Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Sep 2015
This paper was aimed to analyze Islamic education teachers’ content knowledge of matters related ... more This paper was aimed to analyze Islamic education teachers’ content knowledge of matters related to Islamic law. A cross-section survey research was conducted on twenty Islamic education teachers in several schools in Yogyakarta City pursuing master study in Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia. Respondents can be characterized as teachers with civil servants status, having minimum of five years teaching experience, mostly active in social mass organizations. The result shows that respondents have relatively low familiarity with sources of Islamic law, especially the classical ones. Other result also indicate low content knowledge in teachers about matters related to Islamic law, especially in economics and heredity. From the results, the research suggests a more active role in both government and higher education institutions to contribute in improving teachers’ knowledge. Contributions proposed can mainly be formed in training of teachers and creating useful website with Islamic education contents for their teaching sources.
Seminar Nasional Pegembangan Madrasah Berbasis Manajemen Mutu Total (dalam Rangka Menanggulangi Dekadensi Moral Bangsa), Jun 6, 2015
Madrasah pada dasarnya merupakan salah satu bentuk lembaga pendidikan keagamaan khas Indonesia. N... more Madrasah pada dasarnya merupakan salah satu bentuk lembaga pendidikan keagamaan khas Indonesia. Namanya diambil dari Bahasa Arab, yaitu ism makānī dari akar kata da-ra-sa )درس( yang makna umunya adalah belajar. Mengingat akan
The 2015 International Congress on Economics, Social Sciences and Information Management (ICESSIM 2015), Mar 28, 2015
This paper was aimed to analyze the implementation of information and communication technology in... more This paper was aimed to analyze the implementation of information and communication technology in Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. This paper analyses the initiation and development of such technology adoption in Islamic University of Indonesia as a case study. Literature review was conducted to historically analyze the university’s attempt in integrating technology to academic sphere, its achievements, the challenges it faced ahead and the ways it can overcame it. The result indicates that the university was among pioneering institution in technology adoption in Indonesia. Its investment in information system since late 1990s has created many advantages for its students, lecturers, employees and parents to engage in academic activities. Although being pioneering in many aspect of technological application, the university’s capacity in maintaining its technology up grading is in need of improvement. This improvement requires further investment in software and human resource.
This research was aimed to examine the curriculum of Islamic Economics of Faculty of Islamic Stud... more This research was aimed to examine the curriculum of Islamic Economics of Faculty of Islamic Studies and of Economics of Faculty of Economics, both in Islamic University of Indonesia to oversee whether it is relevant with the need of human resources in the ASEAN Economic Community era or not. The research uses data on curriculum of two departments to analyze and overcome the problems faced by curriculum to meet the need in the context of regional economic globalization. Its findings indicate that curriculum in the two department were prepared mainly to achieve national goals in higher education standards and had not been prepared for regional level yet. Therefore the research suggested additional contents in the courses of the curriculum to meet the need of human resources challenge in ASEAN Economic Community context.
This paper discusses the neglecting of affective aspect on study evaluation of Islamic Religion E... more This paper discusses the neglecting of affective aspect on study evaluation of Islamic Religion Education course (Pendidikan Agama Islam) at higher education institution. It is found that the neglecting of affective aspect is caused by some critical factors: 1) different perspective among scholars on what aspect of affection that cannot be measured, for example: faith; 2) the learning objective of Islamic Religion Education course is too ideal that make it difficult to measure; 3) vast majority of Islamic Religion Education lecturer are unable to develop good teaching instruments which cover affective aspect; and 4) the students-lecturers ratio are too wide and far from ideal. To solve this problem, some suggestions are proposed; strengthening the good understanding of affective aspect on Islamic Religion Education among lecturers; and enriching evaluation design and model to reveal affective aspect of students.
This research was aimed at finding the influence of autonomy (self help) and entrepreneurship mot... more This research was aimed at finding the influence of autonomy (self help) and entrepreneurship motivation on entrepreneurship attitude student at FIAI (Islamic Faculty of UII Yogyakarta). This reseach also want to find the correlation between independent variables and dependent variables, and the influence of sex and department study on each variables.
Madrasah merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal yang ada di Indonesia, selain sekolah umu... more Madrasah merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal yang ada di Indonesia, selain sekolah umum dan juga pesantren. Di antara ketiga lembaga pendidikan tersebut, madrasah memiliki ciri yang khas yang tampaknya menganut paham konvergensi dengan menggabungkan dua model pendidikan lainnya, yaitu model pendidikan umum dan pendidikan pesantren. Setidaknya hal itu terlihat dari komposisi muatan materi pelajaran yang diajarkan di madrasah.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi prinsip TQM di MAN Model Yogyakarta tercermin dar... more Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi prinsip TQM di MAN Model Yogyakarta tercermin dari proses yang bertahap dan terus menerus dalam peningkatan mutu dengan pemenuhan harapan pelanggan (client) internal maupun eksternal melalui dukungan, partisipasi aktif dan dinamis dari sejumlah pihak. TQM juga memberi manfaat bagi MAN Model sebagai institusi dalam perannya sebagai leader of change. Kebersamaan dan kerjasama seluruh komponen MAN Model Yogyakarta menjadi prasyarat implementasi TQM yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Sejumlah hambatan yang ada dapat terpecahkan dengan mengkomunikasikannya dan mempertinggi komitmen semua komponen untuk bersama-sama menuju pada kualitas yang diharapkan
The study aims to highlight the program impact of Development of Madrasah Aliyah Project (DMAP) t... more The study aims to highlight the program impact of Development of Madrasah Aliyah Project (DMAP) through MAN (Madrasah Aliyah Negeri) Model for improving Madrasah Aliyah. The study was carried out in MAN Yogyakarta III (Mayoga) with qualitative approach. The data colletion is through documentation, interview, observation, and open questionaire. The study found that DMAP program has been able to improve the output quality of the MAN Model indicated by the percentage of acceptance in state universities, i.e. 34,21% during DMAP and 46,83% after DMAP. In addition, students of MAN Model are able to obtain achievement as those from favourite senior high school (SMA).
Terabaikannya ranah afektif pada evaluasi PAI di PTU disebabkan sejumlah faktor. Pertama, perbeda... more Terabaikannya ranah afektif pada evaluasi PAI di PTU disebabkan sejumlah faktor. Pertama, perbedaan persepsi tentang batasan materi yang tidak dapat dievaluasi seperti masalah keimanan. Kedua, perumusan tujuan PAI terlalu ideal dan kurang jelas sehingga sulit diukur. Ketiga, kurangnya kemampuan sebagian besar dosen PAl dalam mengembangkan instrumen PAl pada ranah afektif. Keempat, tingginya rasio dosen dengan jumlah mahasiswa. Untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut, diperlukan pendalaman terhadap pemahaman ranah afektif pada PAI. Disamping itu, diperlukan juga pengayaan teknik dan mekanisme pelaksanaan evaluasi PAI dengan memperhatikan mahasiswa sebagai peserta didik dewasa.
This paper is formulated to make a brief outlook on social violence in the perspective of Islamic... more This paper is formulated to make a brief outlook on social violence in the perspective of Islamic education view, Indonesian culture, and al-Qur’an. Based on this perspective, this paper will discuss the root of violence behavior, whether in recent time or in the past time. This paper will also discuss pro-social behavior developed by individual as well as by society, as it becomes a counter values to violence behavior. The values found through discussion will be then introduced in an education framework as a pathway in reframing social behavior that potentially leads to violence. This action is taken due to comphrehend and reduce such potential ‘leads-to-violence’ behavior. The discussion presented in this paper is expected to have an inspiration for the next researches.
This article discusses the Islamic boarding schools (or pondok pesantren) in Indonesia and its ro... more This article discusses the Islamic boarding schools (or pondok pesantren) in Indonesia and its role to de-radicalization of Islamic thought. Pondok pesantrens have developed within the framework of a relatively unique and have a different characters compared to similar education institutions in other countries. It’s mainly caused of the nature of peace that is felt when Islam entered the country. It implies on the peaceful nature of Islam in most of the existing pondok pesantrens, including its contributions to the nation. Eventough at current circumstance some pondok pesantrens have radicalization understanding that impact on terrorism in Indonesia, it should be placed in the context of the transnational Islamic movements around the world. This article also emphasizes the importance of strengthening the role of government in an effort to de-radicalization of Islam through pondok pesantrens with the institutional strengthening of this Islamic educational institutions in the form of program to support community empowerment to break the chain of radicalization movement.
It has been a long time that education in Indonesia is under the challange of both, globalization... more It has been a long time that education in Indonesia is under the challange of both, globalization and unemployment. Enterpreuneship therefore is believed to be a solution to create creative, smart and independent generation. This article discusses the concept of enterpreunership in Islamic perspective and its relevance to Islamic education. It is co/eluded that Islam in the position that supports for the development of enterpreunership, including the internatization of enterpreunesrship values in education. In the process of integrating of enterpreunership with education, education institutions may adopt a new method that will maintain that Islamic education is always relevant and applicable.
This paper analyzes the issue of human rights in the Islamic perspective and its relationship to ... more This paper analyzes the issue of human rights in the Islamic perspective and its relationship to education in Indonesia. That vision of Islam as mercy for universe can be seen from the universal values and that concern for the basic needs of every person who later becomes part of human rights. Basic needs are basically in line with the thinking of international human rights which are needed to ensure that all people get their rights properly.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Sep 2015
This paper was aimed to analyze Islamic education teachers’ content knowledge of matters related ... more This paper was aimed to analyze Islamic education teachers’ content knowledge of matters related to Islamic law. A cross-section survey research was conducted on twenty Islamic education teachers in several schools in Yogyakarta City pursuing master study in Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia. Respondents can be characterized as teachers with civil servants status, having minimum of five years teaching experience, mostly active in social mass organizations. The result shows that respondents have relatively low familiarity with sources of Islamic law, especially the classical ones. Other result also indicate low content knowledge in teachers about matters related to Islamic law, especially in economics and heredity. From the results, the research suggests a more active role in both government and higher education institutions to contribute in improving teachers’ knowledge. Contributions proposed can mainly be formed in training of teachers and creating useful website with Islamic education contents for their teaching sources.
Seminar Nasional Pegembangan Madrasah Berbasis Manajemen Mutu Total (dalam Rangka Menanggulangi Dekadensi Moral Bangsa), Jun 6, 2015
Madrasah pada dasarnya merupakan salah satu bentuk lembaga pendidikan keagamaan khas Indonesia. N... more Madrasah pada dasarnya merupakan salah satu bentuk lembaga pendidikan keagamaan khas Indonesia. Namanya diambil dari Bahasa Arab, yaitu ism makānī dari akar kata da-ra-sa )درس( yang makna umunya adalah belajar. Mengingat akan
The 2015 International Congress on Economics, Social Sciences and Information Management (ICESSIM 2015), Mar 28, 2015
This paper was aimed to analyze the implementation of information and communication technology in... more This paper was aimed to analyze the implementation of information and communication technology in Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. This paper analyses the initiation and development of such technology adoption in Islamic University of Indonesia as a case study. Literature review was conducted to historically analyze the university’s attempt in integrating technology to academic sphere, its achievements, the challenges it faced ahead and the ways it can overcame it. The result indicates that the university was among pioneering institution in technology adoption in Indonesia. Its investment in information system since late 1990s has created many advantages for its students, lecturers, employees and parents to engage in academic activities. Although being pioneering in many aspect of technological application, the university’s capacity in maintaining its technology up grading is in need of improvement. This improvement requires further investment in software and human resource.
This research was aimed to examine the curriculum of Islamic Economics of Faculty of Islamic Stud... more This research was aimed to examine the curriculum of Islamic Economics of Faculty of Islamic Studies and of Economics of Faculty of Economics, both in Islamic University of Indonesia to oversee whether it is relevant with the need of human resources in the ASEAN Economic Community era or not. The research uses data on curriculum of two departments to analyze and overcome the problems faced by curriculum to meet the need in the context of regional economic globalization. Its findings indicate that curriculum in the two department were prepared mainly to achieve national goals in higher education standards and had not been prepared for regional level yet. Therefore the research suggested additional contents in the courses of the curriculum to meet the need of human resources challenge in ASEAN Economic Community context.
This paper discusses the neglecting of affective aspect on study evaluation of Islamic Religion E... more This paper discusses the neglecting of affective aspect on study evaluation of Islamic Religion Education course (Pendidikan Agama Islam) at higher education institution. It is found that the neglecting of affective aspect is caused by some critical factors: 1) different perspective among scholars on what aspect of affection that cannot be measured, for example: faith; 2) the learning objective of Islamic Religion Education course is too ideal that make it difficult to measure; 3) vast majority of Islamic Religion Education lecturer are unable to develop good teaching instruments which cover affective aspect; and 4) the students-lecturers ratio are too wide and far from ideal. To solve this problem, some suggestions are proposed; strengthening the good understanding of affective aspect on Islamic Religion Education among lecturers; and enriching evaluation design and model to reveal affective aspect of students.
This research was aimed at finding the influence of autonomy (self help) and entrepreneurship mot... more This research was aimed at finding the influence of autonomy (self help) and entrepreneurship motivation on entrepreneurship attitude student at FIAI (Islamic Faculty of UII Yogyakarta). This reseach also want to find the correlation between independent variables and dependent variables, and the influence of sex and department study on each variables.
Madrasah merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal yang ada di Indonesia, selain sekolah umu... more Madrasah merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal yang ada di Indonesia, selain sekolah umum dan juga pesantren. Di antara ketiga lembaga pendidikan tersebut, madrasah memiliki ciri yang khas yang tampaknya menganut paham konvergensi dengan menggabungkan dua model pendidikan lainnya, yaitu model pendidikan umum dan pendidikan pesantren. Setidaknya hal itu terlihat dari komposisi muatan materi pelajaran yang diajarkan di madrasah.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi prinsip TQM di MAN Model Yogyakarta tercermin dar... more Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi prinsip TQM di MAN Model Yogyakarta tercermin dari proses yang bertahap dan terus menerus dalam peningkatan mutu dengan pemenuhan harapan pelanggan (client) internal maupun eksternal melalui dukungan, partisipasi aktif dan dinamis dari sejumlah pihak. TQM juga memberi manfaat bagi MAN Model sebagai institusi dalam perannya sebagai leader of change. Kebersamaan dan kerjasama seluruh komponen MAN Model Yogyakarta menjadi prasyarat implementasi TQM yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Sejumlah hambatan yang ada dapat terpecahkan dengan mengkomunikasikannya dan mempertinggi komitmen semua komponen untuk bersama-sama menuju pada kualitas yang diharapkan
The study aims to highlight the program impact of Development of Madrasah Aliyah Project (DMAP) t... more The study aims to highlight the program impact of Development of Madrasah Aliyah Project (DMAP) through MAN (Madrasah Aliyah Negeri) Model for improving Madrasah Aliyah. The study was carried out in MAN Yogyakarta III (Mayoga) with qualitative approach. The data colletion is through documentation, interview, observation, and open questionaire. The study found that DMAP program has been able to improve the output quality of the MAN Model indicated by the percentage of acceptance in state universities, i.e. 34,21% during DMAP and 46,83% after DMAP. In addition, students of MAN Model are able to obtain achievement as those from favourite senior high school (SMA).
Terabaikannya ranah afektif pada evaluasi PAI di PTU disebabkan sejumlah faktor. Pertama, perbeda... more Terabaikannya ranah afektif pada evaluasi PAI di PTU disebabkan sejumlah faktor. Pertama, perbedaan persepsi tentang batasan materi yang tidak dapat dievaluasi seperti masalah keimanan. Kedua, perumusan tujuan PAI terlalu ideal dan kurang jelas sehingga sulit diukur. Ketiga, kurangnya kemampuan sebagian besar dosen PAl dalam mengembangkan instrumen PAl pada ranah afektif. Keempat, tingginya rasio dosen dengan jumlah mahasiswa. Untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut, diperlukan pendalaman terhadap pemahaman ranah afektif pada PAI. Disamping itu, diperlukan juga pengayaan teknik dan mekanisme pelaksanaan evaluasi PAI dengan memperhatikan mahasiswa sebagai peserta didik dewasa.
This paper is formulated to make a brief outlook on social violence in the perspective of Islamic... more This paper is formulated to make a brief outlook on social violence in the perspective of Islamic education view, Indonesian culture, and al-Qur’an. Based on this perspective, this paper will discuss the root of violence behavior, whether in recent time or in the past time. This paper will also discuss pro-social behavior developed by individual as well as by society, as it becomes a counter values to violence behavior. The values found through discussion will be then introduced in an education framework as a pathway in reframing social behavior that potentially leads to violence. This action is taken due to comphrehend and reduce such potential ‘leads-to-violence’ behavior. The discussion presented in this paper is expected to have an inspiration for the next researches.
This article discusses the Islamic boarding schools (or pondok pesantren) in Indonesia and its ro... more This article discusses the Islamic boarding schools (or pondok pesantren) in Indonesia and its role to de-radicalization of Islamic thought. Pondok pesantrens have developed within the framework of a relatively unique and have a different characters compared to similar education institutions in other countries. It’s mainly caused of the nature of peace that is felt when Islam entered the country. It implies on the peaceful nature of Islam in most of the existing pondok pesantrens, including its contributions to the nation. Eventough at current circumstance some pondok pesantrens have radicalization understanding that impact on terrorism in Indonesia, it should be placed in the context of the transnational Islamic movements around the world. This article also emphasizes the importance of strengthening the role of government in an effort to de-radicalization of Islam through pondok pesantrens with the institutional strengthening of this Islamic educational institutions in the form of program to support community empowerment to break the chain of radicalization movement.
It has been a long time that education in Indonesia is under the challange of both, globalization... more It has been a long time that education in Indonesia is under the challange of both, globalization and unemployment. Enterpreuneship therefore is believed to be a solution to create creative, smart and independent generation. This article discusses the concept of enterpreunership in Islamic perspective and its relevance to Islamic education. It is co/eluded that Islam in the position that supports for the development of enterpreunership, including the internatization of enterpreunesrship values in education. In the process of integrating of enterpreunership with education, education institutions may adopt a new method that will maintain that Islamic education is always relevant and applicable.
This paper analyzes the issue of human rights in the Islamic perspective and its relationship to ... more This paper analyzes the issue of human rights in the Islamic perspective and its relationship to education in Indonesia. That vision of Islam as mercy for universe can be seen from the universal values and that concern for the basic needs of every person who later becomes part of human rights. Basic needs are basically in line with the thinking of international human rights which are needed to ensure that all people get their rights properly.
Papers by Ahmad Darmadji
Books by Ahmad Darmadji