Books by Herri Mulyono
Dikeluarkannya surat edaran Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Ditjen DIKTI) Kemdikbud Nomor ... more Dikeluarkannya surat edaran Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Ditjen DIKTI) Kemdikbud Nomor 152/E/T/2012 tanggal 27 Januari 2012 tentang kewajiban lulusan perguruan tinggi (universitas) untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah (baik skripsi, tesis, ataupun desertasi) merupakan tantangan yang perlu disikapi dengan positif. Dengan penerbitan karya ilmiah melalui media jurnal maka diharapkan mahasiwa akan menjadi lebih termotivasi untuk menulis dan memperkaya khasanah keilmuan sesuai dengan bidangnya masing-masing.
Namun, tingginya tuntutan penerbitan jurnal secara online memberikan suasana dilematis. Dalam satu sisi, publikasi secara online mampu menampilkan originalitas karya ilmiah mahasiswa, sehingga inovasi dan kreativitas mahasiswa yang tertuang dalam tulisan tersebut dapat dihargai sebagai kontribusi terhadap ilmu pengetahuan dibidangnya. Dalam sisi lainnya, ketidak siapan sebagian mahasiswa, baik secara pemikiran maupun perilaku berselancar Internet menimbulkan keraguan dari orginilitas dari karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan secara online, yang kemudian menjadi bumerang tersendiri kepada penulisnya.
Buku berjudul “Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, dan Internet: Mendeteksi Plagiasi Internet pada Karya Ilmiah Akademik” ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi singkat tentang seminar dan workshop plagiasi internet, memberikan pemahaman tentang plagiasi internet, serta bagaimana menggunakan teknologi seperti software anti-plagiat yang tersedia secara daring (online) untuk melakukan deteksi terhadap plagiasi internet pada karya ilmiah.
Papers by Herri Mulyono
Hybrid instruction, which combines face-to-face classroom interaction and virtual activities, has... more Hybrid instruction, which combines face-to-face classroom interaction and virtual activities, has been a growing interest for many teachers in universities, particularly those in teacher education programmes. This article presents my colleague's as well as my own critical reflections on our experience with practising hybrid classroom instruction in SLTE in a private university in Indonesia. Within this hybrid classroom, Google Classroom (GC) was incorporated as a companion of the face-to-face (F2F) classroom learning sessions of twenty-two preservice teachers taking the curriculum and materials development (CMD) module. To help with our reflection, we took notes during our observation and asked the students to write a journal after each of our teaching sessions. We highlight several benefits and challenges when incorporating GC in a hybrid classroom. Implications for the practice of a hybrid classroom in SLTE, particularly within the Indonesian higher education context, are also offered .
Abstrak: Pesatnya perkembangan perangkat TIK berdampak pada penyebaran informasi yang berlebihan.... more Abstrak: Pesatnya perkembangan perangkat TIK berdampak pada penyebaran informasi yang berlebihan. Sayangnya, respon dunia pendidikan khususnya sekolah masih bertumpu pada akses terhadap informasi dan kemampuan peserta didik dalam menggunakan perangkat teknologi TIK tersebut. Artikel ini membahas tentang pentingnya literasi pendidikan dan kritis, integrasi pendidikan literasi informasi dan kritis dalam kurikulum pendidikan, dan implikasinya dalam kelas pembelajaran. Artikel ini dikembangkan kedalam empat bagian. Bagian pertama berjudul Memahami literasi informasi dan kritis mempresentasikan definisi operasional dari literasi informasi dan kritis yang digunakan dalam artikel ini. Bagian kedua mendiskusikan tentang pentingnya mengenalkan dan memiliki literasi informasi dan kritis. Perspektif Islam terkait literasi informasi dan kritis disajikan dalam bagian ke-tiga. Bagian keempat fokus pada integrasi literasi informasi dan kritis. Kata kunci: Literasi, literasi informasi dan kritis (LIK), kurikulum pendidikan. Pendahuluan Isu tentang literasi informasi dan kritis (LIK) ini menjadi sangat penting seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi (TI), teknologi komunikasi (TK), dan perpaduan dua teknologi tersebut atau teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK). Bagi masyarakat modern, perkembangan dan kemajuan TIK menjadi daya tarik sendiri terutama dalam akses terhadap informasi. Beragam perangkat TIK yang canggih dan modern seperti laptops, tablet, telefon genggam dengan sistem operasi seperti android menjadi bagian penting dari kehidupan masyarakat dan mereka dituntut untuk beradaptasi dengan beragam fitur aplikasi teknologi yang
This article documents an English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom writing
activity to promo... more This article documents an English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom writing
activity to promote students’ creativity. This classroom writing activity had two
main objectives: to provide students with writing exercises that would promote
practical use of written English language as a means of communication, and to
facilitate students’ creativity in engaging with and solving problems in their social
community. A real-world pedagogic writing task was developed to achieve these
two objectives. The activity was carried out in a junior secondary school extracurricular
program with 16 students from Years 7 and 8. Students’ perceptions of
the writing activity were positive, and more importantly, their awareness of social
issues in the community improved as students became engaged in meaningful
communicative situations in their real social environment.
This paper evaluates the affordability of Quipper as an online platform for teaching and learning... more This paper evaluates the affordability of Quipper as an online platform for teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL). It focuses on the extent to which features
available in Quipper may correspond to fundamental components of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) pedagogy, as suggested by Chapelle (2003), including L2-input
exposure, interaction and linguistic production. The evaluation results indicate that Quipper is affordable for use as an online teaching and learning EFL platform. More importantly, it
corresponds to the three conditions of CALL pedagogy, thus making it a potential aid for activities used in teaching and learning foreign language.
Interpolasi atau dalam istilah asingnya dikenal dengan Interpolation merupakan sebuah cara menent... more Interpolasi atau dalam istilah asingnya dikenal dengan Interpolation merupakan sebuah cara menentukan nilai pada table (baik itu dalam tabel t, f ataupun r) dimana nilai derajat kebebasan d.k. (atau d.f. untuk degree of freedom) tidak tertera secara tertulis dalam tabel yang dimaksudkan. Pada hakekatnya interpolasi itu sendiri merupakan pencarian sebuah titik diantara dua sumbu (minimal) dan (maksimal) yang dalam sebuah data linier disebut dengan interpolasi linier.
Salah satu ciri kemampuan yang dihasilkan dari sebuah lembaga pendidikan formal adalah kemampuan ... more Salah satu ciri kemampuan yang dihasilkan dari sebuah lembaga pendidikan formal adalah kemampuan penulisan sebuah makalah atau sering juga disebut dengan paper. Pada lembaga pendidikan formal seperti pada jenjang sekolah menengah atas (SMA) dan pendidikan tinggi (universitas ataupun sekolah tinggi) telah menjadikan penulisan makalah atau paper tersebut sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan dari peserta didiknya.
Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara dua term makalah dan paper, atau bahkan banyak kalangan memberikan definisi yang sama tentang keduanya. Dalam gambaran umum, Concise oxford dictionary - the tenth edition, makalah atau paper (selanjutnya kita gunakan istilah makalah) didefinisikan sebagai rangkaian pengujian terhadap beberapa pertanyaan yang dijawab dalam sebuah sesi. Atau dengan kata lain, makalah merupakan jawaban tertulis dari pengujian atas beberapa perta-nyaan. Untuk mempersingkat pembahasan, term makalah dari definisi diatas inilah yang akan dijadikan landasan uraian isi dalam artikel ini.
Reviews by Herri Mulyono
Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 8(3),
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of mind (1978) highlights the interdependence of the individual, ... more Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of mind (1978) highlights the interdependence of the individual, social community and interactions in the construction of knowledge. The theory has been widely adopted in the area of applied linguistics research, and it has been employed to explain second language learning processes (Storch, 2013). The stated aim of this 192-page book is to introduce the key concepts of sociocultural theory (SCT), including mediation, zone of proximal development, collaborative dialogue, private speech, everyday and scientific concepts, the interrelatedness of cognition and emotion, activity theory and assessments. As is posed on the cover of the book, these key notions of SCT are illuminated within the narratives to which the authors, Merrill Swain, Penny Kinnear and Linda Steinman, link various contexts of second language learning, teaching, testing, and research. Although major concepts discussed in the book originate from its first publication, this second edition provides the readers with more recent studies on Vygotskian SCT in second language education. The authors have also completed the book with references from all of Vygotsky's collected works that appear in the bibliography.
Tesl EJ Journal Vol. 18 No. 1 2014
Native English speakers are often thought to bring benefits to English as a foreign language (EFL... more Native English speakers are often thought to bring benefits to English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms. The native speaker is often called upon to answer vocabulary and pronunciation issues from non-native speakers (Medgyes, 1994). Within this perspective, the native speaker is believed to promote the best model for language users (see Carless, 2006; Lasagabaster & Sierra, 2002) and may encourage extrinsic motivation for EFL learners (Carless, 2006; Harmer, 2007), particularly in listening sessions. However, many EFL learners encounter difficulty in comprehending the speech of native speakers. Speech rate is believed to be one of the factors leading to such problems (see Griffiths, 1991; Hirai, 1999).
Text-to-speech (TTS) technologies, which allow users to “make the computer talk” by transforming text input into speech, offer one way to control the speed of the input learners receive (Handley, 2009, p. 906). Although speech synthesis was originally developed for people with visual impairments (Kilickaya, 2006), some teachers have begun to adopt TTS technology in foreign language classrooms. Handley (2009) states that integration of TTS within the computer-assisted language learning (CALL) environment may involve three different roles: reading machine, pronunciation model, and dialogue partner. In reference to these roles, TTS technology offers increased opportunities for EFL learners to access the target language with a native-like, but accessible model.
NaturalReader, originally developed by NaturalSoft Ltd in Canada, is TTS synthesis software that promotes natural voice conversion from text input. With supplementary add-in and floating bar features, the software is not only able to carry out text-to-speech conversion from MS office documents, PDFs, webpages, and email, but also to convert these texts into audio files in MP3 or WAV formats (NaturalReader, 2014). The advanced version 12 of this software now has made optical character recognition (OCR) possible, and this makes the number and types of texts available for TTS conversion even greater.
This article describes the basic operational functionality and features of NaturalReader as a text-to-speech synthesis system. It will also discuss some ways that NaturalReader may be used to facilitate the provision of native-like, but comprehensible input to EFL learners.
Conference Presentations and Proceeding by Herri Mulyono
This article reviews small number of research on technology in early childhood education. A thoro... more This article reviews small number of research on technology in early childhood education. A thorough literature search in twelve peer-reviewed journals from 2012 to 2014 was performed and identified thirty studies related to technology in early childhood education. Due to scope, method used and research questions, we selected only six empirical research and perceived this small number of research as a limitation of the review. Focusing on these six articles, the researchers examined theoretical/ pedagogical framework for incorporating technology in early childhood classrooms, types of technology used, and the benefits and challenges met by teachers when using the technology in classroom. The present review suggests pedagogical implications for incorporating technology in early childhood classroom.
The present study attempts to evaluate a TTS synthesis system from the perspective
of EIL. 100 p... more The present study attempts to evaluate a TTS synthesis system from the perspective
of EIL. 100 pre-service teachers are selected to evaluate speech produced by a TTS synthesis
system with the respect of intelligibility, naturalness, prosody, and social impression.
This paper describes the use of single-correct answer (SCA) and multiple-correct answer (MCA) in ... more This paper describes the use of single-correct answer (SCA) and multiple-correct answer (MCA) in assessing secondary school students’ grammar proficiency in Indonesia. There were 154 students from year 11aged 15 year old that participated in the study. From the total 154 students; 98 students participated in the SCA test session, 103 students complete the MCA test, and 84 students filled in the survey. In addition, 52 students were recorded to attend the three sessions from the study: SCA, MCA and survey. Result of the study has shown that the design of SCA and MCA in multiple-choice the computer assisted language testing (CALT) program corresponds the main principle of language testing similar to the paper-based testing format. Although the design of both SCA and MCA tests fulfilled the requirement of CALL environment such as interactivity, flexibility, content appropriateness as well as performance; as the nature of test the application of SCA and MCA test in delivering the grammar test was believed to suggest stressful environment. The authenticity setting of both SCA and MCA test which was proposed to promote the originality of students’ work was identified to drive uncomfortable testing situation. Within comparison between the SCA and MCA tests, result of the study has shown that students preferred to SCA test than the MCA test. The SCA test was believed to serve practicality for the students to complete the grammar task for the sake of number of correct answer available. Although students were challenged to complete the grammar test carried within the MCA test format, students preferred not to have such testing as it created more uncomfortable testing environment for them.
Newspaper Articles by Herri Mulyono
Seperti telah kita ketahui bahwa pemerintah melalui Kemdikbud akan melangsungkan UKG mulai tangga... more Seperti telah kita ketahui bahwa pemerintah melalui Kemdikbud akan melangsungkan UKG mulai tanggal 9 sampai 20 November mendatang bagi guru yang ber-NUPTK. Namun yang perlu dicermati adalah apakah hasil UKG ini akan membantu menaikkan tingkat kesejahteraan guru-guru honor yang telah memenuhi standar pemerintah. Artikel saya menekankan perlunya pemberian tunjangan profesi guru (TPG) bagi guru-guru honor yang berhasil dalam UKG.
Artikel opini saya yang berjudul "mungkinkah sekolah tanpa TIK?" berbicara tentang hasil peneliti... more Artikel opini saya yang berjudul "mungkinkah sekolah tanpa TIK?" berbicara tentang hasil penelitian OECD dan pembelajaran yang dapat diambil oleh sekolah-sekolah di pelosok tanah air. Didalam artikel tersebut, saya menekankan bahwa sekolah tanpa TIK pun masih memiliki potensi untuk maju dan berkualitas. Saya juga memberikan beberapa langkah pembelajaran dalam menuju sekolah yang berkualitas, khususnya dalam mempersiapkan siswa dalam menyambut era digital.
Rendahnya kualitas pendidikan nasional selalu menjadi bahan kajian para pegiat pendidikan di tana... more Rendahnya kualitas pendidikan nasional selalu menjadi bahan kajian para pegiat pendidikan di tanah air. Hasil survey organisasi Kerjasama Ekonomi Pembangunan (OECD) dunia beberapa bulan lalu memang mencenangkan. OECD menempatkan Indonesia pada peringkat 69, jauh tertinggal dari Thailand (47) dan Malaysia (52) dalam hal pencapaian kemampuan dasar siswa-siswi tanah air. Kualitas pendidikan terbaik diperoleh 5 negara Asia seperti Singapura, Hongkong, Korea Selatan, Jepang dan Taiwan. Tentu saja peringkat ke-69 ini menimbulkan pesimisme terhadap kualitas serta kinerja pendidikan tanah air. Dalam penjelasannya, Andreas Schleicher, direktur bidang pendidikan dan keterampilan OECD menyebutkan bahwa lebih dari separuh remaja Indonesia berumur 15 tahun tidak memiliki kemampuan dasar membaca dan matematika yang memadai. Sekitar 26.2 persen saja yang memiliki kemampuan dasar. Wajar saja bila kondisi seperti ini menciptakan sebuah kondisi rendahnya tingkat minat baca dikalangan remaja. Survey UNESCO tahun 2012 mencatat, hanya satu diantara seribu penduduk Indonesia yang memiliki minat baca.
Program realitas BBC menayangkan live pertarungan antara sistem pendidikan Cina dan Inggris. Dala... more Program realitas BBC menayangkan live pertarungan antara sistem pendidikan Cina dan Inggris. Dalam program ini, lima orang guru dari Cina diundang untuk mengimplementasikan sistem pendidikan 'keras' Cina pada 50 siswa di sekolah di Hampshire, Inggris. Dalam program tersebut ditampilkan bagaimana guru-guru Cina mengajarkan siswa dengan 'kaku', berpusat pada guru (teacher-centered), menerapkan hukuman dan beberapa hal klasik yang dianggap 'kuno'.
Books by Herri Mulyono
Namun, tingginya tuntutan penerbitan jurnal secara online memberikan suasana dilematis. Dalam satu sisi, publikasi secara online mampu menampilkan originalitas karya ilmiah mahasiswa, sehingga inovasi dan kreativitas mahasiswa yang tertuang dalam tulisan tersebut dapat dihargai sebagai kontribusi terhadap ilmu pengetahuan dibidangnya. Dalam sisi lainnya, ketidak siapan sebagian mahasiswa, baik secara pemikiran maupun perilaku berselancar Internet menimbulkan keraguan dari orginilitas dari karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan secara online, yang kemudian menjadi bumerang tersendiri kepada penulisnya.
Buku berjudul “Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, dan Internet: Mendeteksi Plagiasi Internet pada Karya Ilmiah Akademik” ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi singkat tentang seminar dan workshop plagiasi internet, memberikan pemahaman tentang plagiasi internet, serta bagaimana menggunakan teknologi seperti software anti-plagiat yang tersedia secara daring (online) untuk melakukan deteksi terhadap plagiasi internet pada karya ilmiah.
Papers by Herri Mulyono
activity to promote students’ creativity. This classroom writing activity had two
main objectives: to provide students with writing exercises that would promote
practical use of written English language as a means of communication, and to
facilitate students’ creativity in engaging with and solving problems in their social
community. A real-world pedagogic writing task was developed to achieve these
two objectives. The activity was carried out in a junior secondary school extracurricular
program with 16 students from Years 7 and 8. Students’ perceptions of
the writing activity were positive, and more importantly, their awareness of social
issues in the community improved as students became engaged in meaningful
communicative situations in their real social environment.
available in Quipper may correspond to fundamental components of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) pedagogy, as suggested by Chapelle (2003), including L2-input
exposure, interaction and linguistic production. The evaluation results indicate that Quipper is affordable for use as an online teaching and learning EFL platform. More importantly, it
corresponds to the three conditions of CALL pedagogy, thus making it a potential aid for activities used in teaching and learning foreign language.
Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara dua term makalah dan paper, atau bahkan banyak kalangan memberikan definisi yang sama tentang keduanya. Dalam gambaran umum, Concise oxford dictionary - the tenth edition, makalah atau paper (selanjutnya kita gunakan istilah makalah) didefinisikan sebagai rangkaian pengujian terhadap beberapa pertanyaan yang dijawab dalam sebuah sesi. Atau dengan kata lain, makalah merupakan jawaban tertulis dari pengujian atas beberapa perta-nyaan. Untuk mempersingkat pembahasan, term makalah dari definisi diatas inilah yang akan dijadikan landasan uraian isi dalam artikel ini.
Reviews by Herri Mulyono
Text-to-speech (TTS) technologies, which allow users to “make the computer talk” by transforming text input into speech, offer one way to control the speed of the input learners receive (Handley, 2009, p. 906). Although speech synthesis was originally developed for people with visual impairments (Kilickaya, 2006), some teachers have begun to adopt TTS technology in foreign language classrooms. Handley (2009) states that integration of TTS within the computer-assisted language learning (CALL) environment may involve three different roles: reading machine, pronunciation model, and dialogue partner. In reference to these roles, TTS technology offers increased opportunities for EFL learners to access the target language with a native-like, but accessible model.
NaturalReader, originally developed by NaturalSoft Ltd in Canada, is TTS synthesis software that promotes natural voice conversion from text input. With supplementary add-in and floating bar features, the software is not only able to carry out text-to-speech conversion from MS office documents, PDFs, webpages, and email, but also to convert these texts into audio files in MP3 or WAV formats (NaturalReader, 2014). The advanced version 12 of this software now has made optical character recognition (OCR) possible, and this makes the number and types of texts available for TTS conversion even greater.
This article describes the basic operational functionality and features of NaturalReader as a text-to-speech synthesis system. It will also discuss some ways that NaturalReader may be used to facilitate the provision of native-like, but comprehensible input to EFL learners.
Conference Presentations and Proceeding by Herri Mulyono
of EIL. 100 pre-service teachers are selected to evaluate speech produced by a TTS synthesis
system with the respect of intelligibility, naturalness, prosody, and social impression.
Newspaper Articles by Herri Mulyono
Namun, tingginya tuntutan penerbitan jurnal secara online memberikan suasana dilematis. Dalam satu sisi, publikasi secara online mampu menampilkan originalitas karya ilmiah mahasiswa, sehingga inovasi dan kreativitas mahasiswa yang tertuang dalam tulisan tersebut dapat dihargai sebagai kontribusi terhadap ilmu pengetahuan dibidangnya. Dalam sisi lainnya, ketidak siapan sebagian mahasiswa, baik secara pemikiran maupun perilaku berselancar Internet menimbulkan keraguan dari orginilitas dari karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan secara online, yang kemudian menjadi bumerang tersendiri kepada penulisnya.
Buku berjudul “Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, dan Internet: Mendeteksi Plagiasi Internet pada Karya Ilmiah Akademik” ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi singkat tentang seminar dan workshop plagiasi internet, memberikan pemahaman tentang plagiasi internet, serta bagaimana menggunakan teknologi seperti software anti-plagiat yang tersedia secara daring (online) untuk melakukan deteksi terhadap plagiasi internet pada karya ilmiah.
activity to promote students’ creativity. This classroom writing activity had two
main objectives: to provide students with writing exercises that would promote
practical use of written English language as a means of communication, and to
facilitate students’ creativity in engaging with and solving problems in their social
community. A real-world pedagogic writing task was developed to achieve these
two objectives. The activity was carried out in a junior secondary school extracurricular
program with 16 students from Years 7 and 8. Students’ perceptions of
the writing activity were positive, and more importantly, their awareness of social
issues in the community improved as students became engaged in meaningful
communicative situations in their real social environment.
available in Quipper may correspond to fundamental components of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) pedagogy, as suggested by Chapelle (2003), including L2-input
exposure, interaction and linguistic production. The evaluation results indicate that Quipper is affordable for use as an online teaching and learning EFL platform. More importantly, it
corresponds to the three conditions of CALL pedagogy, thus making it a potential aid for activities used in teaching and learning foreign language.
Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara dua term makalah dan paper, atau bahkan banyak kalangan memberikan definisi yang sama tentang keduanya. Dalam gambaran umum, Concise oxford dictionary - the tenth edition, makalah atau paper (selanjutnya kita gunakan istilah makalah) didefinisikan sebagai rangkaian pengujian terhadap beberapa pertanyaan yang dijawab dalam sebuah sesi. Atau dengan kata lain, makalah merupakan jawaban tertulis dari pengujian atas beberapa perta-nyaan. Untuk mempersingkat pembahasan, term makalah dari definisi diatas inilah yang akan dijadikan landasan uraian isi dalam artikel ini.
Text-to-speech (TTS) technologies, which allow users to “make the computer talk” by transforming text input into speech, offer one way to control the speed of the input learners receive (Handley, 2009, p. 906). Although speech synthesis was originally developed for people with visual impairments (Kilickaya, 2006), some teachers have begun to adopt TTS technology in foreign language classrooms. Handley (2009) states that integration of TTS within the computer-assisted language learning (CALL) environment may involve three different roles: reading machine, pronunciation model, and dialogue partner. In reference to these roles, TTS technology offers increased opportunities for EFL learners to access the target language with a native-like, but accessible model.
NaturalReader, originally developed by NaturalSoft Ltd in Canada, is TTS synthesis software that promotes natural voice conversion from text input. With supplementary add-in and floating bar features, the software is not only able to carry out text-to-speech conversion from MS office documents, PDFs, webpages, and email, but also to convert these texts into audio files in MP3 or WAV formats (NaturalReader, 2014). The advanced version 12 of this software now has made optical character recognition (OCR) possible, and this makes the number and types of texts available for TTS conversion even greater.
This article describes the basic operational functionality and features of NaturalReader as a text-to-speech synthesis system. It will also discuss some ways that NaturalReader may be used to facilitate the provision of native-like, but comprehensible input to EFL learners.
of EIL. 100 pre-service teachers are selected to evaluate speech produced by a TTS synthesis
system with the respect of intelligibility, naturalness, prosody, and social impression.
Artikel saya berjudul "UN dan tantangan pendidikan tanah air" mendiskusikan tiga tantangan utama pelaksanaan UN 2015, diantaranya: tantangan kejujuran dan integritas, objektivitas, dan transparansi kegiatan pendidikan. Beberapa solusi diberikan dalam tiap pembahasan tiga tantangan tersebut.
Artikel saya membahas tentang isu keamanan dalam berinternet dan bagaimana respon pemerintah yang cenderung reaktif dan gegabah dalam melakukan pemblokiran situs. Didalamnya juga saya jelaskan dua hal yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah seperti transparansi kebijakan dan prosedur penanganan radikalisme dalam konten situs serta kampanye melek informasi yang mengusung peran masyarakat dalam kritis berinformasi.
Beragam cara telah dilakukan Kemdikbud untuk menghilangkan persepsi negative tentang UN, mulai dari kampanye nilai dan karakter jujur, memberikan informasi terkini terkait proses persiapan UN, penggunaan CCTV dalam mengawasi proses pencetakan, pengawalan ketat distribusi soal, pembentukan tim independen yang mengawasi pelaksanaan UN, sampai dengan nantinya prosedur pengiriman lembar jawaban ke pusat penilaian. Namun sayangnya, Kemdikbud masih belum berani untuk membuka proses penilaian. Selama ini proses penilaian hanya dapat diakses oleh pihak-pihak tertentu.
Artikel ini membahas pentingnya keterbukaan atas proses penilaian UN dan manfaatnya yang bisa diambil bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat luas.