Francesco Biagi
Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]
(ENG) Francesco Biagi earned his PhD in “political sciences” with a focus on “sociology, history and political culture” from the University of Pisa (Italy) in 2018. Currently, he serves as a researcher in “social theory” at CIAUD, the Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism, and Design at the Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa. He is also a fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, affiliated with IN2PAST — the Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability, and Territory. His research interests encompass political and social theory, with a particular emphasis on the role of urban-rural relations in the historical transformations of capitalism. He has contributed significantly to this field through his publications, including the monographs "Henri Lefebvre: Una teoria critica dello spazio" (Jaca Book, Milano, 2019) and "Henri Lefebvre's Critical Theory of Space" (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2021). Additionally, he has edited the Italian editions of two volumes by Lefebvre: "Espace et politique: Le Droit à la ville II" and "La pensée marxiste et la ville".
(PT) Francesco Biagi obteve o seu doutoramento em “ciências políticas” com especialização em “sociologia, história e cultura política” na Universidade de Pisa (Itália) em 2018. Atualmente, trabalha como investigador em “teoria social” no CIAUD, o Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design da Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa. Também é investigador colaborador no Instituto de História Contemporânea, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa / IN2PAST – Laboratório Associado para a Investigação e Inovação em Património, Artes, Sustentabilidade e Território. Os seus interesses de pesquisa abrangem a teoria política e social, com ênfase particular no papel das relações urbano-rurais nas transformações históricas do capitalismo. Contribuiu significativamente para este campo através das suas publicações, incluindo as monografias "Henri Lefebvre: Una teoria critica dello spazio" (Jaca Book, Milano, 2019) and "Henri Lefebvre's Critical Theory of Space" (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2021). Além disso, editou as edições italianas de dois volumes de Lefebvre: "Espace et politique: Le Droit à la ville II" e "La pensée marxiste et la ville".
Address: Lisboa
(ENG) Francesco Biagi earned his PhD in “political sciences” with a focus on “sociology, history and political culture” from the University of Pisa (Italy) in 2018. Currently, he serves as a researcher in “social theory” at CIAUD, the Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism, and Design at the Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa. He is also a fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, affiliated with IN2PAST — the Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability, and Territory. His research interests encompass political and social theory, with a particular emphasis on the role of urban-rural relations in the historical transformations of capitalism. He has contributed significantly to this field through his publications, including the monographs "Henri Lefebvre: Una teoria critica dello spazio" (Jaca Book, Milano, 2019) and "Henri Lefebvre's Critical Theory of Space" (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2021). Additionally, he has edited the Italian editions of two volumes by Lefebvre: "Espace et politique: Le Droit à la ville II" and "La pensée marxiste et la ville".
(PT) Francesco Biagi obteve o seu doutoramento em “ciências políticas” com especialização em “sociologia, história e cultura política” na Universidade de Pisa (Itália) em 2018. Atualmente, trabalha como investigador em “teoria social” no CIAUD, o Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design da Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa. Também é investigador colaborador no Instituto de História Contemporânea, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa / IN2PAST – Laboratório Associado para a Investigação e Inovação em Património, Artes, Sustentabilidade e Território. Os seus interesses de pesquisa abrangem a teoria política e social, com ênfase particular no papel das relações urbano-rurais nas transformações históricas do capitalismo. Contribuiu significativamente para este campo através das suas publicações, incluindo as monografias "Henri Lefebvre: Una teoria critica dello spazio" (Jaca Book, Milano, 2019) and "Henri Lefebvre's Critical Theory of Space" (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2021). Além disso, editou as edições italianas de dois volumes de Lefebvre: "Espace et politique: Le Droit à la ville II" e "La pensée marxiste et la ville".
Address: Lisboa
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Papers by Francesco Biagi
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Abstract: Urban night has undergone a significant transformation over recent decades, shifting from being a peripheral and liminal space-time to becoming both a new market for implementing processes of urban regeneration, and a problematic contest that needs to be regulated by developing new strategies of surveillance and control. Building on Henri Lefebvre's “critique of everyday life,” we develop a “critique of everyday life of the night,” since a common thread links the flatness and monotony of everyday life to the changes that have affected nightlife. Taking the city of Turin (Italy) as a case study, the impact economicist and securitarian urban policies on its nightlife is analyzed, in what is described as a process of ‘eveningification.’ Nevertheless, Lefebvre's permanent dialectic between flatness and extraordinariness of existence led us to carry out a rhythmanalysis of Turin's most problematic square in order to understand various practices and spatial dynamics in an ‘eveningificated’ neighborhood.
Keywords: Lefebvre; Production of space; Night-time economy; Eveningification; Rhythmanalysis; Turin
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Parole chiave: populismo; crisi della democrazia; questione urbana; spazio urbano; sud globale.
Link intero numero di "Quaderni materialisti":
As cities experience the effects of increasing inequalities, so social movements, scholars and even mainstream institutions are once again placing Lefebvre’s notion of the “right to the city” on the agenda. This new popularity often strips the concept of its political meaning, namely by approaching Lefebvre’s notion as juridical and as an aspect of a more general way of proceeding by planning, that has effects in terms of what is recognised as part of the political sphere, and of claiming the city. We aim to contribute to the debate through the discussion of a case study interested in a yearly festive event in central Lisbon. Drawing on Henri Lefebvre’s lexicon for an interpretation of popular involvement with public urban life, the article starts with an account of Lisbon’s Fordist socio-spatial segregation, and the neoliberal deepening of gentrification and profit-making urban regeneration. It then focuses on the Cape Verdean performative event Kola San Jon in the context of Lisbon’s Festas da Cidade, and the active involvement of inhabitants of Cova da Moura, a marginalised neighbourhood which has, over the years, drawn on cultural and civic activities for reclaiming a voice in the public space.
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Abstract: Urban night has undergone a significant transformation over recent decades, shifting from being a peripheral and liminal space-time to becoming both a new market for implementing processes of urban regeneration, and a problematic contest that needs to be regulated by developing new strategies of surveillance and control. Building on Henri Lefebvre's “critique of everyday life,” we develop a “critique of everyday life of the night,” since a common thread links the flatness and monotony of everyday life to the changes that have affected nightlife. Taking the city of Turin (Italy) as a case study, the impact economicist and securitarian urban policies on its nightlife is analyzed, in what is described as a process of ‘eveningification.’ Nevertheless, Lefebvre's permanent dialectic between flatness and extraordinariness of existence led us to carry out a rhythmanalysis of Turin's most problematic square in order to understand various practices and spatial dynamics in an ‘eveningificated’ neighborhood.
Keywords: Lefebvre; Production of space; Night-time economy; Eveningification; Rhythmanalysis; Turin
Link online:
Parole chiave: populismo; crisi della democrazia; questione urbana; spazio urbano; sud globale.
Link intero numero di "Quaderni materialisti":
As cities experience the effects of increasing inequalities, so social movements, scholars and even mainstream institutions are once again placing Lefebvre’s notion of the “right to the city” on the agenda. This new popularity often strips the concept of its political meaning, namely by approaching Lefebvre’s notion as juridical and as an aspect of a more general way of proceeding by planning, that has effects in terms of what is recognised as part of the political sphere, and of claiming the city. We aim to contribute to the debate through the discussion of a case study interested in a yearly festive event in central Lisbon. Drawing on Henri Lefebvre’s lexicon for an interpretation of popular involvement with public urban life, the article starts with an account of Lisbon’s Fordist socio-spatial segregation, and the neoliberal deepening of gentrification and profit-making urban regeneration. It then focuses on the Cape Verdean performative event Kola San Jon in the context of Lisbon’s Festas da Cidade, and the active involvement of inhabitants of Cova da Moura, a marginalised neighbourhood which has, over the years, drawn on cultural and civic activities for reclaiming a voice in the public space.
anticapitalista. Con la partecipazione di: Andrea Ghelfi, Domenico Vertone, Ubaldo Fadini, Francesco Biagi, Ilaria Agostini, Sonia Paone.
A cura di Ilaria Agostini e Gilberto Pierazzuoli.
Nell’attuale sovvertimento ecosistemico globale e mentale, i germi di mondi possibili e desiderabili indicano l’urgenza di una svolta radicale che rimetta in discussione il modello socio-economico neocapitalista.
Le alternative di pensiero e di esistenza, le pratiche di riappropriazione
degli spazi urbani ed extraurbani, antagoniste, oppositive, creative e progettanti, costituiscono gli ingredienti per una ripartenza nel segno dell’uguaglianza sociale, della giustizia ambientale e di genere.