In " Teleological Dispositions, " Nick Kroll offers a novel theory of dispositions in terms of pr... more In " Teleological Dispositions, " Nick Kroll offers a novel theory of dispositions in terms of primitive directed states. Kroll is clear that his notion of directedness " outstrips talk of goals, purposes, design, and function " (p.#), and that it commits him to " primitive teleological facts " (p.#). This notion may strike some as outdated and unscientific, but Kroll argues that it has an important theoretical role to play. In particular, he holds that a primitive notion of directedness can provide a theory of dis-positions, an explanation of the link between dispositions and conditionals, and an account of the progressive aspect in English. In this paper, we raise some worries for each of these claims.
In an earlier paper in these pages, we explored the puzzling link between dispositions and condit... more In an earlier paper in these pages, we explored the puzzling link between dispositions and conditionals. First, we rehearsed the standard counterexamples to the simple conditional analysis and the refined conditional analysis defended by David Lewis. Second, we ...
In an earlier paper in these pages, we explored the puzzling link between dispositions and condit... more In an earlier paper in these pages, we explored the puzzling link between dispositions and conditionals. First, we rehearsed the standard counterexamples to the simple conditional analysis and the refined conditional analysis defended by David Lewis. Second, we ...
... DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2011.596215 David Manley a Available online: 15 Jul ... On this point s... more ... DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2011.596215 David Manley a Available online: 15 Jul ... On this point see Prior 1985: 489], Mellor 2000: 263], and Cross [2005: 235]. View all notes. (S4) for a suitable proportion of ψ-cases, x would in them.5 5See Manley and Wasserman 2007, 2008. ...
In " Teleological Dispositions, " Nick Kroll offers a novel theory of dispositions in terms of pr... more In " Teleological Dispositions, " Nick Kroll offers a novel theory of dispositions in terms of primitive directed states. Kroll is clear that his notion of directedness " outstrips talk of goals, purposes, design, and function " (p.#), and that it commits him to " primitive teleological facts " (p.#). This notion may strike some as outdated and unscientific, but Kroll argues that it has an important theoretical role to play. In particular, he holds that a primitive notion of directedness can provide a theory of dis-positions, an explanation of the link between dispositions and conditionals, and an account of the progressive aspect in English. In this paper, we raise some worries for each of these claims.
In an earlier paper in these pages, we explored the puzzling link between dispositions and condit... more In an earlier paper in these pages, we explored the puzzling link between dispositions and conditionals. First, we rehearsed the standard counterexamples to the simple conditional analysis and the refined conditional analysis defended by David Lewis. Second, we ...
In an earlier paper in these pages, we explored the puzzling link between dispositions and condit... more In an earlier paper in these pages, we explored the puzzling link between dispositions and conditionals. First, we rehearsed the standard counterexamples to the simple conditional analysis and the refined conditional analysis defended by David Lewis. Second, we ...
... DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2011.596215 David Manley a Available online: 15 Jul ... On this point s... more ... DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2011.596215 David Manley a Available online: 15 Jul ... On this point see Prior 1985: 489], Mellor 2000: 263], and Cross [2005: 235]. View all notes. (S4) for a suitable proportion of ψ-cases, x would in them.5 5See Manley and Wasserman 2007, 2008. ...
Papers by David Manley