Filip Jaroš
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Books by Filip Jaroš
Papers by Filip Jaroš
In the next stage, some of the hypotheses are tested by statistical means. The problem is simplified into search for association between a given category of a coat pattern (e.g. spots, stripes) and usual habitat of felid species (e.g. forest, grassland). Pagel’s test for correlated changes is employed to account for phylogenetic relationships. In addition to broadly acknowledged hypotheses, the validity of proposition that juvenile coat patterns have the function of protective resemblance is tested.
Finally, the problem of colouration of felids is linked to broader context of theoretical biology. Apart from prevailing (neo-)Darwinian perspective to the problem of animal colouration, the theory of colour conflict by Hingston and Portmann’s aesthetical morphology are discussed at great length. It is demonstrated that Portmann’s approach yields valuable insights into the problem of the colouration of felids, mainly ontogenetic colour change. Factors accounting for marginal position of Portmann’s investigations within the framework of current biology are analysed from epistemological and philosophical perspective.