Papers by M. Nur Rianto Al Arif
Al-Amwal : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syari'ah
Journal of Business & Retail Management Research
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of spin-off policy that based on Islamic Banki... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of spin-off policy that based on Islamic Banking Act No. 21/2008 to the deposit fund growth of Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. This research used panel regression with fixed effect. The variable used in this paper is spin-off variable that used as a dummy variable, and also included the internal factor of industry such as deposit margin, and efficiency ratio (measured by BOPO). Besides the internal element, this research also added the external factor such as economic growth rate, and net interest margin from conventional banking. The result showed that the dummy spin-off variable, operational efficiency ratio (BOPO) and growth rate had an impact on the deposit funds in four Islamic banks. The implication of this result is spin-off policy had a good effect on the growth of deposit funds in Indonesian Islamic banking industry. Spin-off decision is one of the business strategies from Islamic banks and not the goal of Islamic banking industry.
Spin-off policy is one of the crucial issues in the Indonesian Islamic Banking Act (The Act of 21... more Spin-off policy is one of the crucial issues in the Indonesian Islamic Banking Act (The Act of 21/2008). This paper is going to evaluate the spinoffs criteria that are inherent in the Act of 21/2008. The method that has been used in this paper to evaluate the spinoffs criteria is ARIMA and simulation. This ARIMA method is used to forecast that the Islamic banking unit can achieve the fifty percent asset after fifteen years after this act. The object that is used in this paper is four Islamic spin-off's banks, five Islamic banking units, and two Islamic full-fledged banks. The ARIMA result shows that from all of the objects in fifteen years or the year of 2023, there are no Islamic banks either Islamic full-fledged banks or Islamic banking unit can achieve the fifty percent asset. Besides that, based on the simulation it needs high growth asset to achieve the market share asset of its parent’s banks. According to these results, this study suggests the regulator should revise the ...
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice
Various literatures mention that an increasingly concentrated market will have an impact on perfo... more Various literatures mention that an increasingly concentrated market will have an impact on performance. This study aims to analyze the influence of market structure on the profitability of the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia, especially after the enactment of the Islamic banking act. This research used panel regression with random effect model. The result shows that market structure - proxies by market share (MS) and concentration ratio (CR4)- does not affect profitability of the Indonesian Islamic banking industry. This result implies that the performance of the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia is not supported by the traditional hypothesis and the efficient structures hypothesis. However, this research indicates that there is no collusive behavior in the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. Meanwhile, for control variables such as liquidity ratio, default rate, and operational efficiency ratio have been found to have adverse effect on the performance of the Islamic b...
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Banks and Bank Systems
Indonesian Islamic Banking Act requires conventional banks to spin-off their Islamic business uni... more Indonesian Islamic Banking Act requires conventional banks to spin-off their Islamic business units if they had fulfilled the spin-off criteria. Some of the Islamic business units had done the spin-off process although they are not fulfilling the spin-off criteria. The data showed that there is an efficiency decline after the spun-off. This study is going to examine the spin-off’s impact on the efficiency in spin-off banks. The method used in this paper is a difference-in-differences analysis. The sample used is four spin’s banks as treatment objects and two Islamic full-pledge banks as control objects. This research shows that there is an impact of spin-off policy on the efficiency in spin-off banks. There is an efficiency decrease in spin-off banks after the activities. It implies that the spin-off policy is not the only strategy that can be implemented. The policy-makers can choose other strategies to enhance the development of Islamic banking industry.
Economic Journal of Emerging Market, Apr 1, 2014
The purpose of this paper is to examine the spin-off policy based on Islamic Banking Act No. 21/2... more The purpose of this paper is to examine the spin-off policy based on Islamic Banking Act No. 21/2008 had an impact on the third party fund of Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. This research used ordinary least square regression consisting dummy variable of spin-off, deposit margin, non-performing financing (NPF), efficiency ratio (BOPO), and profitability ratio (ROA). The result showed that all the independent variables had an impact on the third party funds in Indonesian Islamic banking industry. The implication of this result is spin-off policy had a good impact on the growth of third party funds in Indonesian Islamic banking industry.
Financing is one of the performance's indicator in Islamic banking industry. The aim of this rese... more Financing is one of the performance's indicator in Islamic banking industry. The aim of this research is to examine the factors that influence the financing in the Indonesian Islamic banking industry. The method that used in this research is panel regression with fixed effect model. The variabels that used in this research are capital ratio, profitability ratio, default rate, liquidity ratio, efficiency ratio, deposit fund, inflation, and profit sharing yield. The result shows that the capital ratio, profitability ratio, efficiency ratio, deposit funds, and profit sharing yield had an impact on financing in the Indonesian Islamic banking industry. This result implies that the Islamic banks should maintain the internal factors to increase the financing in the Islamic banking industry. Abstrak Salah satu indikator kinerja dari industri perbankan syariah ialah jumlah pembiayaan yang disalurkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk menguji faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penyaluran pembiayaan pada industri perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan ialah regresi panel dengan model efek tetap. Variabel yang dipergunakan ialah rasio modal, rasio profitabilitas, tingkat pembiayaan bermasalah, rasio likuiditas, rasio efisiensi, dana pihak ketiga, inflasi dan marjin bagi hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasio modal, rasio profitabilitas, rasio efisiensi, dana pihak ketiga, dan marjin bagi hasil berdampak kepada pembiayaan pada industri perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa bank syariah harus menjaga faktor-faktor internalnya jika ingin menaikkan jumlah penyaluran pembiayaan pada industri perbankan syariah.
Microfinance is one of the Islamic bank's products for micro, small, and medium enterprises. The ... more Microfinance is one of the Islamic bank's products for micro, small, and medium enterprises. The aim of this research is to analyze the profitability ratio in micro finance using economic value added method. The object of this study is at Bank of BRI Sharia. The result show that in 2014 had an economic value added (EVA)about Rp 327.030.746.600 or about 10,48% from the financing. The EVA's value shows that the microfinance at Bank of BRI Sharia had good enough. The implication of this result is Bamk of BRI Sharia should maintance and increase the quality of the financing strategy in microfinance product. Abstrak: Pembiayaan mikro adalah salah satu produk bank syariah yang diperuntukkan bagi sektor usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menganalisis tingkat profitabilitas pembiayaan mikro dengan menggunakan metode ekonomi nilai tambah. Objek pada penelitian ini ialah Bank BRI Syariah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai EVA pada tahun 2014 ialah sebesar 327.030.746.600 atau sebesar 10,48% dari total penyaluran pembiayaan. Hasil nilai EVA ini menunjukkan bahwa pembiayaan mikro pada Bank BRI Syariah sudah cukup baik. Implikasi dari hasil ini ialah Bank BRI Syariah sebaiknya tetap menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas strategi pembiayaan pada produk pembiayaan mikro. Kata Kunci: pembiayaan mikro; ekonomi nilai tambah; profitabilitas; bank syariah. PENDAHULUAN Indonesia memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk industri UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah). Dikarenakan jumlah penduduk yang sangat banyak dan juga jumlah penduduk yang tidak memiliki pekerjaan tetap. Dari tahun ke tahun jumlah UMKM terus meningkat pada tahun 2009 jumlah UMKM di Indonesia sebesar 52.764.403 unit sedangkan pada tahun 2012 sebesar 56.534.592 unit. Namun tingkat pertumbuhan jumlah UMKM di Indonesia memang tidak meningkat setiap tahun meskipun begitu pertumbuhan jumlah UMKM di Indonesia berdampak bagus terhadap kemakmuran penduduk Indonesia karena Jumlah tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan oleh industri UMKM meningkat. Dalam mendukung industri UMKM tersebut, saat ini banyak Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) yang memberikan dana untuk membantu pertumbuhan UMKM tersebut. Selain Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (LKM) Industri Perbankan juga membantu memberikan dana untuk peningkatan Industri UMKM dengan adanya Pembiayaan Mikro. Pembiayaan Mikro pada Industri Perbankan dilaksanakan oleh Bank Konvensional dan Bank Syariah. Untuk Bank Syariah sendiri pembiayaan Mikro merupakan satu hal yang penting mengingat tujuan dari Perbankan Syariah sendiri adalah terwujudnya fungsi perbankan
Customer Relationship Management and Its Influence on customer loyalty Bank: A Case Study of Bank... more Customer Relationship Management and Its Influence on customer loyalty Bank: A Case Study of Bank Muamalat Indonesia. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of customer relationship management (CRM) to customer's loyalty. Data collection is using primary and secondary data. The sampling method that used on this research is accidental sampling with 100 respondents. The analysis method on this research is multiple regressions. The CRM variables that used on this research are identify, acquire, retain, develop, and sustainable marketing. From the result, show that the CRM variable had an impact simultaneously on customer's loyalty. Otherwise, only three variables had an impact on customer's loyalty, such as acquire activity, retain, and sustainable marketing. There are also show that only acquire variable had an dominant influence on customer's loyalty in Bank Muamalat Indonesia branch Slipi-Jakarta, because it has the largest coefficient value. Abstrak. Customer Relationship Management dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah Bank : Studi Kasus Pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ialah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Customer Relationship Management (CRM) terhadap loyalitas nasabah. Pengumpulan data melalui data primer dan sekunder. Penarikan contoh dilakukan dengan teknik sampling aksidental, dengan jumlah responden 100 orang. Metode analisis yang digunakan ialah regresi linear berganda. Variabel CRM yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah identify, acquire, retain, develop dan pemasaran yang berkelanjutan. Dari hasil uji regresi linear berganda, variabel CRM (X) berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap peubah loyalitas nasabah. Sedangkan secara parsial hanya tiga variabel yang berpengaruh nyata, yaitu aktivitas acquire, retain dan pemasaran yang berkelanjutan Hal lainnya ditemukan bahwa variabel acquire memiliki pengaruh paling dominan terhadap loyalitas nasabah Bank Muamalat Indonesia Kantor Cabang Slipi, karena nilai koefisien regresinya paling besar. Kata Kunci: Customer Relationship Management, Loyalitas, Regresi Berganda
The purpose of this paper is to analyze that the office channeling policy that based on Bank Indo... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze that the office channeling policy that based on Bank Indonesia's rule no. 8/3/PBI/2006 had an on the profitability of Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. This research used ordinary least square regression to analyze the impact that office channeling as a dummy variable in this model. The result showed that office channeling didn't have a bearing on the profit rate of Islamic banking industry that measured. According to from this result, either regulator, parent's bank, and Islamic business unit had the obligation increase the socialization, education, and services to the customers
Jurnal Ijtihad, 2013
Contemporary transactions along with the development of existing technologies have given rise to ... more Contemporary transactions along with the development of existing technologies have given rise to other forms of trading i.e. on-line trading. This paper aims to look at how the Islamic economic perspectives associated with on-line trading. The method used in this paper was library research. On-line trading had fulfilled the shariah principle, i.e. al-aqid, s} i> ghah, al-ma'qu> d alaih and the goal of the transaction. The transaction models that can be adopt in trading on line are bay' al-mura> bah} ah and bay' al-sala> m. Trading on-line had several advantage for buyer and seller, but trading on-line also had several problems. So, we must to had a strategy to minimize the various problems that may arise. Dalam transaksi jual beli kontemporer seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang ada telah memunculkan bentuk penjualan lainnya yaitu penjualan on-line. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimanakah perspektif ekonomi Islam terkait dengan penjualan on-line. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini dengan pendekatan penelitian kepustakaan. Penjualan on-line telah memenuhi rukun akad dalam aturan syariah, seperti adanya penjual, pembeli, dan S{ i> ghah. Bentuk akad transaksi yang dapat diadopsi dalam penjualan on-line ialah bay' al-mura> bah} ah dan bay' al-sala> m. Penjualan on-line memiliki beberapa manfaat baik dari sisi pembeli maupun penjual, namun penjualan on-line pun memiliki beberapa permasalahan. Sehingga harus dilakukan beberapa hal untuk meminimalisir berbagai permasalahan yang mungkin muncul tersebut. Pendahuluan Perkembangan teknologi telah memacu perubahan kebiasaan individu termasuk salah satunya dalam hal kebiasaan melakukan transaksi jual beli. Apabila dahulu yang dimaksudkan transaksi jual beli harus dilakukan secara tatap muka di mana terjadi peralihan barang secara langsung dari penjual kepada pembeli, yaitu pembeli harus bertemu dengan penjual di pasar nyata.
Jurnal Asy-Syir'ah, 2012
One of the Islamic fiscal instrument is waqf that have been played a significant role in economic... more One of the Islamic fiscal instrument is waqf that have been played a significant role in economics. Cash waqf is a new instrument in the field of waqf and Islamic economics as a facility for the purpose of worship and to achieve social welfare. The development of the waqf field through cash waqf, management which is flexible and offers many choices. Cash waqf have the multiplier effect in economic, through this effect cash waqf can be used as instrument to poverty alleviation program through community empowerment program. Abstrak: Wakaf sebagai salah satu instrument fiskal Islam telah memainkan peranan yang sangat penting di dalam perekonomian. Wakaf tunai atau wakaf uang sebagai suatu instrument yang cukup baru dalam wakaf dan ekonomi Islam sebagai suatu praktik ibadah dan saranan pencapaian kesejahteraan sosial. Pengembangan wakaf melalui wakaf tunai, dimana manajemennya lebih fleksibel dan menawarkan berbagai pilihan. Wakaf tunai memiliki efek pengganda di dalam perekonomian, melalui efek inilah wakaf tunai dapat digunakan sebagai instrument untuk mengentaskan kemiskinan melalui program pemberdayaan masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Wakaf tunai, program pengentasan kemiskinan, Efek multiplier wakaf tunai Pendahuluan Permasalahan kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang selalu ada di setiap negara baik dalam bentuk kemiskinan yang sifatnya absolut maupun kemiskinan relatif. Masalah kemiskinan ini harus diupayakan penyelesaiannya, sebab jika tidak mampu diselesaikan maka akan menjadi permasalahan yang dapat
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets, 2011
This research analyzes the infuence of macroeconomic variables such as Bank Indonesia rate, excha... more This research analyzes the infuence of macroeconomic variables such as Bank Indonesia rate, exchange rates, and inflation rate on pricing the profit-sharing yield for fundraising product in Indonesian Islamic banking. It uses a multiple regression to analyze the influence, and it also uses financial ratio and the profit-sharing yield from the previous period as control variables for this research . The analysis result shows that macroeconomic variables have significance influences on the pricing for profit-sharing yield in Islamic banking. Abstrak Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh variabel makroekonomi seperti tingkat bunga Bank Indonesia, nilai tukar, dan tingkat inflasi pada penentuan marjin bagi hasil produk penghimpunan pada perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi berganda untuk menganalisis pengaruh tersebut, serta menggunakan rasio keuangan dan marjin bagi hasil deposito periode sebelumnya sebagai variabel kontrol dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel makroekonomi memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam penentuan marjin bagi hasil produk penghimpunan di perbankan syariah. Kata Kunci: Tingkat bunga BI, Nilai tukar, Marjin bagi hasil, Tingkat Inflasi, Tingkat bunga JEL classification: E40, G21, Z12
Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance, 2015
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of spin-off on asset growth on Islamic banking... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of spin-off on asset growth on Islamic banking in Indonesia. This research used panel regression with random effect. The variable used in this paper is spin-off which is used as a dummy variable, and also included the internal factor of industry such as deposit and efficiency ratio (measured by BOPO). Besides the internal factor, this research also included the external factor such as inflation rate, economic growth rate, and net interest margin from conventional banking. The result shown that only deposits that had impact on asset growth of Islamic banks from spin-off result. The spin-off decision on this model doesn't have an impact on asset growth. There are three reasons why spin-off policy doesn't have yet an impact on asset growth: first, the Islamic banks that result from spin-off still use the facility on the parent's bank. Second, the Islamic bank needs a lot of capital to expand the facility. Third, Islamic banks resulted from spin-off still doing internal consolidation after the spin-off.
Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 2014
The purpose of this paper is to analyze that the office channeling policy that based on Bank Indo... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze that the office channeling policy that based on Bank Indonesia's rule No. 8/3/PBI/2006 had an impact on the growth of Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. This research used ordinary least square regression to analyze the impact of office channeling policy on the growth of Indonesian Islamic banking industry. The variable used in this paper is office channeling which is used as a dummy variable, and margin deposit and non-performing financing (NPF) are also used as control variables. The indicators of the growth of Indonesian Islamic banking industry are asset and third-party funds. The result shows that office channeling does not have an impact on the growth of Islamic banking industry which is measured by asset growth and third-party funds growth. According to this result, Bank Indonesia should have an innovative policy to stimulate the Islamic banking industry growth in Indonesia.
Banks and Bank System, 2018
Indonesian Islamic Banking Act requires conventional banks to spin-off their Islamic business uni... more Indonesian Islamic Banking Act requires conventional banks to spin-off their Islamic business units if they had fulfilled the spin-off criteria. Some of the Islamic business units had done the spin-off process although they are not fulfilling the spin-off criteria. The data showed that there is an efficiency decline after the spun-off. This study is going to examine the spin-off 's impact on the efficiency in spin-off banks. The method used in this paper is a difference-indifferences analysis. The sample used is four spin's banks as treatment objects and two Islamic full-pledge banks as control objects. This research shows that there is an impact of spin-off policy on the efficiency in spin-off banks. There is an efficiency decrease in spin-off banks after the activities. It implies that the spin-off policy is not the only strategy that can be implemented. The policy-makers can choose other strategies to enhance the development of Islamic banking industry.
Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society, 2017
According to The Act No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking in Indonesia, the conventional ban... more According to The Act No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking in Indonesia, the conventional banks are obligated to spun-off their Islamic business units after achieving a certain set of requirements. The spin-off requirements are: (i) reach 50% market share asset of its parents; or (ii) 15 years after the implementation of the Islamic Banking Act. This study emphasizes the impact of Islamic banks' spin-off on market share. The method used in this study is a difference in difference analysis. This technique is a quasi-experiment separate into two groups, such as the treatment groups (four spin-offs' banks) and control group (two full-fledged Islamic banks). This study used quarterly data from 2005 until 2016. The results show that, first, there is a difference in the Islamic banks' market share between pre-and post-spin-off. Second, there is a difference in the market share of spin-offs' banks between pre-and post-spin-off. Third, there are there external factors that can affect the Islamic banks' market share, i.e., inflation rate, interest rate, and economic growth rate. The paper is a useful source of information that may provide relevant guidelines in helping the future development of spin-off activity in Islamic banking industry. The finding could be helpful for policymakers to create a supporting strategy to accelerate the development of Islamic banking industry. This result also could be of use for Islamic banking industries in other countries.
JKAU: Journal of Islamic Economics, 2017
The Indonesian Islamic Banking Act of 2008 requires conventional banks to spin-off their Sharīʿah... more The Indonesian Islamic Banking Act of 2008 requires conventional banks to spin-off their Sharīʿah business units if they fulfill the spin-off criteria, which is achieving 50% of the parent's assets or 15 years after this Act was established. This will allow some Sharīʿah business units to transform into fully-fledged Islamic banks. Some Sharīʿah business units have already undertaken the spin-off process although they did not fulfill the spin-off criteria. The purpose of this paper is to analyze these spin-off banks and compare their performance before and after the spin-off, while also examining the type of spin-off and its effect on the bank's performance. This study uses difference in difference analysis to conduct this analysis. Assets, financing, and deposit funds are used as performance measures. The findings show that the spin-off policy should be re-evaluated for various reasons. Most important among them is that it is highly unlikely that Islamic banks in Indonesia can achieve 50% of the parent bank's assets. The results also show that the spin-off did not have any significant impact upon assets and deposit funds, although total financing was found to be significantly improved. Lastly, the results show that the spin-off type did not have an impact on the bank's performance.
Iqtishadia: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 2017
Undang-undang No. 21 tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah mewajiban setiap unit usaha syariah unt... more Undang-undang No. 21 tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah mewajiban setiap unit usaha syariah untuk melakukan pemisahan apabila telah memenuhi kriteria. Terdapat dua metode pemisahan yang dapat dipilih oleh bank syariah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk menganalisis pengaruh metode pemisahan terhadap tingkat profitabilitas. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah empat bank syariah hasil pisah. Indikator profitabilitas yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah rasio return on asset. Metode analisis yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini regresi panel dengan model efek acak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pemisahan tidak berdampak pada tingkat profitabilitas di bank umum syariah hasil pemisahan, hanya tingkat efisiensi operasional (BOPO) dan tingkat pembiayaan bermasalah (NPF) yang berdampak pada tingkat profitabilitas.. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa unit usaha syariah yang ingin memisahkan diri dapat memilih metode pemisahan. Keputusan tergantung pada kondisi internal dari unit usaha syariah dan kebijakan internal dari bank induk konvensional.
Papers by M. Nur Rianto Al Arif