Papers by Karolina Szczepanowska
Wyroby metalowe z badań przy ul. Reduta Wyskok 4-5 w Gdańsku Metalwork excavated at 4-5 Reduta Wy... more Wyroby metalowe z badań przy ul. Reduta Wyskok 4-5 w Gdańsku Metalwork excavated at 4-5 Reduta Wyskok Street, Gdańsk ANNA REMBISZ-LUBIEJEWSKA Wyroby drewniane z badań przy ul. Reduta Wyskok 4-5 w Gdańsku Wooden artefacts excavated at 4-5 Reduta Wyskok Street, Gdańsk ANNA REMBISZ-LUBIEJEWSKA Wyroby z poroża, kości i tworzywa sztucznego z badań przy ul. Reduta Wyskok 4-5 w Gdańsku Antler, bone and plastic artefacts excavated at 4-5 Reduta Wyskok Street, Gdańsk ANNA REMBISZ-LUBIEJEWSKA Wyroby kamienne z badań przy ul. Reduta Wyskok 4-5 w Gdańsku Worked stone excavated at 4-5 Reduta Wyskok Street, Gdańsk MARZENA MAKOWIECKA, DANIEL MAKOWIECKI Zwierzęce szczątki kostne z Gdańska-ul. Reduta Wyskok 4-5 Animal remains from 4-5 Reduta Wyskok Street, Gdańsk
W artykule podjęto tematykę roli i znaczenia wyników badań archeologicznych przeprowadzonych w Łe... more W artykule podjęto tematykę roli i znaczenia wyników badań archeologicznych przeprowadzonych w Łebie w latach 2015-2019 i obejmujących teren dawnego, średniowiecznego kościoła św. Mikołaja. Badania wykopaliskowe, stanowiąc działania inwazyjne, prowadzą do niszczenia historycznych nawarstwień kulturowych oraz są nieodwracalne dla terenu badań, bezpowrotnie likwidując ślady przeszłości. W przypadku badań archeologicznych, które swoim zasięgiem obejmują relikty architektoniczne wymagane jest udokumentowanie zachowanych obiektów, ale również przeanalizowanie ich stanu zachowania oraz możliwości publicznego udostępnienia w przyszłości. Przeprowadzona analiza odsłoniętych ruin zniszczonego kościoła umożliwiła określenie dopuszczalnych rozwiązań i wariantów ich wykorzystania w projekcie zagospodarowania terenu objętego badaniami archeologicznymi.
W artykule scharakteryzowano zbiór szkła okiennego pozyskany w trakcie badań archeologicznych pro... more W artykule scharakteryzowano zbiór szkła okiennego pozyskany w trakcie badań archeologicznych prowadzonych na stanowisku nr 2 w Łebie w latach 2015-2019. Wydobyto wówczas 1981 egzemplarzy tego materiału oraz 115 fragmentów ołowianych szprosów okiennych. Przeprowadzona analiza technologiczna i stylistyczna wyrobów dała podstawę do uściślenia chronologii szkła okiennego oraz wytyczenia perspektywy dalszych badań-nad wielkością okien w kościele św. Mikołaja oraz ich wewnętrznym podziałem, a także ich gotycką stylistyką.
Szklane opakowanie na preparat leczniczy. Archeologiczne świadectwo pielęgnacji włosów w przedwoj... more Szklane opakowanie na preparat leczniczy. Archeologiczne świadectwo pielęgnacji włosów w przedwojennym Gdańsku Glass container for a medical treatment. Archaeological evidence for hair care in interwar Gdańsk Abstrakt Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienie pielęgnacji włosów w przedwojennym Gdańsku. Punktem wyjścia do rozważań jest odkryte w trakcie badań archeologicznych szklane opakowanie na preparat leczniczy. Formę i funkcję naczynia poddano szczegółowej analizie, która pozwoliła na sformułowanie wniosków dotyczących pochodzenia, wartości i popularności produktu w tym okresie.
Kafle piecowe z badań archeologicznych przy ulicy Tartacznej w Gdańsku. Uwagi na temat statusu ek... more Kafle piecowe z badań archeologicznych przy ulicy Tartacznej w Gdańsku. Uwagi na temat statusu ekonomicznego ich użytkowników Stove tiles from excavation at Tartaczna Street in Gdańsk. Preliminary study of economic status Abstrakt W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano cechy zbioru kafli pozyskanych podczas badań archeologicznych prowadzonych na stanowisku przy ulicy Tartacznej w Gdańsku, na obszarze Starego Miasta. Wyniki badań prowadzonych przez Muzeum Archeologiczne w Gdańsku i Fundację Ochrony Zabytków w Gdańsku w latach 2008-2010 poszerzają wiedzę na temat osadnictwa wczesnośredniowiecznego i nowożytnego tej części miasta. Analiza wybranej grupy wyrobów, którą stanowią kafle, jest jednocześnie asumptem do rozważań na temat statusu ekonomicznego mieszkańców dzielnicy rzemieślniczej Gdańska w okresie nowożytnym. Formy kafli pozyskanych w ramach wyróżnionych jednostek stratygraficznych pozwalają wnioskować o wyjątkowości zbioru zarówno pod względem liczebnej przewagi kafli naczyniowych nad płytowymi, jak również jednorodności technologicznej i stylistycznej wyrobów. Pozwalają jednocześnie wskazać na różnice w obrębie kafli pozyskanych z badań archeologicznych Głównego Miasta. Ustalenie prawdopodobnych przyczyn tego zjawiska zamkną rozważania nad zagadnieniami przeżywania się technik, tradycji warsztatów garncarskich, absorpcji nowych rozwiązań w kontekście ekonomiczno-społecznym.
Domy i ich mieszkańcy w świetle badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych przy ul. Świętojańskiej 6-7 w Gdańsku, 2018
The article presents issues related to managing the results of archaeological and architectural r... more The article presents issues related to managing the results of archaeological and architectural research on the example of works carried out at Świętojańska 6-7 in Gdańsk. The authors draw attention to the role of archeology in building the brand of the place and building relations with the recipients of its results. The possibilities of using the effects of archaeological research not only in the scientific sphere, but above all in the broadly understood public sphere were indicated. The article defines the concept of archaeological resources in the context of the researched site at Świętojańska 6-7 in Gdańsk and defines the ways of managing these resources, taking into account the objectives and possibilities of their implementation and presenting the effects of introducing and applying particular activities.
Domy i ich mieszkańcy w świetle badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych przy ulicy Świętojańskiej 6-7 w Gdańsku, red. J. Dąbal, 2018
Domy i ich mieszkańcy w świetle badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych przy ulicy Świętojańskej 6-7 w Gdańsku, 2018
english summary
W efekcie badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych, prowadzonych w 2015 roku na stanowisku 121, AZ... more W efekcie badań archeologiczno-architektonicznych, prowadzonych w 2015 roku na stanowisku 121, AZP 12-44/238 w Gdańsku przy ul. Świętojańskiej, pozyskano zbiór kafl i liczący 1021 egzemplarzy, w tym fragmenty i całe wyroby. Badania prowadzone były w obrębie dwóch nieistniejących obecnie posesji o przedwojennej numeracji 6-7. W niniejszym artykule zostanie zaprezentowany -wybrany w oparciu o kontekst -zbiór kafl i płytowych pozyskany z kamienicy Świętojańska 6, liczący 87 egzemplarzy. Analiza technologiczna oraz stylistyczna kafl i stanie się podstawą wnioskowania na temat wystroju pieców kafl owych z terenu Głównego Miasta Gdańska. Pozwoli to na podjęcie próby wstępnego omówienia zagadnienia ogrzewania wnętrz mieszkalnych.
Medycyna Nowożytna , 2018
Redaktorzy tematyczni tomu: Katarzyna P kacka-Falkowska, Jaromir Jeszke Na ok adce: Fragment ryci... more Redaktorzy tematyczni tomu: Katarzyna P kacka-Falkowska, Jaromir Jeszke Na ok adce: Fragment ryciny z Thesaurus anatomicus primus. Het eerste anatomisch cabinet van Frederic Ruysch (t. I) wydanego w Amsterdamie w 1701 roku. Dzi ki uprzejmoci Biblioteki G ównej Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu. Czasopismo indeksowane na li cie czasopism naukowych ICI Journals Master List 2016. ICI 2016 -53,8 oraz na li cie ERIH PLUS 2015 -10 p. (wykaz czasopism naukowych punktowanych z dn. 1 lipca 2016 r. poz. 4130)
Editorial board: dr inż. Katarzyna Pałubska -Secretary mgr inż. Karolina Kołb-Sielecka -Office an... more Editorial board: dr inż. Katarzyna Pałubska -Secretary mgr inż. Karolina Kołb-Sielecka -Office and subscription Translation:
Wśród kafli pozyskanych w efekcie badań archeologicznych w Gdańsku wyróżniono kafle płytowe z prz... more Wśród kafli pozyskanych w efekcie badań archeologicznych w Gdańsku wyróżniono kafle płytowe z przedstawieniami grzechu. Stanowią one przykład kafli o dekoracji figuralnej. W analizowanych zbiorach z kilkunastu badanych stanowisk archeologicznych z Gdańska ten rodzaj przedstawień zaobserwowano na kilkudziesięciu egzemplarzach.
Presented here is a study of the glass finds recovered from excavations carried out at Wisłoujści... more Presented here is a study of the glass finds recovered from excavations carried out at Wisłoujście Fortress during 2013 2014. The assemblage comprises 2060 artefacts, representing both complete and fragmentary vessels. The material was analysed in terms of style and technology. The entire assemblage was divided into five functional categories: tableware, storage vessels, pharmaceutical glassware, window glass and cosmetic vessels. Selected specimens also underwent micrographic analysis in order to determine the chemical composition of the glass. The finds were attributed to a range of periods extending from the 16th and 17th centuries to the 20th century. The most numerously represented are storage vessels of the 18th and 19th centuries and window glass.
During the archaeological-architectural research of Wisłoujście Fortress in Gdańsk numerous brick... more During the archaeological-architectural research of Wisłoujście Fortress in Gdańsk numerous bricks, roof tiles, floor tiles, wall tiles and stone architectural details were recorded and excavated. Furthermore, samples of mortars and plasters were taken. This data category is not sufficiently compiled in architectural or archaeological research for the area of Gdańsk yet. For that reason, the study of these materials was considered an important component of the Wisłoujście Fortress research project. Presented results of interdisciplinary analysis are regarded as an onset of a more detailed architectural study of the defensive complex.
Among the tiles obtained as a result of archaeological research in Gdańsk there are plate tiles w... more Among the tiles obtained as a result of archaeological research in Gdańsk there are plate tiles with
hunting scenes. ey are examples of tiles with 4 gural decoration. In Gdańsk such a kind of presentations
was observed on not numerous specimens. Characterisation of hunting scenes was carried
out for 9 specimens coming from archaeological research conducted in the years 2008–2010 in
Tartaczna Street and in the years 2011–2012 in Wałowa Street/ Old Shipyard and Podwale Przedmiejskie
(City Ramparts).
An analysis of the material was carried out in terms of technological traits and preserved decoration.
An attention was paid to the occurrence of 3 kinds of representations: a hunter playing the
horn and holding a spear followed by a beater leading hunting dogs; two hunters: one on a horse
holding a rapier, the other walking and holding a spear; a hunter on a galloping horse. All tiles were
covered with green glaze on a layer of engobe. Decoration of the tiles was made with the use of form
for impressing a pattern. On the grounds of technological traits, stylistic features and comparative
materials the chronology was determined as the 1st half of the 17th century.
Later in this article an attempt to determine the genesis of representations of hunting scenes
was made, and attention was paid to a fact that this type of representations appeared on medieval
tiles known e.g. from Jankowo Dolne, Gniezno, Gdańsk, Malbork and was connected with popular
at that time representation of the hunt of the unicorn but also with an increasing ethos of knighthood.
Hunting as a kind of decoration was still used in modern period when it got di erent stylistic
setting. e presence of this motif on pottery products can be probably connected with customs
but also the importance of entertainment that for the nobility was hunting, and on the other hand,
a variety of motifs supplied by draughtsmen of that time, including Jost Amman (1539–1951), Virgil
Solis (1514–1562), and Antonio Tempesta (1555–1630). In the 17th century Gdańsk, the artistic environment
was highly developed, 4 rst of all as a result of a good economic situation of the city and
a growing number of highly educated people. Contacts with other centres were favourable for the
development of the local centre. Form and contents of the graphics mainly met the needs of individual
orders. On the other hand, a role of drawings came down to con4 rmation of the connection
between Gdańsk and the Republic. Drawings of such character were created in the reign of the Vasa
dynasty and John III Sobieski. At that time, drawings expressed political or sometimes propaganda
contents. erefore, drawings served not only to meet individual needs of the ordered but also to
manifest political and economic-social views.
On the grounds of source material three kinds of hunting have been distinguished, from among
which the most popular and recorded on the discussed tiles was hunting pursuit for hounded by
a battue game on an open or loosely wooded area.
Later in the article comparative material in the form of tiles from other archaeological sites, including
these from Tykocin, Malbork, Frombork, Modliszewice, Nowe Miasto and Gdańsk as well
as other pottery products including ceramic wall tiles and tin products were discussed. Representations
of hunting scenes were also chosen as a painting decoration of the ceilings of townhouses, an
example of which is the 17th century, preserved ceiling from Toruń. Chronology of some sources
shows surviving of such kind of decorations in the Baroque and even classicism. e vast majority
of the mentioned articles were, likewise heating stoves, elements of dwelling interiors decor. ey
allow the identi4 cation of taste of a person occupying the given area. A closer recognition and
analysis of the representations contents enables interpretation of political and economic-social
views of their owners.
e article is closed by considerations concerning the owners of stoves in the context of tiles
under discussion. A person ordering tiles for construction of the stove in Gdańsk chose this type
of decoration, conscious of ideological signi4 cance of this decoration. erefore, it was declaration
for features connected with hunting such as courage, bravery, cleverness, fortitude, strength. is
also corresponded to the contemporary fashion. e stoves had to be at the same time evidence of
residence rooms and chambers representativeness. Discussed examples should be connected with
the reign of Wladyslaw IV (1632–1648). e founders of contemporary stoves were thus able to
manifest their political views.
Discussed tiles constitute an interesting, in scienti4 c terms, collection. In the future, on the
grounds of tiles of similar decoration but coming from closed contexts it will be possible to look
again at the discussed issue and verify research theses formulated in this article.
Papers by Karolina Szczepanowska
hunting scenes. ey are examples of tiles with 4 gural decoration. In Gdańsk such a kind of presentations
was observed on not numerous specimens. Characterisation of hunting scenes was carried
out for 9 specimens coming from archaeological research conducted in the years 2008–2010 in
Tartaczna Street and in the years 2011–2012 in Wałowa Street/ Old Shipyard and Podwale Przedmiejskie
(City Ramparts).
An analysis of the material was carried out in terms of technological traits and preserved decoration.
An attention was paid to the occurrence of 3 kinds of representations: a hunter playing the
horn and holding a spear followed by a beater leading hunting dogs; two hunters: one on a horse
holding a rapier, the other walking and holding a spear; a hunter on a galloping horse. All tiles were
covered with green glaze on a layer of engobe. Decoration of the tiles was made with the use of form
for impressing a pattern. On the grounds of technological traits, stylistic features and comparative
materials the chronology was determined as the 1st half of the 17th century.
Later in this article an attempt to determine the genesis of representations of hunting scenes
was made, and attention was paid to a fact that this type of representations appeared on medieval
tiles known e.g. from Jankowo Dolne, Gniezno, Gdańsk, Malbork and was connected with popular
at that time representation of the hunt of the unicorn but also with an increasing ethos of knighthood.
Hunting as a kind of decoration was still used in modern period when it got di erent stylistic
setting. e presence of this motif on pottery products can be probably connected with customs
but also the importance of entertainment that for the nobility was hunting, and on the other hand,
a variety of motifs supplied by draughtsmen of that time, including Jost Amman (1539–1951), Virgil
Solis (1514–1562), and Antonio Tempesta (1555–1630). In the 17th century Gdańsk, the artistic environment
was highly developed, 4 rst of all as a result of a good economic situation of the city and
a growing number of highly educated people. Contacts with other centres were favourable for the
development of the local centre. Form and contents of the graphics mainly met the needs of individual
orders. On the other hand, a role of drawings came down to con4 rmation of the connection
between Gdańsk and the Republic. Drawings of such character were created in the reign of the Vasa
dynasty and John III Sobieski. At that time, drawings expressed political or sometimes propaganda
contents. erefore, drawings served not only to meet individual needs of the ordered but also to
manifest political and economic-social views.
On the grounds of source material three kinds of hunting have been distinguished, from among
which the most popular and recorded on the discussed tiles was hunting pursuit for hounded by
a battue game on an open or loosely wooded area.
Later in the article comparative material in the form of tiles from other archaeological sites, including
these from Tykocin, Malbork, Frombork, Modliszewice, Nowe Miasto and Gdańsk as well
as other pottery products including ceramic wall tiles and tin products were discussed. Representations
of hunting scenes were also chosen as a painting decoration of the ceilings of townhouses, an
example of which is the 17th century, preserved ceiling from Toruń. Chronology of some sources
shows surviving of such kind of decorations in the Baroque and even classicism. e vast majority
of the mentioned articles were, likewise heating stoves, elements of dwelling interiors decor. ey
allow the identi4 cation of taste of a person occupying the given area. A closer recognition and
analysis of the representations contents enables interpretation of political and economic-social
views of their owners.
e article is closed by considerations concerning the owners of stoves in the context of tiles
under discussion. A person ordering tiles for construction of the stove in Gdańsk chose this type
of decoration, conscious of ideological signi4 cance of this decoration. erefore, it was declaration
for features connected with hunting such as courage, bravery, cleverness, fortitude, strength. is
also corresponded to the contemporary fashion. e stoves had to be at the same time evidence of
residence rooms and chambers representativeness. Discussed examples should be connected with
the reign of Wladyslaw IV (1632–1648). e founders of contemporary stoves were thus able to
manifest their political views.
Discussed tiles constitute an interesting, in scienti4 c terms, collection. In the future, on the
grounds of tiles of similar decoration but coming from closed contexts it will be possible to look
again at the discussed issue and verify research theses formulated in this article.
hunting scenes. ey are examples of tiles with 4 gural decoration. In Gdańsk such a kind of presentations
was observed on not numerous specimens. Characterisation of hunting scenes was carried
out for 9 specimens coming from archaeological research conducted in the years 2008–2010 in
Tartaczna Street and in the years 2011–2012 in Wałowa Street/ Old Shipyard and Podwale Przedmiejskie
(City Ramparts).
An analysis of the material was carried out in terms of technological traits and preserved decoration.
An attention was paid to the occurrence of 3 kinds of representations: a hunter playing the
horn and holding a spear followed by a beater leading hunting dogs; two hunters: one on a horse
holding a rapier, the other walking and holding a spear; a hunter on a galloping horse. All tiles were
covered with green glaze on a layer of engobe. Decoration of the tiles was made with the use of form
for impressing a pattern. On the grounds of technological traits, stylistic features and comparative
materials the chronology was determined as the 1st half of the 17th century.
Later in this article an attempt to determine the genesis of representations of hunting scenes
was made, and attention was paid to a fact that this type of representations appeared on medieval
tiles known e.g. from Jankowo Dolne, Gniezno, Gdańsk, Malbork and was connected with popular
at that time representation of the hunt of the unicorn but also with an increasing ethos of knighthood.
Hunting as a kind of decoration was still used in modern period when it got di erent stylistic
setting. e presence of this motif on pottery products can be probably connected with customs
but also the importance of entertainment that for the nobility was hunting, and on the other hand,
a variety of motifs supplied by draughtsmen of that time, including Jost Amman (1539–1951), Virgil
Solis (1514–1562), and Antonio Tempesta (1555–1630). In the 17th century Gdańsk, the artistic environment
was highly developed, 4 rst of all as a result of a good economic situation of the city and
a growing number of highly educated people. Contacts with other centres were favourable for the
development of the local centre. Form and contents of the graphics mainly met the needs of individual
orders. On the other hand, a role of drawings came down to con4 rmation of the connection
between Gdańsk and the Republic. Drawings of such character were created in the reign of the Vasa
dynasty and John III Sobieski. At that time, drawings expressed political or sometimes propaganda
contents. erefore, drawings served not only to meet individual needs of the ordered but also to
manifest political and economic-social views.
On the grounds of source material three kinds of hunting have been distinguished, from among
which the most popular and recorded on the discussed tiles was hunting pursuit for hounded by
a battue game on an open or loosely wooded area.
Later in the article comparative material in the form of tiles from other archaeological sites, including
these from Tykocin, Malbork, Frombork, Modliszewice, Nowe Miasto and Gdańsk as well
as other pottery products including ceramic wall tiles and tin products were discussed. Representations
of hunting scenes were also chosen as a painting decoration of the ceilings of townhouses, an
example of which is the 17th century, preserved ceiling from Toruń. Chronology of some sources
shows surviving of such kind of decorations in the Baroque and even classicism. e vast majority
of the mentioned articles were, likewise heating stoves, elements of dwelling interiors decor. ey
allow the identi4 cation of taste of a person occupying the given area. A closer recognition and
analysis of the representations contents enables interpretation of political and economic-social
views of their owners.
e article is closed by considerations concerning the owners of stoves in the context of tiles
under discussion. A person ordering tiles for construction of the stove in Gdańsk chose this type
of decoration, conscious of ideological signi4 cance of this decoration. erefore, it was declaration
for features connected with hunting such as courage, bravery, cleverness, fortitude, strength. is
also corresponded to the contemporary fashion. e stoves had to be at the same time evidence of
residence rooms and chambers representativeness. Discussed examples should be connected with
the reign of Wladyslaw IV (1632–1648). e founders of contemporary stoves were thus able to
manifest their political views.
Discussed tiles constitute an interesting, in scienti4 c terms, collection. In the future, on the
grounds of tiles of similar decoration but coming from closed contexts it will be possible to look
again at the discussed issue and verify research theses formulated in this article.
In addition, cutlery and other utensils made of metal or wood are often obtained in these contexts. As a result of archaeological
research at Świętojańska 6-7, an assortment of these products used by residents in the pantry, in the kitchen and
on the table was obtained. All products were obtained from the cesspit fills, which allows to interpret them in the context
of specific users. The choice of cesspits constituting the continuum of the development of the back-up facilities of one of
the tenement houses also allowed to present preliminary conclusions with regard to the changes of the assortment used
and the aesthetic preferences of the inhabitants in the period from the 15th to the 19th century.