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New digital technologies in a global society are a new challenge for teachers and the teaching-process. To educate media-competent students, teachers have to possess at least basic competencies in ICT. In 2002 the department for teacher... more
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NorTH ameriCa ||| Usa: Fayetteville/arkansas: University of arkansas | Honolulu/Hawaii: University of Hawai'i at manoa, Deutschklub and aaTG-Hawai'i chapter | Long Beach/california: California State University | Pittsburgh: University of... more
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    • Heinrich von Kleist
Colóquio, concerto e ciclo de cinema comemorativos do  bicentenário do nascimento do compositor
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    • Wagner Studies
New digital technologies in a global society are a new challenge for teachers and the teaching-process. To educate media-competent students, teachers have to possess at least basic competencies in ICT. In 2002 the department for teacher... more
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      Digital EducationInformation and Communications Technology
Este volume propõe-se abordar questões associadas ao modo como a viagem e a experiência migratória em geral contribuem para o questionamento e a reformulação das identidades, analisando ainda aspectos da sua concretização no plano... more
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