Papers by Francesco Bogliacino
We report experimental results from three Colombian villages concerning the impact of a voting me... more We report experimental results from three Colombian villages concerning the impact of a voting mechanism on interpersonal trust and trustworthiness. The vote is purely consultative in that participants are asked to declare in a secret ballot the most “appropriate” plan of action
for individuals involved in a “Trust Game”. The plan of action that is most voted is then publicly announced. The mechanism is unbinding, as only the aggregate result of the voting is disclosed and it has no bearing on individual decisions. In spite of the strategic irrelevance of the announcement, we observe an increase in both trust and trustworthiness after the announcement is carried out, in comparison to the baseline condition where no voting takes place.

Previous research has investigated the eects of violence and warfare
on individuals' well-being,... more Previous research has investigated the eects of violence and warfare
on individuals' well-being, mental health, and individual prosociality
and risk aversion. This study establishes the short- and long-term
eects of exposure to violence on short-term memory and aspects of
cognitive control. Short-term memory is the ability to store informa-
tion. Cognitive control is the capacity to exert inhibition, working
memory, and cognitive
exibility. Both have been shown to aect pos-
itively individual well-being and societal development. We sampled
Colombian civilians who were exposed either to urban violence or to
warfare more than a decade earlier. We assessed exposure to violence
through either the urban districtlevel homicide rate or self-reported
measures. Before undertaking cognitive tests, a randomly selected
subset of our sample was asked to recall emotions of anxiety and fear
connected to experiences of violence, whereas the rest recalled joyful
or emotionally neutral experiences. We found that higher exposure
to violence was associated with lower short-term memory abilities
and lower cognitive control in the group recalling experiences of vi-
olence, whereas it had no eect in the other group. This nding
demonstrates that exposure to violence, even if a decade earlier, can
hamper cognitive functions, but only among individuals actively re-
calling emotional states linked with such experiences. A laboratory
experiment conducted in Germany aimed to separate the eect of re-
calling violent events from the eect of emotions of fear and anxiety.
Both factors had signicant negative eects on cognitive functions
and appeared to be independent from each other.
Latin American Business Review, 2012

Economia Politica, 2016
This article presents the results of a laboratory experiment and an online multi-country experime... more This article presents the results of a laboratory experiment and an online multi-country experiment testing the effect of motor vehicle eco-labels on consumers. The laboratory study featured a discrete choice task and questions on comprehension, while the ten countries online experiment included measures of willingness to pay and comprehension. Labels focusing on fuel economy or running costs are better understood, and influence choice about money-related eco-friendly behaviour. We suggest that this effect comes through mental accounting of fuel economy. In the absence of a cost saving frame, we do not find a similar effect of information on CO 2 emissions and eco-friendliness. Labels do not perform as well as promotional materials. By virtue of being embedded into a setting designed to capture the attention, the latter are more effective. We found also that large and expensive cars tend to be undervalued once fuel economy is highlighted.

Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 2015
Autism spectrum disorder is a lifelong disability that is not well known by the general populatio... more Autism spectrum disorder is a lifelong disability that is not well known by the general population and tends to be associated with social stigma; also, because it involves children, it may get highly emotionally charged. These stylised facts engender a number of possible heuristics and biases at the moment of deciding on following a treatment or looking for a diagnosis, which should be considered in the presentation of information. Using insights from Behavioural Economics, three treatments are designed to present the information regarding possible therapies. Between-subjects design with one level of variation. Interviews were performed with a convenience sample of 154 households from the metropolitan area of Bogotá (Colombia). The treatments include: use of default option, use of professional interviewer to illustrate the therapy and emotionally charged presentation. Kruskal-Wallis test of the intention to be treated rejects the null hypothesis (χ(2)=22.14, p=0.00). The cognitive processing of the information is not a determinant, supporting the claim that genuine framing effects shape the choice. The strongest effect of the treatment with a professional suggests a key role for asymmetry of the information, which is confirmed indirectly through the postexperiment questionnaire. Bad healthcare decisions are not necessarily driven by lack of information. Asymmetric information (eg, delegating the decision to a professional) improves choices, especially when social stigma is involved. Cognitive processing of information seems to be less relevant than the framing effect.

In this article we extend the model developed by Pianta (2013a, 2013b) on the link between R&D, i... more In this article we extend the model developed by Pianta (2013a, 2013b) on the link between R&D, innovation and economic performance, considering the impact of innovation of export success. We develop a simultaneous three equation model in order to investigate the existence of a 'virtuous circle' between industries' R&D, share of product innovators and export market shares. We investigate empiricallyat the industry levelthree key relationships affecting the dynamics of innovation and export performance: first, the capacity of firms to translate their R&D efforts in new products; second, the role of innovation as a determinant of export market shares; third, the export success as a driver of new R&D efforts. The model is tested for 38 manufacturing and service sectors of six European countries over three time periods from 1995 to 2010. The model effectively accounts for the dynamics of R&D efforts, innovation and international performances of European industries. Moreover, important differences across countries emerge when we split our sample in a Northern group -Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and a Southern group -France, Italy and Spain. We find that the 'virtuous circle' between innovation and competitiveness holds for Northern economies only, while Southern industries fail to translate innovation efforts into export success.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Jrc Ipts Working Papers on Corporate R D and Innovation, 2010
Documents De Treball Ieb, 2011

Iza Discussion Papers, Aug 21, 2011
After discussing theory regarding the consequences of technological change on employment and surv... more After discussing theory regarding the consequences of technological change on employment and surveying previous microeconometric literature, our aim with this paper is to test the possible job creation effect of business R&D expenditures, using a unique longitudinal database covering 677 European manufacturing and service firms over the period 1990-2008. The main outcome from the whole sample dynamic LSDVC (Least Squared Dummy Variable Corrected) estimate is the labour-friendly nature of companies' R&D, the coefficient of which turns out to be statistically significant, although not very large in magnitude. However, the positive and significant impact of R&D expenditures on employment is detectable in services and high-tech manufacturing but absent in the more traditional manufacturing sectors. This means that we should not expect positive employment effects from increasing R&D in the majority of industrial sectors. This is something that should be borne in mind by European innovation policy makers having employment as one of their specific aims.

University of Urbino Working Papers Series in Economics Mathematics and Statistics, 2015
The "virtuous circle" between innovative inputs, outputs and economic performance is investigated... more The "virtuous circle" between innovative inputs, outputs and economic performance is investigated in this article with a three equation model highlighting feedback loops and simultaneous relations. An empirical test is carried out considering innovative expenditure, innovative turnover and economic results in a sample of Italian manufacturing firms which are 'serial innovators'. We use data for the period 2000-2008 from a rich panel of Italian firms over 50 employees drawn from ISTAT, the National Institute of Statistics, including data from three waves of Community Innovation Surveys. The model we use extends the one developed at the industry level by Bogliacino and Pianta (2013a, 2013b), confirming previous findings. For therather limitedcore of Italian persistent innovators, results show the complex links at play, the lags in the effects of innovative efforts, and the feedbacks between economic success and the ability to sustain innovation expenditure.
In this paper we generalize the heterogeneous risk adverse agents model of diffusion of new produ... more In this paper we generalize the heterogeneous risk adverse agents model of diffusion of new products in a multi-firm, heterogeneous and interacting agents environment. We use a model of choice under uncertainty based on Bayesian theory. We discuss the possibility of product failures, the set of equilibria, their stability and some welfare properties.
In this article we discuss the dynamics of organizational change when agents have heterogeneous i... more In this article we discuss the dynamics of organizational change when agents have heterogeneous initial conjectures and do learn. In this framework, conjectural equilibrium is defined as a steady state of the learning process, and all the adjustment occurs in disequilibrium. We discuss the properties of the system under different “rationality” assumptions, and using well-known learning algorithms. We prove analytically
PloS one, 2015
C26, C99, D03, I18. 2360; 3920.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Papers by Francesco Bogliacino
for individuals involved in a “Trust Game”. The plan of action that is most voted is then publicly announced. The mechanism is unbinding, as only the aggregate result of the voting is disclosed and it has no bearing on individual decisions. In spite of the strategic irrelevance of the announcement, we observe an increase in both trust and trustworthiness after the announcement is carried out, in comparison to the baseline condition where no voting takes place.
on individuals' well-being, mental health, and individual prosociality
and risk aversion. This study establishes the short- and long-term
eects of exposure to violence on short-term memory and aspects of
cognitive control. Short-term memory is the ability to store informa-
tion. Cognitive control is the capacity to exert inhibition, working
memory, and cognitive
exibility. Both have been shown to aect pos-
itively individual well-being and societal development. We sampled
Colombian civilians who were exposed either to urban violence or to
warfare more than a decade earlier. We assessed exposure to violence
through either the urban districtlevel homicide rate or self-reported
measures. Before undertaking cognitive tests, a randomly selected
subset of our sample was asked to recall emotions of anxiety and fear
connected to experiences of violence, whereas the rest recalled joyful
or emotionally neutral experiences. We found that higher exposure
to violence was associated with lower short-term memory abilities
and lower cognitive control in the group recalling experiences of vi-
olence, whereas it had no eect in the other group. This nding
demonstrates that exposure to violence, even if a decade earlier, can
hamper cognitive functions, but only among individuals actively re-
calling emotional states linked with such experiences. A laboratory
experiment conducted in Germany aimed to separate the eect of re-
calling violent events from the eect of emotions of fear and anxiety.
Both factors had signicant negative eects on cognitive functions
and appeared to be independent from each other.
for individuals involved in a “Trust Game”. The plan of action that is most voted is then publicly announced. The mechanism is unbinding, as only the aggregate result of the voting is disclosed and it has no bearing on individual decisions. In spite of the strategic irrelevance of the announcement, we observe an increase in both trust and trustworthiness after the announcement is carried out, in comparison to the baseline condition where no voting takes place.
on individuals' well-being, mental health, and individual prosociality
and risk aversion. This study establishes the short- and long-term
eects of exposure to violence on short-term memory and aspects of
cognitive control. Short-term memory is the ability to store informa-
tion. Cognitive control is the capacity to exert inhibition, working
memory, and cognitive
exibility. Both have been shown to aect pos-
itively individual well-being and societal development. We sampled
Colombian civilians who were exposed either to urban violence or to
warfare more than a decade earlier. We assessed exposure to violence
through either the urban districtlevel homicide rate or self-reported
measures. Before undertaking cognitive tests, a randomly selected
subset of our sample was asked to recall emotions of anxiety and fear
connected to experiences of violence, whereas the rest recalled joyful
or emotionally neutral experiences. We found that higher exposure
to violence was associated with lower short-term memory abilities
and lower cognitive control in the group recalling experiences of vi-
olence, whereas it had no eect in the other group. This nding
demonstrates that exposure to violence, even if a decade earlier, can
hamper cognitive functions, but only among individuals actively re-
calling emotional states linked with such experiences. A laboratory
experiment conducted in Germany aimed to separate the eect of re-
calling violent events from the eect of emotions of fear and anxiety.
Both factors had signicant negative eects on cognitive functions
and appeared to be independent from each other.
for internally displaced population, which decide to return home. The instrument’s scope covers
different dimensions; for each of them it proposes an identification strategy for the need of
interventions, and triangulates the information from different methodologies (qualitative methods,
survey and experiments) to reach a deeper characterization. We apply the instrument to the case of
Las Palmas (Bolívar). The document concludes with some policy recommendations regarding the
implementation of the Law 1448 of 2011, so called Victim’s Law.