Scarpellini Roberto
A graduate in Industrial Design - Product Design from Fundacao Armando Alvares Penteado (1993), Master in PGDesign Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul / UFRGS. Developed work in the area of product and graphic design in Scarpellini Design Ltd., specifically Special Vehicles, equipment, electronics, visual identity, teaching equipment, therapeutic, sports
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Papers by Scarpellini Roberto
Product Design. Demand is clarified, therefore, the processes of interference Surface Design
of Product Design, examining specific aspects through cognitive, functional and aesthetic
perception.. In this context the enphasis goes to the characteristics of the resulting
interference, treatment on the surface of the products and the use of the properties of
materials, both in the product and in the Jewelry and Crafts, with the aim of reaching an
understanding about surface and its relationship with the product/ object.
Product Design. Demand is clarified, therefore, the processes of interference Surface Design
of Product Design, examining specific aspects through cognitive, functional and aesthetic
perception.. In this context the enphasis goes to the characteristics of the resulting
interference, treatment on the surface of the products and the use of the properties of
materials, both in the product and in the Jewelry and Crafts, with the aim of reaching an
understanding about surface and its relationship with the product/ object.