University of Lisbon
German Studies / CEC - Centro Comparatistas
New digital technologies in a global society are a new challenge for teachers and the teaching-process. To educate media-competent students, teachers have to possess at least basic competencies in ICT. In 2002 the department for teacher... more
New digital technologies in a global society are a new challenge for teachers and the teaching-process. To educate media-competent students, teachers have to possess at least basic competencies in ICT. In 2002 the department for teacher education at Lisbon University decided to introduce a new course for the training of future teachers -ICT.
- by Gerd Hammer
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NorTH ameriCa ||| Usa: Fayetteville/arkansas: University of arkansas | Honolulu/Hawaii: University of Hawai'i at manoa, Deutschklub and aaTG-Hawai'i chapter | Long Beach/california: California State University | Pittsburgh: University of... more
NorTH ameriCa ||| Usa: Fayetteville/arkansas: University of arkansas | Honolulu/Hawaii: University of Hawai'i at manoa, Deutschklub and aaTG-Hawai'i chapter | Long Beach/california: California State University | Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh albuquerque: University of New mexico | SoUTH ameriCa ||| aRgeNtiNa | tucumán: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán iNSiL | BRaziL | Porto alegre: DaaD and Goethe-institut Porto alegre | são Paulo: Goethe-institut São Paulo | campinas: instituto de estudos da Linguagem, ieL-UNiCamP | Fortaleza: armazém da Cultura and Casa da Cultura alemã | cHiLe | concepción: DaaD, Goethe Zentrum Concepción | cOLOMBia | Bogotá: Colegio andino -Deutsche Schule Bogotá | DaaD and Goethe-institut Bogotá CeNTraL ameriCa ||| NicaRagUa | Managua: DaaD Nicaragua | aSia ||| aRMeNia: Nagorno-Karabakh: State University eriwan: DaaD armenia and Goethe-institut Georgien cHiNa | guangzhou: DaaD information Center Guangzhou, Sun Yat-sen University, School of Foreign Languages | Hefei: Universität anhui | Mianyang: mianyang Normal University | Peking: Deutsche Botschaftsschule Peking | shanghai: DaaD-informationszentrum Shanghai and Fudan University Shanghai | iNDONesia | Jakarta: DaaD, Universitas Negeri Jakarta UNJ and Universitas indonesia Ui | KazaKHstaN | Kostaney: Goethe-institut Kostaney PaKistaN Lahore: Goethe-institut Lahore | siNgaPORe | German european School Singapore | RUssia | Jelec: Jelec State University i.a. Bunin | samara: DaaD Samara and State academy for Social Science and Humanities of the Volga region | Kudymkar: Culture reloaded | Blagoweschtschensk: amur State University | Kasan/ tatarstan: DaaD and KPFU | Rostow-am-Don: DaaD and Southern Federal University | Perm: Perm State regional Library a.m. Gorky and "art modern" | sOUtH cORea | seoul: DaaD, Yonsei University and ewha University | taJiKistaN Duschanbe: DaaD-information Center and the German embassy Duschanbe | tHaiLaND | chiang Mai: DaaD Thailand and Universität Chiang mai, Chiang mai Creative City | VietNaM | Hanoi: Hanoi University | eU-roPe ||| BeLgiUM | gent: Universiteit Gent | BOsNia-HeRzegOViNa | Banja Luka: University Banja Luka | geRMaNY | augsburg: Taschenbuchladen Krüger e.k. schwerin: mecklenburgisches Staatstheater Schwerin Pfaffenhofen and der ilm | elmshorn: Bismarckschule | tübingen: Wilhelm-Schickard-Schule | Berlin: Heinrich von Kleist-Gesellschaft, Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin | Frankfurt (Oder): Kleist-museum | greifswald: institute for German Philology, ernst-moritz-arndt-University, Kunstverein art7 | Barmstedt: amateurtheaterverein "Barmstedter Speeldeel" | Meerbusch: mataré-Gymnasium | Rostock: internetradio WarNoW und Theaterensemble rostock | grünheide: Lesenestchen Kagel | estONia | tallinn: Deutsches Kulturinstitut Tallin, National Library estonia | FRaNce | Paris: Sorbonne University | gReat BRitaiN | Oxford: DaaD and Queen´s College | itaLY | sieNa-aRezzO: Universitá Siena-arezzo Udine: Teatro Nuovo Giovanni di Udine, Universitá Udine and the Cultural ressort of Udine | catania: Universitá Catania | genua: Universitá degli Studi di Genova | Neapel: Universitá Suor orsola Benincasa | turin: Universita' degli Studi di Torino | Bari: Universitá of Bari | Padova: iSTiTUTo Di CULTUra iTaLo-TeDeSCo, GoeTHe-iNSTiTUT | ROM: LUSPio Universitá Milan: Pic-coloTeatro di milano, Goethe-institut mailand | Venice: Universitá Ca´Foscari, centro tedesco triest: Universitá Triest | isLaND | Reykjavík: radio rUV island | LatVia | Daugavpils: DaaD-Lektorat at the Faculty for German Philology at the University of Daugavpils | NetHeRLaNDs | Nijmegen: Duitse Taal en Cultuur van de Faculteit der Letteren, University Nijmegen | seR-Bia | sombor: Humanitarian association "St.Gerhard" | POLaND | Bydgoszcz: DaaD Polen, marlen Pelny, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy | Lublin: Catholic University Lublin | torun: DaaD Polen, marlen Pelny | Posen: DaaD Polen, marlen Pelny | Danzig: DaaD Polen, marlen Pelny | PORtUgaL | Lissabon: Teatro aberto and University Lissabon | sPaiN | Valencia: i.e.S. Luis Vives UKRaiNe | Bukowina: Zentrum Gedankendach Riwne: internationen akademiker Stepan Demianchuk University | Odessa: Bayerisches Haus odessa (BHo), Nationale metschnikow-Universität (oNU) | charkiw: University Charkiw/Nürnberger Haus | aUstRia: Millstatt: büro für tanz i theater i produktionen | sLOWaKia | Banska Bystrica: German Library Banska Bystrica/ Goethe-institut Bratislava | czecH RePUBLic | Prague: DaaD Prague and the German embassy Prague | tURKeY | istanbul: marmara Üniversitesi | BeLa-RUs | Brest: DaaD Brest, State University Puschkin Brest, Gorki-Gebietsbibliothek Brest | aFriCa ||| egYPt | Kairo: DaaD Kairo | côte D'iVOiRe | abidjan: Germano-Philia e.v., Society for German Language/ Branch-Togo, Felix & Partner S.a.r.l.u | gHaNa | accra: Goethe-institut KeNia Nairobi: Goethe-institut Nairobi | NaMiBia | Windhoek: Goetheinstitut Windhoek | NigeRia | ibadan: DaaD and University of ibadan/ Dept. of european Studies | sOUtH aFRica | Pretoria: Deutsche Schule Pretoria | stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch | sYRia | Damascus: University of Damaskus | tOgO | Lomé: Germano-Philia e.v., Society for German Language/ Branch-Togo, Felix & Partner S.a.r.l.u | UgaNDa | Kampala: Goethe-Zentrum Kampala | aUSTraLia ||| aUstRaLia | sydney: University of Sydney | NeW zeaLaND | Wellington: Goethe-institut Neuseeland This is a project by the Heinrich-von-Kleist-Gesellschaft, the international literature festival berlin (ilb) and IGLHAUT + von GROTE GmbH, funded by Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin
- by Claudia J Fischer and +2
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- Heinrich von Kleist
Colóquio, concerto e ciclo de cinema comemorativos do bicentenário do nascimento do compositor
- by Gerd Hammer and +1
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- Wagner Studies
New digital technologies in a global society are a new challenge for teachers and the teaching-process. To educate media-competent students, teachers have to possess at least basic competencies in ICT. In 2002 the department for teacher... more
New digital technologies in a global society are a new challenge for teachers and the teaching-process. To educate media-competent students, teachers have to possess at least basic competencies in ICT. In 2002 the department for teacher education at Lisbon University decided to introduce a new course for the training of future teachers-ICT. This article describes, in three steps, ICT at Lisbon University: beginning with the plan to create a new generation of teachers in a student-focused learning environment; then, curriculum development; and, finally, the first years of the lessons. The article will focus on the goal of raising awareness of the use of computers in school, and the new role of the teacher as a student.
Este volume propõe-se abordar questões associadas ao modo como a viagem e a experiência migratória em geral contribuem para o questionamento e a reformulação das identidades, analisando ainda aspectos da sua concretização no plano... more
Este volume propõe-se abordar questões associadas ao modo como a viagem e a experiência migratória em geral contribuem para o questionamento e a reformulação das identidades, analisando ainda aspectos da sua concretização no plano da manifestação cultural e estética na
- by Gerd Hammer
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