Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

IWSG: The Art Behind the Story

January sure seemed like a long month, didn't it? Here's hoping February will be better. Let's get the month off to a good start with the Insecure Writer's Support Group. You can learn more about them on their website, Facebook page, or Twitter feed. Our hosts for February are Lee Lowery, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Jennifer Hawes (no link available), Cathrina Constantine, and Tyrean Martinson.

Our question for this month is Has a single photo or work of art ever inspired a story? What was it and did you finish it?

I've been wracking my brain for a while, and all I could come up with is a writing assignment from seventh or eighth grade. I don't remember the details very well, but the photo was of a dark hallway. I wrote a story about walking through my school at night, and I think my dog made an appearance at the end (I think I was looking for her, though I don't remember why she would have been at school.) Since I graduated from school, I assumed I finished the assignment.

Most of my story inspiration these days comes from either anthologies or exploring established characters and worlds. Occasionally, I do find photos that deserve to inspire stories or be book covers. One of them was posted to Twitter in December; I saw it on my Facebook feed. It's a pair of brides, one in a purple/gray dress, the other in white, each facing outward while holding swords one-handed and clasping their free hands behind their backs. If you haven't seen the photo, check it out at the link; it's gorgeous. Since this photo was part of their actual wedding, I won't share it here. It would make a great book cover, however. You can follow the pair on Twitter at Bisexuals of the Blade. Perhaps someday that photo will inspire me to write a story about a pair of bisexual women in a similar pose but with different weapons. (I already know who they would be, though I'm not sure if that scene fits their story.)

Have you found art more inspiring than I have? If so, feel free to discuss it in the comments.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Happy Tenth Anniversary!

Tomorrow is my tenth wedding anniversary. (My husband and I have actually been together for twenty-five years, but some of that time was when we were in a long-distance relationship.) For our first anniversary, we took a one-week trip to London. For our fifth, we took a special lunch cruise on Lake Michigan. This year, both of us have been too busy to plan anything and have limited time to take off. We may take an extended weekend somewhere later, when things are less hectic--if that ever happens.

Here are a couple of pictures from the wedding:

and a few from the honeymoon:

Happy Anniversary, sweetie, and many more!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Science of the Week 5/20/11

I only found a few links to share this week....

Solar product captures up to 95% of light energy

Paraplegic man stands, steps with assistance, and moves his legs

I guess this will be a good weekend to get out and enjoy yourself. We're going to a friend's wedding tomorrow, and on Sunday we're having Alex's birthday party. It should be a busy time! See you on Monday!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Kristi's Wedding

My friend Kristi got married yesterday. She met her husband right before Eugene and I had our wedding; I remember asking her if she wanted to bring her then-boyfriend, but she didn't feel ready at that time. Every time I've seen Lyle with Kristi, he's been very supportive of her. So I was very happy when she announced her engagement. I was also honored when she asked me to read a passage from the Bible (part of the "Love Chapter" in I Corinthians) during the ceremony.

Normally, when Eugene and I have a special summer event, it's dreadfully hot that day. Even our wedding, which was in mid-September, was in the 90s. Naturally, we were expecting that pattern to hold for Kristi's wedding, since hot weather was predicted for that day, but our streak was broken. We were not disappointed by this turn of events. The wedding was held not far from the apple orchard where we pick apples, only instead of being on a farm, it was held outdoors in a gazebo overlooking a lake with a fountain. The view was gorgeous, and I'm sure Kristi and Lyle took a lot of pictures there.

The ceremony was probably about a half-hour long, much shorter than ours. Although I came to the rehearsal (with Alex) on Friday, I was late, so I wasn't sure exactly when my reading was. But several people told me afterward that I did a good job, so I guess it all worked out.

After the ceremony, Eugene and I went through the reception line and caught up with Susan and Tina, some friends of mine that I hadn't seen in a long time. We all sat at the same table, which was named for the Beatles. (Yes, Kristi is as much of a Beatles fan as I am; that's how we met.) Kristi did a great job of putting a personal touch on the table names, favors, and other decorations. The food was also good, though if I had to nitpick, I would have to say our table seemed to be one of the last to be served. But the cake was especially good, and they had other sweets as well.

Eugene and I shared a slow dance, and I danced solo when they played some of my favorite songs, but we couldn't stay for the full reception. We had to get back early to relieve my parents, who babysat Alex for us. (He did fine, though he got upset when I called to check in.)

It's time for me to call it a night too. Here are a couple of pictures, though:

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