Papers by Rizal Samsul Mutaqin
Joong-Ki : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk pelatihan SSG itu kemudian landasan a... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk pelatihan SSG itu kemudian landasan apa yang digunakan di balik pelaksanaan pelatihan SSG di Pondok Pesantren Daarut Tauhid Bandung serta apakah dasar tersebut benar-benar di terapkan pada kegiatannya atau tidak. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriftif kualitatif untuk bisa menggambarkan serta menjelaskan data-data yang telah diperoleh dari partisipan korps pelatih SSG serta para alumni peserta SSG angkatan 37 mengenai penerapan hadis yang disalurkaan terhadap pelatihan SSG yang berbasis keagamaan untuk membentuk karakter baik dan kuat yaitu melalui wawancara online serta pengamatan peneliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa pelatihan SSG merupakan salahsatu kegiatan pelatihan yang mampu memberikan efek positif bagi para pesertanya kemudian dasar pemikiran SSG sering menggunakan hadis tentang muslim yang kuat lebih dicintai Allah swt. hal ini dilihat bahwa hadis ini paling sering disampaian SSG kemudian keterk...
Jurnal Penelitian Agama
Religious practices and understandings are not only expressed in the real world but also in cyber... more Religious practices and understandings are not only expressed in the real world but also in cyberspace through several platforms. Social media is an alternative nowadays to spread religious ideas, one of which is through Youtube. Youtube as a platform that has several features and a wide reach is a medium used by ustadz to preach and spread religious ideas. However, the different scientific backgrounds possessed by each Ustadz and jama'ah who listened to lectures gives birth to an understanding that tends to truth claims and results in religious contestation. This paper wants to photograph the form of religious contestation on social media and the application of religious moderation for social media users. To analyze it, this study uses qualitative methods, in the process, the author uses a type of ethnographic research (ethnography) as an intermediary in finding available data on digital traces as well as literature (library research). This study focuses on some of the content ...
Islam Transformatif, Feb 23, 2023
Environmental damage that has become a global problem not only affects people's lives, bu... more Environmental damage that has become a global problem not only affects people's lives, but also encourages many communities and researchers to find solutions to preserve the natural environment. Indigenous local wisdom is one way that is believed to be able to prevent environmental damage because it is able to respect and live in friendship with nature. This study examined the concept of ecotheology in Pamali as the indigenous people of Kampung Dukuh's local wisdom in preserving the natural environment. This research used a case study method intended to analyse the practice of environmental conservation in Kampung Dukuh based on pamali. Interviews, direct observation, and involved observation were used to collect data for this study. In line with the concept of ecotheology that connects humans, God and nature, pamali as local wisdom of the indigenous people of Kampung Dukuh can simplify and facilitate indigenous people in applying ecotheology as an effort to maintain the balance of life and the preservation of natural environments such as forests.
Tahdis: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Hadis
The discussion about Imam Mahdi its seem as endless among the scholars, both mutaqadimin and muta... more The discussion about Imam Mahdi its seem as endless among the scholars, both mutaqadimin and muta'akhirin ulama. Likewise among hadith researchers, there are always disagreements about the authenticity of Imam Mahdi's traditions. Among the scholars who reject the authenticity of Imam Mahdi's hadith is Rashid Rida, he said that the hadith about Imam Mahdi is contradictory, dhaif, and contain many israiliyat. This article aims to find out Rasyid Rida's views on the hadiths of al-Mahdi and how to answer this opinion. The research method that can facilitate this analysis is the Content Analysis method with a qualitative approach. Seeing Rasyid Rida's opinion regarding the hadith of al-Mahdi as stated in al-Manar's interpretation, then the sanad criticism was carried out consisting of Takhrij hadith, I'tibar, making a sanad scheme. There are two traditions from Ibn Majah's narrative commented on by Rasyid Ridha, with that comment in the sanad of the hadith...
Joong-Ki: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat,, 2022
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk pelatihan SSG itu kemudian landasan a... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk pelatihan SSG itu kemudian landasan apa yang digunakan di balik pelaksanaan pelatihan SSG di Pondok Pesantren Daarut Tauhid Bandung serta apakah dasar tersebut benar-benar di terapkan pada kegiatannya atau tidak. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriftif kualitatif untuk bisa menggambarkan serta menjelaskan data-data yang telah diperoleh dari partisipan korps pelatih SSG serta para alumni peserta SSG angkatan 37 mengenai penerapan hadis yang disalurkaan terhadap pelatihan SSG yang berbasis keagamaan untuk membentuk karakter baik dan kuat yaitu melalui wawancara online serta pengamatan peneliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa pelatihan SSG merupakan salahsatu kegiatan pelatihan yang mampu memberikan efek positif bagi para pesertanya kemudian dasar pemikiran SSG sering menggunakan hadis tentang muslim yang kuat lebih dicintai Allah swt. hal ini dilihat bahwa hadis ini paling sering disampaian SSG kemudian keterkaitan antara hadis ini dengan kegiatan SSG dilihat dari isi kegiatannya, nilai yang ditanamkan dalam program pelatihannya itu wujud dari hadis tersebut
ULIL ALBAB: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin, 2022
Kemunculan gerakan pemuda hijrah di komunitas Yuk Ngaji menjadi suatu wadah bagi para pemuda untu... more Kemunculan gerakan pemuda hijrah di komunitas Yuk Ngaji menjadi suatu wadah bagi para pemuda untuk tetap bisa tampil keren namun dengan cara yang sesuai syari’at. Sebagai salah satu komunitas islam, komunitas Yuk Ngaji memberikan berbagai materi kajian yang berangkat dari dalil Al-Qur’an dan hadis-hadis nabi. Kajian tersedia di media-media online seperti you tube, tiktok, Instagram, dan lainnya. Dalam tulisan ini penulis mencoba mengulas interpretasi tokoh-tokoh terhadap hadis nabi yang dijadikan hujjah, serta strategi dakwah dalam memikat generasi millennial. Agar penelitian ini terarah maka peneliti membatasi dengan rumusan masalah, 1. Bagaimana interpretasi tokoh-tokoh komunitas Yuk Ngaji terhadap hadis nabi? 2. Bagaimana strategi dakwah yang digunakan oleh tokoh-tokoh komunitas Yuk Ngaji. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tim komunitas Yuk Ngaji menginterpretasikan hadis-hadis nabi cenderung tekstual, masih tefokus pada redaksi matan. Adapun aspek lain seperti sababul wurud, historis, hadis-hadis mukhtalaf, hadis pendukung dan syarah hadis dari berbagai kitab ulama mutaqaddimin masih termarginalkan dan jarang muncul dalam pembahasan. Namun tim Yuk Ngaji mengaitkan isi teks hadis dengan konteks masa sekarang, sehingga lebih muda dicerna dan dipahami oleh khalayak.
Jurnal Penelitian Agama, 2022
This research aims to examine the religious contestation that occurs on the YouTube platform, nam... more This research aims to examine the religious contestation that occurs on the YouTube platform, namely Al-Bahjah TV and Khalid Basalamah Official, where religious contestation does not only exist in the real world but as technology advances, religious contestation has shifted to the level of the digital world. This can be seen in the practice of delivering religious messages on the YouTube platform, namely Al-Bahjah TV and Khalid Basalamah Official. This paper wants to photograph the form of religious contestation on social media and the application of religious moderation for social media users. This study uses a qualitative method, collecting data through netnographic methods on the Bahjah TV YouTube channel with Khalid Basalamah Official. The findings from this study, the contest that occurred between the Al-Bahjah TV Youtube channel and Khalid Basalamah Official was a religious contest. This can be seen from some of the content, especially in the law on wayang and bid'ah. Moderation is the solution to the existence of religious contestation because the presence of religion is to maintain human dignity as God's creatures by carrying a mission of prosperity, benefit, and peace.
Tahdis: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Hadis, 2021
The discussion about Imam Mahdi its seem as endless among the scholars, both mutaqadimin and muta... more The discussion about Imam Mahdi its seem as endless among the scholars, both mutaqadimin and muta'akhirin ulama. Likewise among hadith researchers, there are always disagreements about the authenticity of Imam Mahdi's traditions. Among the scholars who reject the authenticity of Imam Mahdi's hadith is Rashid Rida, he said that the hadith about Imam Mahdi is contradictory, dhaif, and contain many israiliyat. This article aims to find out Rasyid Rida's views on the hadiths of al-Mahdi and how to answer this opinion. The research method that can facilitate this analysis is the Content Analysis method with a qualitative approach. Seeing Rasyid Rida's opinion regarding the hadith of al-Mahdi as stated in al-Manar's interpretation, then the sanad criticism was carried out consisting of Takhrij hadith, I'tibar, making a sanad scheme. There are two traditions from Ibn Majah's narrative commented on by Rasyid Ridha, with that comment in the sanad of the hadith there is rawi dha'if and considered tasyayu 'and there are narrators who are considered mudallis. This opinion of Rasyid Rida violates the ijma 'of the scholars who state that the hadiths of al-Mahdi are authentic and even reach the degree of meaningful mutual worry. The scholars have agreed that the hadiths of al-Mahdi are authentic and reach the degree of mutual concern, people who deny al-Mahdi are seen as Qur'aniyyun and deny Allah's uluhiyah.
Environmental damage that has become a global problem not only affects people's lives, but also e... more Environmental damage that has become a global problem not only affects people's lives, but also encourages many communities and researchers to find solutions to preserve the natural environment. Indigenous local wisdom is one way that is believed to be able to prevent environmental damage because it is able to respect and live in friendship with nature. This study examined the concept of ecotheology in Pamali as the indigenous people of Kampung Dukuh's local wisdom in preserving the natural environment. This research used a case study method intended to analyse the practice of environmental conservation in Kampung Dukuh based on pamali. Interviews, direct observation, and involved observation were used to collect data for this study. In line with the concept of ecotheology that connects humans, God and nature, pamali as local wisdom of the indigenous people of Kampung Dukuh can simplify and facilitate indigenous people in applying ecotheology as an effort to maintain the balance of life and the preservation of natural environments such as forests.
Al-Dzikra: Jurnal Studi Ilmu al-Qur'an dan al-Hadits
This paper will try to see how the contribution of Imam Malik with his book al-Muwattha' to t... more This paper will try to see how the contribution of Imam Malik with his book al-Muwattha' to the development of hadith, and how the orientalist criticism of the book. In other words, how do orientalists criticize al-Muwattha' as the first generation of books in the writing of hadith. The research conducted in this study is a literature study using the book of al-Muwattha' Imam Malik as the primary source. The result of this research is Goldziher said that al-Muwattha' is more appropriately called a law book than a hadith book. Schact said: there is not a single authentic hadith contained in the book al-Muwattha', so that criticism has implications for doubting the authentic hadith as the word of the Prophet, and the Prophet there is not a single authentic hadith from the Prophet. AbstrakTulisan ini akan mencoba melihat bagaimana kontribusi Imam Malik dengan kitabnya al-Muwattha’ terhadap perkembangan hadis, dan bagaimana kritik orientalis terhadap kitab itu. Denga...
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist
Posisi dan fungsi hadis yang sangat vital dalam ajaran Islam telah menjadi faktor penggerak para ... more Posisi dan fungsi hadis yang sangat vital dalam ajaran Islam telah menjadi faktor penggerak para ahli hadis untuk terus menjaga dan memelihara hadis dari generasi ke generasi. Penjagaan dan pemeliharaan ini di mulai pada masa sahabat, dan tidak pernah berhenti hingga sekarang. Adalah para sahabat dan tābi’īn senior yang mula-mula menyebar ke pelbagai daerah membawa misi penyebaran hadis dengan menyelenggarakan lingkar keilmuan (ḥalaqah) di daerah-daerah tersebut. Dalam perkembangannya, di daerah-daerah tersebut—yang digawangi terutama oleh para sahabat yang berbeda—kemudian terbentuk komunitas kajian hadis yang masing-masing memiliki karakteristik tersendiri, yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi daerahnya serta membawa pengaruh dalam bidang hadis terhadap daerah tersebut. Komunitas tersebut oleh peneliti hadis kontemporer disebut “Madrasah Hadis.” Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas “Madrasah Hadis,” mulai dari definisi, urgensi, dan langkah-langkah teknis studinya, sebagai acuan bagi par...
Al-Bukhari : Jurnal Ilmu Hadis, 2021
Hadith has its classification. Hadith consists of ṣahih and ḍa'īf. The s}ahīh is accepted in ... more Hadith has its classification. Hadith consists of ṣahih and ḍa'īf. The s}ahīh is accepted in his hadith while the ḍa'if is rejected in his hadith. But not every hadith ḍa'īf is rejected. There are several criteria of hadith ḍa'īf that can be accepted, namely ḍa'īf which level of ḍa'īf is not to severe. The scholars have compiled the book of hadith from the category of s}ahīh until there is a ḍa'īf. The most ṣahih books are found in the books of ṣahih Al-Bukhārī and Muslim and the rest, like the sunan al-'Arba'ah where the hadiths in which ṣahih are also ḍa'īf. The purpose of this study is to know the position of Muḥammad bin 'Abdirraḥmān aṭ-Ṭufāwī in the view of the scholars of jarh wa ta'dīl and to know the position of the hadiths narrated by aṭ-Ṭufāwī in Ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhārī. The methodology used in this research is descriptive analysis, which consists of three stages of research, namely the stages of orientation, exploration and analysi...
The science of hadith has changed along with the times, starting from the prophet's era. The ... more The science of hadith has changed along with the times, starting from the prophet's era. The fourth century is considered a golden age for the development of hadith science. It became a scientific discipline that separated from other knowledge with the creation of the book by al-Ramahurmuzi. Using the literature study method and the content analysis approach, in the book Al-Muhaddits al-Fāshil Baina al-Rawi Wa al-Wa'i, Al-Ramahurmuzi made it a significant contribution to the development of the science of hadith because he became the first basis. With the birth of the book, the development the hadith science became the basis delivery of books by other scholars of hadith science so that its benefits can continue until now. Specifically in the science of ruwat and the history of hadith, Al-Ramahurmuzi provides a long explanation and quotes related narrations
Riwayah : Jurnal Studi Hadis, 2021
Diya Al-Afkar: Jurnal Studi al-Quran dan al-Hadis, 2021
The development of the study of Qur'a> n in line with the rise of Islam in the middle ages, the w... more The development of the study of Qur'a> n in line with the rise of Islam in the middle ages, the west sought to understanding Islam. As the entrance to understanding Islam through the study of Qur'a> n. The first western study of the Qur'a> n was the translation of Qur'anic text into Latin and Other European Languages. Then it developed into another study of Qur'a> n. This paper answers how the origins of the study of Qur'a> n among Western scholars. And how the dynamics of the study of the Qur'a> n in the West occurred. this article got to the point of discovering that, there are three models of Qur'anic studies that are popular and developed among Western scholars. first, studies that seek To find Jewish-Christian influence in Qur'a> n. Second, a study that completes the chronological sequence of verses of Qur'a> n. Third, studies that discuss the mismanagement or certain aspects of Qur'a> n.
Jurnal Ulunnuha, 2021
Misogynistic hadiths that are read through gender reading are an effort to reveal models of under... more Misogynistic hadiths that are read through gender reading are an effort to reveal models of understanding hadiths that are indicated by gender bias. This greatly affects the potential that exists in women. Therefore, opening up various modes of understanding in the community in gender studies is very important to obtain justice and provide a new color in the development of Islamic society through the eyes of the integration of science interconnections. The purpose of this paper is in addition to existing studies on the thought of Fatima Mernissi, how misogynistic hadiths are in the perspective of Fatima Mernissi. Accordingly, three questions can be formulated: (1) What is the thought of misogynistic hadiths according to Fatima Mernissi (2) Why are there misogynistic traditions. (3) How is the transformation of misogynistic traditions from feminist issues to scientific integration-interconnection towards the development of Islamic society. This study uses themethod library research (...
Misogynistic hadiths that are read through gender reading are an effort to reveal models of under... more Misogynistic hadiths that are read through gender reading are an effort to reveal models of understanding hadiths that are indicated by gender bias. This greatly affects the potential that exists in women. Therefore, opening up various modes of understanding in the community in gender studies is very important to obtain justice and provide a new color in the development of Islamic society through the eyes of the integration of science interconnections. The purpose of this paper is in addition to existing studies on the thought of Fatima Mernissi, how misogynistic hadiths are in the perspective of Fatima Mernissi. Accordingly, three questions can be formulated: (1) What is the thought of misogynistic hadiths according to Fatima Mernissi (2) Why are there misogynistic traditions. (3) How is the transformation of misogynistic traditions from feminist issues to scientific integration-interconnection towards the development of Islamic society. This study uses themethod library research (library study) using qualitative data collection techniques and descriptiveanalytical approaches. The results of this study indicate that the gender relations contained in the misogynistic traditions are an attempt to reread these traditions with a gender perspective that sees more moral ideals in understanding the traditions of the Prophet. Misogynistic hadith with a gender perspective is able to provide empowerment to women, as well as social awareness as a socio-cultural issue.
This study aims to find understanding and thought Sulaiman Al-Asyqar behind the interpretation of... more This study aims to find understanding and thought Sulaiman Al-Asyqar behind the interpretation of the verses of the nature of Allah 20 in the kitab Zubdah At-Tafsir. Sulaiman Al-Asyqar is a great scholar and as one of the prophet's sunnah flags one of them's a dark thought. Zubdah At-Tafsir is one of the kitab interpretation who used of interpretation Riwayah and Dirayah. This interpretation was also mentioned taking on kalam features Ahlu Sunnah. Research methods that could facilitate conducting this analysis are qualitative research methods. This research dataretrieval technique uses observation and documentation, the point of observation and documentation here is kitab Zubdah At-Tafsir. As for this research data analysis technique using text maudhu'i (thematic) which deals with the Al-Quran according to a fixed theme or title. The result research shows that: (1) Sulaiman Al-Asyqar in interpreting verses of the nature of Allah 20 using the interpretation method ijmali (global) and and use features i'tiqady (theology). (2) Understanding and thinking Sulaiman Al-Asyqar the interpretation of passages in Allah 20 nature differs from streams of islamic theology adjoining: Asy'ariyah, Mu'tazilah, and Maturidiyah. (3) Sulaiman Al-Asyqar in interpreting verses of the nature of Allah 20 using insight and thinking that tend to lead to Ahlu Sunnah Wa Al-Jama'ah.
Papers by Rizal Samsul Mutaqin