Xabier Arzoz
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Papers by Xabier Arzoz
competences from a legal perspective, an aspect which has been neglected in comparative studies on the nature of Spanish decentralization. The analysis concludes, firstly, that the powers of
autonomous communities are not enshrined in the same way as in federal models; secondly, that their Statutes of autonomy are not above the legislation of the central government; and, lastly, that the constitution is not rigid enough to prevent the intrusion from the centre on regional competences.
competences from a legal perspective, an aspect which has been neglected in comparative studies on the nature of Spanish decentralization. The analysis concludes, firstly, that the powers of
autonomous communities are not enshrined in the same way as in federal models; secondly, that their Statutes of autonomy are not above the legislation of the central government; and, lastly, that the constitution is not rigid enough to prevent the intrusion from the centre on regional competences.
International Context: European Union, Globalization, Higher Education, Media
(Giovanni Poggeschi); Lenguas y modalidades lingüísticas en la Constitución Española: ¿dos regímenes jurídicos diferenciados? (Xabier Arzoz); La llengua a l’Estatut d’autonomia de Catalunya. Cap a un nou
paradigma? (Jaume Vernet); L’aplicació de la Constitució i de l’Estatut d’autonomia de Catalunya. Model lingüístic territorial o model personal en els diferents sectors?
(Joan Ramon Solé); El marc constitucional espanyol relatiu al pl urilingüisme. Model reeixit o regulació obsoleta? (Antoni Milian i Massana).