Jenalee Doom
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Papers by Jenalee Doom
development (Nelson, Bos, Gunnar, & Sonuga-Barke, 2011), but these children may also suffer from
micronutrient deficiencies (Fuglestad et al., 2008). The contributions of iron deficiency (ID) and duration of
deprivation on cognitive functioning in children adopted from institutions between 17 and 36 months of age
were examined. ID was assessed in 55 children soon after adoption, and cognitive functioning was evaluated
11–14.6 months postadoption when the children averaged 37.4 months old (SD = 4.9). ID at adoption and
longer duration of institutional care independently predicted lower IQ scores and executive function (EF) performance.
IQ did not mediate the association between ID and EF.
as potentially sensitive periods of stress system development in children. Theories such as the allostatic load model have guided research by integrating multiple physiological systems and mechanisms by which stress can affect mental and physical health. However, almost none of the prominent theoretical models in stress physiology are truly developmental, and future work must incorporate how systems interact with the environment across the life span in normal and atypical development. Our theoretical advancement will depend on our ability to integrate biological and psychological models. Researchers are increasingly realizing the importance of communication across disciplinary boundaries in order to understand how experiences influence neurobehavioral development. It is important that knowledge gained over the past 25 years has been translated to prevention and treatment interventions, and we look forward to the dissemination of interventions that promote recovery from adversity.
development (Nelson, Bos, Gunnar, & Sonuga-Barke, 2011), but these children may also suffer from
micronutrient deficiencies (Fuglestad et al., 2008). The contributions of iron deficiency (ID) and duration of
deprivation on cognitive functioning in children adopted from institutions between 17 and 36 months of age
were examined. ID was assessed in 55 children soon after adoption, and cognitive functioning was evaluated
11–14.6 months postadoption when the children averaged 37.4 months old (SD = 4.9). ID at adoption and
longer duration of institutional care independently predicted lower IQ scores and executive function (EF) performance.
IQ did not mediate the association between ID and EF.
as potentially sensitive periods of stress system development in children. Theories such as the allostatic load model have guided research by integrating multiple physiological systems and mechanisms by which stress can affect mental and physical health. However, almost none of the prominent theoretical models in stress physiology are truly developmental, and future work must incorporate how systems interact with the environment across the life span in normal and atypical development. Our theoretical advancement will depend on our ability to integrate biological and psychological models. Researchers are increasingly realizing the importance of communication across disciplinary boundaries in order to understand how experiences influence neurobehavioral development. It is important that knowledge gained over the past 25 years has been translated to prevention and treatment interventions, and we look forward to the dissemination of interventions that promote recovery from adversity.