Papers by Tarranita Kusumadewi
Kegiatan ini merupakan wujud visi Program Studi Teknik Arsitektur yang integratif dalam memadukan... more Kegiatan ini merupakan wujud visi Program Studi Teknik Arsitektur yang integratif dalam memadukan sains dan Islam yang bereputasi internasional. Implementasi integrasi tridharma perguruan tinggi yakni Pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian hingga pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa design by research dalam menghasilkan Remasterplan SMKN 1 Wonosari di Kabupaten Malang dengan Konsep Renewable Energy dan Agro Edutourism. SMK 1 Wonosari merupakan fasilitas pendidikan yang baru didirikan di daerah pelosok di bawah kaki Gunung Kawi dengan kondisi sarana prasarana fasilitas pendidikan tingkat menengah atas yang masih cukup minim. Kegiatan yang diinisasi oleh Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi ini, diharapkan dapat membantu mewujudkan cita-cita pihak Sekolah menjadi sekolah vokasi plus dan dapat mengembangkan konsep renewable energy dan agroedutourism sebagai respon potensi regionalism tapak
Proceedings of the International Conference on Green Technology
Development in the Malang City area affects changes in land use patterns, one of which is changes... more Development in the Malang City area affects changes in land use patterns, one of which is changes in green land cover. Changes in green land cover will impact temperature changes in the area. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the implications of green land cover changes in Malang urban areas in 2016-2020. This study uses remote sensing technology from Sentinel 2 satellite imagery and band canals to produce a green land density map (NDVI). Next, identify changes in urban temperature that occur. Based on the sensing results, there has been a significant change in land use patterns in the last five years. In addition, it is also known that changes in green land cover have a significant effect on changes in urban temperature, which impact the occurrence of urban heat islands. Thus, the Malang City government, in carrying out development and planning, the Malang City government must pay attention to and consider these changing conditions to minimize the impact of urban mic...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Green Technology
Bali is an island that has many coastal areas, one of which is Kedonganan and there is a fish mar... more Bali is an island that has many coastal areas, one of which is Kedonganan and there is a fish market that is quite famous among the surrounding population and the tourists. This study aims to re-design the Fish Market with an eco-cultural approach. This design approach considers the continuation of nature and also local traditional Balinese Architecture. However, there are several values in Hinduism that contradict the values of the Islamic religion. The values of the Islamic integration argument are used to examine aspects adapted to the artha wantilan concept based on the characteristics of Bale Wantilan so that its application in the design of the fish market still contains elements of Balinese architecture and remains integrated with Islamic values. The used method is descriptive qualitative, by collecting the literature review, examining several aspects related to the object of research, and applying the results of the study in object design. So that the results of this study c...
Buku ini membahas tentang perlunya pemahaman konsep kehidupan pembangunanyang berkelanjutan. Kons... more Buku ini membahas tentang perlunya pemahaman konsep kehidupan pembangunanyang berkelanjutan. Konsep berkelanjutan ini pun dapat dilihat dari sifat serangga rayap dan semut yang mengolah "kota alam" mereka. Pada bagian awal buku ini menjelaskan tentang pengertiann dan definisi kota, proses terbentuknya kota dan pencermatan terhadap bentuk kota, proses terbentuknya kota dan pencermatan terhadap bentuk kota pada masa lampau sebagai bagian dari peradaban. Selanjutnya pembahasan difokuskan pada pencerminan terhadap kota alam yang dibentuk oleh serangga rayap dan semut, untuk kemudian dianalogikan dengan pembentukan kota. dibagian akhirbuku ini, dibahas bagaimana mencermati sebuah kota dengan al-Qur'an sebagai panduannya, dan pembahasan konsep sustainable city sebagai upaya dalam mewujudkan sebuah kota yang berkelanjutan. Bahwa manusia dengan kemampuannya harus mampu mengolah, memanfaatkan dan membangun secara bijak
Land use on The Third Campus development of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang potentially pose som... more Land use on The Third Campus development of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang potentially pose some environmental threat, such as the impact of runoff. The development will be held on contoured and large farm land. this condition will affected the infiltration of rainwater. Therefore, the evaluation of the master plan of the third campus development using LID parameters to determine the optimal zone and types of LID recommendations.
The vertical village concept is the vertical arrangement of settlement, which maintains the chara... more The vertical village concept is the vertical arrangement of settlement, which maintains the character of a village. The vertical village concept's design can be a solution for the dense population in DAS Brantas, Malang City. The problems of the slum make the dense settlements in the DAS Brantas have low settlement resilience. This vertical village concept aims to settle settlements in DAS Brantas, both in economic, ecological, social, or economic aspects through a selfsufficient concept design approach. The qualitative method is used to describe the settlement site to get a vertical village concept design strategy. Meanwhile, we use a literature review to get design parameters in concept design. A settlement can meet its own needs by maintaining the balance of the ecosystem between land and river ecosystems is a parameter design of this vertical village concept. So this design applies the residents' local character such as entrepreneurs spirit as traders and knowledge about...
Technology Center Design of Aeroponic Agricultural is a container or means for researching and de... more Technology Center Design of Aeroponic Agricultural is a container or means for researching and developing cultivation by means of aeroponic system to maximize result, quantity and quality of crop products that can be utilized by the general public, students, researchers and farmers to obtain learning and training. The approach to this design uses architecture ecology that serves to avoid harm to ecosystems, biodiversity, and humans. This approach responds to the design of utilities, energy supply, social, and human behavior so that the results of such an application will be able to prevent human caused natural disasters. In addition, this approach is applied to preserve the surrounding environment, produce the best agricultural products and improve environmentally conscious farming.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Surabaya is a city that continues to grow from year to year. Various problems that can be identif... more Surabaya is a city that continues to grow from year to year. Various problems that can be identified in the city of Surabaya include population density due to immigration. Statistics show that in 2014 Surabaya’s population reached 3,020,305 million with a total poverty line of 168,000 people or 5.97% of the total population. Surabaya east is one of the industrial areas in Surabaya which contributes to increasing emissions. This research is focused on the East Surabaya area with samples in Kendangsari Village, Rungkut Kidul Village and Rungkut Tengah Village. The three locations have the same character in the form of industrial estate supported by residential areas both settlements and surrounding housing. This research uses descriptive quantitative and qualitative approaches. Observations were made on several environmental aspects which were grouped into aspects of Quality (Q) and load (L). These aspects are aspects of the assessment of the Comprehensive Assessment Built Environment...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The Kampung Tridi of Malang, located in East Java Indonesia, is one of the residential areas loca... more The Kampung Tridi of Malang, located in East Java Indonesia, is one of the residential areas located on the banks of Brantas river. This area used to be a slum settlement with a compact living community that received less maintenance and facilities from the local authority. This paper discusses the results of the rebranding effort of Kampung Tridi as the riverbank residential area as an essential tourist attraction in Malang. Territories are an important part of survival, not only in terms of physical characteristics but also social comfort that can be achieved through house setting, space organization, and wholistic spatial planning. This study uses the content analysis method based on literature studying space territory in residential areas with variables, the stipulation of organization and spatial planning, identity, and agreement in the community or community. The results of this study indicate that the territories of public and private spaces in the Tridi village area after re...
Menurunnya kualitas lingkungan hidup manusia yang disertai dengan pencemaran lingkungan serta ber... more Menurunnya kualitas lingkungan hidup manusia yang disertai dengan pencemaran lingkungan serta berkurangnya sumberdaya alam menjadi masalah yang tidak hanya terjadi di negara-negara berkembang namun sebetulnya telah menjadi isu global yang menjadi perhatian seluruh negara di dunia ini. Sementara itu, Islam sendiri berpandangan bahwa pada hakikatnya sumber daya alam adalah absolut milik Allah SWT sehingga diamanatkan pengelolaan, pemanfaatannya dan pelestariannya kepada manusia sebagai khalifah di muka bumi. Kegiatan ini diadakan di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Ar-Rohmah dengan tema utama Go Green. Hal tersebut dilakukan sebagai wujud pelestarian lingkungan hidup sekaligus menumbuhkan partisipasi dan peran serta masyarakat khususnya siswa yang notabene merupakan generasi muda untuk turut menjaga lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan adalah participatory action research yang merupakan gabungan kegiatan survai dan pemetaan, interviews, discussion, workshop, dan action learning sebagai pendekatan dalam pengumpulan data, proses pembelajaran dan penyusunan rencana aksi yang kemudian diikuti dengan implementasi rencana aksi dalam skala terbatas (pilot actions). Adapun hasil dari implementasi yang diterapkan antara lain pembuatan sumur resapan sehingga air dapat di daur ulang, pemasangan biopori dan tempat pemilahan sampah. Implentasi program tersebut diharapkan dapat menjaga dan melestarikan lingkungan pesantren terutama menjaga kelestarian sumberdaya alamnya.
Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia
Pandemi Covid-19 berpengaruh pada tatanan hidup masyarakat di kawasan perkotaan, salah satunya di... more Pandemi Covid-19 berpengaruh pada tatanan hidup masyarakat di kawasan perkotaan, salah satunya di Kota Malang. Pembatasan aktivitas, pemberlakuan jam aktivitas, serta pengaturan jarak/ physical distancing dilakukan sebagai usaha dalam membatasi persebaran virus Covid-19. Hal tersebut menyebabkan mobilitas masyarakat perkotaan dan aktivitas di luar rumah menurun. Penurunan aktivitas di luar rumah dan mobilitas berdampak pada suhu permukaan di kawasan perkotaan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan suhu permukaan selama pembatasan aktivitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pengindraan jarak jauh Sentinel 2, yang mana pemetaan land surface temperature dilakukan secara time series dari tahun 2018-2021. Pemetaan yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan yang terjadi sebelum dan selama pandemi. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran land surface temperature diketahui bahwa pada tahun 2020 dan tahun 2021 terjadi penurunan suhu permukaan tanah yai...
The existence of boarding house, the process of acculturation and values shift in residence, affe... more The existence of boarding house, the process of acculturation and values shift in residence, affect the physical and non-physical condition of the home and its surroundings. Similarly, shifting occurs in the private-public space caused by the interaction between the occupants. In a pluralistic Muslim society, the Islamic values influence the process of shifting the public-private space. Accessibility becomes the main concern in the shift pattern as a consequence of the limited land and increasing space demand. There are two shift patterns, physical shift indicating a change in the function space, and non-physical shift involving a sense of space for those interact in it. Sunnah values are employed to see the aspects are considered in home, especially on privacy and interaction. It used descriptive method through collecting detailed information that depicts the existing symptoms, identifying, making comparisons or evaluations and determining what is done to establish a plan or decisi...
Prophet Muhammad in a hadith reveals that there are four things making people happy: having shali... more Prophet Muhammad in a hadith reveals that there are four things making people happy: having shalihah wife, spacious houses, comfortable vehicles, and good neighbors. A house as the inhabited buildings working as the activity base is one of the ways to form a society and Islam civilization. An Islamic house must be able to have two functions in life. First, the welfare of the world including: a sense of compassion (mawadah warahmah), ensuring children's education, creating hospitality (ukhuwah Islamiyah), forming the Muslim individual, supporting successful careers, and having health condition. Second, the welfare of the afterlife including: easy to implement the mahdah worship, muamalah process and able to keep its inhabitants from the things forbidden and makruh.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015
Sub watersheed Konto hulu is one of sub watersheed Middle Brantas that has been supplied water fo... more Sub watersheed Konto hulu is one of sub watersheed Middle Brantas that has been supplied water for life. There is a tourism activity because the natural potential such as Pemandian Dewi Sri, Mantung Agrobussiness Central, rafting sport and reservoir Selorejo. The increase of tourism activity at sub watersheed Konto hulu make land use diversion. Land diversion made land erotion, sedimentation and rubbish. In order to reduce the impact, community make their own local wisdom. This research has been carried out the impact from tourism activity in the land use diversion at sub watersheed Konto Hulu.
Papers by Tarranita Kusumadewi