Relationship marketing has occurred as a vast new impression for many organizations in the West. ... more Relationship marketing has occurred as a vast new impression for many organizations in the West. Yet, due to standards and racial alterations, the same concept cannot be applied in the local situation. This study focused mainly in Isfahan as Isfahan as always been the heart of tourism industry in Iran. The researcher has adapted questionnaires, which were used by past researchers of relationship marketing. The population for this study include all clients of hotels in Isfahan. The sampling design for this study is a non-probability convenient sample and sample size was 220 and represents North, South, West and East of Isfahan to avoid possible local bias. There are 55 samples in each region. The Cronbach’s Alpha used to measure the reliability and for discussing about validity, content and face validity used. The result shows that there is positive significant between customer satisfaction, personal connection and customer retention. Besides that, strong senses of purpose of persona...
Introduction The area of shopping especially impulse buying for many retailers and marketers is a... more Introduction The area of shopping especially impulse buying for many retailers and marketers is attractive and fascinating. Sellers tend to control of process of shopping and create an environment to pursue people to buying goods. Researchers in psychology confirm the process that leads to recreational shopping and impulse buying. The study of (Hausman, 2000)indicates:"some studies show that between 30-50 percent of all buying can be classified by the buyers themselves as impulse purchases and beside that many people almost 90 percent make buying on impulse occasionally. For this reason, marketers tend to increase knowledge and understanding of the process, of influential factors and of effects of impulse buying. In other hand marketing has many process and they introduce and bring business products consumers (Hair, Bush, & Ortinau, 2003)). Consumer behavior is a complex process of high and low involvement purchases. Marketing has been focused on consumers purchasing attitudes ...
This study provides a clear picture of effective use of public squares by taking into account the... more This study provides a clear picture of effective use of public squares by taking into account the perceptions of users in Sabze Meydan of Qazvin (Iran). The study adopts a quantitative line of inquiry. The specific survey method used is cross-sectional survey design and a questionnaire survey. In the present study, the sampling method is non-probability (convenience) sampling with a sample size of 208 participants. The questionnaire includes a total of three constructs measuring design factors, social activity type and perception of users (about social environment of public square). Items in all scales used 5-point agreeddisagreed statements. In assessing the reliability of the questionnaire the coefficient of Cronbach alpha was applied. The validity of the questionnaire, was tested using the content and construct validity. The structural equation modelling was used to test the hypothesis and the finding of the research which has the potential to enrich the body of knowledge among a...
The business performance and economic profit of the firm can be summarized in market share. One o... more The business performance and economic profit of the firm can be summarized in market share. One of the most important aims of firms is to enhance market share to achieve greater scale in its operations and improve profitability. Due to this, managers always want to expand their market share. Market share responds to elements of marketing strategy and one of the important items that affect market share is elements of the marketing mix. The main purpose of this research is to study the marketing mix influences on market share of polymer sheets manufactures firms in Iran. The result of this study concluded that product strategy, promotion strategy, pricing strategy and place strategy are important elements to increase the market share. Thus, the sub-elements of each of the strategies such as product variety, product quality, after-sale service and product specification (referring to color or size) which are under product strategy; pricing, period of payment, offer of discounts, which are under the pricing strategy; attendance in trade fair, practicing direct marketing, hiring experience and educated sale staff, that come under promotion strategy; having safety stock, on-time delivery, and placing of the storeroom in place strategies which are under the place strategy is important sub-elements to be observed in increasing the share market.
Prior research has attempted to investigate creativity as a behavior resulting from the interacti... more Prior research has attempted to investigate creativity as a behavior resulting from the interaction between the cognitive abilities, social environment and personal characteristics, but very little research has look at the role of environment characteristics on Emersion Adolescent Creativity. Hence, this article focuses on the effect of socioeconomic status on emerging adolescent creativity. In other words, family economic status, father's education and mother's education are the three dimensions of socioeconomic status. This exploratory correlational research study examines the relationship between family economic status, father's education and mother's education with adolescent creativity. The sampling method was employed to select the proportion of participants using stratified and multi-stage cluster random sampling. The population of the sample was 546 high school students in Education Region 4, Tehran. The participants, 249 males and 297 females, completed two questionnaires. The adolescents completed a Demographic Characteristics Questionnaire and Abedi Creativity Questionnaire, which were used as the measuring tools in this study. The results show a significant positive correlation between family economic status and creativity (p < .01), and between parent education and creativity (p < .01). Interestingly, the analyses revealed a strongly significant positive correlation between parent education and creativity (p < .01), although none was found between males and females on creativity. Conclusions were tempered by the limitations of small to moderate correlations and small effect sizes.
International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 2015
Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing worldwide marketing practices. Busin... more Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing worldwide marketing practices. Business companies look sponsorship opportunities to actualize their overall organizational aims, marketing objectives, and promotional strategies, particularly to improve brand equity. The objective of this research was to examine the impact of consumers’ involvement, positive emotions, and attitude toward Persian Gulf Cup on the branding effects of the event. The participants were from university students Iran (n= 310) who had watched at least some coverage of Persian Gulf Cup (2013). A questionnaire has used for data collection and respondents were randomly selected to assess perceived branding. An analysis of the structural model, relating to respondent's involvement, positive emotional responses, and attitude toward the event, used to develop a model in Iran. The findings revealed that branding effects were positively associated with consumer's attitude toward the sponsored event.
In the past, open innovation has been studied from the perspective of manufacturing businesses, w... more In the past, open innovation has been studied from the perspective of manufacturing businesses, while services have received much less attention, regardless of the predominant role they play in advanced economies. The present study focuses on open service innovation in tourism industry. We study the moderating effect of competition intensity on the relation between business performance and open service innovation in tourism industry. Analysing data from managers of 346 travel agencies, this study shows that open service innovation has a positive effect on business performance and this effect increases by competition intensity construct.
The main purpose of this study is investigated on relationship between behavioral & psychological... more The main purpose of this study is investigated on relationship between behavioral & psychological aspect of design factors in Public Square and social interaction among users. The specific survey method used in this study is cross-sectional survey design, the questionnaire survey in which questionnaires are used for data collection. This study addressed construct validity, the sampling method was non-probability (convenience) and data collected from 208 users of Sabze Meydan Square in Qazvin (Iran). The questionnaire includes a total of three constructs, psychological aspect, social activity type, social environment perception of public square users. In this study, for assessing the reliability of the questionnaire applied the coefficient of Cronbach alpha. The structural equation modeling (SEM) used to test of hypothesis and the finding of the research has the potential to enrich the body of knowledge among academicians as well as practitioners. The result revealed that the there is a positive relationship among behavioral & psychological aspects of design factors and social interaction in public square via users' perception.
Nowadays in many countries, demand for counterfeit branded products increased and this event make... more Nowadays in many countries, demand for counterfeit branded products increased and this event makes the study of determinants of consumers counterfeit branded products purchase behavior more worthwhile than ever before. The purpose of this paper was examining the impact of perceived brand image on consumer purchase intention of counterfeits such as clothes and shoes in the context of non-deceptive counterfeiting. The explanatory construct in this study include a brand image (Brand Personality, Perceived product attributes, Perceived benefits). This study conducted in Tehran, Iran. The sample size was 188 consumers in Tehran. The results indicated two of three dimensions of the brand image constructs appear to be significantly influential to consumers purchase intention of counterfeit branded products. The reliability of all adopted scales and validity of questions measured and discussed by conducted Cronbach Alpha coefficient and content validity.
ABSTRACT Sellers tend to engage in the process of shopping and to create an environment to persua... more ABSTRACT Sellers tend to engage in the process of shopping and to create an environment to persuade people to purchase goods. Based on previous studies, factors that cause an impulse purchase can be categorized to person-related, situational related, shopping-environment related and product-related. In this research, for the first time the moderating effect on the relationship between hedonic value and felt urge to buy; impulse buying of gender tested, which would help us gain a better understanding of the symbiosis of hedonic shopping value (HSV) and impulse buying behaviour. The main objective of this study is to develop a model for impulse buying among Iranian shoppers and to extending this model in Iran. Testing and development of a theoretically grounded model to explain the complex processes of impulse purchasing are the foremost contribution of this study. The specific survey method used in this study is cross-sectional survey design. The instrument for collecting data was questionnaire is used to gain a better understanding of why consumers appear to be utilizing impulse buying behaviour with such frequency. For this research, the sample selected based on the cluster sampling method and the sample size was 207 participants. The target population of this research consisted of Iranian shoppers; therefore, the unit of analysis of this research is individuals. This study addressed content and construct validity. The conceptual framework was evaluated by using structural equation modelling (SEM) by smart-PLS. The result revealed that situational and personal related variables have a positive effect on impulse buying through hedonic shopping. The effect of hedonic shopping on the felt urge to buy impulsively doesn&amp;#39;t increase by gender.
The retailers have a tendency to involve in the procedure of buying and to produce an atmosphere ... more The retailers have a tendency to involve in the procedure of buying and to produce an atmosphere to convince the people for buying goods. The overall purpose of the paper is to gain insights into impulse buying behavior among Iranian shoppers and to arrive at a better understanding on how situational, personal, and product related factors influence impulse buying. The cross-sectional survey design is the specific survey method employed in this research. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire and the samples were selected based on the cluster sampling method that includes 207 participants. Findings show that situational variables (store environment) have a positive influence on impulse buying through positive mood and the felt urge to buy has a mediator role between impulse buying tendency and impulse buying. The study also found that demographic variables (job status) has not moderation role between the hedonic shopping and felt urge to buy impulsively. The findings of the research contribute to the knowledge, retailers and salesperson training. This study demonstrates empirically which important factors influence on impulse buying behavior among Iranian consumers.
... 11) Kollat, DT and RP Willet (1967). "Customer impulse purchasing behavior." Market... more ... 11) Kollat, DT and RP Willet (1967). "Customer impulse purchasing behavior." Marketing reseach 4(1): 10. 12) MacInnis, DJ and LL Price (1987). "The Role of Imagery in Information Processing: Review and Extensions." The Journal of Consumer Research 13(4): 473-491.
Relationship marketing has occurred as an enormous new impression for many organizations in the W... more Relationship marketing has occurred as an enormous new impression for many organizations in the West. Nevertheless, due to standards and ethnic alterations, the same concept cannot be applied in the local situation. This study focused mainly in Klang Valley as Klang Valley as always been the heart of business in Malaysia. The researcher has adapted questionnaires, which were used by past researchers of relationship marketing. The population for this study comprises all customers of hotels in Malaysia (Klang Valley). The sampling design for this study is a non-probability convenient sample and sample size was 200 and represents North, South, West and East of Klang Valley to avoid possible local bias. There are 50 samples in each region. Reliability of measures was obtained by using Cronbach's Alpha and for discussing about validity, content and face validity used. The result shows that there is positive significant between customer satisfaction, personal connection and customer retention .Beside that, strong senses of purpose of personal connection effect on retention in hotels and this result supported by the research findings.
ABSTRACT This article reviews extant literature in the field of the effective use of public squar... more ABSTRACT This article reviews extant literature in the field of the effective use of public square.This review has been undertaken with a specific focus on understanding the meaning of &amp;quot;&amp;quot;effective use&amp;quot;&amp;quot; and the factors that work towards effect use in perspective of square. Starting with a historical overview that provides genesis of this thought, the review moves into analysis of current definitions of &amp;quot;&amp;quot;effective use&amp;quot;&amp;quot;. After providing a thorough picture of effective use, the article deals with physical factors. At various points in the article and at the end, future research directions that follow the relevant sections are discussed as propositions.
Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing global marketing practices. Business... more Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing global marketing practices. Business companies look sponsorship opportunities to actualize their general marketing objectives particularly to improve brand equity. The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of consumers' involvement and attitude toward Persian Gulf Cup on the branding effects of the event. The participants has selected from university students Iran (n= 330) who had watched at least some coverage of Persian Gulf Cup (2012). Samples were randomly selected to assess perceived branding. The structural equation modeling (SEM) used to develop a model in Iran. The result show ed that consumer involvement has indirect effect on branding effects. The relationships documented in this study can be used to make brand equity of the event and its brand extension thus has managerial implications for event organizers and sponsors. Furthermore, sponsorship offers an opportunity for marketers to make and deliver value added customer experiences.
Sellers tend to engage in the process of shopping and to create an environment to persuade people... more Sellers tend to engage in the process of shopping and to create an environment to persuade people to purchase goods. Based on previous studies, factors that cause an impulse purchase can be categorized to person-related, situational related, shopping-environment related and product-related. In this research, for the first time the moderating effect on the relationship between hedonic value and felt urge to buy; impulse buying of gender tested, which would help us gain a better understanding of the symbiosis of hedonic shopping value (HSV) and impulse buying behaviour. The main objective of this study is to develop a model for impulse buying among Iranian shoppers and to extending this model in Iran. Testing and development of a theoretically grounded model to explain the complex processes of impulse purchasing are the foremost contribution of this study. The specific survey method used in this study is cross-sectional survey design. The instrument for collecting data was questionnaire is used to gain a better understanding of why consumers appear to be utilizing impulse buying behaviour with such frequency. For this research, the sample selected based on the cluster sampling method and the sample size was 207 participants. The target population of this research consisted of Iranian shoppers; therefore, the unit of analysis of this research is individuals. This study addressed content and construct validity. The conceptual framework was evaluated by using structural equation modelling (SEM) by smart-PLS. The result revealed that situational and personal related variables have a positive effect on impulse buying through hedonic shopping. The effect of hedonic shopping on the felt urge to buy impulsively doesn't increase by gender.
Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing global marketing practices. Business... more Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing global marketing practices. Business companies look sponsorship opportunities to actualize their general marketing objectives particularly to improve brand equity. The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of consumers' involvement and attitude toward Persian Gulf Cup on the branding effects of the event. The participants has selected from university students Iran (n= 330) who had watched at least some coverage of Persian Gulf Cup (2012). Samples were randomly selected to assess perceived branding. The structural equation modeling (SEM) used to develop a model in Iran. The result show ed that consumer involvement has indirect effect on branding effects. The relationships documented in this study can be used to make brand equity of the event and its brand extension thus has managerial implications for event organizers and sponsors. Furthermore, sponsorship offers an opportunity for marketers to make and deliver value added customer experiences.
ABSTRACT This article reviews extant literature in the field of the effective use of public squar... more ABSTRACT This article reviews extant literature in the field of the effective use of public square.This review has been undertaken with a specific focus on understanding the meaning of &amp;quot;&amp;quot;effective use&amp;quot;&amp;quot; and the factors that work towards effect use in perspective of square. Starting with a historical overview that provides genesis of this thought, the review moves into analysis of current definitions of &amp;quot;&amp;quot;effective use&amp;quot;&amp;quot;. After providing a thorough picture of effective use, the article deals with physical factors. At various points in the article and at the end, future research directions that follow the relevant sections are discussed as propositions.
ABSTRACT One of most important discussion in consumer behavior and marketing sciences is choice o... more ABSTRACT One of most important discussion in consumer behavior and marketing sciences is choice of product and buying behavior. Most behavioral researchers make an effort to make in behavior models. In this research, the effect of situational variables (time ...
Relationship marketing has occurred as a vast new impression for many organizations in the West. ... more Relationship marketing has occurred as a vast new impression for many organizations in the West. Yet, due to standards and racial alterations, the same concept cannot be applied in the local situation. This study focused mainly in Isfahan as Isfahan as always been the heart of tourism industry in Iran. The researcher has adapted questionnaires, which were used by past researchers of relationship marketing. The population for this study include all clients of hotels in Isfahan. The sampling design for this study is a non-probability convenient sample and sample size was 220 and represents North, South, West and East of Isfahan to avoid possible local bias. There are 55 samples in each region. The Cronbach’s Alpha used to measure the reliability and for discussing about validity, content and face validity used. The result shows that there is positive significant between customer satisfaction, personal connection and customer retention. Besides that, strong senses of purpose of persona...
Introduction The area of shopping especially impulse buying for many retailers and marketers is a... more Introduction The area of shopping especially impulse buying for many retailers and marketers is attractive and fascinating. Sellers tend to control of process of shopping and create an environment to pursue people to buying goods. Researchers in psychology confirm the process that leads to recreational shopping and impulse buying. The study of (Hausman, 2000)indicates:"some studies show that between 30-50 percent of all buying can be classified by the buyers themselves as impulse purchases and beside that many people almost 90 percent make buying on impulse occasionally. For this reason, marketers tend to increase knowledge and understanding of the process, of influential factors and of effects of impulse buying. In other hand marketing has many process and they introduce and bring business products consumers (Hair, Bush, & Ortinau, 2003)). Consumer behavior is a complex process of high and low involvement purchases. Marketing has been focused on consumers purchasing attitudes ...
This study provides a clear picture of effective use of public squares by taking into account the... more This study provides a clear picture of effective use of public squares by taking into account the perceptions of users in Sabze Meydan of Qazvin (Iran). The study adopts a quantitative line of inquiry. The specific survey method used is cross-sectional survey design and a questionnaire survey. In the present study, the sampling method is non-probability (convenience) sampling with a sample size of 208 participants. The questionnaire includes a total of three constructs measuring design factors, social activity type and perception of users (about social environment of public square). Items in all scales used 5-point agreeddisagreed statements. In assessing the reliability of the questionnaire the coefficient of Cronbach alpha was applied. The validity of the questionnaire, was tested using the content and construct validity. The structural equation modelling was used to test the hypothesis and the finding of the research which has the potential to enrich the body of knowledge among a...
The business performance and economic profit of the firm can be summarized in market share. One o... more The business performance and economic profit of the firm can be summarized in market share. One of the most important aims of firms is to enhance market share to achieve greater scale in its operations and improve profitability. Due to this, managers always want to expand their market share. Market share responds to elements of marketing strategy and one of the important items that affect market share is elements of the marketing mix. The main purpose of this research is to study the marketing mix influences on market share of polymer sheets manufactures firms in Iran. The result of this study concluded that product strategy, promotion strategy, pricing strategy and place strategy are important elements to increase the market share. Thus, the sub-elements of each of the strategies such as product variety, product quality, after-sale service and product specification (referring to color or size) which are under product strategy; pricing, period of payment, offer of discounts, which are under the pricing strategy; attendance in trade fair, practicing direct marketing, hiring experience and educated sale staff, that come under promotion strategy; having safety stock, on-time delivery, and placing of the storeroom in place strategies which are under the place strategy is important sub-elements to be observed in increasing the share market.
Prior research has attempted to investigate creativity as a behavior resulting from the interacti... more Prior research has attempted to investigate creativity as a behavior resulting from the interaction between the cognitive abilities, social environment and personal characteristics, but very little research has look at the role of environment characteristics on Emersion Adolescent Creativity. Hence, this article focuses on the effect of socioeconomic status on emerging adolescent creativity. In other words, family economic status, father's education and mother's education are the three dimensions of socioeconomic status. This exploratory correlational research study examines the relationship between family economic status, father's education and mother's education with adolescent creativity. The sampling method was employed to select the proportion of participants using stratified and multi-stage cluster random sampling. The population of the sample was 546 high school students in Education Region 4, Tehran. The participants, 249 males and 297 females, completed two questionnaires. The adolescents completed a Demographic Characteristics Questionnaire and Abedi Creativity Questionnaire, which were used as the measuring tools in this study. The results show a significant positive correlation between family economic status and creativity (p < .01), and between parent education and creativity (p < .01). Interestingly, the analyses revealed a strongly significant positive correlation between parent education and creativity (p < .01), although none was found between males and females on creativity. Conclusions were tempered by the limitations of small to moderate correlations and small effect sizes.
International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 2015
Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing worldwide marketing practices. Busin... more Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing worldwide marketing practices. Business companies look sponsorship opportunities to actualize their overall organizational aims, marketing objectives, and promotional strategies, particularly to improve brand equity. The objective of this research was to examine the impact of consumers’ involvement, positive emotions, and attitude toward Persian Gulf Cup on the branding effects of the event. The participants were from university students Iran (n= 310) who had watched at least some coverage of Persian Gulf Cup (2013). A questionnaire has used for data collection and respondents were randomly selected to assess perceived branding. An analysis of the structural model, relating to respondent's involvement, positive emotional responses, and attitude toward the event, used to develop a model in Iran. The findings revealed that branding effects were positively associated with consumer's attitude toward the sponsored event.
In the past, open innovation has been studied from the perspective of manufacturing businesses, w... more In the past, open innovation has been studied from the perspective of manufacturing businesses, while services have received much less attention, regardless of the predominant role they play in advanced economies. The present study focuses on open service innovation in tourism industry. We study the moderating effect of competition intensity on the relation between business performance and open service innovation in tourism industry. Analysing data from managers of 346 travel agencies, this study shows that open service innovation has a positive effect on business performance and this effect increases by competition intensity construct.
The main purpose of this study is investigated on relationship between behavioral & psychological... more The main purpose of this study is investigated on relationship between behavioral & psychological aspect of design factors in Public Square and social interaction among users. The specific survey method used in this study is cross-sectional survey design, the questionnaire survey in which questionnaires are used for data collection. This study addressed construct validity, the sampling method was non-probability (convenience) and data collected from 208 users of Sabze Meydan Square in Qazvin (Iran). The questionnaire includes a total of three constructs, psychological aspect, social activity type, social environment perception of public square users. In this study, for assessing the reliability of the questionnaire applied the coefficient of Cronbach alpha. The structural equation modeling (SEM) used to test of hypothesis and the finding of the research has the potential to enrich the body of knowledge among academicians as well as practitioners. The result revealed that the there is a positive relationship among behavioral & psychological aspects of design factors and social interaction in public square via users' perception.
Nowadays in many countries, demand for counterfeit branded products increased and this event make... more Nowadays in many countries, demand for counterfeit branded products increased and this event makes the study of determinants of consumers counterfeit branded products purchase behavior more worthwhile than ever before. The purpose of this paper was examining the impact of perceived brand image on consumer purchase intention of counterfeits such as clothes and shoes in the context of non-deceptive counterfeiting. The explanatory construct in this study include a brand image (Brand Personality, Perceived product attributes, Perceived benefits). This study conducted in Tehran, Iran. The sample size was 188 consumers in Tehran. The results indicated two of three dimensions of the brand image constructs appear to be significantly influential to consumers purchase intention of counterfeit branded products. The reliability of all adopted scales and validity of questions measured and discussed by conducted Cronbach Alpha coefficient and content validity.
ABSTRACT Sellers tend to engage in the process of shopping and to create an environment to persua... more ABSTRACT Sellers tend to engage in the process of shopping and to create an environment to persuade people to purchase goods. Based on previous studies, factors that cause an impulse purchase can be categorized to person-related, situational related, shopping-environment related and product-related. In this research, for the first time the moderating effect on the relationship between hedonic value and felt urge to buy; impulse buying of gender tested, which would help us gain a better understanding of the symbiosis of hedonic shopping value (HSV) and impulse buying behaviour. The main objective of this study is to develop a model for impulse buying among Iranian shoppers and to extending this model in Iran. Testing and development of a theoretically grounded model to explain the complex processes of impulse purchasing are the foremost contribution of this study. The specific survey method used in this study is cross-sectional survey design. The instrument for collecting data was questionnaire is used to gain a better understanding of why consumers appear to be utilizing impulse buying behaviour with such frequency. For this research, the sample selected based on the cluster sampling method and the sample size was 207 participants. The target population of this research consisted of Iranian shoppers; therefore, the unit of analysis of this research is individuals. This study addressed content and construct validity. The conceptual framework was evaluated by using structural equation modelling (SEM) by smart-PLS. The result revealed that situational and personal related variables have a positive effect on impulse buying through hedonic shopping. The effect of hedonic shopping on the felt urge to buy impulsively doesn&amp;#39;t increase by gender.
The retailers have a tendency to involve in the procedure of buying and to produce an atmosphere ... more The retailers have a tendency to involve in the procedure of buying and to produce an atmosphere to convince the people for buying goods. The overall purpose of the paper is to gain insights into impulse buying behavior among Iranian shoppers and to arrive at a better understanding on how situational, personal, and product related factors influence impulse buying. The cross-sectional survey design is the specific survey method employed in this research. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire and the samples were selected based on the cluster sampling method that includes 207 participants. Findings show that situational variables (store environment) have a positive influence on impulse buying through positive mood and the felt urge to buy has a mediator role between impulse buying tendency and impulse buying. The study also found that demographic variables (job status) has not moderation role between the hedonic shopping and felt urge to buy impulsively. The findings of the research contribute to the knowledge, retailers and salesperson training. This study demonstrates empirically which important factors influence on impulse buying behavior among Iranian consumers.
... 11) Kollat, DT and RP Willet (1967). "Customer impulse purchasing behavior." Market... more ... 11) Kollat, DT and RP Willet (1967). "Customer impulse purchasing behavior." Marketing reseach 4(1): 10. 12) MacInnis, DJ and LL Price (1987). "The Role of Imagery in Information Processing: Review and Extensions." The Journal of Consumer Research 13(4): 473-491.
Relationship marketing has occurred as an enormous new impression for many organizations in the W... more Relationship marketing has occurred as an enormous new impression for many organizations in the West. Nevertheless, due to standards and ethnic alterations, the same concept cannot be applied in the local situation. This study focused mainly in Klang Valley as Klang Valley as always been the heart of business in Malaysia. The researcher has adapted questionnaires, which were used by past researchers of relationship marketing. The population for this study comprises all customers of hotels in Malaysia (Klang Valley). The sampling design for this study is a non-probability convenient sample and sample size was 200 and represents North, South, West and East of Klang Valley to avoid possible local bias. There are 50 samples in each region. Reliability of measures was obtained by using Cronbach's Alpha and for discussing about validity, content and face validity used. The result shows that there is positive significant between customer satisfaction, personal connection and customer retention .Beside that, strong senses of purpose of personal connection effect on retention in hotels and this result supported by the research findings.
ABSTRACT This article reviews extant literature in the field of the effective use of public squar... more ABSTRACT This article reviews extant literature in the field of the effective use of public square.This review has been undertaken with a specific focus on understanding the meaning of &amp;quot;&amp;quot;effective use&amp;quot;&amp;quot; and the factors that work towards effect use in perspective of square. Starting with a historical overview that provides genesis of this thought, the review moves into analysis of current definitions of &amp;quot;&amp;quot;effective use&amp;quot;&amp;quot;. After providing a thorough picture of effective use, the article deals with physical factors. At various points in the article and at the end, future research directions that follow the relevant sections are discussed as propositions.
Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing global marketing practices. Business... more Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing global marketing practices. Business companies look sponsorship opportunities to actualize their general marketing objectives particularly to improve brand equity. The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of consumers' involvement and attitude toward Persian Gulf Cup on the branding effects of the event. The participants has selected from university students Iran (n= 330) who had watched at least some coverage of Persian Gulf Cup (2012). Samples were randomly selected to assess perceived branding. The structural equation modeling (SEM) used to develop a model in Iran. The result show ed that consumer involvement has indirect effect on branding effects. The relationships documented in this study can be used to make brand equity of the event and its brand extension thus has managerial implications for event organizers and sponsors. Furthermore, sponsorship offers an opportunity for marketers to make and deliver value added customer experiences.
Sellers tend to engage in the process of shopping and to create an environment to persuade people... more Sellers tend to engage in the process of shopping and to create an environment to persuade people to purchase goods. Based on previous studies, factors that cause an impulse purchase can be categorized to person-related, situational related, shopping-environment related and product-related. In this research, for the first time the moderating effect on the relationship between hedonic value and felt urge to buy; impulse buying of gender tested, which would help us gain a better understanding of the symbiosis of hedonic shopping value (HSV) and impulse buying behaviour. The main objective of this study is to develop a model for impulse buying among Iranian shoppers and to extending this model in Iran. Testing and development of a theoretically grounded model to explain the complex processes of impulse purchasing are the foremost contribution of this study. The specific survey method used in this study is cross-sectional survey design. The instrument for collecting data was questionnaire is used to gain a better understanding of why consumers appear to be utilizing impulse buying behaviour with such frequency. For this research, the sample selected based on the cluster sampling method and the sample size was 207 participants. The target population of this research consisted of Iranian shoppers; therefore, the unit of analysis of this research is individuals. This study addressed content and construct validity. The conceptual framework was evaluated by using structural equation modelling (SEM) by smart-PLS. The result revealed that situational and personal related variables have a positive effect on impulse buying through hedonic shopping. The effect of hedonic shopping on the felt urge to buy impulsively doesn't increase by gender.
Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing global marketing practices. Business... more Sponsorship has definitely become one of the highest growing global marketing practices. Business companies look sponsorship opportunities to actualize their general marketing objectives particularly to improve brand equity. The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of consumers' involvement and attitude toward Persian Gulf Cup on the branding effects of the event. The participants has selected from university students Iran (n= 330) who had watched at least some coverage of Persian Gulf Cup (2012). Samples were randomly selected to assess perceived branding. The structural equation modeling (SEM) used to develop a model in Iran. The result show ed that consumer involvement has indirect effect on branding effects. The relationships documented in this study can be used to make brand equity of the event and its brand extension thus has managerial implications for event organizers and sponsors. Furthermore, sponsorship offers an opportunity for marketers to make and deliver value added customer experiences.
ABSTRACT This article reviews extant literature in the field of the effective use of public squar... more ABSTRACT This article reviews extant literature in the field of the effective use of public square.This review has been undertaken with a specific focus on understanding the meaning of &amp;quot;&amp;quot;effective use&amp;quot;&amp;quot; and the factors that work towards effect use in perspective of square. Starting with a historical overview that provides genesis of this thought, the review moves into analysis of current definitions of &amp;quot;&amp;quot;effective use&amp;quot;&amp;quot;. After providing a thorough picture of effective use, the article deals with physical factors. At various points in the article and at the end, future research directions that follow the relevant sections are discussed as propositions.
ABSTRACT One of most important discussion in consumer behavior and marketing sciences is choice o... more ABSTRACT One of most important discussion in consumer behavior and marketing sciences is choice of product and buying behavior. Most behavioral researchers make an effort to make in behavior models. In this research, the effect of situational variables (time ...
Papers by Amir Foroughi