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As environmental and ecological issues become an important concern today, every news reporting must capture the attention and the awareness of the society to make sure the right message is received by the readers. Newspapers have the... more
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    • Media Studies
Credibility among leaders has always become an interesting topic to be debated in the millennium era. The influx of information derived from the advancement of technology has changed the public perspective and hence makes it complicated.... more
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There are substantive scholarly works on blogs and its correlation to democratization using Jurgen Habermas public sphere concept, yet few ventures deep into the polity of Malaysia as multi-cultural, multi-ethnic nation. March 2008... more
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The aim of this research is to look at communication as information seeking efforts. In line with this, one of the objectives of the research is to look at factors influencing the seeking of needs and usage of health communication among... more
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    • Political Science
Communication research view communication as a process of transferring information from the source to the receiver to influence an individual’s behavior. The focus of past research have been on the transmission of information involving... more
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The research will focus on fifty journalists from different newspaper and broadcasting companies in Malaysia. The researcher chooses journalist that comes from different newspaper and broadcasting companies in order to know how each... more
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On April 5, 2019, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad announced that Malaysia would withdraw from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute) citing that the government was forced to do so due to political pressure.... more
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      Media StudiesInternational LawMedia and PoliticsAtlantis
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This case study attempts to identify the elements of unity that can be found in Malaysian local films. Films in a way, are said to play a vital role in uniting people by showing exemplary of solidarity and equality that can be imitate by... more
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      SociologyHumanities and Social Science
On April 5, 2019, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad announced that Malaysia would withdraw from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute) citing that the government was forced to do so due to political pressure.... more
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      Media StudiesInternational LawMedia and PoliticsAtlantis
Despite concerted efforts taken since the launched of immunization campaign for Malaysians, the country still wary of individualswho consistently disputing the validity and legality of the vaccine. Further to that, there are also Malaysia... more
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Industri kreatif adalah salah satu sektor ekonomi yang paling menjanjikan potensi tinggi untuk menyumbang kepada sektor ekonomi negara. Namun Covid-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia telah merencatkan eko-sistem dan pembangunan industri... more
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