Papers by Juan Carlos Lobato Valdespino

Revista ASINEA 60, 2024
This article presents a conceptual approach to the significant
impact of artificial intelligence ... more This article presents a conceptual approach to the significant
impact of artificial intelligence (ai) on architectural
education through techno-humanism. This approach
proposes a mixed cognitive model that favors a balanced
interaction between humans and technology. It is
argued that such a vision provides a promising conceptual
support for reinventing architectural education, innovatively
incorporating ai into active methodologies aimed
at developing essential skills. Ethical dilemmas arising
from the use of ai are also examined, emphasizing the
need for transdisciplinary dialogue and ethically robust
formulations. The conclusion points out that educationally
redefining the architectural field in this digital context
not only implies incorporating new technologies, but also
a critical consideration of core professional values with a
view to ensuring that ai enhances creativity and socially
responsible engagement within architectural practices.

Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo, Mar 1, 2024
El artículo propone una gestión social de la vivienda en comunidades indígenas autónomas, en líne... more El artículo propone una gestión social de la vivienda en comunidades indígenas autónomas, en línea con el derecho a una vivienda adecuada establecido en los derechos humanos. Se busca que los habitantes identifiquen sus necesidades y generen una estrategia para mejorar su calidad de vida desde su contexto bio cultural y vivencia espacial. Se propone un enfoque de autogestión social del hábitat y una metodología mixta, cualitativa y cuantitativa, para el reconocimiento grupal, el análisis socioespacial, el diagnóstico y la definición de estrategias de autogestión. El análisis se realizará en la Comunidad de San Francisco Pichátaro, en Michoacán, que cuenta con una organización política social consolidada y valores culturales fuertemente arraigados. Se espera que los resultados permitan elaborar propuestas sólidas para mejorar la vivienda en comunidades autónomas, en coherencia con los principios culturales, ambientales y productivos, y fomentando la construcción de escenarios de hábitat asequibles, justos y sustentables.
The study concludes that AI has the potential to foster creativity and critical thinking in the t... more The study concludes that AI has the potential to foster creativity and critical thinking in the teaching of architecture.
de esta obra se puede reproducir sin autorización pero con el reconocimiento y atribución de los ... more de esta obra se puede reproducir sin autorización pero con el reconocimiento y atribución de los autores. No se puede hacer uso comercial de la obra y no se puede alterar, transformar o hacer obras derivadas.
Blucher Design Proceedings, Dec 1, 2020
The work addresses the problem of the reactivation of abandoned or underused public spaces in deg... more The work addresses the problem of the reactivation of abandoned or underused public spaces in degraded neighborhoods. It proposes for this the development and implementation of an urban artifact whose metaphor is the protocell. With the development of bottom-up mobile system protocols, it aims to influence a process of urban regeneration in marginalized neighborhoods. The case study is located in a peripheral area of the city of Morelia, Michoacán, México. Designing, exploring and testing a textile manufacturing artifact with a hybrid process of digital and analog technology, a performance installation that responds to the physical, social and human environment.

Blucher Design Proceedings, Apr 1, 2023
Since March 2020, architecture schools in the world took significant decisions to abandon face-to... more Since March 2020, architecture schools in the world took significant decisions to abandon face-to-face learning; overnight, for security reasons, institutions around the world had to close their doors, confining professors, and students at home to teach online. Education before the Covid-19 pandemic was moving towards digitalization and online teaching, so the emergency exponentially detonated this phenomenon, bringing the Virtual Design Studio (Virtual Design Studio, VDS) as a practical-pedagogical option for distance education. Therefore, defining the concept of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Firstly, the identification and intercession of the previous notions, this work approaches an applicative case with the realization of a workshop, which under the modality Multilevel Workshop-also called Vertical Workshop-, the Faculty of Architecture of the UMSNH proposed to integrate knowledge, skills, and competences under the scheme of Problem Based Learning (PBL).
Blucher Design Proceedings
Esta obra está sujeta a una licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento NoComercial CompartirIgu... more Esta obra está sujeta a una licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento NoComercial CompartirIgual 2.5 ( Se permite copiar, distribuir y comunicar públicamente la obra, así como hacer obras derivadas, siempre citando la fuente y ...
de esta obra se puede reproducir sin autorización pero con el reconocimiento y atribución de los ... more de esta obra se puede reproducir sin autorización pero con el reconocimiento y atribución de los autores. No se puede hacer uso comercial de la obra y no se puede alterar, transformar o hacer obras derivadas.

Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura
El treball proposat per a aquest Taller Vertical Social planteja el reconeixement d'un territ... more El treball proposat per a aquest Taller Vertical Social planteja el reconeixement d'un territori en expansió, que en la majoria dels casos creix sense la planificació adequada, en condicions d'autogestió que a poc a poc consoliden fragments de la ciutat que se sumen a la dinàmica econòmica , cultural i social. Alhora que els entorns d'aquestes zones frontera del que és urbà es consoliden en colònies de la taca urbana, sovint no tenen les dotacions apropiades de serveis i equipaments, connectivitat urbana, mobilitat, cohesió social, seguretat pública i ocupació. El canvi d'ús del sòl rural a urbà és un fenomen habitual en aquestesàrees perifèriques de la ciutat, generalment com a resultat de la migració de persones tant d'altres localitats com de la mateixa. Els assentaments humans fixen com a primera necessitat l'habitatge i els serveis que requereixen, inicien així un procés de transformació permanent on les persones es van adaptant a les condicions que a po...
The foreshadowing and transfiguration of architectural space using digital technologies proposes ... more The foreshadowing and transfiguration of architectural space using digital technologies proposes a new order among the physical, symbolic and digital interrelations, where these entities coexist, not only as part of the process that orchestrates thought, but as important mechanisms within the creative process. So we accept that the potentiality of a computerized diagrammatic model expresses more that simply functional aspects, becoming the representation of thought, problems solving and communication, developing images that allow us to explore and to evaluate alternatives, bringing closer objects that we perceive by means of the senses, as well as those that we imagine or dream of.

La habitabilidad es una cualidad del espacio, y es en la vivienda donde esta cualidad se hace más... more La habitabilidad es una cualidad del espacio, y es en la vivienda donde esta cualidad se hace más evidente, ya que es donde el hombre pasa gran parte de su tiempo, por lo tanto, la calidad del espacio arquitectónico dentro de la vivienda es de suma importancia, aunque también es posible hablar de habitabilidad urbana como un proceso de diseño desde el punto de vista del usuario de la ciudad. Es así que un diseño urbano arquitectónico no se limita a lo funcional, sino que abarca cómo el habitante se desarrolla y organiza en un entorno social y ambiental. Por ello, se reconoce a la habitabilidad como respuesta a necesidades y experiencias diversas del hombre, a partir de la creación de espacios públicos y de edificios de calidad en una ciudad, que en conjunto reflejan la organización de una comunidad. El diseño y la arquitectura, entonces, contribuyen a posicionar y reforzar una ciudad, apoyando la competitividad de las áreas urbanas

IX Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura (JIDA'21), Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valladolid, 11 y 12 de Noviembre de 2021: libro de actas, 2021
In the field of teaching architecture and design, workshops are usually the space where all the l... more In the field of teaching architecture and design, workshops are usually the space where all the learning and knowledge of a study plan converge. In this case, the didactic instrumentation established in the study plan of the Faculty of Architecture of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo considers within the semester planning the realization of a quick exercise, which has the purpose of recreating a design work under conditions pragmatics of disciplinary knowledge. Posing from a theoretical-practical approach to solve a problem connected with a certain reality, in this case the design of the habitat in indigenous communities, under circumstances of collaboration between students organized in teams made up of participants of various training levels, in this approach in a context working online due to the confinement imposed by the health emergency measures derived from the COVID-19 pandemic. En el campo de la enseñanza de la arquitectura y el diseño, normalmente los ta...

In the field of teaching architecture and design, workshops are usually the space where all the l... more In the field of teaching architecture and design, workshops are usually the space where all the learning and knowledge of a study plan converge. In this case, the didactic instrumentation established in the study plan of the Faculty of Architecture of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo considers within the semester planning the realization of a quick exercise, which has the purpose of recreating a design work under conditions pragmatics of disciplinary knowledge. Posing from a theoretical-practical approach to solve a problem connected with a certain reality, in this case the design of the habitat in indigenous communities, under circumstances of collaboration between students organized in teams made up of participants of various training levels, in this approach in a context working online due to the confinement imposed by the health emergency measures derived from the COVID-19 pandemic.En el campo de la enseñanza de la arquitectura y el diseño, normalmente los tal...
Blucher Design Proceedings, 2020
The work addresses the problem of the reactivation of abandoned or underused public spaces in deg... more The work addresses the problem of the reactivation of abandoned or underused public spaces in degraded neighborhoods. It proposes for this the development and implementation of an urban artifact whose metaphor is the protocell. With the development of bottom-up mobile system protocols, it aims to influence a process of urban regeneration in marginalized neighborhoods. The case study is located in a peripheral area of the city of Morelia, Michoacán, México. Designing, exploring and testing a textile manufacturing artifact with a hybrid process of digital and analog technology, a performance installation that responds to the physical, social and human environment.
. 266 páginas :\ua0ilustraciones. Doctorado en Arquitectura\ua0UNAM, Facultad de Arquitectura,\ua... more . 266 páginas :\ua0ilustraciones. Doctorado en Arquitectura\ua0UNAM, Facultad de Arquitectura,\ua0201
Blucher Design Proceedings
xxii congresso da sociedade iberoamericana de gráfica digital 22th conference of the iberoamerica... more xxii congresso da sociedade iberoamericana de gráfica digital 22th conference of the iberoamerican society of digital graphics 07|08|09|novembro|2018 iau usp | são carlos | sp br
Books by Juan Carlos Lobato Valdespino

El artículo "Arquitecturas narrativas bioinspiradas: Modelos de difusión asistidos por aprendizaj... more El artículo "Arquitecturas narrativas bioinspiradas: Modelos de difusión asistidos por aprendizaje profundo de lenguaje en el diseño especulativo" explora la integración de la inteligencia artificial generativa (IAG) en la educación arquitectónica para abordar los desafíos del Antropoceno. Propone una metodología innovadora que combina diseño especulativo, biomímesis y narrativas arquitectónicas bioinspiradas, utilizando herramientas como GPT-4 y Midjourney V.6. A través del taller "Refugio para el cuerpo y la imaginación", se evalúa la eficacia de esta metodología en el desarrollo de hábitats biodigitales. Los resultados muestran que la IAG puede enriquecer el proceso creativo, generando narrativas y visualizaciones complejas. Sin embargo, se plantean cuestiones éticas sobre la autoría y la homogeneización del diseño. El estudio sugiere que esta integración puede fomentar una arquitectura más sostenible y adaptativa, aunque requiere un enfoque crítico y ético para mantener la conexión con los sistemas naturales.
Papers by Juan Carlos Lobato Valdespino
impact of artificial intelligence (ai) on architectural
education through techno-humanism. This approach
proposes a mixed cognitive model that favors a balanced
interaction between humans and technology. It is
argued that such a vision provides a promising conceptual
support for reinventing architectural education, innovatively
incorporating ai into active methodologies aimed
at developing essential skills. Ethical dilemmas arising
from the use of ai are also examined, emphasizing the
need for transdisciplinary dialogue and ethically robust
formulations. The conclusion points out that educationally
redefining the architectural field in this digital context
not only implies incorporating new technologies, but also
a critical consideration of core professional values with a
view to ensuring that ai enhances creativity and socially
responsible engagement within architectural practices.
Books by Juan Carlos Lobato Valdespino
impact of artificial intelligence (ai) on architectural
education through techno-humanism. This approach
proposes a mixed cognitive model that favors a balanced
interaction between humans and technology. It is
argued that such a vision provides a promising conceptual
support for reinventing architectural education, innovatively
incorporating ai into active methodologies aimed
at developing essential skills. Ethical dilemmas arising
from the use of ai are also examined, emphasizing the
need for transdisciplinary dialogue and ethically robust
formulations. The conclusion points out that educationally
redefining the architectural field in this digital context
not only implies incorporating new technologies, but also
a critical consideration of core professional values with a
view to ensuring that ai enhances creativity and socially
responsible engagement within architectural practices.
methodology for architectural education in digital and hybrid contexts. By integrating generative AI, discursive design, and biodigital habitat exploration, this approach addresses the challenges of preparing future architects for a rapidly evolving technological landscape. The study analyzes seven projects from an intensive digital workshop with 10 advanced design students, evaluating them across five diegetic
dimensions. Results demonstrate the method's effectiveness in fostering critical thinking, speculative design, and adaptive learning in virtual environments. AIG Diegesis emerges as a powerful tool for creating multidimensional architectural narratives that bridge the gap between digital and physical realms. This research contributes to the broader discourse on AI integration in hybrid design education and offers a framework for developing more reflexive, adaptive, and ecologically conscious architectural practices in the post-digital age.