redox catalysts, which typically contain quinone or azo groups in their structure, were added to the electrode mass in a 10% proportion. The electrodes were used to study the electrogeneration of hydrogen peroxide in situ, in an acid medium (0.1 mol L-1 H2SO4 and 0.1 mol L-1 K2SO4, pH 1), inside an electrochemical flow-by reactor. Comparative analysis among the different catalysts indicated that the best electrode for hydrogen peroxide electrogeneration was the gas diffusion electrode modified with 10% of 2-ethylanthraquinone. With an underflow rate of 200 L h-1, hydrogen peroxide was formed...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the influence of thermal manipulation on the impr... more The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the influence of thermal manipulation on the improvement of hatching eggs of different weights of light matrices in the last embryonic stage. The experiment was carried out in a commercial hatchery of light laying hens, located in Birigui - SP, Brazil. 1950 light-colored eggs of the Dekalb White commercial strain were used. The eggs were classified among different sizes and n in incubation trays. In the period from 19 to 21 days, two incubator machines were used, where the first machine maintained the temperature and humidity values of the hatchery's standard air (37.0 ° C and 60% RH) and in the second machine the temperature was adjusted to 37.7 ° C with 60% RH. The treatments differed according to the residence time in the second machine, and egg weight (G and M) controls T1 (0h-G) and T6(0h-M), 1 hour T2(1h-G) and T7(1h-M), 3 hours T3(3h-G) and T8(3h-M), 6 hours T4(6h-G) and T9(6h-M) 9 hours T5(9h-G) and T10 (9h-M). The design w...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This research aims to promote the project for the construction of software, firmware, and micro-c... more This research aims to promote the project for the construction of software, firmware, and micro-controlled hardware, which together allow the automatic control of the temperature and humidity index (THI) in real-time the intensive production environment in poultry and laying hens production houses, thus avoiding productive losses due to the stress to which the birds are subjected. This system aims, from the information from a set of sensors, connected to a microcontroller acquisition and control board, to infer the temperature and humidity index from the measured climatic variables, to enable the corresponding activation of electronic interfaces with electric actuators, for the automatic activation of ventilation devices, humidification and curtain actuation and the lighting of production houses, keeping the environmental conditions of the house within a convenient range of temperature and relative humidity to ensure thermal comfort and thus avoiding bird stress. Thus, helping to mi...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the water renewal system of drinking fountains in layi... more This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the water renewal system of drinking fountains in laying hens and its relationship with productivity. For this, 5,000 laying hens of the Dekalb White line were used in each shed, which received food and water ad libitum. The warehouses had a conventional typology, Californian type. For this, a digital water renewal system was installed in three nipple drinking fountains in one of the warehouses (treatment 2 - T2) and the other remained without the water renewal system (treatment 1 - T1). Using Thermo hygrometers, the average air temperature (° C) and the average relative humidity of the air (%) were measured. For the water temperature (° C), a water renewal system (Flushing Control® - Lubing model) was used, which carried out the renewal of the birds' drinking water six times a day. Feed consumption (g / bird / day), water consumption (ml), egg production (%) and mortality (%) were evaluated. During the study period, using data from the...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Behavior can sometimes be observed directly, and can also be affected by the presence of human ob... more Behavior can sometimes be observed directly, and can also be affected by the presence of human observers. Technological devices have strongly advanced our understanding of certain aspects of animal behavior, and the small cameras borne in a straight line by study animals offer a reliable alternative to direct observation. One possible way to make animal welfare assessments easier and faster could be the application of audio and video data analysis. In this research, the main goal is to reach the requirements determination, and the construction to build a concurrent alternative to CCTV software based on new proprietary software, developed in Matlab® language, to record and capture video sequences in digital memory hardware. The proposed software stakeholders’ needs are written attending the specification in the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 standard, and the life cycle adapted to the development was based in the standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2008. The main user interface was generated using...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Claw lameness can be associated with biomechanical factors caused by imbalances of the pressure d... more Claw lameness can be associated with biomechanical factors caused by imbalances of the pressure distribution under the hooves when swine are confined in modern facilities with hard concrete flooring. Comparing hoof pressure distribution data of swine boars walking over two different types of floors (standard concrete vs. 3mm rubber mattress) in previous research, it was found a great advantage favoring the rubber mat flooring showing that it was capable of reducing pressures under the claws as the pressure became more evenly distributed under this treatment resulting in balanced weight-bearing surfaces. The objective of this study was to develop an expert system based on Fuzzy logic algorithm for the prevention of hoof pathologies applied to the intensive swine production by estimating occurrence of claw lesions based on the association of knowledge gathered on pressure distribution from previous research as well as the influences of nutrition, friction coefficients found on differe...
The present article aims to analyze the insertion of tilapia tank-nets producers in social networ... more The present article aims to analyze the insertion of tilapia tank-nets producers in social networks and their influence on the information transfer within the network, from a group of fish farmers located in a reservoir in southeastern Brazil. Exploratory methods characterize this research, which has a qualitative approach based on a multi-case study. Roster method conducts the network research taking into account the limited number of actors in the network and the identification of all. This article allows an understanding of the influence of frequency, time and value attributed to the exchange of information among fish farmers. The trust degree in the relationships between fish farmers was measured through a Social Network Analysis (SNA) with the help of the UCINET® software. The results show that the transmitters of more information are the same that present themselves as central in the network and those who have the most valuable information.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Waste-to-Energy Technologies (WtE) have been widely used in European countries, in Japan, in some... more Waste-to-Energy Technologies (WtE) have been widely used in European countries, in Japan, in some US cities, and have been growing in China. Currently, in Brazil, there are no WtE power plants in operation, but there are studies on the feasibility of this technology. The Systematic Bibliographic Review (SBR) presented in this mini-review article appears as a result of a process of prospecting documents in the following databases: Science Direct, Web of Science and Scopus. The purpose was to map the articles of the last five years on the applications of WtE technologies in Brazil. From the selection of articles relevant to the research, these documents were registered and cataloged, as well as their qualitative and quantitative analyses. During the systematization process, it was possible to raise hypotheses about which professionals have been working the most on this topic, the journals in which these researches are being published and the keywords most addressed for these case stud...
O Brasil é um grande produtor de ovos e o Estado de São Paulo é que mais produz ovos do Brasil, s... more O Brasil é um grande produtor de ovos e o Estado de São Paulo é que mais produz ovos do Brasil, sendo a região de Tupã a maior produtora no Estado com 55% da produção e, em 2018 Bastos, a cidade com maior produção, aportou 36% do total paulista. Assim, com estes volumes de produção, é possível compreender a importância deste setor produtivo, que demanda inovações tecnológicas para garantir a permanência no mercado e a eficiência na produção. A implantação de novas tecnologias para automatização da produção de ovos, nem sempre trazem só resultados positivos, mas demandam ajustes para que se evitem perdas durante o processo produtivo. Neste contexto, destaca-se o problema advindo dos sistemas automatizados de transporte dos ovos, que podem causar perdas produtivas e financeiras para as granjas. Há perdas na linha de produção durante o transporte automatizado desde os galpões até o processo final de expedição, onde vibrações e impactos causam danos, assim como os tempos de exposição ao...
More demanding consumers pressure the food industry to attend the increasing demand for informati... more More demanding consumers pressure the food industry to attend the increasing demand for information. Traceability is a system that allows to gather information related to a product, from the beginning of its production chain to the moment of consumption. Data recording is the first stage of the Data Life Cycle, and supports the implementation of a system that is capable of tracking egg quality information. Egg is a widely consumed staple food and the Brazilian poultry production needs to be structured in order to attend quality and informational requirements. The aim of this paper is to identify the critical points of the traceability information gathering of eggs in commercial farms. The interviews carried for this paper allowed to validate the identified requirements, and to propose improvements in the process of collecting data of eggs. The steps of sanitary management in breeding and rearing, control of inputs, eggs collection, eggs classification and product identification were...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This paper presents the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and its configurations a... more This paper presents the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and its configurations as a platform for agricultural sprayers, with a hopper with a capacity of 100 kg, which can perform better maneuvers than conventional agricultural aviation, for precision spraying on small and medium Brazilian properties agricultural. The development and construction focused on precision spray agriculture, taking into account the reduction of costs and accident risks, modernizing, and complementing the activity. Prince Air Models Ltd. made the prototype with resources from FAPESP under Brazilian patent number PI 0404045-7 B1. It presented acceptable results for all flight situations requested with 100 kg of payload and flying in typical maneuvers and agricultural patterns.
O alto custo de manutenção e despesas com lubrificantes são citados como desvantagens da mecaniza... more O alto custo de manutenção e despesas com lubrificantes são citados como desvantagens da mecanização agrícola. O setor de manutenção de frota é responsável por grande parte dos custos nas propriedades agroindustriais e toda inovação empregada na redução destes custos pode impactar diretamente no preço final do produto. A análise laboratorial do óleo lubrificante é uma das principais ferramentas de manutenção para verificação de anormalidades no motor diesel e torna possível o monitoramento das condições químicas e físicas do óleo por meio de análises que apontam a presença de contaminação por água, partículas ferrosas e contaminantes externos como a Sílica, que pode ser proveniente da poeira, e é uma das principais fontes de contaminação do óleo lubrificante, sendo a causa mais comum de desgaste. Diante deste contexto, o objetivo do presente artigo é indicar os possíveis pontos de contaminação do óleo lubrificante do motor diesel por Sílica e propor um check list que possa ser utili...
Um dos maiores problemas que o Brasil enfrenta na produção de ovos e de frango de corte é o fator... more Um dos maiores problemas que o Brasil enfrenta na produção de ovos e de frango de corte é o fator climático, pois o Brasil é um país tropical possuindo condições climáticas inadequadas para a produção dos animais, fazendo com que o desempenho das aves seja menor. Considerando que no presente artigo, espera-se poder selecionar sensores que, no futuro, permitam confirmar se telhas termoacústicas, em substituição às telhas de cerâmicas ou telhas de fibrocimento em galpões legados, podem trazer melhor conforto térmico e reduzir o estresse para as galinhas poedeiras, possibilitando aumento na produção de ovos e diminuição dos efeitos estressores. Estes sensores de baixo custo, produzidos para uso com microcontroladores Arduino, foram selecionados para uma comparação com um datalogger comercial. Para verificar a relação entre o datalogger e os sensores eletrônicos, construíram-se os gráficos de dispersão, comparando as leituras dos sensores medidos com o padrão utilizado, e avaliou-se o p...
O setor de manutenção de frota representa grande parte dos custos nas propriedades agroindustriai... more O setor de manutenção de frota representa grande parte dos custos nas propriedades agroindustriais e toda a inovação e tecnologia empregada na redução destes custos impacta diretamente no preço final do produto. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo desse artigo é identificar como está configurado o estado do conhecimento sobre as ferramentas de manutenção preditiva para motores diesel. Para atender o objetivo, foi utilizada uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática, composta por três fases: Entrada, Processamento e Saída. Foi possível identificar um avanço nas produções científicas relacionadas as ferramentas de manutenção preditiva, o que reforça a sua importância. Ao analisar os documentos na íntegra, foi possível categorizar os documentos por aplicabilidade, sendo: Industrial; Motores Diesel; Motores Diesel 2T; Motores Diesel de Tratores Agrícolas; Motores e equipamentos Mecânicos; Ônibus e Transporte de Passageiros; Mineração e Marítima. Pôde-se, ainda, concluir que os setores que ma...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Brazil is the 3rd largest egg producer in the Americas and for production to be achieved, it must... more Brazil is the 3rd largest egg producer in the Americas and for production to be achieved, it must be organized to produce with quality and productivity. For all quality requirements to be met, guidance documents such as EMBRAPA and the Brazilian Poultry Union cover all stages of the production process, from the origin of the inputs to the later stages of production. In addition to these instructions, other legislation dealing with traceability is used to regulate production processes in food chains. In this context, the objective of this work is to confront the main national and international standards related to traceability to verify common requirements and that can compose a system of data collection. The work was divided into three stages and presented as a result the common requirements: sanitary management in the breeding and rearing phases, lineage, input control, poultry vaccination, poultry feeding, sanitary monitoring, egg collection information, eggs, and biosafety, produ...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Climatic changes and high temperatures have been affecting animal production and the well-being o... more Climatic changes and high temperatures have been affecting animal production and the well-being of laying birds, with heat stress and high mortality rates, generating economic losses. Legacy databases can contain information to help model thermal comfort at climatic extremes. They can enable decision trees to be created through the use of data mining to prevent mortality and production losses. Thus, the objective of this study is to seek to develop decision trees, for application as an alert system, for the incidence of caloric stress in the production of layers. We used a database of three aviaries located in the city of Bastos-SP, collected in 2013. The data were organized in Excel® spreadsheets, and processed with the Weka® software with the J48 (C4.5) algorithm for mining of the data. The technique allowed the construction of decision trees that in the chosen sheds were classified with respectively 99.73%, 99.61%, and 98.71% of correct answers and with Kappa indexes equal to 0.9...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This paper presents a proposal to use an electrochemical flow-by reactor for hydrogen peroxide el... more This paper presents a proposal to use an electrochemical flow-by reactor for hydrogen peroxide electrogeneration using cathodes formed from the incorporation of organic redox catalysts (2-ethylanthraquinone, 2-tert-butylanthraquinone, alizarin, and azobenzene) in the structure of gas diffusion electrodes. These electrodes help circumvent the low solubility of oxygen in aqueous solutions. Organic redox catalysts, which typically contain quinone or azo groups in their structure, were added to the electrode mass in a 10% proportion. The electrodes were used to study the electrogeneration of hydrogen peroxide in situ, in an acid medium (0.1 mol L-1 H2SO4 and 0.1 mol L-1 K2SO4, pH 1), inside an electrochemical flow-by reactor. Comparative analysis among the different catalysts indicated that the best electrode for hydrogen peroxide electrogeneration was the gas diffusion electrode modified with 10% of 2-ethylanthraquinone. With an underflow rate of 200 L h-1, hydrogen peroxide was formed...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the influence of thermal manipulation on the impr... more The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the influence of thermal manipulation on the improvement of hatching eggs of different weights of light matrices in the last embryonic stage. The experiment was carried out in a commercial hatchery of light laying hens, located in Birigui - SP, Brazil. 1950 light-colored eggs of the Dekalb White commercial strain were used. The eggs were classified among different sizes and n in incubation trays. In the period from 19 to 21 days, two incubator machines were used, where the first machine maintained the temperature and humidity values of the hatchery's standard air (37.0 ° C and 60% RH) and in the second machine the temperature was adjusted to 37.7 ° C with 60% RH. The treatments differed according to the residence time in the second machine, and egg weight (G and M) controls T1 (0h-G) and T6(0h-M), 1 hour T2(1h-G) and T7(1h-M), 3 hours T3(3h-G) and T8(3h-M), 6 hours T4(6h-G) and T9(6h-M) 9 hours T5(9h-G) and T10 (9h-M). The design w...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This research aims to promote the project for the construction of software, firmware, and micro-c... more This research aims to promote the project for the construction of software, firmware, and micro-controlled hardware, which together allow the automatic control of the temperature and humidity index (THI) in real-time the intensive production environment in poultry and laying hens production houses, thus avoiding productive losses due to the stress to which the birds are subjected. This system aims, from the information from a set of sensors, connected to a microcontroller acquisition and control board, to infer the temperature and humidity index from the measured climatic variables, to enable the corresponding activation of electronic interfaces with electric actuators, for the automatic activation of ventilation devices, humidification and curtain actuation and the lighting of production houses, keeping the environmental conditions of the house within a convenient range of temperature and relative humidity to ensure thermal comfort and thus avoiding bird stress. Thus, helping to mi...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the water renewal system of drinking fountains in layi... more This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the water renewal system of drinking fountains in laying hens and its relationship with productivity. For this, 5,000 laying hens of the Dekalb White line were used in each shed, which received food and water ad libitum. The warehouses had a conventional typology, Californian type. For this, a digital water renewal system was installed in three nipple drinking fountains in one of the warehouses (treatment 2 - T2) and the other remained without the water renewal system (treatment 1 - T1). Using Thermo hygrometers, the average air temperature (° C) and the average relative humidity of the air (%) were measured. For the water temperature (° C), a water renewal system (Flushing Control® - Lubing model) was used, which carried out the renewal of the birds' drinking water six times a day. Feed consumption (g / bird / day), water consumption (ml), egg production (%) and mortality (%) were evaluated. During the study period, using data from the...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Behavior can sometimes be observed directly, and can also be affected by the presence of human ob... more Behavior can sometimes be observed directly, and can also be affected by the presence of human observers. Technological devices have strongly advanced our understanding of certain aspects of animal behavior, and the small cameras borne in a straight line by study animals offer a reliable alternative to direct observation. One possible way to make animal welfare assessments easier and faster could be the application of audio and video data analysis. In this research, the main goal is to reach the requirements determination, and the construction to build a concurrent alternative to CCTV software based on new proprietary software, developed in Matlab® language, to record and capture video sequences in digital memory hardware. The proposed software stakeholders’ needs are written attending the specification in the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 standard, and the life cycle adapted to the development was based in the standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2008. The main user interface was generated using...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
Claw lameness can be associated with biomechanical factors caused by imbalances of the pressure d... more Claw lameness can be associated with biomechanical factors caused by imbalances of the pressure distribution under the hooves when swine are confined in modern facilities with hard concrete flooring. Comparing hoof pressure distribution data of swine boars walking over two different types of floors (standard concrete vs. 3mm rubber mattress) in previous research, it was found a great advantage favoring the rubber mat flooring showing that it was capable of reducing pressures under the claws as the pressure became more evenly distributed under this treatment resulting in balanced weight-bearing surfaces. The objective of this study was to develop an expert system based on Fuzzy logic algorithm for the prevention of hoof pathologies applied to the intensive swine production by estimating occurrence of claw lesions based on the association of knowledge gathered on pressure distribution from previous research as well as the influences of nutrition, friction coefficients found on differe...
The present article aims to analyze the insertion of tilapia tank-nets producers in social networ... more The present article aims to analyze the insertion of tilapia tank-nets producers in social networks and their influence on the information transfer within the network, from a group of fish farmers located in a reservoir in southeastern Brazil. Exploratory methods characterize this research, which has a qualitative approach based on a multi-case study. Roster method conducts the network research taking into account the limited number of actors in the network and the identification of all. This article allows an understanding of the influence of frequency, time and value attributed to the exchange of information among fish farmers. The trust degree in the relationships between fish farmers was measured through a Social Network Analysis (SNA) with the help of the UCINET® software. The results show that the transmitters of more information are the same that present themselves as central in the network and those who have the most valuable information.
Papers by Mario Mollo