Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä esimiehet kokevat hevosavusteisen esimiesvalmennusmen... more Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä esimiehet kokevat hevosavusteisen esimiesvalmennusmenetelmän avulla toteutetussa valmennuksessa ja havaitsevatko he valmennuksessa analogiaa tai metaforia, joita he voivat yhdistää työhönsä. Tutkimuksessa mukana olleet kuusi keskiportaan esimiestä osallistuivat kaksipäiväiseen koulutukseen, jonka aikana he havainnoivat hevosten käyttäytymistä ja tekivät kokonaisvaltaisia aistiharjoituksia sekä ohjatusti hevostaitoharjoituksia maasta käsin. Hevosavusteinen esimiesvalmennus pohjautui Kolbin (1984) kokemuksellisen oppimisen kehään, ja toteutui spontaanina tilanneopetuksena. Tutkimus tehtiin laadullisena fenomenologis-hermeneuttisena tutkimuksena. Valmennuksen jälkeen toteutetussa puolistrukturoidussa haastattelussa esimiehet kertoivat kokeneensa valmennuksen aikana merkittävimpänä asiat, jotka ilmensivät juuri sen hetkisessä sosiaalisessa työelämässä ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä. Kokemukset liittyvät tuntemattoman pelkoon ja sen voittamiseen, yli...
The eJ]ects of long-term simulated acid rain on tritrophic interactions between mountain birch, a... more The eJ]ects of long-term simulated acid rain on tritrophic interactions between mountain birch, a leaf beetle (Phratora polaris) and its predators were studied. Leaf beetle larvae were .fed on foliage treated during 6-7 years with simulated acid rain of pH 3 (both It2S04 and HN03) or with spring water of pH 6 (irrigated controls). There were significant differences between treatments in the susceptibifity of P. polaris to predators. Generally, beetles reared on acid treated birches were more susceptible to predators than those reared on irrigated control trees. This effect was present over several stages in the life cycle qf the beetle and for several types of predators: ants preying on larvae, carabids attacking pupae and birds feeding on adult beetles. However, host plant treatment did not have consistent effects on the growth of larvae. This suggests that the defensive ability of leaf beetles is more sensitive to pollution induced variation in host joliage than larval growth.
Mate choice in relation to its fitness consequences on females was studied in kestrels, Falco thm... more Mate choice in relation to its fitness consequences on females was studied in kestrels, Falco thmuncuhts, in western Finland. The breeding season is short with rapidly declining prospects of successful breeding, suggesting that females should make their mating decision quickly. On average, males arrived a few days before females, but late males arrived much later than early females. Pairs were usually formed within 2 days of male arrival, and only early males were available to early females. Options for female choice differed considerably in years of different kestrel density. In a good vole year, 1988, females had many males to choose from, but in poor vole years, 1989 and 1990, they had few options. When females had many mating options, they preferred long-tailed males. Female choice was not significantly correlated with rate of courtship feeding by males. However, males with high provisioning rates had larger clutches. Tail length of the male did not affect the number of fledglings produced per pair. Females mainly appear to rely on male morphological characteristics when choosing a mate, but since the mating decision has to be made quickly, it is difficult for them to predict the future feeding ability of males. Searching costs may explain why females may not be effective in getting the very best mating opportunities, and it seems that females cannot be choosy at all in years of low kestrel density.
... In early April (before the arrival of kestrels), we chose 45 kestrel nest-boxes (in an area o... more ... In early April (before the arrival of kestrels), we chose 45 kestrel nest-boxes (in an area of 15 km2) and randomly placed them into one of three NATURE VOL 373 2 FEBRUARY 1995 425 Page 2. LETTERS TO NATURE FIG. ...
We tested female choice for male wing and tarsus length and body mass in the kestrel (Falco tinnu... more We tested female choice for male wing and tarsus length and body mass in the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), a species in which males average about 10 % smaller than females. We also studied how male characters are related to their hunting success. In the laboratory, females preferred lighter males with shorter tarsi as mates, if the difference in those characters between competing males was larger than average. Lighter and shorter-winged males seemed to be better hunters than heavier and longer-winged males. Field observations in a year in which voles were scarce suggested that shorterwinged males were also better food providers in courtship feeding than longer-winged males,although in good vole years such a relationship was not found. We argue that females may prefer to pair with smaller males, because they have higher flight performance and better hunting success than heavier males. By doing so, females may gain direct breeding advantages. We conclude that both female choosiness and the hunting efficiency of males well contribute to reversed sexual size dimorphism (RSD, females larger than males) in the kestrel.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä esimiehet kokevat hevosavusteisen esimiesvalmennusmen... more Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä esimiehet kokevat hevosavusteisen esimiesvalmennusmenetelmän avulla toteutetussa valmennuksessa ja havaitsevatko he valmennuksessa analogiaa tai metaforia, joita he voivat yhdistää työhönsä. Tutkimuksessa mukana olleet kuusi keskiportaan esimiestä osallistuivat kaksipäiväiseen koulutukseen, jonka aikana he havainnoivat hevosten käyttäytymistä ja tekivät kokonaisvaltaisia aistiharjoituksia sekä ohjatusti hevostaitoharjoituksia maasta käsin. Hevosavusteinen esimiesvalmennus pohjautui Kolbin (1984) kokemuksellisen oppimisen kehään, ja toteutui spontaanina tilanneopetuksena. Tutkimus tehtiin laadullisena fenomenologis-hermeneuttisena tutkimuksena. Valmennuksen jälkeen toteutetussa puolistrukturoidussa haastattelussa esimiehet kertoivat kokeneensa valmennuksen aikana merkittävimpänä asiat, jotka ilmensivät juuri sen hetkisessä sosiaalisessa työelämässä ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä. Kokemukset liittyvät tuntemattoman pelkoon ja sen voittamiseen, yli...
The eJ]ects of long-term simulated acid rain on tritrophic interactions between mountain birch, a... more The eJ]ects of long-term simulated acid rain on tritrophic interactions between mountain birch, a leaf beetle (Phratora polaris) and its predators were studied. Leaf beetle larvae were .fed on foliage treated during 6-7 years with simulated acid rain of pH 3 (both It2S04 and HN03) or with spring water of pH 6 (irrigated controls). There were significant differences between treatments in the susceptibifity of P. polaris to predators. Generally, beetles reared on acid treated birches were more susceptible to predators than those reared on irrigated control trees. This effect was present over several stages in the life cycle qf the beetle and for several types of predators: ants preying on larvae, carabids attacking pupae and birds feeding on adult beetles. However, host plant treatment did not have consistent effects on the growth of larvae. This suggests that the defensive ability of leaf beetles is more sensitive to pollution induced variation in host joliage than larval growth.
Mate choice in relation to its fitness consequences on females was studied in kestrels, Falco thm... more Mate choice in relation to its fitness consequences on females was studied in kestrels, Falco thmuncuhts, in western Finland. The breeding season is short with rapidly declining prospects of successful breeding, suggesting that females should make their mating decision quickly. On average, males arrived a few days before females, but late males arrived much later than early females. Pairs were usually formed within 2 days of male arrival, and only early males were available to early females. Options for female choice differed considerably in years of different kestrel density. In a good vole year, 1988, females had many males to choose from, but in poor vole years, 1989 and 1990, they had few options. When females had many mating options, they preferred long-tailed males. Female choice was not significantly correlated with rate of courtship feeding by males. However, males with high provisioning rates had larger clutches. Tail length of the male did not affect the number of fledglings produced per pair. Females mainly appear to rely on male morphological characteristics when choosing a mate, but since the mating decision has to be made quickly, it is difficult for them to predict the future feeding ability of males. Searching costs may explain why females may not be effective in getting the very best mating opportunities, and it seems that females cannot be choosy at all in years of low kestrel density.
... In early April (before the arrival of kestrels), we chose 45 kestrel nest-boxes (in an area o... more ... In early April (before the arrival of kestrels), we chose 45 kestrel nest-boxes (in an area of 15 km2) and randomly placed them into one of three NATURE VOL 373 2 FEBRUARY 1995 425 Page 2. LETTERS TO NATURE FIG. ...
We tested female choice for male wing and tarsus length and body mass in the kestrel (Falco tinnu... more We tested female choice for male wing and tarsus length and body mass in the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), a species in which males average about 10 % smaller than females. We also studied how male characters are related to their hunting success. In the laboratory, females preferred lighter males with shorter tarsi as mates, if the difference in those characters between competing males was larger than average. Lighter and shorter-winged males seemed to be better hunters than heavier and longer-winged males. Field observations in a year in which voles were scarce suggested that shorterwinged males were also better food providers in courtship feeding than longer-winged males,although in good vole years such a relationship was not found. We argue that females may prefer to pair with smaller males, because they have higher flight performance and better hunting success than heavier males. By doing so, females may gain direct breeding advantages. We conclude that both female choosiness and the hunting efficiency of males well contribute to reversed sexual size dimorphism (RSD, females larger than males) in the kestrel.
Työyhteisö ja hevoslauma ovat kompleksisia ja dynaamisia kokonaisuuksia. Kompleksisuus haastaa jo... more Työyhteisö ja hevoslauma ovat kompleksisia ja dynaamisia kokonaisuuksia. Kompleksisuus haastaa johtajan ymmärrystä johtamisesta ja johtajan roolista: kaikkea on mahdotonta ennakoida, hallita tai osata, mutta johtajuuden tarve on silti edelleen olemassa.
Artikkelissa tarkastelemme kuvallisen fenomenologian merkitystä asiantuntijatyön tutkimisen viite... more Artikkelissa tarkastelemme kuvallisen fenomenologian merkitystä asiantuntijatyön tutkimisen viitekehyksenä ja työn kehittämisen menetelmänä. Ratkaisukeskeiset, lineaarisiin oletuksiin perustuvat työn kehittämisen mallit ovat osoittautuneet riittämättömiksi 2010-luvun organisaatioiden moniulotteisiin haasteisiin. Työelämän kysymykset näyttäytyvät yhä useammin ”ilkeinä ongelmina”, jotka ovat luonteeltaan avoimia, yllättäviä ja sisältävät keskenään ristiriitaisia alaongelmia. Vaikka työn kompleksinen luonne on kyetty tunnistamaan tutkimuskirjallisuudessa, ilkeät ongelmat huomioonottavia työn kehittämisen muotoja on pystytty tuottamaan niukasti. Kuvallinen fenomenologia tarjoaa vastauksen kompleksisina näyttäytyviin ongelmiin lähestymällä työn olemusta luonnosmaisina mielikuvina, jotka eivät tuota yksiselitteisiä kuvauksia työstä vaan antavat mahdollisuuden erilaisten, keskenään ristiriitaistenkin työtä koskevien tilojen tarkasteluun. Kuvallinen fenomenologia hyödyntää Gaston Bachelardin tieteenfilosofiaa, jota hän nimittää poeettiseksi fenomenologiaksi tai naiiviuden filosofiaksi. Kokemuksen tutkimuksen kentällä kuvallinen näkökulma sijoittuu fenomenologisen tieteenfilosofian marginaaliin ja mielestämme monilta osin hyödyntämättömään potentiaaliin. Tutkimusaineistossa sovellamme kuvallista fenomenologiaa neljään yksilötyönohjaustapaukseen. Ohjattavat edustavat asiantuntijatyön eri aloja. Tutkimustuloksena esitämme analyysikehyksen asiantuntijatyön tilojen tunnistamiseksi ja tutkimiseksi. Muodostettua mallinnusta voidaan käyttää sekä asiantuntijatyön tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä että asiantuntijatyön kehittämisen ja ohjauksen välineenä.
Papers by Päivi Lundvall
sovellamme kuvallista fenomenologiaa neljään yksilötyönohjaustapaukseen.
Ohjattavat edustavat asiantuntijatyön eri aloja. Tutkimustuloksena esitämme analyysikehyksen asiantuntijatyön tilojen tunnistamiseksi ja tutkimiseksi. Muodostettua mallinnusta voidaan käyttää sekä asiantuntijatyön tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä että asiantuntijatyön kehittämisen ja ohjauksen välineenä.