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      ColombiaNewborn InfantPrevalence
La vía de señalización Notch se caracteriza por mediar la comunicación célula-célula, regulando diferentes procesos celulares como proliferación, apoptosis y definición del destino celular. Esta vía ha sido implicada en el desarrollo de... more
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      NOTCH PathwayBases Geneticas Del Desarrollo Craneo FacialFacial ProminenceFacial Development
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      DentistryCognitionQuality of lifeMild Cognitive Impairment
Introduction: head circumference is an indicator of health and global cranial growth in early childhood, so it must be monitored. Usually, the WHO reference patterns use the Box Cox Power exponential model and the LMS method to model the... more
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3165000 ext 11615. RESUMEN El objetivo del estudio fue describir características de restos óseos craneales prehispánicos colombianos. Se utilizaron 40 restos óseos, entre mandíbulas, maxilares y cráneos completos o incompletos, a todos se... more
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Locating the number and position of orifices on pulp-chamber floors can be difficult. This is especially true when the tooth being treated is heavily restored, malposed, or calcified. After evaluating 500 pulp chambers of extracted teeth,... more
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Thalassemia is a genetic disorder that involves abnormal haemoglobin formation. The two main categories of thalassemia are alpha and beta thalassemia that are then divided into further subcategories. While some mild forms of thalassemia... more
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