Papers by Andrea Gasparini

Workshop rozviji tema propojeni knihoven a konceptů makerspace, otevřených nebo komunitnich labor... more Workshop rozviji tema propojeni knihoven a konceptů makerspace, otevřených nebo komunitnich laboratoři a dilen, a smart city. Spolecným jmenovatelem aktivit je hledisko udržitelnosti, např. v oblastech spotřeby energie, spotřeby zboži a potravin, traveni volneho casu obcanů, osamělosti a inkluze. Prostory založene na konceptu otevřených dilen (makerspace) jsou oblastmi, kterým s uspěchem věnuji pozornost zahranicni knihovny. Koncept a metodologie workshopu je reakci na realizovaný aplikovaný výzkum "Stimulatory a bariery při zavaděni socialnich inovaci ve veřejných knihovnach: kvalitativně orientovana výzkumna studie". Mezi jeho výstupy patři zjistěni, že řada knihoven je motivovana veřejne prostory tohoto zaměřeni realizovat a provozovat, chybi jim vsak k tomu know-how, partneři, finance, zkusenosti s procesem s jejich navrhovanim nebo s relevantnim uživatelským výzkumem. Výsledkem workshopu je otestovana metodika vzdělavaci akce, aplikujici designový proces prostoru, odpovidajici formy uživatelskeho výzkumu, jakými jsou kontextove rozhovory a fokusni skupiny, využiti metody mapovani stakeholderů, a navrhovani prototypu a uživatelske testovani designu řeseneho typu prostoru a jeho funkci. Tato metodika vychazi z metodologie human-centered design, modifikovane do sady nastrojů a postupů Frilux, zaměřených na řeseni výzev, spojených s navrhovanim prostoru, vyvinutých Univerzitou v Oslu, jejiž pracovnik workshop facilitoval. Workshop otestoval použiti těchto vybraných nastrojů a postupů v souvislosti s řesenou problematikou.
Springer eBooks, Dec 13, 2018
This chapter will discuss effects of using the design thinking approach when developing STEAM cur... more This chapter will discuss effects of using the design thinking approach when developing STEAM curriculum. The interesting perspective in this context is the synergies coming from the design thinking cycle (Brown, 2008) as it addresses directly the art and design in the STEAM context. The strength of the design thinking approach is the possibility to tackle complex and ill-defined problems (Brown & Wyatt, 2010), ranging from business to ecological and social context (Stolterman, 2008). The problems of this type are usually named wicked, as they have no definitive solution (Buchanan, 1992).
Septentrio conference series, Nov 4, 2022

Septentrio Conference Series, 2021
For the future lawyer digital skills will become valuable, but at the moment there are few opport... more For the future lawyer digital skills will become valuable, but at the moment there are few opportunities to acquire advanced digital skills through the master’s of law programme at the University of Oslo. One new elective course, “Legal Technology: Artificial Intelligence and Law”, have experimented on how different advanced skillsets can be achieved in a short period of time. In this paper we present our findings and experiences when library and technical staff from the University of Oslo worked together with the Faculty of Law, in developing a non-mandatory law-AI boot-camp.The AI boot-camp had six lectures and workshops and gave a practical view on AI and technological skills. Three lessons on python were given by the company Synch Law1 and library staff. The library gave the second lesson on python trying out a carpentry approach. There was also one workshop about Design Thinking (Brown, 2009) given by the library, and Microsoft gave one lecture about AI and the Azure platform. ...

Identity today has become a complex issue. An average user of the Internet has accounts for a num... more Identity today has become a complex issue. An average user of the Internet has accounts for a number of services, and several traces of use are gathered by large companies. However, the same companies are using Artificial Intelligence in their services. This paper presents possible impacts the new wave of Artificial intelligence will have on users’ understanding of their own identity if they approach services where this technology is active. Moreover, the effects of having an Artificial Intelligence-based service as a coach or advisor will be highlighted. A pragmatic stand will be applied to address the importance of the context in which the Artificial Intelligence will be used to understand the effects it may have on users’ identity. As a case study, the paper presents the result of two design workshops where the goal was to prototype possible solutions and scenarios to support university students entering the academic life when Artificial Intelligence-based services are used. Keyw...
As a space that fosters communication within the academic community, with a goal of creating and ... more As a space that fosters communication within the academic community, with a goal of creating and making knowledge accessible, the library may also be seen as an extension of the learning space. As such, it needs to embody different ways and modes of learning, including collaborative , constructivist (Jonassen, 1999) and interactive modalities , all of which inspire better critical thinking and increased creativity and knowledge production and all of which often involve technology. Thus, how to best follow users and their technology use and knowledge
Kniha představuje designove mysleni jako ramec pro navrhovani služeb a mapuje přiklady využivani ... more Kniha představuje designove mysleni jako ramec pro navrhovani služeb a mapuje přiklady využivani výzkumných a designových metod v norských a ceských knihovnach. Přectěte si, jak při navrhu služeb zapojuji sve uživatele knihovnici a knihovnice z Ustředni knihovny FF MU, Ustředni knihovny CVUT, jak designový přistup pomohl při navrhu portalu ci jak hodnoti design služeb knihovna v Třinci. Posledni kapitola se zamýsli nad výhodami a nevýhodami využivani karetnich metodik v designovem procesu.
Kniha popisuje designove mysleni a možnosti jeho aplikace v knihovnach. Jeji hlavni casti je pět ... more Kniha popisuje designove mysleni a možnosti jeho aplikace v knihovnach. Jeji hlavni casti je pět originalnich připadových studii z ceskeho prostředi popisujicich postup inovace služeb se zapojenim uživatelů a výzkumných, analytických a designových metod, ktere vznikly na zakladě řady rozhovorů s knihovniky. Připadove studie doplňuji teoreticke texty o designovem mysleni a porovnani metodik. Kniha funguje jako svebytný celek i jako doplněk k metodice Libdesign: 35 metod pro zlepsovani služeb. Text vznikl jako výstup z projektu Libdesign: Design Thinking in Libraries, který byl podpořen v ramci Norských fondů a fondů EHP.

Conference Proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management, 2019
While design-led innovation may have huge potential to change both tangible outcomes of design, s... more While design-led innovation may have huge potential to change both tangible outcomes of design, such as products and services, and the intangible ones such as values, mindsets and organizational cultures, the approach has not been broadly investigated in the organizational settings, especially when it comes to building in-house design capabilities. The paper reflects on both practical and theoretical concerns around building of design capabilities in academic libraries. The making and sustaining design capabilities was supported by design interventions in the form of design workshops and other design activities, and repeated re-enforcements of constructivist and experiential organizational learning leading to integration of design proto practices with daily routines and established work practices. The findings are articulated as a set of guidelines toward building design capabilities in academic libraries through design thinking. At the conceptual level, the work highlights the impo...

Open Education Studies, 2019
This paper addresses the issue of how to enhance student participation in university governance. ... more This paper addresses the issue of how to enhance student participation in university governance. This issue is approached by taking into account the growing pressures of the European Commission’s modernization agenda on the educational policies of the European Higher Education Area, and by focusing on the way these pressures affect students’ conceptions of themselves and of the mission of higher education. The thesis presented in this paper is that design thinking and the humanities share a common epistemological core that enables them, if applied in educational settings, to play a major role in fostering students’ trust in their governance skills and in their ability to influence educational policies through a creative mindset and a deeper comprehension of the stakes in present-day higher education. An experimental workshop combining design thinking with the humanities and with the constructivist approach of student-centered learning was held within a course in a humanities bachelo...
This paper is concerned with how two design processes that are seemingly very similar, human-comp... more This paper is concerned with how two design processes that are seemingly very similar, human-computer interaction design and design thinking, affect innovation in the context of an academic library. Twenty different multidisciplinary projects involving advanced students of interaction design, researchers and library employees, using either of these two approaches or their combination, were conducted during the past four years. We chose two projects that we consider as illustrative of overall findings, in particular, regarding outcomes for diverse stakeholders. Both projects were focusing on the same problem, which many academic (and public) libraries face, of accessing library's e-book collections and making doing so more enjoyable.

Interaction Design and Architecture(s), Sep 20, 2017
have not yet received enough attention. This paper discusses their importance in complex design s... more have not yet received enough attention. This paper discusses their importance in complex design situations involving non-collocated, multi-disciplinary design teams. We focus on three aspects: 1) awareness of temporal trajectories in the process and how to bring continuity to an otherwise fragmented workflow, 2) temporality of learning through such processes and 3) discussing opportunities for DT concerning temporal aspects of the process. As a research case, we use a project from digital humanities that aims to develop an innovative proposal for Virtual Tebtunis, a digital research platform enabling effective cooperation across organizations in possession of papyri and other articles from the ancient city of Tebtunis. Four workshops were organized in three locations, with varied groups of participants to carry out the Design Thinking process. The timeline of orientation, incorporation, and identification phases was used as an initial time framework. In the aftermath of the project, we were able to identify a richer framework for engaging with temporal aspects of DT processes.
LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries
Artificial intelligence (AI) now forms a part of various activities in the academic world. AI wil... more Artificial intelligence (AI) now forms a part of various activities in the academic world. AI will also affect how research libraries perform and carry out their services and how the various kinds of data they hold in their repositories will be used in the future. For the moment, the landscape is complex and unclear, and library personnel and leaders are uncertain about where they should lay the path ahead. This extensive literature review provides an overview of how research libraries understand, react to, and work with AI. This paper examines the roles conceived for libraries and librarians, their users, and AI. Finally, design thinking is presented as an approach to solving emerging issues with AI and opening up opportunities for this technology at a more strategic level.

— This paper addresses the question of how to engage students in design and innovation of library... more — This paper addresses the question of how to engage students in design and innovation of library services. Student involvement in the design of the university library services is needed as they have distinct patterns of technology use: variety of platforms, nearly always including smart-phones and laptops, variety of social networks and often, a range of other digital tools. The involvement can take place in many different ways, e.g., participatory design projects, involvement through social media and others. In this paper, we describe our approach to innovation through student engagement in design of library services: innovation through an interaction design course and exposure to design thinking. Over a period of three years, our findings show that student projects have become increasingly original and creative. In addition, the level of engagement to produce finished products and services after taking the course has increased. Keywords- innovation; user-driven; design; service d...

In this paper we discuss two pilot studies involving the use of iPads for active reading in a tea... more In this paper we discuss two pilot studies involving the use of iPads for active reading in a teaching/learning situation. This is part of a broader study of how introducing tablet PCs may transform the work and learning practices of learn-ers. One of the pilot studies was conducted in a graduate level course, involving 40 university students. The other study involved 26 fourth grade elementary schoolchildren. The results concerning acceptance of the technology were vastly different in the two studies. We find the comparison to be very interesting in several aspects, most notably on the issue of ownership and perceived useful-ness. We hope that our experience with these pilot studies may be of use and interest for a wider community. Our research method is based on ethnography (in-class observations), enriched by workshops, questionnaires, group and indi-vidual interviews involving students, faculty and, in the case of elementary schoolchildren, families. The data from interviews has...

Abstract—Academic libraries are especially poised to serve knowledgeable and technologically adva... more Abstract—Academic libraries are especially poised to serve knowledgeable and technologically advanced user population: students and researchers. The technological advances are dictating significant changes for academic libraries. This paper is concerned with building awareness within the library around the need to re-think its role in academic life, its use of technology and willingness to co-innovate with users. The paper reports from four workshops that aimed to explore existing and future services offered by the academic library. Library employees, students and researchers were participants in all workshops. The participants were first informed about service design and its tools, and then engaged in creating customer journeys, using service design cards. The set of cards used was an of-the-shelf product, modified for the purpose, introducing images specific to the library and allowing for rating of services in terms of their importance. The paper reports on our findings from thes...
In this paper, we present the first findings of a project testing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in... more In this paper, we present the first findings of a project testing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in an academic library with the aim to support and redefine library services. The context of the research project is an academic library. Libraries represent an ideal environment for containing potential bias and test prototypes. Several AI supported services are prototyped and tested during a research project. The paper features approaches such as user journey and blueprint to address issues service providers and service users might encounter. The paper identifies a series of factors that need to be taken into account when designing prototypes in which AI features centrally. The paper also charts the implications of AI-enhanced library services in relation to users’s behaviour and expectations and organizations’ workflow.
In this paper, we discuss the dual role of the iPad among the teenage high school students using ... more In this paper, we discuss the dual role of the iPad among the teenage high school students using the tablet as a 1- 1 (one tablet per student) educational tool. On one hand, the iPad is a personal, mobile and cool piece of technology. On the other hand, it is a piece of technology provided by the school and given to students as anytime, anyplace mobile educational tool. Our goal is to understand the space between the use situations related to school work and those that are private and personal. After ten months of observations of the use of the iPad, we conclude with that the iPad is treated by teenage participants in our study as purely educational tool.

This paper addresses the question of how to engage students in design and innovation of library s... more This paper addresses the question of how to engage students in design and innovation of library services. Student involvement in the design of the university library services is needed as they have distinct patterns of technology use: variety of platforms, nearly always including smart-phones and laptops, variety of social networks and often, a range of other digital tools. The involvement can take place in many different ways, e.g., participatory design projects, involvement through social media and others. In this paper, we describe our approach to innovation through student engagement in design of library services: innovation through an interaction design course and exposure to design thinking. Over a period of three years, our findings show that student projects have become increasingly original and creative. In addition, the level of engagement to produce finished products and services after taking the course has increased. Keywordsinnovation; user-driven; design; service design;

This paper presents the results of an ongoing qualitative study with employees working with innov... more This paper presents the results of an ongoing qualitative study with employees working with innovation in a Scandinavian company. Using Design Thinking as an approach, the paper analyses how different tools are used to initiate innovation processes. Issues like innovation drivers, team structure, creativity, information flow among teams, usefulness and challenges of using the methods and tools are discussed. The role of different design tools in innovation processes opens the discussion for possible future directions. The results suggest that many methods and tools could generate value in regards with the innovation processes, while there are many challenges that need to be considered. The findings could be beneficial primarily for companies that facilitate DT methods, designers, developers, managers and other involved members in innovation activities could gain insights on how to implement DT methods and tools.
Papers by Andrea Gasparini